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Rock Hard: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance

Page 18

by Archer, Arielle

  She reached up and wiped a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry," she said. "That's just so ridiculous!"

  "Hey! I was pretty good at the drums before I left high school band to become an international pop sensation!"

  She fixed her eyes on mine. "You were really in band?"

  "What can I say? Music has always been my thing. How else d’you think I got these broad shoulders? Those drums aren't light when you're marching you know."

  She shook her head again and started giggling. "Grant Thompson, band geek. I can't believe it."

  I shrugged. "Look at any of our biographies. You might be able to still find a couple of dusty books in the back of some forgotten county library somewhere where they don’t have a budget to replace books more than every twenty years."

  "I might do that," she said. "I’ll look for you next to the biography of the Beatles. Do they have pictures of you in your band geek get up? Because I'd really like to see that!"

  "Hell, you don't even have to go for the books for that. You can probably just find it online if you do a search. I know there was a site about twelve years ago that dug those pictures up and had a field day with it."

  "Well that’s nice to know at least," she said.

  "What's that?"

  Mia pulled her hands away from mine and started walking again. I paused for a second to admire the view as she moved in that dress before I went to follow her. She looked up at me again. "At least if you were in high school band I know music really had to be in your heart. That you weren't doing it for the checks or the girls or anything like that."

  I raised my eyebrows. Now probably wasn’t the best time to mention that the paychecks and the girls certainly hadn’t hurt once I really got into the swing of things with Twenty Promises. Better to say something a little safer.

  "You'd be surprised. Band girls could get pretty freaky!"

  Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the best response. That still made it sound like I was all about bedding girls and I was throwing my former fellow band geeks under the bus. I’d had some pretty fun times in the back of a bus on the way back from band trips before Twenty Promises pulled me out of high school prematurely.

  "Oh trust me I know," she said. "I may or may not have been in band myself."

  Both of my eyebrows went up at that. I grinned as I took her arm and mine and we continued walking along. "Really now? And what did you play? Clarinet? Flute?"

  "That's for me to know and you to find out if you're a good boy," she said. "But I can at least back up your assertion about how crazy band girls could get."

  I mulled that over and thought about some of the good times I’d had, though it had never been with a girl as gorgeous as Mia. That was just sending new thoughts running through my head. "So you're a band girl…"

  It was one hell of an oblique way to get at the question I'd been wondering all night long. Everything had gone so well, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about last night. That had been some of the best goddamned sex of my life! And I was very much hoping for a repeat performance, but had no idea if there was a chance in hell of it happening considering how she felt about me. Considering how she felt about my profession.

  "You're right, you know," Mia said.

  "I am?"

  "Us band girls could get pretty wild. You might even be able to find out for yourself just how wild we can get if you can manage to swing a hotel room tonight."

  I grinned and took her by the arm, practically dragging her back up to the road to get a cab. How hard could it be to get a hotel room downtown this time of night? Especially with the kind of money I could throw around?

  I’d pay whatever it took. I needed to have Mia and I needed to have her now. And I needed to have her before she realized how crazy she was acting and decided to pull another disappearing act!

  25: Room For the Night

  "Damn!" I said as we stepped into the room. Though it wasn't entirely fair to call this a room. No, it was definitely more like a suite.

  "What can I say? I've gotten used to traveling first-class."

  "You're damn right about that!" I said.

  This place looked like it was bigger than my apartment! And when I say it was bigger than my apartment I’m talking it was bigger than the whole apartment including Kayla’s half. Not just my room. Talk about nice digs!

  And now that we were here I suddenly felt nervous. I suddenly felt unsure of myself. I’d been so crazy, so caught up in the moment down there on the canal. Now that I was up here in a room with Grant, now that we were so close to fulfilling the unspoken promise stemming from our not-so-subtle flirtation, I was unsure of myself.

  Doubts came roaring back. What could a guy like him possibly want with a girl like me? What if this was just a one night stand? What if all the things he'd said had been part of an act? Part of the game he played to seduce women? I had no way of knowing.

  I took a deep breath as he moved behind me. As his arms wrapped around my stomach. As I felt his cock nestling between my ass cheeks and I felt an electric thrill run from that rock hard spot through to the rest of my body. My hair was standing on end. It was as though I was hyper aware of everything around me. I was particularly hyper aware of his cock subtly grinding against me.

  No. I wasn't going to do this. I wasn't going to act like a nut. I was going to enjoy tonight. I was going to forget myself, forget what he was, and have fun.

  I leaned back against his chest. I took in a deep breath. A breath that was filled with the oddly antiseptic smell of a hotel room that had been cleaned recently. That was filled with the smell of his cologne. That was filled with the smell of him.

  I turned around and looked up at him. Put a hand on his chiseled chest. Took another deep breath.

  "So…" I said.

  I couldn't help myself. Some of that hesitation crept into my voice. Only it looked like there was no hesitation with Grant. No, now that he had me in his clutches he was ready to go.

  With a growl he lifted me up and I let out a delighted squeal. I wrapped my legs around him as he lifted me with his strong hands. Hands that ran down my back to my ass where he held me up. Where suddenly it was my pussy that was grinding against his rock hard cock rather than my ass. I felt like I was about to pass out from the sheer pleasure. From the sheer naughtiness.

  Here I was, the accidental groupie coming back for round two. And it felt fucking incredible!

  Grant’s mouth descended on mine and it was like fire. He was so insistent. There was a need there. There was pure lust running from his body into mine as his tongue thrust into my mouth. As he took complete control. As I sighed and melted against him, my rock hard nipples pressing against his rock hard chest while my body sang a song of pleasure as every inch of my body molded against every inch of his.

  We hung there suspended for what seemed like an eternity. His tongue exploring my mouth. Filling me in a way that carried the promise of another completely different way that he was going to be filling me later. Though hopefully not too much later. I was so worked up, so turned on, that what I needed more than anything right now was him inside me. I needed a repeat of last night's incredible performance!

  Only that moment of making out, suspended in mid air, didn't last for long even as time seemed to compress. No, I felt a rush as he let go. As I went flying back. There was a moment of panic where I squeezed my legs shut to try and keep from falling back on my ass by clenching my legs around his torso.

  Only of course I didn't fall back onto the floor. Of course he wasn't letting go and throwing me to the ground. No, I'd only been flying through the air for a couple of seconds before I hit something big. Something fluffy. Something luxurious and comfortable.

  This felt nice. It was like lying back on a cloud. And as I looked up to Grant who was towering over me, well let's just say that it was adding to the already luxurious feel of the place.

  It was actually a little weird. As I looked up at him I realized I was getting the same experience
I'd gotten the night before at the concert. The full star experience. Only now I was getting that view of him without the music blaring around him. Without the lights creating a halo effect. No, this was all him. He was giving off a thousand watts of sexiness without needing any music or lighting backing him up.

  I was looking up at him and suddenly I was seeing him with the same eyes Kayla would see him with. I was seeing him with the same eyes as a fan. I was looking up at him and seeing the man, but also the star. It was a singularly disorienting experience considering how long I’d spent hating Twenty Promises, but it was nice at the same time.

  Grant fell down on top of me and I squeezed my eyes shut as once again his cock was pressing against me. As my dress rode up as he thrust against me. His hands pulled up on the hem of my dress exposing inch after inch of my red hot skin. My thighs were exposed. Then my thong.

  Damn it. All he was doing was undressing me and I felt positively orgasmic. This guy was good! Damn good! I wasn't sure if it was because of that brief flash of the rock star experience I'd just had, because of the incredible experience I'd already had with him the night before and the anticipation of that happening again, or just because he was so damn good because presumably he’d had a hell of a lot of practice.

  Whatever it was, this was nice. No, more than nice. It was fucking incredible. It was more than I ever imagined sex could be.

  I opened my eyes. Looked up at him. Locked eyes with him as he thrust against me again. As he looked down at me like a man possessed. Like a man who was enjoying the hell out of this. There was something in his eyes that was so hot. There was a burning fire there. It was obvious he wanted me more than any other woman in the world, and considering how many women he'd probably been with that was one hell of a compliment!

  I reached up and grabbed his hair. Pulled him down almost into a kiss, but at the last moment I used that grip on his hair to stop him.

  He cocked an eyebrow. And then I said the words that were so fucking hot. It was the antithesis of everything I'd been feeling, of all the doubts I'd had over the past day.

  "Fuck me like one of your groupies."

  Grant growled. A deep rumbling growl that I felt in his chest. That was translated through to my body. That caused me to squeeze my eyes shut and gasp. And then he was reaching down and pulling up on my dress. Moving it up past my ass. I tried to lift to give him better access, but it was impossible with his muscular bulk pressing down against me.

  "Roll off," I grunted.

  He seemed to get the picture. With a sheepish grin that had nothing on the growling sex god that had been on top of me a moment ago he rolled over and then he was beside me. His hands were still pulling up, only this time I could lift my ass. Though it was a little difficult on this fluffy bed. Damn it.

  In a moment my dress was up over my breasts and then it was up over my head. I was plunged into darkness for a moment. A rustling darkness where I was completely deprived of all input from the world around me other than my clothes rustling around me. Other than the feel heat radiating off of his body and pressing against my own.

  It was surprising how not been able to see anything, not hearing anything, only feeling him next to me, knowing he was right there, could be so sexy. Then that brief moment of darkness was gone and he was smiling down at me. He leaned over me. He climbed on top of me and his body was pressing against mine. His clothes were pressing against my bare skin. I arched my back again, this time in pleasure rather than to give him easier access to my dress.

  Grant tossed the dress to the side and it landed with a muted thump on the hotel floor. Of course I barely registered that. No, I was more concerned with the feel of his lips against mine. With the feel of his tongue invading my mouth. With the smell of his body. With his shaggy hair as I ran my hands through it. With his muscular physique and his silky clothes pressing against my bare skin which felt like it was in very real danger of setting his clothes on fire.

  That's how fucking hot I was!

  His hands were all over me, and it was setting me on fire everywhere that he made contact. He ran down my stomach, down to the very top of my thong and I let out a gasp. I wondered if this was going to be the moment when he moved his fingers down inside me. I desperately needed to feel him running his fingers against my pussy.

  But no. He had more control than that. He pulled away from the kiss and smiled down at me with a chuckle. A chuckle that was so damn frustrating. I ached for his body against mine. I ached to feel his touch against my pussy. I desperately needed to feel him inside me, whether it was his fingers pressing inside me or his cock or his tongue. I didn't care how he did it as long as he was filling me.

  All I cared about was him. Was having him. Was pulling him inside me.

  Even if he wasn't going to use his fingers, though, it seemed that I was going to get my wish in one way. He kissed along my lips once more, but this time his tongue was invading. This time we were almost making out. He moved down to my cheeks. Down to my neck where he sucked hard enough that I briefly worried that I might have a hickey. A hickey that would give away exactly what had happened to Kayla, to Rachel, to anybody who heard the rumor of who I disappeared with at the office.

  I didn't give a fuck. Let them talk. Let them know what happened. It would be a badge of honor, not a mark of shame. A tangible but brief memory of the time I got with Grant Thompson, the “sexy one” from Twenty Promises. Even if this was just a brief fleeting dalliance, that reminder would be nice.

  Only it seemed Grant wasn't in a mood to stop with sucking on my neck. No, he was moving down lower and that was fine with me. Kissing along the tops of my breasts but not actually moving inside my bra which had me groaning in frustration. All I wanted was to feel his hands on my body. To feel his mouth running over that forbidden territory.

  Only he continued with the tease. I wondered if this is what he did with other girls he'd been with? I'd asked for the groupie experience, after all, and if this was the groupie experience then he was really fucking good at the tease!

  His kisses trailed down my stomach. I alternated between pulling away and arching my back to press against him. It tickled, and yet it was so fucking hot feeling his mouth against my body. He stopped at my belly button and for a change instead of just kissing his tongue moved out and swirled around causing me to gasp in anticipation. His tongue darted in and out of my belly button for the briefest of moments, providing a delicious preview of the pleasures to come. At least I seriously hoped he was providing a preview of the pleasures to come.

  Grant looked up and smiled at me as I gasped. As my breasts moved up. As my whole body pressed up to meet his kisses. To meet his tongue. Then he was moving down again. Kissing down between my legs. Down to where he had to duck under one of my thighs, but I was more than happy to provide him access.

  I was on a hair trigger. I was so fucking hot. I was going crazy from lust. I felt like I was going to explode, and all it would take was the briefest contact from his mouth. From his tongue.

  Only once more he seemed to be a master of the tease. A master of holding off on what I wanted. What I so desperately needed. He started kissing down my thigh, but before he reached that heaven between my legs, before he reached my sopping wet pussy and my engorged clit, he was jumping over and kissing up my other thigh. That caused me to let out another quiet moan of frustration. Damn it. Why wouldn't he just give me what I wanted? Why couldn't he just take me, damn it?

  The frustrated gasp must've been music to his ears, because he looked up and grinned as I looked down at him and growled in frustration.

  "What are you waiting for?"

  "What do you want?" he asked.

  I blinked. Was he really asking me what I wanted? Wasn’t that fucking obvious from how I was reacting? Shouldn’t it be clear exactly what it was that I wanted from him? Exactly what I needed? I fucking needed his face buried between my legs giving me the best head of my life! I needed Grant Thompson shoving his tongue inside me!<
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  "I need you," I said.

  Okay, so what I actually said was a hell of a lot more tame than what I was thinking, but what can I say? I was turned on, but there was something about the full accounting of my wants and desires in the moment that felt somehow vulgar. That seemed wrong somehow, though I'm sure it would have given him one hell of a thrill if I told him exactly what I was thinking.

  "I couldn't quite hear that," he said. "Could you say that again? I want to be absolutely sure."

  Okay, so maybe vulgar is exactly what he needed.

  "Damn it! Eat my pussy!"

  I reached down and grabbed his shaggy hair. I pulled him forward. I had a chance to see him grin and chuckle, and then the vibration from his laugh was being pressed up through my body as his lips finally made contact with my pussy.

  Fireworks. Explosions. Electric pleasure went coursing through my body as he pressed against my pussy. Through my thong, to be sure, but it was still enough to give me one hell of a thrill. It was still enough to almost send me over the edge. Holy fuck was that intense. Holy fuck was it incredible!

  He looked up and cocked an eyebrow. Pulled away.

  "Did you like that?"

  I didn't answer. I just growled and let the animalistic lust that was overtaking the rational part of my mind do the thinking. I pulled his head down between my legs again. I felt like one of those annoying guys who was constantly pushing my head down towards his cock while we were making out, but I didn't care. I needed to feel him against me. I needed satisfaction. More than anything I needed his lips in between my lips. I needed his tongue snaking up inside me!

  And I got my wish. Dear God in heaven did I get my wish! He pulled my panties to the side, they were already soaking wet, and then his lips were pressing against me. I felt him inhaling, and then his tongue that had invaded my mouth so recently was invading my pussy instead. He was moving up inside me. It felt incredible. It felt soft, wet, and yet so powerful. It was like he was fucking me with a miniature cock that was already wet and lubricated.


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