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Page 5

by AnonYMous

  Frothing then all within me and labouring like a shire horse, my uncle offered me in turn his libation which pulsed jet upon jet within me while Davina announced her own delirious pleasure by tonguing our mouths in turn. Febrile quivers shook us. My tight cunny seemed to suck upon his embedded penis, imploring every spurt and drop until, in withdrawing at last, his well-soaked knob smeared my thighs with our mingled juices. I floated. Warmth and satisfaction spread in easy waves throughout my uttered charms. With a soft gurgle, Davina eased herself off of my uncle's probing finger and sat up languidly to look all about.

  “Ah, Elaine is having her dosage,” she declared to my full surprise at having so casually uttered my cousin's name. With something of a satisfied grunt my uncle removed his heavy weight from my body. I drew up my knees and swivelled on to one hip, leaning into a corner of the sofa. My uncle's thick pendant cock oozed its last pearl. His eyes were transfixed as were my own for a moment on Elaine who now lay with her head and shoulders beneath a large oak table, couched beneath a second stallion whose balls swung under her bottom, her ankles crossed about his waist.

  “How well she takes him,” Davina murmured, having seated herself on the other side of my uncle so that he was between us. Her hand stroked his trunklike thigh. His eyes appeared glazed. Kneeling beside Elaine was the young woman who had first kissed her and who was now entertaining a rigid penis in her bottom. But a few feet away—and all at the centre of other heaving couples— our hostess was being steadily fucked.

  The scene blurred, came clear, and then blurred again before my eyes. Stealing my right hand sideways I mischievously stroked my uncle's prick the while that Davina dandled his huge balls. His cock stirred almost immediately, thickening to my touch.

  “See how she wriggles her bottom,” Davina said of Elaine who, while she could not possibly have heard and indeed must have been utterly lost in her sensations, appeared at that moment to twist her lovely face all about and gaze directly at us across the carpet. At that my uncle's jaw literally gaped for he sensed that their eyes were locked even though I felt certain Elaine would have seen nothing but a swirling of bodies and faces. Rock-hard as it now became, his re-erected penis stuck up in the half encirclement of my fingers. Elaine opened her legs wider by letting her feet slip to the floor. A species of snorting moan escaped my uncle. The man's cock was clearly to be seen pistoning in and out between the lips of her love dell whose well-furred fringe looked utterly enticing.

  “Oh pray, Uncle, dear Elaine will be much confounded at your seeing her,” I uttered. The words seemed to bring him to himself.

  “Shush, Rose, for we may all do as we wish—do not spoil the sport,” enjoined Davina who obviously knew clearly enough my cousin's identity yet batted not an eyelid about the matter while all about us bodies slapped together, tongues writhed, and pricks worked steadily in such orifices as were freely offered to them.

  “No, no—oh, do not look!” I burst, for while I knew the situation to be truly bizarre yet I feared lest Elaine might think I had turned traitor to her. Rising and throwing myself against him between his legs so that the crest of his tool rubbed against my bush, I pretended even greater alarm than I felt and urged that he must carry me out. Momentarily embarrassed perhaps at all that was about—though I confess to knowing less about human nature than I do now—I was borne in a moment from the room into a smaller reception room where with scarcely a word I was fucked again upon the floor as lustily mayhap as I have ever been.

  “The naughty girl, ah the naughty girl!” he groaned with every stroke, yet I will pass over now the fevers of the rest of that night which in many senses were but a preamble to all that followed. Others entered upon us once we had spilled our liquid pleasures. My uncle took himself upon Davina while I, mounted successively by two gentlemen, could do naught but swim in lost passions until my cunny literally bubbled with sperm.

  By midnight all were as exhausted as could be. A strange quiet fell as various assortments of clothing were recovered and the ladies made haste to dress even before the gentlemen. A little simpering, some final kisses, and all was concluded. I, entering not upon the main scene until caution apprised me of the right moment, found Elaine huddled in a corner, fully dressed.

  “Oh, I cannot face Papa!” she entreated as quietly as possible.

  “What nonsense, he has seen nothing, we were in the other room,” I said.

  Her relief was evident, asking me again and again if it were true. Most tactfully he was nowhere to be seen. With furtive mien and not a little blushing she made her way out with me into the hall where my uncle was bidding adieu to our hostess. Impeccable and unsullied as she again looked, we might well have been leaving the most sedate of gatherings.

  “You will come again? I trust you will for it has been most pleasant,” she murmured as though to all three of us at once. Seeing that neither Elaine nor her Papa appeared ready to answer, I gave a polite nod of my head. Despite my relative youth and the positive whirlwind I had been through, I found to my pleasure that I was perfectly in control of myself—admiring also as I did the exquisitely civilised manner of our hostess.

  “I doubt it not,” I replied and shook her hand. From the expression in her eyes I gathered that her interest in me had increased threefold. A few more polite murmurs and we went out upon the dark drive to the carriage where my uncle had to shake the coachman to awaken him, poor fellow. Then within did we settle ourselves. In a way, all had been briefer than I thought it might. Had it not been for the presence of Elaine, we might have greeted the dawn there.

  Moving into a corner seat, Elaine sat constrained, peering out upon the dark. My uncle perched opposite, coughed several times, but said nothing. Utterly dark as it was in the lanes through which we drove that we could barely see one another. The silence irritated me, however. Elaine had clearly got what she wished, as I had, but evidently regretted it in the aftermath. I twirled my fingers in my gloves and gazed at her huddled form.

  Matters could not be left like this.

  CHAPTER five

  I have long learned that what seems bizarre, reckless or strange to the world about us appears full otherwise to those who are involved in such events. Too often have I heard both men and women utter in tones of apparent shock, “Oh, I would never do that!”—only to find that they are perfectly ready to do so when an opportunity arises and the loose cloak of social conventions is cast aside.

  Curious indeed was the situation in which I, my uncle and Elaine now found ourselves upon our return, for as often as my cousin asked me what her Papa had seen, I gave her increasingly little comfort. I meant not to be harsh with her, yet it was she who had inspired the occasion and she indeed who had put forth much philosophy on such matters to me. It may be well imagined that such encounters as we had together with her father on the following day were in part constrained and in part expectant, for each of us seemed to wish to speak, yet all held our tongues.

  A touch of fate occurred but two afternoons later which was to prod our destinies, for I at least was surprised by the arrival of the selfsame lady who had assisted my uncle in fucking me. Her true name was Pearl and the nature of her visit showed me much of how things were veiled, for my aunt was well acquainted with her, as was Elaine.

  Naturally I showed all modesty in greeting her and, while my aunt was otherwise occupied—for Pearl, it seemed, was too old a friend to require formalities—the three of us repaired in feminine fashion to Elaine's room. Quite astonishingly Elaine had been unconscious of Pearl's presence at the orgy, but this was to be accounted for by the dizzy eagerness with which she had succumbed to several amourous assaults.

  Whether Pearl—or Lady Mathers, as she was properly called—was aware of this really mattered not, for she was plainly intent on broaching the subject, first complimenting me upon my “performances,” though being discreet enough not to mention the names of my partners on that particular battlefield of love.

  “Oh! were you there, then?” Elaine
asked her.

  “You did not notice me? Ah, but, my dear, you were rather too occupied. I know not who was the more agile and passionate of you two. You are both much to be congratulated on your entry into the lists, for all spoke of you with high praise and your return is looked forward to. Praise be it that your Papa was not backward in bringing you.”

  “Oh, but say nothing to him, I pray, or he will discover all,” begged Elaine, causing me thereby some hidden mirth which Pearl shared more openly.

  “Really, what a silly you are for I swear he thought you looked quite adorable,” declared our companion who was obviously able to speak of such matters as if they were everyday events. Seated about the bedroom as all three of us were, Elaine duly became the focus of attention for such dismay was spread upon her face as could not be disguised. I need not however repeat her expostulations, for they were as quickly swept aside as is a cobweb, Pearl declaring that if Elaine were to play the hypocrite then her true nature had not been as her actions had revealed.

  Seeing my cousin's confusion and feeling not a little sorry for the way she had vainly endeavoured to cloak herself in illusions, I made what best of it I could by falling upon her and tickling her, this having been done many times to me in the past by my Mama when I was in poor salts. In vain did Elaine endeavour to fend me off, for I think she would sooner have affected misery than pleasure. Pearl watched at first with amusement, thinking us—as she said—quite like two kittens at play, but no sooner had I got my cousin to giggle at last than Pearl declared the best place for such amusements to be upon the bed.

  Elaine then became—not too unwillingly, I should say—our victim. Being duly raised up and hustled upon the counterpane, she was trapped between us, I attending to the waving of her arms and her increasingly weak protestations while our companion raised up Elaine's skirt and set about to tickling her between her thighs.

  Being as susceptible as I to such a caress, Elaine succumbed, though saying that she knew not what devils had got into us as I unbuttoned her corsage and set to teasing her nipples with lips and tongue while Pearl, thrusting up Elaine's legs, began to gamahuche her deliciously.

  “Oh, oh, Mama will come!” protested Elaine who could not help working her cunny against Pearl's mouth.

  “That she will not, for your Papa is diverting her,” replied Pearl in a very muffled voice. Giving Elaine's quivering clitoris a final lick and having made her spend already, Pearl then clambered up upon her and lay belly to belly with her, having raised her own skirt for the pleasure. Then in a triple embrace while I lay beside the pair did we fall to exchanging tongues and lips. Pearl's hand roamed about my naked bottom which I presented to her. A fervour of pleasure seized us. Pearl's lips passed from one to the other of us. The lewdness of the moment was all. We exchanged as many hot words of pleasure as we did kisses.

  “Ah, that we might be naked,” I murmured.

  “Soon, my pet, we shall, for all will be arranged,” said Pearl, dipping her long tongue between my lips as she spoke while at the same time rubbing her quim fervently all around that of Elaine who was as lost as I.

  “Tell me, what then are we going to do?” I begged her.

  At that, Pearl rolled on to the other side of my cousin who lay panting between us, uncovered to her belly with her silkclad legs responding ever to our joint caresses.

  “Now that we have Elaine in a better mood, I shall tell you. Your uncle has diverted his dear lady in order that I might apprise you of future events, for I fear he is a little shy to do so immediately himself. Pray, no more exclamations, Elaine, for he has seen and admired all, and there need be no more hindrances between you.”

  “Oh! Papa saw me!” ejaculated Elaine.

  “Saw and enjoyed, my dear, and what harm is there? You are not the first nor will be the last to be furrowed in sight of your kin. The sport is accepted within our circle, for a young lady is nourished by having as many cocks as possible. We have but one bar to our pleasures, which is that a girl shall not be mounted until she has attained the age of fifteen when her cunny is fully able and willing to absorb the male juice as well as to spill her own. If, as I suspect, you are late in starting, then you have much to make up for.”

  At that, Elaine fell silent and indeed could do no other since with one accord Pearl and I lavished her with so many kisses and caresses that her spendings spilled again, to the great joy of all.

  “How easily you oil the route, my sweet, but let us have an end now to recriminations and hypocrisies and lend ourselves only to pleasure. What say you?” asked Pearl.

  “Elaine has been my ardent teacher and has told me that one must never refuse a stout cock to the cunt, so I make no ado about the matter,” I responded slyly, thus allowing my cousin no room to refuse. Nor was she in a mood to, being as ready for the spouting of a prick as she would ever be. Profusely flushed, she hid her face as best she could and yielded such a silence as in the case of young ladies ever indicates assent.

  “So be it, for you are both ripe now for whatever adventures befall. Yet we must ever be circumspect in our affairs. The Eastwoods and their friends will rut with you freely, yet I think them not so polished in their ways as to give them free rein. Hence we will to Paris, my dears. You, Arabella, must seek the permission of your parents, I know, but I will assist you in this, for it will be apparent to them that you are well-chaperoned and will be able to advance your knowledge of the language much. I shall advise them that we are to visit the Louvre, the Tuileries, and other places of cultural interest.”

  “But what of myself and of Papa and Mama?” asked Elaine whom I perfectly well knew—as did Pearl—was putting on a pretence of ignorance, since she had surely guessed, as I, what was to be.

  “Your dear Mama inhabits a world of her own, my dear, wherein she is thankfully perfectly happy, for she is a sweet woman at heart and so delightfully vague that all happens about her without her knowledge. As to your Papa, what think you? Did I not say that he had encouraged me to bring you this intelligence? He will join us, having the perfectly good excuse to conduct some business there.”

  “Oh!” ejaculated Elaine and succeeded in covering her face, this gesture bringing an amused sigh from Pearl who rose from the bed and made herself tidy and proper, as I also sought to do. Scarce thirty minutes had passed in all since we had entered the bedroom, and yet as so often the pleasures seemed as of an eternity. Elaine followed more slowly which caused Pearl to nudge me in a manner I well understood.

  “You do well, my pet, to appear a little reluctant—'tis ever a good pose, for the gentlemen appreciate it more and get the stiffer cocks thereby,” said Pearl to her, passing her hand back from where she sat at the dressing table and running it slowly up Elaine's legs.

  “Yes, she is very good at that,” I assented eagerly.

  Passing my arm around my cousin's waist, I hugged her as if in compliment upon her deliberately coy attitude. “Remember all you told me,” I whispered to her.

  “Oh, I do not know what to say. I am all of a dither now—it has all come about so unexpectedly,” said Elaine, though not looking at all displeased at the thought of our new venture.

  “Say naught, Elaine. Just extend your tongue, wriggle your bottom and feel for a hard prick,” laughed Pearl who made no bones about anything and was truly as Elaine really wished to be.

  “Very well, I shall—but if I am very naughty then it is you who will have made me so,” replied Elaine without any malice whatever. Seeing no retreat, she obviously wished to make the best of the situation and I could tell indeed by the changing expressions in her eyes as she brushed her hair that she was as prepared to accept the greater openness of our acts as I, and with as much amused mischief. “Who else shall be of this party?” she asked then with such self-possession as made her previous behaviour about it seem but a game.

  “None but the most civilised—and none that you will otherwise know, which will make it all the more intriguing, will it not? Arabella, what say you
that I ask your parents while you yet remain here?”

  To this I eagerly assented, though even in so doing I questioned how Pearl was to manage it, being unknown to them.

  “I am acquainted a little with your father,” replied she to my surprise. “I met him by way of business several times in the sale of some land and a few other matters that you would not have concerned yourself with. He, I believe, can be perfectly persuasive with your Mama, so I anticipate no problems about it. I have a mind to venture that way and so will call upon them. For the nonce then I will leave you two angels—for such you really are—to pass the time together and will return on the morrow.”

  At this an interruption came as a maid knocked and Elaine went to answer.

  “The Master says as are you coming down, Miss?”

  “We shall ALL be down,” called Pearl, at which the maid disappeared and we all gave a final touch to our attire. “He is anxious for news, you see, for we must reserve our cabins upon a steamer,” Elaine and I were told, which caused me quite a tingling feeling of excitement.

  Descending, we found my uncle awaiting us in the morning room while Pearl made immediately ready to depart, affording each of us a swift kiss upon the cheek before doing so, much as any maiden aunt might. Seeing her departure made so soon, my uncle made bid to follow her, but she being accompanied as was proper by one of the servants, he evidently could not say what he wished to and so returned. I had no doubt then that he wished to know what she had told us—and indeed whether she had told us. Putting therefore a bold face upon it, I said without further ado that Elaine and I much looked forward to our forthcoming trip.

  An expression of relief spread over his face. His eyes searched Elaine's which dropped. She appeared to busy herself with a loose thread in her dress. Offering such complicity as I thought was needful, I ran to close the door and then returned. The morning room gave out upon the conservatory, but there was no sign of my aunt about nor anyone else. The former was engaged in conversations with the gardener into which my uncle had inveigled her. Knowing her interest in all matters horticultural, I guessed that she would be some time about it.


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