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Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters: From Dating, Shopping, and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire–Two Evolutionary Psychologists Explain Why We Do What We Do

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by Miller, Alan S.

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  ability to acquire resources

  adaptations, product of evolution

  Adapted Mind: Evolutionary

  Psychology and the Generation of Culture, The (Barkow Cosmides, and Tooby)

  adaptive behavior

  advanced industrialized nations and number of children

  advertisements, ideal female beauty

  affairs by politicians (male)

  age domestic violence, wife’s age

  ideal female beauty

  men and their mates

  “Age and Explanation of Crime” (Hirschi and Gottfredson)

  age-crime curve

  (Bill Gates, Paul McCartney, and criminals)

  age-genius curve

  “agency-detector mechanism” (“animistic bias”)

  agrarian society, natural selection

  Alexander, Gerianne M.

  allegations, paternal resemblance

  Allied occupation in Germany and Japan

  ancestral environment (environment of evolutionary adaptedness)

  Anderson, Pamela

  animal protein consumption

  animals, people are

  “animistic bias” (“the agency-detector mechanism”)



  As Good as It Gets (film)

  Asperger’s syndrome

  autism, “extreme male brain,”

  Bacall, Lauren

  Bancroft, Anne

  Barak, Ehud

  barbecuing, men’s responsibility

  Bardot, Brigitte

  Barkow, Jerome H.

  Baron-Cohen, Simon

  beauty not in the eye of beholder or skin-deep

  sex ratio at birth and

  women vs. men

  See also sex and mating

  Berghe, Pierre van den

  Betzig, Laura L.

  Big Sleep, The (film)

  bilateral symmetry, faces

  biology, humans exempt from

  birds and marriage

  birth order, siblings

  blank slate (tabula rasa), human nature as

  blonde bombshells (Barbie)

  blue eyes

  Boas, Franz

  Bogart, Humphrey

  Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives (Sulloway)

  Boyer, Pascal

  brain exception to evolution

  nothing special about

  Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women (Moir and Jessel)

  brain types empathizers (female brain)

  political and economic inequalities

  sex ratio at birth

  systemizers (male brain)

  Branson, Sir Richard

  breasts (large)

  Brown, Donald E.

  Browne, Kingsley R.

  Buss, David M.

  byproduct of adaptations, religion

  “cads” vs. “dads,”

  Campbell, Anne

  Chagnon, Napoleon

  Charade (film)

  Chief Seattle (Duwamish Indians)

  childless people

  children attractive faces preference


  resembling fathers


  loving their parents

  possible number of



  chimpanzees, promiscuity, testes size

  Chomsky, Noam

  Christenfeld, Nicholas J. S.

  Cinderella Effect

  Citizen Kane (film)

  Clinton, Bill

  Cody, Iron Eyes (“the crying Indian,” Espera Oscar DeCorti)

  cognitive biases (he said, she said)

  Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead)

  competition, costs/benefits

  Connery, Sean

  conservatives and naturalistic fallacy

  cooperation, calculations behind

  corsets, popularity of<
br />
  Cosmides, Leda

  courtship gifts

  crime and violence

  age-crime curve (Bill Gates


  McCartney, and criminals)

  age-genius curve

  age of wife, domestic violence

  choice for sex, female’s

  competition, costs/benefits

  cuckoldry and

  cultural universals



  domestic violence

  gay men and sex


  human universals,

  “invariant” age-crime curve

  killing children

  marriage and productivity

  midlife crisis myth

  norms against

  parenthood, cost of


  polygyny and

  property crimes


  reproductive success and

  risk-aversiveness of women

  scientists and marriage

  social control theorists

  “staying alive” theory of female criminality

  stepparents, dangers of

  Syrian women and crime

  theft vs. robbery

  trivial altercations, homicides

  uxoricide (killing

  of one’s wife)


  cuckoldry crime and violence

  evolutionary psychology



  cultural determinism

  cultural ornamentation

  cultural universality

  culture, influence of

  custodial parents

  “dads” vs. “cads,”

  Daly, Martin

  Davis, Bernard

  deadbeat dads vs. moms

  death penalty

  diamonds, a girl’s best friend

  Diaz, Cameron

  discriminative parental solicitude

  divorce family

  polygyny and

  sex and mating

  sons and likelihood of

  domain-specific adaptations

  domestic violence

  dumb, blondes as

  dying hair blond

  earnings, inequalities

  Eastwood, Clint

  economic inequalities. See political and

  economic inequalities

  Elizalde, Manuel

  Ellis, Bruce J.

  empathizers (female brain)

  empirical generalizations

  employer discrimination (“glass ceiling”)

  Entrapment (film)

  environmental determinists

  environment and evolutionary


  environment of evolutionary adaptedness

  (ancestral environment)

  Error Management Theory

  Essential Difference, The (Baron-Cohen)

  ethnic and nationalist conflict


  evidence for evaluating science

  evolutionary biology,

  evolutionary psychology

  adaptations, product of evolution

  adaptive behavior

  ancestral environment

  (environment of evolutionary adaptedness)

  animals, people are

  brain of human, nothing special about



  domain-specific adaptations

  environment and (psychological adaptations)

  fats preference

  growth of human evolution,

  slowness of

  human nature and

  innate human nature

  macro vs. micro issues

  maladaptive adaptations

  natural selection, stability for

  Savanna Principle

  sexual jealousy, male

  Stone Age body and brain

  sweets preference

  TV and friendships

  See also crime and violence; evolutionary psychology, tough questions; family; marriage; men and women, differences; political and economic inequalities; religion and group conflict; sex and mating; Standard Social Science Model

  evolutionary psychology, tough questions

  advanced industrialized nations and number of children

  barbecuing, men’s responsibility

  birth order

  and siblings

  childless people

  children, loving their parents

  cultural universality and

  discriminative parental solicitude

  genetic basis for fertility behavior

  genetic roots of homosexuality

  group socialization theory


  “horny sister hypothesis,”

  evolutionary psychology (continued ) killing own children

  meat carving, men’s responsibility

  parental socialization, effect on children

  remote control, channel surfing

  reproductive success and

  siblings, differences among

  soldiers, dying for their country


  tan, attractiveness of

  See also evolutionary psychology evolution stops at the neck

  evolved psychological


  (psychological adaptations)

  exception that proves the rule

  exotic cultures (hoaxes)

  experiences and human nature

  extra-pair sex partners

  extravagant gifts, worthless

  “extreme male brain,”


  eye color

  Fa’amu, Fa’apua’a

  facial attractiveness

  facial averageness


  allegations of

  paternal resemblance

  babies resembling fathers

  beautiful people and sex ratio at birth

  beauty, women vs. men

  brain types and sex ratio at birth

  children, killing

  child support

  Cinderella Effect


  custodial parents

  deadbeat dads vs. moms


  generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis

  last name (father’s), given to child

  marital status and proportion of kin in personal network

  “Mommy’s baby, Daddy’s maybe,”

  parental investment in children

  paternal resemblance

  personal networks


  from unrelated men and pubertal timing of girls

  physical attractiveness and sex ratio at birth

  pubertal timing of girls

  and marital status of parents

  relationships, women vs. men

  sex ratio at birth

  size of parents, sex ratio at


  Standard Social Science Model

  stepparents, dangers of

  Trivers-Willard hypothesis

  violence and sex ratio at birth

  See also evolutionary psychology; marriage; monogamy; polygyny fantasies (sexual)



  Fawcett, Farrah

  feminists and inequalities

  fertility of blonde bombshells


  first day of life, sex differences

  fitness ceiling

  fitness floor

  fitness variance

  flowers as gifts

  Ford, Harrison

  fraternal polyandry

  fruit flies

  Gallup, Gordon G.

  Gambetta, Diego

  Gangestad, Steven W.

  Gates, Bill

  gay men and sex

  See also homosexuality gender socialization

  generalized Trivers-Willard


  genetic bas
is for fertility behavior

  genetic determinists

  genetic roots of homosexuality

  genitals (male) and female promiscuity

  Gentle Tasaday, The (Nance)

  “glass ceiling” (employer discrimination)

  gold diggers

  gorillas, promiscuity, testes size

  Gottfredson, Michael R.

  Graduate, The (film)

  Grant, Cary

  group conflict. See religion and group conflict group socialization theory

  Guthrie, Stewart Elliott

  hair and ideal female beauty


  Hamer, Dean

  Hamilton, William D.

  handsome men, bad husbands

  Hargens, Lowell L.

  Harris, Judith Rich

  Harris, Marvin

  Haselton, Martie G.

  health, assessing


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