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Familiar Travels: In the World of the Federal Witch (Familiar Magic Book 3)

Page 8

by Taki Drake

  Realizing that her perspective and what she noticed around her had been radically altered by the experiences of the last month, the Persian cat reminded herself that evil could come in attractive packages also.

  Without appearing to hurry at all, Jeremiah moved down the street at a steady pace. Drawing all of them in his wake, the old man was soon out of view by the actors in the drama unfolding in front of the children’s old apartment building.

  Chapter 12 – Strategic Positioning

  It’d taken them nearly an hour to work their way back to Jeremiah’s home. During the trip, they had been greeted by many people that shouted greetings and comments to the old man and his Familiar. It was a new experience for TT. Her former Witch had not encouraged familiarity from servants and certainly not from passersby. This casual and affectionate interaction was both strange and pleasant to the Persian.

  << I know! Everybody wants to talk to him and tell him about something. He can’t even walk 50 feet without somebody coming up to talk to him. It’s a good thing that he’s never truly out of sorts, because who wants to have people cheerfully tell you new things when you want to feel miserable, >> said Davin.

  << It seems strange to me that everyone would talk to a Witch. I’ve never seen anyone interact casually with one before, let alone a whole bunch of people that are willing to have a conversation with one. I like it, but it just seems very weird, >> responded TT.

  The older Familiar stopped abruptly, sitting down and staring at the small Persian. << I suspect that you’ve been raised to expect things that fit someone’s idea of an altered reality. It is not that you are stupid or that the people teaching you were stupid. Their worldview was somehow skewed, and they have passed that on to you. Witches interact with normal society every day. People need to be able to talk and relate to them, or they become a source of fear. Anything you fear is a potential target. >>

  << I never thought of it that way. >>

  << That is why I said it was a skewed worldview. >>

  TT spent the rest of the trip back to Jeremiah’s home in a contemplative state. The long walk was pressing her physical capabilities more than she wanted to let the others know. The strain of maintaining the spell put a considerable burden on the elderly Witch. The small cat knew that it was important that there be no trace of Dora and the children for an enemy to follow. How could she ask for consideration or more help than she had already been given when everyone one else had their own burden?


  Eventually, the small party managed to get back to the tidy dwelling that Jeremiah and Davin called home. It was a medium-sized three-story home typical for the 14th Arrondissement or borough of Paris. Painted a pleasant soft salmon color, it blended into the neighborhood with its well-tended appearance and genteel presentation. The only sign that the home belonged to a Witch was in the subtle markings that had been engraved on the doorframe, window frames, and threshold of the home.

  By this point, TT was moving in a fog of exhaustion. Her bones felt on fire, and she could tell by the shaking of her muscles and the gray patches that washed over her sight that she was close to collapse. Stubbornly, she refused to utter a single word of complaint or plea for help. Each of the others was focused on their own concerns and moved within a tightening tunnel of concentration and strain, all trying to persevere until they could safely relax.

  It was an effort of almost immeasurable strain for the small cat to climb up the steps that led into the house. Focusing on each tread and attacking it as an object to be conquered, TT managed to get her body up the six steps and stumbled past the threshold into the house.

  Considerately, she moved out of the open doorway and to the right before collapsing into a panting, bedraggled pile of fur and shaking flesh.


  TT was first conscious of the smell of food. The odors of a delicious blend of fish and other seafood mixed with the warm, comforting smell of baking bread. A growing disturbance inside her belly finally resolved into the thought, I’m hungry!

  “Kitty? Are you awake now, kitty?” It was the voice of Maddie, Dora’s little girl. A vaguely remembered gentle hand touched TT’s shoulder in a short, comforting pet. Involuntarily, a brief, ragged and fragile-sounding purr escaped from the semi-conscious cat.

  “Mommy! Uncle Jeremiah! The kitty is awake now, and she even purred for me.”

  TT heard what sounded like a herd of footsteps coming toward her. Unable to make her body respond to her sudden desire to escape, all the little cat could do was to wrench her body into a protective coil. The abrupt movement ripped a moan of pain from the cat’s throat, and TT could feel her consciousness starting to fray.

  A larger but equally gentle hand cupped the back of the cat’s head as Jeremiah said, “Hush now, little one. There is no danger here, and there is no need for you to flee. Relax a little and let me examine you.”

  Another voice was less gentle and a lot more annoyed, saying, << Why on earth didn’t you tell us how bad you were? Granted, we knew that you were recovering, but no one told us how bad it had been and how close you were to falling apart. You could have died one more time! >> It was Davin in full, frustrated fury.

  << Everybody was doing all they could, Davin. I could see how tired Jeremiah was and I didn’t want to add any burden to anyone else. I managed, and that is all that’s important. >>

  The annoyed disgust that Davin managed to convey in one explosive snort struck TT as extremely funny. Her responding laugh was abruptly shortened by a slash of pain in her ribs that more than paid her back for her attempt at martyrdom.


  TT suffered through further indignities as Jeremiah insisted on giving her a bath with medicated soap and dosing her with several herbal concoctions. Although she felt better, the contrast between the wonderful smells of the cooking food and the sharper smell and taste of his potions continued to intensify her hunger.

  By the time that the meal was ready, the small Persian cat was definitely prepared to eat. And she wasn’t the only one.

  The large kitchen table in Jeremiah’s home was obviously set up for a mixture of body sizes and seating needs. A high bench allowed the Familiars to sit even with the table surface as they ate. The Persian was amazed at the consideration. It was a delight to be able to work her way through her food in comfortable companionship as the other diners dove into their own meals.

  The children already looked better. Freshly bathed and dressed in clean clothing, their timid smiles were more visible, and their enjoyment of the food was apparent. Dora looked more relaxed also. Her eyes no longer haunted, the woman sat up straighter and looked more confident as she directed her children and laid out the food that she had prepared.

  The elderly Witch still looked tired. However, here at his own home, he was obviously drawing energy from his surroundings. Even more telling, Davin seemed content with his companion’s well-being. If the older Familiar was comfortable with the way things stood, TT certainly wasn’t going to object.

  Jeremiah cleared his throat, saying, “I know that we have things to discuss, but I would suggest that we all get a good night’s sleep before sitting down and figuring out next steps tomorrow. Everyone did very well today, and we need to recover our energy and our resilience of spirits before we try to plan. So I would suggest an early night and that we meet in the morning.”

  Dora stood up from the table, gesturing for the two children to begin clearing it. She smiled at the older man and responded, “Thank you. Thank you for the rescue and thank you for providing a place for us to sleep tonight. The children and I will finish cleaning up in here and make our way to bed. You still looked tired, so I suggest you stop playing the host and get your own body to its well-deserved rest.”

  Jeremiah laughed and said, “I would argue, except you are right. I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well and sweet dreams to all of you.”

  Davin followed his Witch out of the room, sending a quiet thought back to TT, << The house
protections are up, and all of the doors and windows are secured. Everyone should be able to sleep safely tonight, and tomorrow we will work out what has to be done with you and how to protect the children. Please get your rest. You are going to need to be alert to help us plan tomorrow. >>

  Her concerns addressed before she had even fully formed them, the small Persian carefully jumped to the floor and made her way back to the bed by the fireplace that had been set up for her. The feel of the bed’s warmth and the hypnotic flickering of the flames soon lulled the little cat into a sleep that was made more pleasant by the absence of pain. Still tired and feeling her body as it called in the IOUs of ignored bone-deep exhaustion, TT slowly relaxed the tense controls that had enabled her to make it through the day. Her last thought before slumber took her into its embrace was, I think Dascha would have been proud of me today.

  Chapter 13 – Plans and Objectives

  The next morning dawned clear and bright with the sound of birds chirping cheerfully in the garden behind the house. Everyone looked more rested and recovered, even Jeremiah. TT had awakened early and luxuriated in the atmosphere of quiet and peace. The fire was still warm and had burned down to coals, but her bed was comfortable, and she realized that she was thinking more clearly and with a calmer mindset.

  Breakfast was a cheerful meal, with the children chattering about the early morning garden exploration they had done and Dora laying out a wide variety of excellent dishes. Jeremiah was quite complementary to the woman, saying, “I am amazed what you been able to do! This is some of the best food I have had in years! Thank you so much for cooking. That is not a skill that I have, and for some reason, Davin is not much good at it either.”

  Dora had flushed with pleasure and continued to smile for the rest of the meal. As soon as they had finished eating, she directed the children to clear the table and supervised their washing of dishes in the kitchen. Sending them out to play in the garden with strict instructions to stay within the walls that surrounded the house, Dora rejoined Jeremiah and the Familiars at the kitchen table for a council of war.

  Jeremiah started the discussion by saying, “We have several different objectives here. The first of them is to get TT safely out of the city and on her way. In that process, I believe that you have an ultimate goal of joining your friend and fellow Familiar, Dascha, at her home, but wish to stop for a brief time at your home clowder. Is that correct, TT?”

  << Yes, I need to let the clowder know how they’ve been deceived. They may not believe me, but I need to make an effort. When I think about all of the Familiars that our family has sacrificed to this Witch, it just makes me ache with frustrated rage. >>

  << I believe that we also have to let the Familiar Council know about this. If we are not successful in either protecting you or bringing retribution down upon the Lady Rosemary, someone with more power than we have needs to know about this. >> added Davin.

  << Why? Why would they care what happened to me? >>

  << Because that is who we all are. Witches and Familiars, together. Your former Witch is an abomination, a perversion of everything for which the bond stands. If nothing else, they will revenge us. >>

  Jeremiah had been relaying their conversation to Dora, who chose to interject at this moment. “I realize that I am hampered by the inability to hear you and also to work magic. However, my husband and my children all have a touch of that magic, and my mother also does. Letting someone as evil as Rosemary or Henri Grunwald run free is both dangerous and cowardly on our part. I don’t know if my husband is alive or dead, but I want the evil man that took him to be brought down. Whatever I need to do, I will do.”

  Jeremiah said, “I think we are all agreed on the necessity of balance in this area. Let’s take our objectives one by one. First of all, we need to get TT out of Paris and on her way.”

  Davin said, << I have already sent out a message through the normal reporting channels that we need to get a message to Dascha and that you have been repudiated and are being hunted. >>

  << Normal reporting channels? What are those? >> asked TT.

  << That was something that was going to be covered in your next Familiar Trials, but for now just know that there is a way that all of the participants in the Trials can communicate with each other over the long distances that exist on this world. >>

  TT was thoughtful, contemplating the ramifications of what Davin had said, wondering what else she had missed at her previous visit to the Trials. She was brought back into the conversation when she heard Devan say, <<… and Spartacus says that TT can travel with the teamster that is headed in the direction of her clowder if we can get her to the wagon early tomorrow morning. >>

  << What? Sorry, I was thinking about something and got distracted. You already found a way for me to get to the clowder? >>

  << Yes. It is not the most dignified way to travel, and it certainly is not going to be the most pleasant. However, it has the advantage that no one would think of looking for you there. >>

  Jeremiah added, “Of course, we are going to have to conceal your appearance a little bit so that no one notices a pure white cat traveling outside of Paris.”

  TT asked, << Do you really think that my former Witch is still looking for me? When she broke the bond didn’t that sever any contact or any connection between us? >>

  Jeremiah looked troubled, and said slowly, “What she did is unprecedented. I could find nothing in my library that referenced that sort of spell and I have the most complete library in Paris. If there is still some trace of the connection, she will continue to search for you. I’m not sure about that, but it is better to be safe than fatally sorry.”

  Dora chose that moment to ask a question, her voice showing her deep concern when she said, “Is there any way that the blasted Witch would know that my mother was involved in TT’s disappearance?”

  Jeremiah responded, “No. There is absolutely no trace that would connect your mother to the cat. There is no bond except simple human kindness between the two and the Lady Rosemary is blind to that sort of soft emotion.”

  Dora gasped as she realized something. Breaking into a hurried speech, she asked, “I need to let my mother know that I’m safe! She is due to visit us in a weeks time, and if she finds that I’m gone, she will be very worried. Even worse, if they leave someone at the apartment, they will know about her and possibly question her. That evil man cannot get his hands on my mother too!”

  << Obviously, we need to find a way of getting a message to her that is not traceable. I can see what can be done by working the hound connection if you like, Jeremiah, >> suggested Davin.

  When Jeremiah conveyed the comment to Dora, she asked, “What is the hound connection? I don’t understand.”

  “Some of the hounds are potential Familiars. Those hounds have their own abilities, and the hound master is very protective of them. We already have contingency plans to rescue the hounds if the spoiled noblewoman decides to destroy them. However, it sounds like we had better activate some of those plans just in case she attempts to carry out any unexpected nastiness.”

  Turning to his Familiar, the Witch said, “Davin, please let Dora’s mother know that she is safe but in hiding. Also, see what you can do about getting the hounds removed from the estate. I have a bad feeling about any delay in that so I would like you to get a move on that today.”

  Davin agreed, and the meeting moved on.


  TT’s coat was once again disguised. This time she looked like a somewhat bedraggled yellow tiger-striped cat, one with a bent ear. Looking in the mirror, she couldn’t see anything of herself in that image. It was so good that even the children were fooled by the visual illusion.

  The small boy, Phil, stared intently at the disguised Persian. Occasionally rubbing his eyes, he watched TT closely for a while before finally turning to Jeremiah and asking, “Excuse me sir, but if I look really really hard, I can see both kitties. Is that what I’m supposed to do?”

remiah’s look of pleased surprise warmed TT’s heart. Sitting down so that his head was closer to the child’s level, the elderly Witch said, “That just means that you can see magic. It is a very useful skill, and I think you probably got it from both your mother and your father. If you like, I can help you a little bit with how to use that, but we will have to wait till after the dangerous parts are dealt with over the next few days. Is that okay?”

  Suddenly shy, Phil nodded his head before hiding his face in his mother’s side.

  Dora gently touched her son's hair, telling him, “That was very well done, Phil. Now, how about if you go find your sister and play a little bit more. I will call you when we have more chores to do.”

  Both the adults and the Familiars watched the little boy leave the room. As soon as her son had cleared the doorway, Dora turned to Jeremiah and demanded in a fierce voice, “Please, keep them safe. No matter what happens to me, keep my son safe.”

  Looking back at her with a totally serious face, the old Witch said, “This I promise. The only way that harm will come to your son is over my dead body.”

  TT heard the echoing tones of magical resonance, clanging as if it came from a large deep-throated bell that provided a foundation of determination behind the man’s words. She also heard Davin say, << And over mine. >>

  Chapter 14 – Tactics In Motion

  The whole group of them it had a pleasant lunch joined by two guests. One was the young boy, Derek, that normally helped Jeremiah when he went shopping. Told of the use of his appearance on the previous day, the boy promised to back Jeremiah up if questioned. Derek thought it was a totally amusing trick played on the group of arrogant noblemen, saying only, “I wish I would have been there! I could’ve helped carry things and maybe even kept all of you out of trouble. After all, that’s more what I do with Jeremiah then carrying things.”


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