The Wranglers' New Chef [The Wranglers of Bear Mountain 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Wranglers' New Chef [The Wranglers of Bear Mountain 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  “I could hear her mom screaming for Millie outside the barn. They wouldn’t let her inside to see her like that. I can still hear her screaming in my dreams sometimes.” She felt the tears roll down her cheeks. “Nothing was ever the same again. I couldn’t eat or sleep and had nightmares all the time. My parents couldn’t handle the strain and fought over me all the time. When I graduated from high school, they got divorced and moved away. I lost everything that day. Everything.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Laramie felt as if his heart would break at the sight of Billy Jean’s tears and look of utter defeat. She was broken and had never fully healed or at least hadn’t healed normally. The people who should have cared for her and helped her cope with the horrible experience had failed her. He couldn’t imagine how she’d managed to get through life all alone like that. His parents would have moved heaven and earth to be sure they had whatever they needed to deal with the tragedy.

  “Oh, precious. I’m so sorry.” His brother had moved off the couch and knelt next to him. Now he pulled her into his arms and rocked her.

  “Shh, sweetness. I can’t stand to see you so upset.” Laramie rubbed her back, staring helplessly into his brother’s worried eyes.

  What would they do? The woman they cared about, hell—loved, was deathly afraid of horses. They lived on a ranch and bred horses for a living. What were the freaking odds?

  “I–I’m sorry. I can’t stop crying. I hate being this way.” She hiccupped as she cried.

  “It’s okay, precious. It’s not your fault. You can’t help being afraid after something like that happened to you. What you have is a form of PTSD like Dalton suggested. Grown men suffer from it. We’ll help you handle it, Billy.” Laredo rested his cheek on top of her head as he returned Laramie’s gaze.

  “Let’s get you ready for bed. It’s late and you’ve had a tough day.” Laramie stood up and walked toward the bedroom. “I’ll run a bath.”

  He left Laramie with her while he struggled to calm down. He wanted to pound some sense into her parents for letting her down when they should have been there for her. It sounded like they were too caught up in themselves to realize their daughter was in pain. He shook his head as he turned on the water in the tub. He searched around until he found a bottle of bath salts and gently shook some into the water, hoping it would help relax her.

  He’d just turned off the water when Laredo walked in, carrying a totally nude Billy Jean in his arms. His brother’s face looked grim. He was sure his expression wasn’t much better. Neither of them had expected this when they’d asked her to tell them what had her so afraid of horses. This was something to worry about.

  “Hold her for me while I get undressed. I’m going to hold her while we bathe her. She’s too upset to think straight right now.” Laredo handed her to him.

  Laramie lifted his eyebrows at that, but took her carefully from his brother. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “I’ll wear my boxers,” he said dryly.

  “I’m surprised you’re wearing them. You usually go commando,” he quipped in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  Laredo frowned at him. It was obvious that he didn’t see it that way. His brother began to unbutton his shirt and pull it off. Laramie looked down at Billy Jean to find that she was staring off into space as if she wasn’t even there. It scared him.

  “Billy Jean?”

  She didn’t even blink. He looked over at where Laredo was kicking off his boots. “She’s just staring off at nothing. What do we do?”

  “Nothing. We’ll clean her up and put her to bed and watch over her. I don’t think yelling at her and trying to get her to snap out of it is the best idea. We’ll call Doc in the morning and talk to him.” Laredo had removed his jeans and was stepping into the tub wearing his boxers.

  Laramie handed their woman over to him once he had settled back in the tub. Laredo positioned her over his lap then frowned and looked up at Laramie.

  “Did you put something in the water? It smells like—vanilla,” he said.

  “Ah, I didn’t know you were going to get in with her. I thought it would help relax her. Um, sorry.” Laramie couldn’t stop the grin that broke out over his face. He wasn’t really sorry, but his twin would know that.

  “Bastard. I’ll get you for this,” he growled softly.

  Billy Jean whimpered and buried her face against the man’s chest. Laramie frowned.

  “Don’t scare her like that,” he said.

  “Sit up, precious. Let us wash you off,” his brother said in a soft voice.

  He and Laredo gently cleaned her, noting a few bruises on her hips and thighs. He couldn’t help but wonder where they had come from, but asking her would have to wait until later. They weren’t bad ones, but neither of them liked seeing them on her.

  As soon as they were finished, Laramie picked her up from Laredo and set her on the counter by the sink to dry her off. He heard the water begin to drain from the tub as he patted her soft skin dry with a towel. Laredo picked her up off the counter, having wrapped a towel around his body and carried her into the bedroom.

  “Pull back the sheets,” he directed.

  After Laramie had turned down the covers, Laredo lowered a nude Billy Jean to the mattress. Then he covered her with the sheets and blanket.

  “Do you think we should put something on her?” Laramie asked.

  “She’ll be fine like that. Stay with her while I go get dressed.”

  Before Laredo could return to the bathroom, Billy Jean called out in alarm.

  “Don’t leave me. Please. I don’t want to be by myself.” She’d sat up in the bed, clutching the covers to her chest.

  “Laramie is here. I’m just going to get dressed, honey.” Laredo walked back over to where she sat shaking on the bed.

  Laramie eased onto the bed on the other side and pulled her gently into his arms. “I’m right here, sweetness. Relax.”

  “I don’t want either of you to go. Stay here with me. Please. I’m afraid to go to sleep now. I’ll dream about it.” Her shaky voice seemed to get to his brother. Laredo dropped the towel and slid beneath the covers next to Billy Jean.

  Laramie lay there stunned that she didn’t seem to care that both she and his twin were totally nude. She clung to the other man, resting her head on his shoulder. He wasn’t sure if he needed to be there or not. It was obvious that she was content with Laredo holding her.

  Laramie started backing off the bed and had just stood up when she reached out and grabbed at him. Missing him, she turned over, fear tightening her face.

  “Laramie? Where are you going? I don’t want you to go,” she said in a soft voice.

  He froze, unsure of what to do. He looked back at her staring at him with her hand held out. Her eyes seemed to plead with him not to leave her.

  “Undress and come to bed, Laramie. She needs us to hold her and make her feel safe,” Laredo said quietly.

  He eyed the bed. It was a queen, but if they stayed close, they could probably all fit on it. He looked into her eyes once more and nodded. He would do anything, suffer any discomfort to wipe the fear and uncertainty from her eyes.

  Once he’d stripped out of his clothes, Laredo flipped back the covers for him to climb in then pulled them back over them. Laramie scooted up close to Billy Jean’s back and nuzzled her shoulder, giving her a kiss.

  “Rest, sweetness. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  * * * *

  Billy slowly opened her eyes, the memories of the night before sending heat to her cheeks. They’d seen her break down like a child and knew her crazy irrational fear now. She worried that they wouldn’t want her anymore now that they knew she could never be around horses. They lived and breathed horses. What good was a girlfriend who couldn’t ride with you?

  She froze. Girlfriend? What was she thinking? They were off limits. She was their employee.

  But I’m lying here naked with them in bed. They’re naked, too.
/>   Subconsciously, she’d made up her mind not to fight them on it anymore. They’d been there for her and assured her that they wanted her. But that was before. Now that they knew about what freaked her out, they would change their minds about her.

  Billy didn’t want to lose them. Despite her vow not to get involved with Laramie and Laredo, she’d already crossed that bridge and didn’t want to pretend that there was nothing there anymore. Her terror of horses was a major stumbling block as far as she was concerned. But if she could get past them being her employers, surely she could overcome her fear of horses.

  She could try therapy again. Maybe she hadn’t given it enough time or really wanted to get over the accident. If she went into it with the expectation of getting better, wouldn’t that make a difference?

  The only way to know for sure was to try it and see. The guys seemed to care about her. If they were supportive then she didn’t see why she couldn’t improve. Of course that all depended on if they were willing to still see her now that they knew her secret. The realization that they might have changed their minds scared her.

  “Why are you stiff all over? Is something wrong?” Laramie asked her.

  “I–I had forgotten that we weren’t wearing anything,” she lied.

  He chuckled. “How could you forget that? I sure couldn’t,” he teased.

  “How do you feel this morning, precious?” Laredo’s deep voice interrupted them.

  Billy looked up into his face lying so close to hers. “I’m okay. I’m really sorry I freaked out again.”

  “It’s not your fault. You can’t help it,” Laredo told her.

  “I’ll understand if I’m too much trouble to fool with. I mean, you’re all about horses and everything,” she began.

  “Stop it,” Laredo said with a low growl. “You’re ours and we care about you. We aren’t going to change our minds because you’re afraid of horses, Billy.”

  As if to prove his point, he brushed his lips across hers in a soft kiss before applying more pressure and pulling her out of Laramie’s arms to roll onto his chest. Her quick squeal was swallowed by him as he took advantage of her open mouth to claim it with his tongue and teeth. Billy moaned as he twined them together, exploring the hot recesses of her open mouth.

  When he finally pulled back, she was a breathless mess of nerves with a pussy that was on fire with need. She prayed he couldn’t feel her juices as they slid across her inner thighs. She suddenly became aware of his rigid cock pressing against her inner thigh. He felt huge there. When she started to move off of him, he groaned and pressed tighter against her.

  “Fuck! Don’t move, darling. You feel so damn good. Let me catch my breath first.” His raspy voice would have been amusing if she hadn’t known how uncomfortable he had to be.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be. I wouldn’t miss having you pressed tight against me for the world. I want you so badly, I can taste you on my tongue.”

  “You do?” she all but squeaked out.

  “Can’t you tell? I’m so hard I could break rocks on a chain gang. Just being near you has that effect on both of us, Billy. You’re sexy as hell,” Laredo said with a smile.

  She smiled back, tentatively at first, then with more feeling. Knowing that they really did still want her helped cement her decision in her mind. She wanted them, too. The risk was worth the chance to be with them.

  Grinning down at him, Billy wiggled her hips, causing her pelvis and thighs to rub over his groin and subsequently, his hard-as-steel dick. To her surprise, Laredo rolled them over until she was beneath him. Poor Laramie had to scoot off the edge of the bed to keep from being smashed.

  “Hey! Warn a guy next time.” He chuckled and walked around the end of the bed to climb in on the other side.

  Laredo ignored his brother, nipping at her chin instead. He slowly made his way around to her ear where he sucked on her earlobe before licking and kissing his way down her neck. When he backed down her body to expose her breasts, Billy had the sudden urge to cover herself, but didn’t get a chance when the man latched on to one of her nipples. Before she could get used to him sucking on the distended nub, Laramie took the other one in his mouth and drew on it even harder.

  A moan escaped from her mouth as she buried her hands in their hair, holding them to her. It felt so good. She’d never imagined that having two men make love to her would be so appealing until she’d met them. Right that moment, nothing could have convinced her to push them away. It was amazing. Each draw of their mouths on her sensitive peak sent a sharp tug on her clit until she was close to begging them to take care of the ache building in her cunt.

  Evidently Laramie got the point when his hand slipped between them and a callused finger slowly pushed between her thighs to tease her pussy lips. He ran it up and down the slit without actually entering her. To her embarrassment, she began rocking her pelvis in an attempt to push his finger inside of her. She ached to be filled, and he was teasing her mercilessly.

  “Laramie. Please,” she panted.

  He chuckled against her breast. Laredo released her nipple with a soft pop and grinned down at her.

  “What is he doing, precious?”

  “Oh, God. He’s driving me crazy. Make him stop, Laredo. Please make him stop!” She nearly screamed as Laramie rubbed lightly over her clit before slipping back down to torture her slit.

  Laredo looked down her body, his grin growing even wider. “Wouldn’t you like to taste her sweet nectar, brother? She has the best-tasting peach, all spicy and tangy.”

  Laramie moaned against her breast then released her turgid nipple to kiss his way down her belly until he hovered just above where his finger still tormented her. She glared down at him until Laredo clamped a finger on her nipple and pinched it, jerking her attention to him instead.

  “I can’t wait to see your eyes when you come, darling. I want to watch you come apart as my brother eats your delicious pussy. Then he’s going to fuck that sweet cunt while I find out how it feels to have that hot mouth around my cock,” he said, his voice deep and raspy.

  Billy Jean nearly came just from his words. Never had anyone talked to her like that. It was dirty and it was hot all at the same time. She stared into Laredo’s eyes as he lowered his head and licked across her nipple. At the same time, Laramie lowered his head to her pussy and blew across her wet lips. Goose bumps popped up on her skin as she shivered in reaction. They were going to kill her.

  Laramie’s tongue lapped up her slit sending jolts of electricity through her body. Her blood simmered in her veins. He hummed from between her legs as he licked again.

  “You taste so damn good, sweetness. Even better than I thought you would,” he said.

  “I told you, brother. She’s pure ambrosia.” Laredo lifted his head and looked down where his brother lay between her spread thighs. “Make her come. I want to watch her.”

  Laredo’s voice had grown even huskier if possible. He lowered his head and sucked on her nipples, first one then the other. He moved back and forth as his hands squeezed her breasts in a rhythm only he knew. Her simmering blood began to boil as she lost the ability to tell who was doing what to her. It all fused together.

  Suddenly Laramie entered her pussy with one finger as he rasped his tongue over her clit. It felt so good to have him inside of her, but soon, the gentle rocking of his finger in and out of her cunt wasn’t enough to satisfy her. She wanted more—needed more. She begged, no longer ashamed of her body’s reaction to them.

  “Please, fuck me! I need you inside of me. Please,” she choked out on a sob.

  A second finger entered her, stretching her a little more as Laramie stabbed his tongue in alongside it. He spread some of the dripping juices down her slit to her back hole and circled it with the wet digit. She was so far gone that she didn’t care what he did as long as he made her come. She frantically thrust her pelvis against his face, seeking more friction and a deeper penetration.

sp; As he entered her ass with his wet finger, Laramie latched on to her clit with his teeth and sucked the swollen nub while stroking it with his tongue. His two fingers pumped in and out of her cunt while the finger from his other hand probed her back hole, pushing in and pulling out in time with the fingers in her pussy. Fire raced through her veins, turning the simmer into a full-blown boil.

  Laredo sucked hard on her nipple while twisting the other one with his fingers, adding the final touch needed to send her jolting into space on an orgasm even stronger than the one they’d given her before. The roaring in her ears hid whatever Laredo said when he tore his mouth away from her nipple to look into her eyes. His smile said it all though. He liked what he saw.

  The pleasure rolled through her in wave after wave of blinding bliss as Laramie slowly brought her down with slow licks of his amazing tongue. Her pussy quivered as he slowly withdrew his fingers and licked them clean with a blinding smile.

  “Fucking amazing, sweetness,” he said.

  “You can say that again. Seeing her climax like that nearly made me come like a damn teenager,” Laredo told them. “I can’t wait to feel your mouth on my cock. You’re going to be the death of me, Billy.”

  All she could do was smile. She still hadn’t caught her breath enough to say anything. She doubted she could come up with anything worth saying after the pleasure they’d given her. If she never experienced it again, she would die a happy woman, but she desperately hoped that wouldn’t be the case. Billy Jean wanted more of those climaxes—a lot more.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Laramie savored Billy Jean’s flavor. He could lick at her pretty pussy for hours and not get enough of her juices. He watched as Laredo knelt next to her head and grasped his cock with one hand, slowly milking it from base to crown. He knew her mouth would be enough to drive him insane, but her sweet pussy would provide a torture all its own. He quickly tore open the condom he’d liberated from his jeans and rolled it on. With one last look at Billy Jean’s mouth stretching wide to take his brother’s dick, Laramie positioned the crown at her slit and slowly pressed forward.


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