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The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6)

Page 17

by Cummin, Sharon

  Gavin and Becky were having a dinner for all the guys and their families, and Jenny agreed to help Becky with all of the cooking. There was way more mouths to feed than there used to be, and dinner for everyone had become a large task. Kyle was right there to help. He was turning into one of the family in their house and was quickly building a friendship with Gavin. That day Kyle was off with Gavin. They both stopped taking when Jenny walked in to ask Gavin to get something for Becky. There was something going on between them, but Jenny couldn't figure out what it was. She'd quickly forgotten about it once the guests began to arrive. John and Lisa were the first ones there with their kids.

  The kids went one way while the adults went the other. There were a total of sixteen kids within the group ranging from ten down to one year. Ethan and Julie's little girl was the youngest, and it was her first birthday. Becky bought a cake to help the little one celebrate.

  Julie was seven months pregnant and bigger than Jenny thought was possible. As soon as Julie walked in the door, she found and seat and didn't move. Ethan hadn't been going into the office at all those last few months. Kyle would drop things off and pick things up from him. There was no way Julie could take care of all of the kids without the help. Seeing the way Ethan made sure his wife was comfortable and then took care of their four kids had Jenny's heart melting. He was an amazing father. A million times better than the one he'd had. Even though they had four little ones and another on the way, Julie still looked at him as if he was the most perfect man in the world. Jenny laughed when Gavin walked up and rubbed Julie's belly. He was a great brother to her even though he joked about her size. It was strange to see tiny Julie so pregnant.

  Jenny was standing against the wall looking over at Julie when Kyle walked up and wrapped his arms around her. They'd been to many functions together around the group, so everyone was getting used to them being together. He leaned in close to her ear.

  “I can't wait until you look like that,” he said.

  She jumped and turned in his arms.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I can't wait until my baby is growing in your belly,” he said with a smile.

  “Really?” she asked.

  He nodded before kissing her on the forehead. Before either of them could say anything else, the front door swung open and three kids came flying through. Kyle's niece Sarah blew passed them with one of her digital toys. Then Eric came up and hugged Kyle.

  “Hey, Uncle Kyle,” he said. “I want you to check out this new game I got.”

  Kyle looked down at Jenny, and she nodded for him to go. As they were about to walk away, little John came running up and Kyle leaned down to scoop him up into his arms. The three of them walked off leaving Jenny to wonder if Kyle meant what he'd just said. They'd talked about kids a bit, but it had never been a serious conversation. It had mostly been joking around. She'd thought that she'd never find anyone she would trust enough, but she trusted Kyle. She'd trust him with her life. Not for one second had he ever given her a reason to think that he'd hurt her. Then she stood and watched him with his nephews. He was tickling and hugging John while watching and listening to every single word Eric said. Kelly walked up, and Jenny turned to her.

  “He's a good guy, Jenny. I'm so glad he found you,” Kelly said.

  Jenny smiled and hugged Kelly before pulling her away to the kitchen. Kyle loved his sister Kelly so much. Jenny was so glad she got along with her. John and Sandy came in and each wrapped Jenny in a hug. Then Heath and Tara came in with their little ones and big ones. Soon the house was full of conversation, television, and laughter. The ladies all found their way to Julie and sat down around her so she could be included in their conversation. After a bit, Jenny and Becky made their way back to the kitchen and got everything set out for dinner. Every single one of the men and women in the close group had been nice to Jenny, but once she started officially dating Kyle, they all treated her like family.

  Becky called out that dinner was ready and everyone began heading for the kitchen. There were so many of them that they were eating in different rooms. The kids all had one area. Their parents helped them get their plates and got them drinks before getting their own food. Jenny helped Ethan get the kids plates ready before making a plate for Julie. She thanked Jenny for all of her help. Ethan pulled Jenny into a hug, and Kyle was there in seconds, pulling her in against him.

  “Get away from my woman,” Kyle said. “Your woman is right over there.”

  “Don't give me any shit, nephew,” Ethan said. “If I want to hug your woman, I will.”

  Then Ethan laughed and pulled Jenny back to him. Kyle walked over to Julie and wrapped his arms around her. Then he looked up at Ethan with a huge smile on his face and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

  “Bullshit,” Ethan snapped. “Have your woman back. Leave mine alone.”

  “Be serious, Ethan,” Julie said with a shake of her head. “Do you see me sitting here, with a plate full of food, looking like a beached whale? Nobody's going to want me.”

  “I want you, baby,” Ethan said, as he looked down at her with love. “I'll always want you. You're the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Jenny turned and walked back into the kitchen to get her plate. Kyle took it from her hands.

  “You've been working all day long to get this all ready. I'm getting your plate for you,” he said.

  “You don't have to do that. I can do it,” she said.

  “I know you can,” he said. “Can I please take care of my woman?”

  She nodded and couldn't believe how special he made her feel.

  “I saved us seats next to my Aunt Julie,” he said.

  Jenny kissed his cheek before going out to sit by Julie. She looked around at all of the couples and couldn't help the emotions that were flooding her. When she felt Julie's hand on her leg, she looked over and wiped the few tears that had escaped from the corner of her eye.

  “You okay?” Julie whispered. “I'm supposed to be the emotional one.

  Jenny let out a laugh.

  “I'm fine,” she said. “I just look around and see so much love. It's not something I've ever had in my life. This group has grown so fast, and it hits me hard every time I see you all together.”

  “You're part of us,” Julie said. “These guys have been friends for a long time. They all love their women with every bit of themselves. They would each do anything it took to keep all of us safe. We may not all be blood, but we are a better family than you could be a part of. Not all of us have had perfect lives. Ethan's dad left him with a horrible mother. John lost his love and his daughter for years. I was being stalked by my ex. If Ethan hadn't been up my ass, I probably wouldn't be here right now. Heath was in love with a woman his friend fell for. Tara had her ex coming after her house. Josh lost his father in a fire when he was young. Lisa was in a fire. Josh was hurt while fighting a fire. Kyle's dad ended up being a lying asshole. All you had was your mom, and she doesn't sound like much. We all have our shit to deal with, but not a single one of us goes through it alone. We've all got each other's backs. I love every single one of these people with every bit of me. You've got all of us. You better get used to it.”

  Jenny nodded and looked down at her hands.

  “You're such a good mom,” Jenny said. “Do you like it? What's it like?”

  “I get no sleep and not a moment to myself, but I have so many amazing moments and memories that will be with me forever. I might complain and joke about being a mom or being pregnant. Every single second with my babies is precious. It helps that I have a great man right there helping me through it. He listens to me cry and laughs at my corny jokes. Sometimes he drives me crazy, and sometimes he saves me from my own crazy. Being a parent is more work than anything else in the world, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.”

  Kyle walked up and handed Jenny her plate before sitting down next to her.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Perfect,” she said, as she
smiled at Julie.

  When dinner was over, Becky called everyone to the dining room so they could sing for the birthday. Jenny helped cut the cake and pass it out to all of the kids. All of the adults were still around the table when Kyle walked over to Jenny and wrapped his arms around her. She saw him look over and Gavin who nodded to him. Then Jenny noticed the room quiet. She looked around to see John and Sandy standing close to Kelly. All three of them had huge smiles on their faces. Then she turned her face toward Kyle's.

  “What's going on?” she whispered before hearing him laugh into her ear.

  Kyle stepped back and released his hold on her. Then he turned so she was facing him. He handed her a small wrapped box with a smile on his face.

  “It's not my birthday,” she said.

  “Open it,” he said.

  She unwrapped the box and opened the lid to find a bunch of tissue paper. After she took out a few pieces, she stopped and looked at him.

  “Is this a joke?” she asked.

  “No,” he said.

  Then she pulled out a few more before feeling something fall from the paper into the box. She looked down at it and burst into laughter.

  “You're giving me back my key after three months,” she said, as she shook her head. “You're so funny, Kyle. I had a key a long time ago. Something happened and I gave it back to him. That was before anyone knew we were friends. We've been talking again for three months, and I thought for sure he'd never give it back again. I guess you got tired of picking me up or having to get up and answer the door.”

  Kyle looked into her eyes with the most serious look on his face, and she felt her stomach drop.

  “Will you move in with me?” he asked.

  “What?” she yelped.

  “I want to wake up with you in my arms every single day of the week. I'm so sick of bringing you back here on Sunday nights. Two nights a week isn't enough anymore. I want us to come home from work to each other. I'll complain about Ethan and you about Gavin. We'll cook dinner, eat, and then fall asleep together. In the morning, we can run together without having to meet up. I need you with me, baby.”

  She looked at him and could feel the tears fighting to break free. He wanted her to live with him. She looked over at Gavin who was all business and then at Becky who was full of smiles. Then she looked back at Kyle.

  “Really?” she asked. “Every day. You want all of my stuff there.”

  “I do,” he said. “What do you say?”

  “I say yes,” she squealed, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, Kyle.”

  “I love you, too,” he said.

  Then he pulled out of her hold again. She let out a whimper, and he smiled at her. Then she watched him drop down on one knee and thought she was going to pass out.

  “I've known you for almost six years, Jenny. For the first five of those years, I fought my feelings for you. I told myself that I needed to build my life into something I was proud of. I told myself that I needed to stay away because of Gavin and my dad's friends. When I lost you to someone else, I thought my life would never be the same. When I kissed you on that beach, I couldn't have imagined never kissing you again. We were friends for three months before we ever took that next step. It took all I had not to pour my heart out to you during that time. You were all I could think about. You've been my woman for three months, and I know positively that you are it for me. You are the only woman I will ever love. I will fight for you, protect you, love you, and keep you safe every single day for the rest of my life. I want to do that with you as my wife. I've built my life for us and for our family. I want to chase babies with you, fall onto the couch exhausted with you, travel with you, and grow old with you. I love you more than life itself, baby. Will you be my wife? Will you be by my side for whatever life has in store for us? Will you marry me, Jenny?”

  She stood speechless above him. Tears fell from her eyes and slid down her cheeks. She hadn't even noticed the open ring box until he was looking up at her nervously. Then she let her body move down in front of his, and she wrapped her arms him and buried her face in his neck.

  “You're my everything, baby,” he said.

  She knew she was soaking him, but she couldn't move from him. He wanted her to be his for the rest of his life. She always thought he was out of her league, but when they started dating, he never once did anything to make her feel less than perfect. She felt beautiful and special to him. Her mom was all she had, and she never made Jenny feel good about herself. Everything Kyle and his family did had her thinking she was so much more than she had ever given herself credit for. She couldn't believe he was asking her to be a part of that family. Not only would she have the most amazing husband ever, but she'd have a family.

  Kyle cleared his throat and pulled her from her thoughts. Then he took her cheeks in his hands and pulled her up so he could see her face.

  “You're killing me here,” he whispered. “I'm starting to get nervous.”

  A huge smile spread across her face, as she leaned forward and covered his lips with hers.

  “Of course I'll marry you,” she whispered. “You have no idea how much I love you.”

  He lifted the ring for her to see it, and she covered her mouth with her hand.

  “That's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen,” she said.

  Then he slipped it onto her finger and wrapped his arms around her. They stood up and everyone came around congratulating them. John wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.

  “I'm going to treat you just like I do them. You're my daughter now too. I hope you're ready,” he said.

  “I've never really had a dad before,” she said.

  “Then you're in for a treat,” Kelly said with a laugh.

  “Hey,” John said with a laugh. “I'm not so bad.”

  Sandy pulled John away so she could hug her too.

  “We have a wedding to plan,” Sandy said.

  Jenny felt her eyes widen and looked over at Kyle. He shrugged and burst into laughter.

  “You ready to officially be a part of all of this craziness?” Kelly asked.

  Jenny kept her eyes on Kyle.

  “I am,” she said.

  Chapter 35


  Kyle couldn't take his eyes off of Jenny. Ethan reminded her that she was going to be his niece, and she laughed when he told her that meant she needed to come over and help with the kids since they were now officially family. Julie laughed and mentioned he was the one that wanted her pregnant again. Then Becky wrapped her arms around Jenny and congratulated her.

  “Did you know he was going to ask me?” Jenny asked.

  “I did,” she said. “He talked to Gavin first. I don't think he wanted to kill him.”

  “I'm going to have a family,” Jenny said.

  When Kyle heard her, he felt his heart melt and knew he would always make sure she knew that she had family.

  “You are,” Becky said. “Every one of these crazies will do anything for you. The only thing you have to do is ask. You scared me that day of the accident. We were already your family, Jenny. We loved you.”

  Jenny got tears in her eyes, and Kyle walked over to pull her in against him. She needed to know he was there for her. He looked up at all of his family and felt so lucky. Just six years before he'd felt alone as well. They could be overwhelming, but they were the best bunch of people in the world. Even Ethan, and he'd heard some crazy stories about him.

  “It's been a great dinner, but I'm taking my woman home,” Kyle said.

  “We do have names,” Julie yelled out. “What is it with you men calling us your women?”

  “You don't like that, woman?” Ethan asked.

  “If I wasn't so damn big and tired, I'd get up and kick your ass,” she said.

  He stood just out of her reach and taunted her with a smile.

  “You're going to be sorry, Ethan,” she said with a smile.

  “We love you all, even Uncle Ethan,” Kyle
said. “We're going home.”

  They got in the car and Jenny was quiet with her head back against the seat.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Great,” she answered. “That party was a lot of work. I didn't realize that many people could eat so much.”

  Kyle laughed, as he reached over to take her hand in his.

  “We should have let Josh have his restaurant cater it. Becky likes to do it. She fights every time Lisa brings it up. I think she's starting to realize it's too big of a group though. What is she going to do when the kids are all teenagers?”

  Jenny let out a laugh.

  “When we get back to your house, can we relax in the hot tub?” she asked.

  “Our house,” he said. “Of course we can.”

  “I'll start packing my stuff tomorrow night when I go back,” she said. “I should be able to be packed in a few days. Is that okay?”

  He looked over, and she looked so relaxed. Kyle thought for sure she would be asleep before they got home.

  “No,” he said.

  Jenny lifted her head and looked over at him.

  “I can take longer,” she said with a hurt look.

  “I am not going one more night without you wrapped in my arms. I'll meet you over there after work and help you carry while you pack. I don't want to invade your privacy, or I'd go over there, pack it all, and bring it home Monday while you're at work. You belong with me. I can't be without you, baby. You worked hard today. Do you have enough stuff at the house to make it through work on Monday?”

  “I do,” she said. “You are the most amazing man in the world, babe. I know I had to wait forever to be with you, but it was so worth it. I'm glad we're finally together.”

  Kyle pulled into the garage and walked around to her side. He opened the door, scooped her into his arms, and headed for the house. She leaned down to unlock the door, and he stepped in. Then he kicked the door closed behind him. He walked out toward the hot tub and placed her gently on her feet. Then he undressed her. Once she was naked, he quickly removed his clothes. Then he grabbed a couple of towels and walked out onto the deck. It was dark, and he knew she wouldn't object.


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