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Mill Creek Menage 1-3: BBW Menage Romance Box Set

Page 12

by Marie Carnay

  What? No! A strangled cry rose from her throat and Conner stroked her cheek. “Shh. Just wait. It gets better.”

  As Conner pumped his hips—filling her mouth in slow and gentle thrusts—Jake grabbed hers.

  “That’s it, baby. I can’t wait to fuck you. I want you coming with us. All three of us. Together.”

  Oh my God. Jake’s words bounced around inside her skull as he guided his cock to her waiting entrance.

  Ungh. He thrust. Burying himself balls-deep in one stroke. Oh!

  As Jake pulled back, Conner surged forward to fill her mouth. He coaxed her lips down his shaft, easing her head closer to his crotch and his dick deeper in her mouth. Conner’s swollen head bumped the back of her throat and he pulled her back.

  Oh my God. The men worked into a rhythm. Jake pistoning his hips and filling her pussy while Conner directed her head. A two-conductor team and her body was the orchestra.

  It was empowering. Freeing. Pleasure coiled tight and low in her belly. Building. Growing. Conner picked up the pace and Jake matched him—pushing her like a freight train up a mountain. I think I can. I think I can. Harder. Faster. Rougher.

  Conner groaned and she pursed her lips, closing around his shaft as he bobbed her head. Jake fucked her harder, pounding her into the floor as he found her swollen clit with his thumb.

  One flick against the little nub and her back arched and her body seized up. As the first jet of Conner’s release hit the back of her throat, she came. Over and over. Jake groaned and thrust deep, swelling as he came inside her.

  Her body convulsed—a spasm with every splash of cum inside her mouth and pussy. A ricochet of pleasure and delight and the most incredible high.

  On and on. Wave after wave. The three of them in an undulating sea of euphoria. The best orgasm she’d ever had.

  At last, as the pleasure edged into pain, both men let her go. Conner’s cock slipped from her mouth, Jake pulled out, and she curled up into a ball.

  Delirium. It washed over her in waves and Julie couldn’t fight it. Lips feathered soft and light over her hip and shoulder, but she couldn’t move. Couldn’t acknowledge the gentle kindness. A sleeping bag slipped over her naked body and she succumbed. To the afterglow. The satisfaction.

  As sleep took over, she heard voices. Far away. Muffled.

  “Damn. I never thought it would go like that.”

  “I know.”

  She shifted and they drifted further away.

  “—really think so?”


  “What the hell are we gonna do now?”


  DON’T FREAK OUT. Just don’t freak out. Julie tugged on her underwear and sports bra and fished out clean clothes.

  She’d woken up that morning to the sound of snoring and the thwack of a man’s arm across her middle. At first, in that liminal half-awake state, she’d assumed they were back home and Jake had just rolled over. But it wasn’t Jake.

  It was Conner. As soon as she’d opened her eyes, it’d all come rushing back. The heat. The sex. The raw, gritty freedom of it as she took what she wanted and got even more. The orgasm that wrecked her.

  She took a shaky breath and buttoned up her jeans. It’d taken all her self-control not to run away in a panic while the men slept. It was one thing to fantasize about a threesome. But to do it? For real? With her boyfriend and a coworker?

  What would they do when they got back to town? Act like nothing happened? See where it led?

  Julie buttoned up a flannel shirt and glanced at the window. She’d pretended to be asleep when both Jake and Conner had woken up. They’d carried on without her—making coffee and getting dressed—until both stepped outside to take a look at the snow.

  It wasn’t until the door had shut behind them that she took a deep breath. God, how could she be so wild? The way she’d acted…not her usual vanilla style.

  She should play it cool. Pretend like it was no big deal. But all she could think about was how in the moment—with Conner’s cock filling her mouth and Jake’s hands digging into her thighs—she was alive.

  Julie bit her lip and glanced back at the rumpled up sleeping bags. The lust burned even brighter inside her. The need. The crazy idea that maybe—just maybe—they could find a way to make a threesome work outside of the tiny cabin. She shook her head and walked into the kitchen.

  Coffee. I need caffeine and a dose of reality. She grabbed a mug off the drying rack and filled it from the still-warm pot.

  As she blew on the hot liquid, she chastised herself. Make a threesome work in real life? Yeah, right. She might as well have woken up on Mars. Julie took a sip and edged closer to the window. Jake and Conner stood outside, hands on hips, staring at the snow-covered mountain.

  Her heart lurched as she watched them. Jake with his sandy curls on top of his head. Broad shoulders and faded jeans. Conner’s shrug as they pointed at the mountain. The easy way he moved. Turned her on.

  Their voices carried in the cold air and Julie paused to listen.

  “—be ridiculous.”

  Jake turned toward the window and Julie shrunk back, flattening her body against the wood wall.

  His feet crunched in the snow and he stopped inches from her. “I saw how she was with you. It’s never gonna be the same.”

  Julie blinked. Jake felt it too?

  “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?” Conner’s voice took on a harsh edge.

  “I don’t know.” Jake resumed walking and Julie strained to hear him through the wall. “You ever think about it? You know, as more than a quickie?”

  “Me and you and Julie?” Crunching sounds echoed and Conner’s voice grew faint. “I’m not gonna be your wingman in your own relationship, man.”

  “It’s not like that. Didn’t you see her last night? She’s never been like that with just me.”

  “Your point?”

  Jake let out a frustrated groan and the wall next to Julie’s head shook. Did he just punch the cabin?

  “You can give her what I can’t.”


  Julie held her breath. At last, Jake pressed on. “What if we gave it a go? All three of us together.”

  Julie’s mouth fell open. Didn’t she get a say in any of this? Wasn’t this her decision to make, not theirs? She frowned as the two men walked out of earshot.

  She might have woken up that morning thinking the same thing, but hearing them talk about her? Like they were in charge? She bristled.

  As she pushed off the wall, Conner’s voice caught her ear.

  “You really think she’d go for it?”

  Jake chuckled. “After last night? I’m sure of it. Besides the sex was fuckin’ amazing. Don’t tell me you’ve had your fill.”

  Conner laughed too. “Naw, man, I could hit that so many times.”

  Julie saw red. No fucking way. They were out there in the freezing snow talking about her like she was some car up for auction. Some piece of property they could share. A new playstation? A cooler full of beer? Gah!

  She drained her mug and reached for her boots. Tugging on her socks, all she could think about was getting the hell out of there. You think you can make my decisions for me? You think you can tell me what to do? Who to fuck?

  No way! The sooner she got away from them, the better. She could find the car, take it back home. Call one of Jake’s buddies to come get their sorry asses.

  It didn’t matter if the snow was ten feet deep. She’d crawl through the forest if she had to. She wasn’t wasting one more minute with those stuck up, conceited jerks!

  She laced her boots and shrugged on her jacket. All she had to do was pack up her shit and get out when they weren’t looking. No man was going to tell her what part of a relationship she could play. Or how many men she could do it with.

  She’d hike out of the forest without a single ounce of testosterone to cloud her judgment.

  Conner picked up the snow shovel. He knew Jake meant well, but he coul
dn’t shake the feeling it was wrong. To offer Julie up without asking? To basically agree to bring Conner into their relationship without so much as a question?

  He dug into the snow and picked up a mini-mountain. It flew over his shoulder with a whomp. The sound gave him a modicum of satisfaction so he dug in deeper, harder. The next mini-mountain flew over his shoulder and landed with a splat.

  “Hey! Watch it!”

  Conner glanced behind him in time to see Jake brushing snow off his jacket. Serves him right. Without so much as a grunt, he scooped up another pile and flung it behind him.

  “Damn it, Conner! What’s your problem?”

  He stuck the shovel in the snow and turned to his friend. “Don’t you think you should talk to Julie?”

  Jake brushed the snow out of his hair and snorted. “What for?”

  “To see if she’s even interested in another threesome before you go making plans.”

  “So now you’re having second thoughts? Didn’t occur to you last night, did it? Didn’t you just say you could hit that—what was it?—so many times? Who’s the hypocrite here?”

  Conner dug out another shovel-full of snow. “I’ve been thinking, that’s all. It’s not right.”

  Jake walked over to the buried wood pile and picked up the other shovel. “I never once said I wouldn’t talk to her. But now? With this attitude? I don’t get it, man. I thought we were on the same page.”

  Conner frowned. Maybe he did overreact. At least a bit. “Excuse me if I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. It’s not like I jump into bed with someone else’s girlfriend every day.”

  Jake scooped up a shovelful of snow. “At least not with the boyfriend in it, huh?”

  Conner laughed and the tension he’d been holding in eased. “That’s for damn sure.”

  Jake tossed the snow behind him. “I’ll talk to her. Alone. Scope her out, see what she wants to do. That work for you?”

  Conner nodded. He stabbed the shovel into the drift of snow, pulled out another load, and heaved it over his shoulder. “You really think it would work?”

  “You mean all three of us?”

  Conner nodded and attacked the snow again.

  After a minute, Jake answered. “Are you telling me you want that? You want more than just something on the side?”

  Conner stopped shoveling. He never thought he’d admit it to Jake. Or himself, really. But that was exactly what he wanted. Julie was kind and funny. Sweet. Sexy as hell. And with all three of them together…damn.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.”

  Jake nodded. “I think it can. It’s awkward as all hell telling you this, but she was a different woman last night. She was—”


  “Free.” Jake shoveled more snow behind him. “I’ll talk to Julie. See what she wants. I don’t want to push her into anything.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Jake motioned at Conner’s shovel. “So you gonna help me, or what? This snow pile’s a real bitch.”

  Julie stuffed the last of her gear into her pack and crouched to tug it onto her shoulders. She knew she was being irrational. Totally batshit crazy, in fact. But she couldn’t help it.

  There she’d been, trying to come to terms with the way Conner sent butterflies whooshing through her middle when Jake still pulled at her heart. But they only wanted sex. Dirty, nasty, two-on-one sex.

  Well, screw that. She wasn’t interested. With a deep breath, she crept to the door and listened.

  The shovel scraped along the snow in regular time. Thank God. They were in the back, digging out the wood for the stove. It was her perfect chance. The only chance.

  She eased the front door open and before she could talk herself out of it, she set off. Julie might not be a triathlete, but she could hold her own backpacking. Besides, all that extra insulation on her hips made a snowy day not that bad. As long as she had her gloves on.

  The sun glinted through the trees and she inhaled the chilly air. I can do this. I don’t need a man. Definitely not two.

  As the cabin faded into the distance, Julie forced her feet to propel her forward. It wasn’t a mistake. Leaving was the best thing.

  But each crunchy footfall had her second guessing.

  Admitting her fantasy to Jake. Living it. She couldn’t deny that it’d been way more than sex for her. It’d been a glimpse at what she wanted—two men who could satisfy different parts of her. Be there for her on so many levels.

  Damn them both. Maybe it wasn’t her problem. Maybe she just needed to pick better men.

  The sun cleared the tops of the trees and Julie glanced behind her. No cabin. It’d been swallowed up by the start of the forest and the white sparkling snow. It was like a mirage—a figment of her imagination. She could hike out of the forest, go back to Mill Creek and pretend it had never happened.

  She fished her water bottle out of her pack and kept walking. No sense in taking a break. The closer she got to the trail, the closer to home. She tipped the bottle up, took a step and—whoosh!

  The ground disappeared. No crunchy snow to pack into the earth. No solid footing beneath her feet. She was falling. Deeper and deeper until thud! She landed on her ass. Hard.

  Shit. Brushing snow off her face and out of her mouth, she looked around. In her haste to make it out of the forest, she hadn’t paid attention. She must have walked right off the edge of an embankment. Straight into a snow drift.

  She sat in a tiny hollow no bigger than four feet wide. The edge of the earth made up one wall. The rest? All snow. Damn it. Could she climb out?

  Pulling herself up to stand, Julie reached up and batted at the snow. It fell in clumps around her. From her vantage point, it looked like she’d fallen a good ten feet.

  Oh my God. A chill swept through her, but not from the cold. I’m buried alive. She must have been underneath at least five feet of snow. Maybe more. She swiped at it again and more fell down. If she tried to dig herself out, she’d suffocate.

  If she stayed there and waited…How long would it take? When would it melt?

  Stupid. I am so stupid. She slipped her backpack off and set it on the ground. A million thoughts rushed through her mind. All the bad decisions she’d made since she woke up in a panic.

  Julie bit her lip and stared up at the icy ceiling. The rays of sun peeked through the shaft she’d fallen down—bright light laughing at her foolishness.

  Damn it. If she’d relaxed. Calmed down and pulled on her big girl panties. Confronted Jake and Conner instead of running away. Then she’d be back at the cabin, not trapped in a damn snow drift.

  She frowned. They’d come looking. As soon as they found out she was gone, they’d come after her. Find her footprints. Track her down.

  She just needed to wait. Patience was low on Julie’s list of virtues, but she had to find it. She had no choice.


  “JULES, WE DUG out the wood. Come hold the door while we get it in.”

  Conner waited while Jake pried the door open and braced it against his back. Uncovering the pile of logs had taken way longer than either man anticipated. Hours longer.

  He’d figured at some point Julie would have come out. Told them to take a break and handed them a coffee mug. But she never showed. Conner grinned. Maybe they’d worn her out last night.

  Easing past Jake, he stepped inside and frowned. “Hey, Jake?”

  “Yeah?” Jake slipped in next to him and the door banged shut behind them.

  “Where’s Julie?”

  Jake glanced around. “No idea. Did you see her go out?”

  “Nope.” Conner walked over to the stove and set his pile of wood on the floor.

  “I guess she needed some air.”

  Conner glanced at the sleeping bags. One. Two. Where’s—He spun around. Oh, shit. “Jake?”

  “Mm-hmm?” Jake dumped his pile next to Conner’s.

  “I think she’s gone.” The hope he’d carried inside through all the sho
veling turned sour.

  “What do you mean, gone?”

  “Her stuff. It’s not here. Not her sleeping bag or her pack. It’s all gone.”

  Jake turned around in a slow circle.

  “You don’t think she left, do you?”

  His friend snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. She’d never do that. Hike out of here on her own? Why?”

  Conner exhaled. He had a feeling and it wasn’t good. “You don’t think she freaked out, do you?”

  Jake ran his hand through his hair. “That’s crazy.”

  “So was last night.” Conner walked over to the window and glanced out. “What if she woke up and panicked?”

  “Julie? She’d never do that.” Jake’s eyebrows knitted and he paced back and forth, focusing on the floor and lack of Julie’s things. “Do you see a note? Anything?”

  Conner scanned the cabin. After a moment, he shook his head. “No.”

  “Damn.” Jake scrubbed his face with his hand.

  It didn’t make any sense. The threesome had been Julie’s idea. Her fantasy. Why she’d freak out come morning was a mystery. One they needed to figure out. Fast.

  Jake grabbed his pack and zipped it up. “If she left, we need to find her. The snow’s made a mess of the trail.”

  Conner nodded and reached for his own bag. “Even if she left a while ago, she can’t be that far away.”

  Both men headed back out into the snow. The sun shone down from high in the sky and Conner calculated in his head. Three miles. If she’d set off just after they’d gone outside, she could be three miles away. They better hurry.

  What if she were hurt? Lost? With the snow covering a majority of the landmarks, it’d be easy to get off course. Too easy. She could be so far off the trail they’d never find her.

  He scanned the ground for any sign of her. If she headed back toward the trailhead, she’d go straight for the tree line.

  Head down, eyes focused, both men walked toward the forest until Jake’s voice rang out. “There! Looks like she headed back to the trail.”

  Conner nodded. She’d bailed all right. He zipped up his jacket to ward off the chill. “Then let’s get to it. If she’s still out here after dark…”


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