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Night Moves [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Tara Rose

  They were good-looking men with jobs and trust funds. She’d never heard any dirt on them, and she would have if it was going around. People on this island not only sought out her grandmother for advice. They used her as a gossip depository. So why were these two unattached?

  “Long story,” said Mark.

  Brett nodded. “Same here.”

  “So tell her anyway,” said Arizona. “She’s been straight and open with us. Time to return the favor.”

  Did his voice hold a note of challenge? Arizona was Asa’s son, and in many ways he was just like him.

  Brett raised his glass. “Touché. Okay.” He took a sip. “I had a sub once. She’s back on the mainland now. It took me a long time to get to the place with her where we defined our relationship as Dom/sub because she’d been sexually abused by an uncle, so I took everything slowly.” He glanced toward Nita. “You might remember her because she came to the island to work at Phoebe’s Playthings straight out of college, and I think she wandered into your shop once or twice. Her name was Tina Lewis.”

  Nita shook her head. “Sorry. Doesn’t ring a bell.”

  “She was from Birmingham, and I’m pretty sure that’s where she returned when she left. Asa hired her to work in PR, but she was a problem from the start. Too many accusations from the staff that she was found in offices she had no business being in. And although she was never caught doing so, Asa believed she might have been trying to collect information for a competitor. So he fired her.”

  “I take it this was after she became your sub?”

  Brett nodded. “About six months after. But we had issues from day one. She wasn’t happy here, and she didn’t believe in the curse. She was always trying to get me to leave the island. I think she just wanted to see what would happen if I did.”

  The men shook their heads and made disparaging noises.

  “And no one since her?” she asked.

  Brett shrugged. “I’ve been busy at work. When your father and uncle are on the CEO’s shit list, you have to work extra hard to prove yourself.”

  Arizona sighed loudly. “Hey, it’s not that bad. Honestly. Especially now that neither my father nor your Uncle Jesse are awaiting trial for arson and murder.”

  They all talked about the upcoming trial for a few moments. Nita knew the entire story, of course. Everyone on the island did by now. A lot of people had thought at first that Asa had set the fires, but then evidence came out to suggest it had been an inside job at JD Construction. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that Owen and Penn were arrested, so Brett and Arizona both understood what it was like to watch a family come under suspicion for something they hadn’t done.

  During a lull in the conversation, Nita turned to face Mark. “And what about you? Did you have a sub?”

  “I’m married to my job. And now that Elliot quit, I have something to prove, as well. When my brother left, Asa turned his attention on me to see if I’d do the same thing.”

  “He’s trying to get Sallyanne’s job,” said Dallas, glancing toward Nita.

  Mark scowled. “Only because she’s useless at it.”

  “I agree,” said Dallas, “but you might have some stiff competition from Alaina.”

  “I’m family.”

  “And she’s part of it now, even if that’s not legal on paper.”

  “Jeff agrees that his sister is a fuck-up.”

  “But he’d still persuade my father to name Alaina to the department head over you.”

  “Thanks, dude.”

  “I’m only telling you what I know is true.”

  “And none of this has answered Nita’s question,” said Brett quietly.

  Mark gave her a sheepish grin. “All right. No, I’ve never had a sub. I’ve barely gone out with anyone since high school. I’ve topped subs at private parties, but I’m looking for someone who doesn’t exist.”

  She raised her brows. “Well, now you’ve intrigued me. Describe this non-existent sub for me.”

  “Simple. She doesn’t need rescuing, and she doesn’t play head games.”

  “Unlike the two dingbats Mark and I both went after in school at the same time.”

  “And who both played us badly.”

  “You mean Cathy Anderson and Sharon Taber?”

  They both flashed her identical looks of surprise, and Nita laughed, along with Celina, Arizona, and Dallas. “Did you think no one else knew?” she asked.

  “Everyone did,” said Celina. “The entire school talked about it.”

  “Great,” said Mark. “Now we’re chumps all over again.”

  “No, you’re not,” said Nita. “They were worse players than any man I’ve known. Well, almost any man…” Her voice trailed off, and she placed the drink on the coffee table. “I think I’ve had enough of this.”

  “It’s all right,” said Brett. “What you said is true. Keith was a player, but you didn’t know that. Or maybe you did, but you weren’t experienced enough to know how to handle it. He used you. We all agree on that. And I’m sorry Mark and I weren’t there for you at the time. No one was. No one really knew you.”

  She took a deep breath as tears threatened. He’d struck a chord like nothing ever had before. Everything he said was true. She had known it, but she’d also been flattered beyond belief that a boy like Keith paid attention to her, even if it was the wrong kind of attention.

  Celina hadn’t really known her all that well back then. They’d become closer after graduation. Nita had been painfully shy and hadn’t made friends easily. She still didn’t. She’d had no one to turn to. And after years of keeping it to herself, it was surprisingly difficult to talk about.

  “We can’t go back and change it,” said Mark. “But we can move forward from here. We can help you move past it, if you’ll let us.”

  “What are you two proposing?” asked Arizona.

  “Simply that we get to know each other.” He turned his attention back to Nita. “Spend time with us. No pressure, no expectations, no assumptions.”

  “And the three of us should spend more time with you, too,” said Celina. “I’m sorry we haven’t.”

  Nita shook her head, hoping like crazy she wouldn’t start crying. “You have nothing to apologize for. None of you do. Thank you. For everything. For listening, for understanding, and for the friendship. It means so much to me.”

  Brett raised his glass, a huge grin on his face that sent shivers up and down her spine again. “To friendship.”

  “Hear! Hear!” Several voices raised the words in unison.

  As Nita drank a toast with the others, finishing her margarita this time, she let the fear and coldness go and embraced the warmth and camaraderie of the others in the room. She also made a decision. She was going to tell her grandmother what Keith and Billy had done to her, and she was going to talk to a psychologist about it.

  Nita was tired of living her life in the past, and she was lonely. So very lonely. There were two gorgeous, kind men right here in this room who would never hurt her or use her, and she wanted to get to know them better. Much better. She wanted what Celina had with Arizona and Dallas, or at least a shot at having it. She needed to prove to herself that not all Raleigh and Durante men were pigs.

  Chapter Eight

  After Celina, Arizona, and Dallas left, Brett offered to drive Nita home. “It’s nearly dinnertime. Your grandmother will think we kidnapped you.”

  She shook her head. “No she won’t. She’ll assume I’m having a wonderful time, and she’ll make her own dinner. She’s very capable.”

  Brett raised his brows. “Are you saying you’d like to stay longer?”

  Her pulse raced, and sweat broke out along her hairline. “I’ll stay as long as you two want me to.”

  She’d never said anything so bold in her life, and she’d never imagined being alone with two men without having a panic attack. There was no fear. Only the most exquisite sense of wonderment and expectation, as if she were poised on the edge of a sparkling pool
of water. If she dove in, all her wishes would be granted and she’d have peace for the first time in fourteen years.

  “Um, okay.” He glanced toward Mark, almost as if looking for an answer. “Want to order pizza or wings? I’m not much of a cook.”

  “Pizza sounds great,” said Mark. “You okay with that?”

  She nodded. “I love pizza. I’ll call my grandmother so she knows I’m staying longer. That way you two won’t worry about her.”

  “We’re not worried,” said Mark, his grin betraying the fact that they were.

  “Thank you for being such gentlemen.” After she made the call, the three sat down to watch TV. Brett found a cop show they all agreed would be fine to watch while they waited for pizza, and then Mark asked if her grandmother would be upset that she’d stayed with them all day once she heard the truth about Keith and Billy.

  “Not unless she has reason to believe you two are like that, and she doesn’t.” Nita didn’t want to think about that right now. She only wanted to be with them.

  “I have a proposal,” said Brett. “And feel free to say no.”

  “What is it?”

  “We’ll help you tell her.”

  She stared at him while tears threatened again. “You would do that?” she whispered.

  “Of course. We’re the ones who started this, after all. This ‘complete honesty and coming to terms with the past’ kick. Why should you face this alone? You have all these years, but things have changed.” His face took on a serious expression. “At least, I think they have. I may have assumed too much…”

  Nita had never taken a man’s hand while they walked along, or kissed one first, or even flirted. She’d always been the passive one, the shy one. The one who waited for him to make the first move. But as she gazed into Brett’s face, conscious of Mark on the other side of her, as well, something shifted, deep inside. It was as if a hidden part of her personality surfaced, and a surge of energy and confidence sprang forth along with it.

  Her body felt alive, like she’d just awoken from the most restful, deep sleep she’d ever had, in which her dreams were peaceful and empowering. A humming sound took up residence in her brain, bringing with it an awareness of how her body had responded to them from the moment they’d walked into the conference room yesterday morning.

  She wanted them. Not in the way she’d been curious about sex the first time with Keith, in his room while his parents watched TV downstairs, oblivious to what their son was doing. This was different. She was a goddess. A siren. A charmer. And these two weren’t going to use her or hurt her. She knew that as suddenly as she knew the sky was blue and the ocean was deep.

  Nita moved toward Brett without thinking, and kissed him. Right on the mouth. She parted her lips, and when his tongue slipped inside, preceded by a surprised moan from him, she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and simply let go.

  His hands tangled themselves in her hair, and he tugged it, not enough to hurt, but the gesture forced loud moans from her throat and a desire to kneel at his feet and offer him anything he wanted.

  His tongue and teeth raked the inside of her mouth until she was dizzy. Nita had never been kissed like this. It was heady, and exciting, and sent waves of crazy lust racing through her body. Her clit throbbed. She contracted her Kegel muscles by instinct and nearly came. All from a kiss. Imagine what will happen when we make love.

  When he released her mouth, his eyes filled with surprise and more lust than she’d ever glimpsed. Instead of making her afraid, she had an urge to run her fingers along the muscles his clothing couldn’t hide. She gazed toward his crotch, where an impressive bulge tented the front of his jeans. What would he do if she unzipped them?

  “I…um…I don’t know where that come from, but thank you.”

  His reaction was so unlike what she’d expected that it spurred her on again. She kissed his cheek. “No. Thank you. For being such an amazing kisser.”

  “I’m an amazing kisser, too.”

  Nita laughed softly and turned to face Mark. “I’ll bet you are.” Just before she leaned forward to kiss him, she caught him glance over her head toward Brett, an expression of confusion on his face.

  Mark was as skilled a kisser as Brett, if a bit rougher, but she liked that. He cupped her face and shoved his tongue into her mouth, forcing more moans from her. She wrapped her arms around him, as well, and he lifted her onto his lap. She didn’t need to gaze at his crotch to know he was aroused. His bulge pressed into her thigh, and she groaned again as erotic images of making love to both men danced through her head.

  Where the hell had this come from? She didn’t care. She only knew it was right, and she wanted them.

  When Mark released the kiss, he brushed a finger along her face. “Nita…we’re only human. Tell us what you want here. I don’t want to assume anything…and I know Brett doesn’t either.”

  “Will you laugh?”

  “Oh my God, of course not.” Brett moved to the coffee table so he could see her, as well. “Never. I know this isn’t like you. I know that took…I don’t know what. Courage. Boldness. Everything you had to dig deep to find. We would never take advantage of that, or use it to hurt you. Never.”

  She swallowed hard. “That’s all I needed to hear. Thank you.”

  Mark placed a finger on her face again and turned it toward him. “Then I only have two questions. What do you want from us tonight, and do I kiss as well as Brett does?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, you do.”

  “And the answer to the first one?” asked Brett.

  She gazed from one to the other, breathing hard now. Her entire body was on fire. She’d never felt this way, and it was so liberating and amazing that she was certain she’d sprout wings and fly any second now. Just say it! This was what she’d fantasized about when she was barely old enough to understand what sex was. Not to be taken and used, but to be cherished and cared for, and treated like a precious treasure.

  In a way, she was giving her body to them just as if she was about to have sex for the first time. Because her prior sexual encounters had been anything but consensual. This time, she’d do it right. The way she’d always dreamed it should have been.

  She took a deep breath. “I want you to make love to me. Both of you. The right way. The way it’s supposed to happen.”

  They both exhaled out loud as if they’d been holding their breath. “If we do this,” said Brett, “we don’t do it half-assed. And by that I mean I don’t want a one-night stand.” He glanced toward Mark for a second. “I have no fucking clue if this can work…or how it will work, but I don’t only want you for one night.”

  “Same here,” said Mark. “This is crazy.” He chuckled softly and shook his head, then ran his fingers through his hair. “Don’t misunderstand me, but I feel like I’m drugged or something. Did you put some voodoo hex on us or what?”

  “Not likely.”

  “I feel the same way as Brett. I don’t want to hurt you, but I’m not going to just…forgive me…fuck you and then walk away. Not after what those two did to you. I won’t be that guy. Neither of us will be that guy. We’d never put you through that again.”

  “Then don’t be. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, either. None of us do. But I’ll be with you two as long as you want me to be.”

  Brett reached for her phone and handed it to her. “Then you’d best call Phyllis again and tell her you’re spending the night.”

  * * * *

  While Nita made the call, Brett answered the door. He’d actually forgotten that they’d ordered pizza. He could barely walk, let alone think or count out change, so he handed the kid two twenties and told him to keep whatever was left for a tip. The teen’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. Once he left, Brett carried the food back into the game room, where Nita was still on the phone. “Is Phyllis upset?” he asked quietly.

  Mark shook his head. “No, just surprised.”

  Brett wasn’t hungry anymore, but i
f tonight went like he hoped it would, they’d all need their strength, so he went back to the kitchen to get paper plates and napkins, plus several bottles of water. Before he returned to the game room, he took a quick peek into his bedroom to make sure it wasn’t full of dirty clothes on the floor or wet towels in the bathroom. It had been so long since a woman had spent the night that he lived like it didn’t matter who saw his home.

  He also took out the box of condoms and bottle of lube that he’d bought on a spur-of-the-moment decision a few months ago, just in case he ever had sex again. At least the condoms hadn’t expired. That would have been embarrassing.

  When he finally returned to the game room, Mark and Nita were eating pizza and smiling, and he was glad everything was okay. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to cross paths with Phyllis on a bad day, and he was about to ask Nita how the conversation had gone but didn’t want to put her on the spot. It was enough to see she was relaxed, which meant it had gone just fine. Leave well enough alone.

  They made small talk about nothing as they ate, and Brett was dying to ask her why she’d come to this momentous decision, but he bit back the words each time. Whatever they’d done or said right, he silently thanked his lucky stars. Sharing her with Mark wouldn’t have been his first choice. Sharing her with any man wouldn’t have been his choice. But he wasn’t going to blow this simply over jealousy.

  Just hearing Arizona say that he and Dallas still got jealous of each other had been enough. He considered those three the epitome of a successful ménage relationship. To know they still worked at it that hard gave him hope that he and Mark could make something of this without killing each other.

  Assuming Nita didn’t bolt by morning, that is.

  That thought was almost enough to deflate his rock-hard dick, so instead he concentrated on memorizing every detail of her, from the shape of her face to the way she bit the crust off the pizza first before attacking the rest of it. She was adorable. Like a child in many ways, but not immature. It was more like she’d never gone beyond the high school stage in her day-to-day life, but her maturity level was well past that of a sixteen-year-old.


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