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Immortal Obsession

Page 21

by Denise K. Rago

  She smiled, and he could see in her face how much she hated him.

  There was no sense talking to Solange. Her hatred had given her life meaning, a focus in the murky timelessness of their existence.

  “So, the mortal lied to you. Won’t you ever learn not to trust them?”

  “That was a risk I took Solange, and that mortal was your mother. She loved you dearly and paid for her patriotism with her life. I did as she asked and took you away to keep you safe.”

  For a second, the vampire’s guard dropped, and then she snarled again and came closer.

  “You always did like mortals more than your own kind.”

  “I must confess, Solange. It is my own kind that baffle me the most, and whom I have found myself unable to trust.”

  She began to circle him, and he felt her agitation. Augustin had picked Amanda up and pulled her close; the sword now lay across her neck. Christian glanced at Amanda and saw more than fear. She loved him and he knew it, just as he knew they might not survive the night.

  “This mortal tells me Gaétan is dead. Is that true?”

  Her dark eyes had become like black holes, deep and bottomless. She was struggling with her own rage, running the long flat blade of the dagger against her leg. Christian glanced at Amanda, who was shivering.

  “He’s dead, Solange. I destroyed him.”

  She was coming closer. He wanted to strike out at her.

  “Let it end now, Solange. Take him and go home. Leave us in peace here.”

  “There is no peace between us.” She stopped and twirled her hair with one hand as she contemplated his words.

  “There can be. You have the choice. Your mother and Gaétan were lovers when I met her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever known, and I see some of her in you. She loved you and only wanted you to live in peace. You were a mother before … You must remember what it is like to love a child.”

  “Oh, I do, but apparently you do not.” She raised her dagger at him.

  “No, please,” Amanda shrieked. “It’s me you want. Just take me and let him go.”

  “Amanda, you don’t know what you’re saying.” Christian cried out.

  “Oh, how romantic. She’s trying to protect you.” Solange stormed toward Amanda. “I will kill all of you.”

  “Solange, stop it.” Augustin yelled at her. “There is time.”

  Just then Michel came over the rooftop brandishing a dagger and landed near them. “Come on you, bastard,” Michel snarled at the young blond. “Don’t hide behind the girl, come and get me.”

  Augustin pulled Amanda closer and raised the sword to her neck. Christian cringed at the sight of Amanda whimpering with the cold steel against her neck. “Drop the knife or she dies. Both of you drop your weapons.” Augustin spoke as Christian nodded to his best friend.

  Michel dropped the dagger and raised his arms in surrender, coming closer to them. Christian set his machete down on the ground.

  “Stay away from her Michel.” Christian yelled but Michel was already closer and even Christian could see the resemblance between the two of them. There was no doubt.

  “If you are hell bent on killing someone then it’s me you must vent your rage against, Solange. I am your father.”

  Christian froze as Michel kept talking.

  ‘That’s right, snarl at me, but it’s the truth. I fathered you. I loved Josette and we….had an affair that lasted until her arrest in Paris. She knew I could never be devoted to either of you so she turned to him, the most loyal of us all.”

  Christian felt the knot in his stomach tighten as his best friend confessed.

  “Why should I believe you?” Solange snapped at him.

  “Because it’s the truth Solange. Your mother loved you so much that she gave you up to save your life and Christian was the only person she trusted to get you to safety. So, now who do you want to kill?”

  “Michel, you did not have to tell her anything,” Christian shook his head in disgust.

  “It was time my friend. I have kept this secret from you for centuries now and here she is to seek her revenge. I don’t blame you a bit Solange; but go for the right vampire. Leave him alone.”

  Michel winked and smiled at his best friend. Christian had always wondered if he would ever be able to live without Michel. He could never imagine being separated from him and here they were on a roof top in New York City, the past not a blur to be remembered but a sorrow never addressed or set free. How had their entire lives together led to this moment?

  Suddenly a fear Christian had long ago packed away like old love letters was now out in the open. So many years had passed between them with so much history, but it was only moments that now flashed through Christian’s mind. So few poignant moments that made time suspend and the horror of this moment would last a lifetime for him as sorrow embraced him again. Christian felt like the scared boy in the stable again who just wanted to be with his best friend.

  Amanda’s screams echoed through the darkness as Augustin pushed her aside and lunged for Michel.

  Christian ran to her just as Sabin and Gabrielle landed on the ledge and rushed Augustin. Augustin kept coming, but Sabin was too fast. Just as Augustin lunged at Michel, Sabin cut through him at the waist. His upper body careened off the ledge, while his legs crumbled, his sword clanging on the ground at his feet. He burst into flames as Solange ran towards him and grabbed his sword. Enraged, she came at Amanda, who had just gotten to her feet with Christian’s help.

  Amanda instinctively jumped in front of Christian, trying to protect him.

  “No,” Christian screamed as he pushed Amanda out of the way. She fell to the ground again.

  He felt the blow as the sword pierced him and came through the other side.

  Amanda heard the thud and screamed as he fell to the ground beside her.

  He noticed how beautiful the night sky looked as pain radiated through him. He tried to grab the blade, but managed only to slice his fingers to shreds in an attempt to free himself. He heard Amanda yelling at the others to do something, and then Michel was there, stepping on Christian’s chest to get leverage. He pulled at the hilt of the sword as it retracted through tissue and bone.

  Gabrielle picked up his machete to chase Solange who was over the ledge in a flash, swallowed by the darkness. Gabrielle was back at Christian’s side, tears flowing down her face.

  “That bitch just missed his heart, but I think he might be dying.” She wiped her tears.

  “Christian,” Michel cried, slapping his face.

  Amanda crawled to his side and brushed his hair away, trailing blood across his pale face. She knelt closer to him, hoping he could hear her.

  “You need blood. Take mine.” She rolled up her sleeve. She shoved her arm in his face. “I don’t … I don’t know how much you’ll need, but take it.”

  He wanted to tell her how much he loved her and that she had given his lonely existence meaning, but he could not make the words come. Through his blurred vision, he saw Sabin and Gabrielle standing over him, while Michel held him.

  “No wait, lie down beside him.” Michel directed. “Offer him your neck, Amanda.”

  She did as she was told and lay on the cold ground beside him. His body felt even colder as she pressed herself against him.

  “Hurry before I lose my nerve.”

  Michel tore open her blouse.

  She was shivering as she caressed him. “God damn it, Christian, do it.”

  He could hear her words echoing through his brain. He felt her pulse under his lips. If only he could move, bite into her neck, but it felt hopeless. He drifted into darkness farther away from them all.

  “Just a small cut, Amanda.” Michel whispered. She could feel the cold steel against her neck.

  “Close your eyes, my dear.” Gabrielle suggested; her face a kaleidoscope of sorrow and rage.

  Closing her eyes, Amanda barely felt anything. She wasn’t sure what had happened until she felt pressure as his cold
lips latched onto her neck. As he bit into her, she felt her world spinning both in pain and pleasure. The sensation reminded her of the Tilt-a-Whirl at the local fair she had ridden with Bethany when they were kids.

  They had both laughed hysterically out of joy and fear as the ride careened out of control.

  She felt someone holding her as she let go, and the sensation felt pleasurable and arousing as he drank her powerful blood. She was unable to focus on the words drifting through her head. It was as if she were in a dream.

  “You will get cold as your body begins to shut down. Just try and hang on, Amanda. We won’t let you die.” Sabin spoke.

  “You are the bravest person I have ever known, vampire or mortal.” Michel whispered in her ear.

  “Don’t worry Amanda.” A female spoke.

  She was losing feeling in her hands and feet, and then she felt herself rising up into the darkness. She was hovering above them all, yet she was there lying on the ground while Christian fed from her, his hair spread out like a fan and she wondered if she would live through it.

  She looked around her and noticed the two tiny flames that were all but extinguished. She rose higher over the rooftops on Bleeker Street, floating into the darkness of the night sky, past the stars, until she stood at the entrance of a tunnel filled with a white light. The warmth beckoned her as the light embraced her. She felt happy and safe again. Then she saw them emerge from a place beyond the light. She could feel their love, knowing her father and Ryan were waiting there for her. Amanda tried to move closer to them but something stopped her. She felt a pull as she fell back down into the night sky, past the stars. Then she recognized Bleeker Street and the rooftop of the Grey Wolf. She woke up to cold and darkness and the familiar faces of the vampires huddled around her.


  UNUSUALLY TIRED, AMANDA took a break from packing to reread the article in the New York Times. It had made the front page, along with the discovery of Detective Ross’s body in Central Park. Getting comfortable on the floral couch with the fireplace stoked up, Amanda slowly reread both articles, not sure which one she found more amazing.

  A tall blond haired man had entered the museum at closing time and returned a terra cotta statue to the information desk. Though it was being tested for authenticity, it was believed to be the same statue that had been stolen from the museum just over a month ago. Witnesses said he was unfailingly polite. The NYPD was searching for him for further questioning.

  Amanda shook her head. Wait until he gets home.

  The adjacent article, along with a picture of Detective Burt Ross, explained the mysterious discovery of a body believed to be his found near the Reservoir. It appeared he was murdered, and that there was no connection between him and the robbery. Police were searching for one Thomas Bretagne, a security guard at the museum who disappeared the same night as Ross. Police asked anyone with information to please come forward.

  Amanda glanced down at the small article, almost an afterthought, also on the front page. An afterhour’s club in the West Village frequented by drug addicts and Goths had mysteriously burned to the ground in the early morning hours on Sunday. It was under investigation as well.

  When worlds collide.

  Amanda heard the front door open. Christian was home. She anticipated his silent footsteps as he came into the living room, wrapped in his usual black leather duster.

  She set the newspaper down on her lap. “There is quite a lot of interesting reading today.”

  He shrugged and tossed the newspaper into the fireplace. They both watched it crumpled into flames.

  He set his coat on a chair and sat down beside her. “You know what they say, believe half of what you read and none of what you hear.”

  He smiled and leaned over to kiss her.

  As he stared into the eyes of the beautiful woman sitting beside him, the woman who had saved his life with her blood, he did not have the heart to tell her of his plan, his dreams. There was no one on the throne in Paris. Solange would have trouble holding her own without Gaétan or another strong male beside her. Perhaps they could make their peace and he could rule with Amanda beside him.

  He wanted Michel as his second in command, though Michel had no interest in power. Sabin had already gone back to Paris to look for suitable lodgings for them all. Michel wondered if perhaps they could return to their childhood town of Meudon to live. So many plans and all in good time.


  As he stared into Amanda’s eyes he finally saw his future. He could hear two heartbeats now. She had no idea she was with child, nor did he have the heart to spoil the surprise for her.

  She’ll figure it out soon enough.

  The irony of the situation was not lost on him. Was the child his or Gaétans? No matter, it was a miracle, just as Solange had been such a long, long time ago. It was as if his beloved Josette Delacore had returned from the grave to live on through his lovely Amanda. He would not lose her this time. He had learned his lesson well and as he stared into the fire, Christian tried not to look back, only ahead, since anything seemed possible.


  THERE ARE MANY people who shared their encouragement and support while I was writing Immortal Obsession. You know who you are and I love you; however, I need to thank the following individuals for their unfailing guidance, humor and insight: Lou Aronica, The Fiction Studio; Linda Lauren, Sue Dolinko, Paul Murphy, Rita Vetere and the Anthro. Gang. To my reader, Debbie Vilage.

  About Denise K. Rago

  DENISE K. RAGO was born and raised in New Jersey, where she still resides with her family. Immortal Obsession is her first novel.





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