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Page 8

by Carly Fall

  They needed to discuss what had happened, like two adults.

  As she stood in front of Titus’ bedroom door, she took a deep breath. Titus had worked out with Blake a while ago, and she’d watched him take the elevator down to his quarters. She gently touched the handle, finding it locked. She knew he didn’t want to see her, which made her hate what she was about to do. She pulled out the master key for the silo. Yes, she’d used it many times on this door, but this time it seemed wrong.

  Sliding it into the lock, she then opened the door. Glancing over at the unmade bed, she didn’t see Titus. As she stepped in, she softly shut the door behind her. At this point, she heard the water running in the bathroom. He must be showering after his workout.

  She sat on the bed and waited. If the roles had been reversed and she had been the one ignoring Titus, she’d be furious to see him sitting on her bed without an invitation. However, she could only hope for the best in this situation, and pray that Titus understood once he heard what she had to say.

  The water turned off, and she fought to steady her nerves.

  A moment later, she heard the hair dryer, and she imagined running her fingers through all that thick, black, beautiful hair.

  After a bit, Titus emerged from the bathroom, a white towel around his waist. He didn’t see her at first, but then startled when he did. She fought to keep her gaze on his face instead of taking in the hard pectorals and washboard abs. Her body pulsed with need as she remembered him on top of her.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, glancing at the door.

  “I’m sorry, but I broke in. I have some things I need to say to you, and the way you’ve been treating me since that kiss hasn’t allowed for it.”

  “That was a mistake. It never should have happened. I was dreaming.”


  “I’m sorry it did happen. I apologize. I feel awful it did.”

  “Well, we need to put it behind us because I refuse to live with a male who ignores me and avoids me.”

  She stood and approached him. Their bodies were only inches apart, yet, he refused to meet her gaze.

  “Titus, do you understand me? I won’t live like this.”

  He studied her face, and her body exploded with need, the ache of desire in her lower belly undeniable.

  Reaching out, he touched her cheek and her breath caught as the pad of his thumb gently caressed the corner of her mouth. “I changed my mind, Macy. I’m not sorry about what happened between us. In fact, I’ve thought of little else.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest and her knees weakened. She hadn’t anticipated hearing him say that. In fact, it had been the last thing she’d expected.

  “I wasn’t dreaming of Simon. I was dreaming of you. In my dream, you were under me, and my cock was buried deep inside you. It felt so good to have you beneath me, to be having sex with you.”

  Her limbs began to shake at his words, and she suddenly grew light-headed.

  “I’m not an honorable male, Macy. I’ve been thinking of you non-stop. I’ve cheated the memories of Simon, and I’ve made you a sexual object within my mind. It upsets me, so please, I ask you, please go. Keep this distance that I’ve built between us because if you stay in here any longer, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  He dropped his hand and turned away from her.

  She couldn’t move.

  Titus had sexual thoughts about her? He wanted her to leave, but she didn’t know if she could.

  How she longed to feel his arms around her again, to share a closeness that only lovers understood. She wanted to slake this loneliness within her.

  “Go,” Titus said again.

  She wanted to honor his wishes, but she couldn’t.

  He turned to her. “Go!”

  His voice reverberated around the room and his features turned dark, yet she couldn’t decide if it was because of anger or desire.


  “What do you mean, ‘no?’ I’ve asked you to leave my quarters, and I’ve explained why. I’ve given you everything you’ve asked of me, now respect my wishes.”

  She held out her trembling hand and placed it on his heart. “I can’t leave, Titus. I’ve thought of little else but our kiss since it happened. I need you.”

  Stepping closer, she closed the space between them. His eyes widened as she placed a kiss on his chest, his skin hot to her lips as his body trembled.

  He laid his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her away. “I will not sully you,” he whispered. “I will not deflower you, Macy.”

  She reached out to him again, this time taking his hand. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

  His breath caught in his throat, and for a few seconds, they stared at each other, the silence stretching. This would be a turning point in their relationship, and she hoped a good one. She didn’t want to be mated. She just wanted the opportunity to be with another, to feel loved for just a while every now and then. It wouldn’t be any different between Titus and her than it had been with Roman. She understood that her human form wasn’t the type that males wanted to mate.

  Before she knew what happened, he’d picked her up with ease and had her back against the door.

  He claimed her mouth with force, their tongues dueling wildly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as he pressed against her, his fingers digging into the flesh of her upper thighs as he held her in place. He quickly lifted her dress, his towel fell to the floor, and she tangled her fingers in his hair. It was just as she remembered: thick and soft.

  The heat of desire within her may combust at any second. She wanted to feel him take her, to claim her. Her chest and throat constricted, and it seemed she couldn’t breathe, but it didn’t matter. Their frenzied passion only made her want him more as her heart thudded in her chest.

  He roughly yanked her underwear aside and slid a finger deep into her core. She moaned, loving the feeling, but it wasn’t enough for her.

  “More,” she whispered against his mouth. “Give me more.”

  He removed his finger and the tip of his cock pressed against her slick entrance. His heavy breaths tickled her cheek as he pushed his hips forward and slipped in. She cried out at the invasion, relishing the slight pain and the way he stretched her, filling her.

  “Yes,” she whispered against his mouth.

  He groaned as he slammed his hips into her, over and over, his strong arms suspending her in the air. She ran her hands over his taunt biceps, loving the feeling of being completely out of control. With each thrust, she sensed his desperate need for release as his body trembled and sweat formed across his shoulders.

  Shutting her eyes, she concentrated on the sensations. This was what she loved—the wild abandon as he took her. Her world would shatter at any second, her whole body would shake and explode with such force it would leave her breathless and sated afterward.

  “Oh, God,” Titus whispered. “Macy.”

  Hearing her name on his lips sent her over the edge. Her core violently contracted around his cock, and she quivered from head to toe as she gripped his hair and screamed, never wanting the feeling to end.

  He completed seconds later with a hoarse cry, his body shuddering, as well. They sank to the floor, still joined, both of them gasping for air. She rested her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes, feeling completely sated and as if her and Titus were the only two people in existence.

  A few moments later, the world around her had returned. She pushed Titus’ hair back from his face, and he looked at her, his dark gaze twinkling as a small smile played on his lips.

  “I’m at a loss for words,” he whispered.

  She grinned and kissed the tip of his nose. “Don’t say anything.”

  Standing, she had every intention of leaving. That was the way it had been with Roman, and she assumed it would be the same with Titus.

  Smoothing her dress down, she made a mental note to talk to Beverly about birth control. She
’d just had her period, so she didn’t worry about pregnancy, and since SR44ians were immune to the diseases of humans, she didn’t concern herself with that, either.

  She turned to allow Titus a little privacy as he stood up. She heard the swish of the towel as he picked it up, and she gave him a moment to cover himself.

  “Thank you for a lovely time,” she said, heading for the door. “I hope we can do it again in the near future.”

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  She turned to him. He pushed his hair back, and she stared for a moment. He definitely was a gorgeous male, and her lips burned from his beard and bruising kisses. “I’m leaving.”


  “Because … because we’re done.”

  He grinned and walked over to her. “Don’t go, Macy. Don’t leave.”

  Confusion tore through her as she’d never been in this position before. She and Roman had always parted ways after having sex, and she’d just assumed it would be the same with Titus.

  Yet, spending more time with the male did sound appealing. Having him hold her in his arms, and possibly even getting more sex, definitely sounded good, despite her sudden fatigue.

  Besides, what could it hurt? She had nowhere she had to be.

  “Very well. I’ll stay.”

  Chapter 20

  Titus sighed with relief as he led Macy over to the bed, feeling ashamed he’d taken her so roughly. It didn’t seem a female would want that. He’d gone on instinct, and he guessed he was used to the way Simon and him had often had sex.

  He turned her around and unzipped the back of her dress, letting it pool at her feet. She didn’t wear a bra and he traced the bumps of her spine down to her panties. She shivered under his touch, and he hooked his forefingers into the brown cotton and slid them down her legs.

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he slowly turned her around.

  Her cheeks turned pink as he looked her over. His fantasies about her had been right. Small, perk breasts with pink tips greeting him, and he placed his hands at her thin waist, then ran them down the slight flare of her hips. A small patch of brown curls covered her sex.

  “Will you lay in bed with me like this?” he asked.

  She nodded, and he pulled the towel from his waist. She crawled onto the bed, giving him an excellent view of her backside. The blood rushed to his cock at the sight.

  He slid in next to her and pulled her close while dragging the sheet up their bodies. “I’m sorry for taking you so roughly. I couldn’t stop myself.””

  She glanced up at him, confusion on her face. “You don’t need to apologize. It was just what I needed.”

  With her laying her head down on his chest and throwing her arm over his stomach, he sighed. This felt so right, yet he couldn’t help the guilt washing through him. How could he feel such solace with a female when his male lover lay dead in the desert?

  The more he considered it, the more uncomfortable he became. He didn’t understand himself, and it wasn’t fair to Macy. He should have made her leave before any of this even started.

  “Titus, what’s wrong?””

  “We shouldn’t have done this.”

  He heard her sigh. “But we did, and it was perfect. Tell me why it was a mistake.”

  “In my human form, I’ve only loved a male. I don’t understand my attraction to a female.”

  She propped herself up on her elbow and nodded. “I get it. However, I think I know what it means.”

  He studied her face and pushed her hair behind her ear, curious to see what she had to say. “What’s that?”

  “Humans have something called bisexuality. It means that you like sex with both males and females, and that you’re attracted to both.”

  Her words hit him like a fist to the gut. Could this mean he wasn’t a screwed up mess, that he could be normal?


  She nodded.

  He stared at the ceiling. He needed to be honest with her, to tell her where his thoughts lay. “Macy, although I’m attracted to you, I feel guilty having sexual relations with you. I feel as though I’m cheating Simon.”

  She lay her head back down on his chest. “I’m not looking to take Simon’s place. I just want someone I can spend time with in an intimate manner. I never thought it would be you, but I’m very attracted to you.”

  “Like I said, I am to you as well, Macy. You’re a very kind and gentle soul, and you’ve been there for me every single day for almost a year.”

  She squeezed his middle. “Well, I say that if we are both getting something out of this arrangement, then we should continue it.”

  It would be sex, no strings attached. He did like the intimate contact with another. It had been over a year since he’d experienced it. However, was sleeping with Macy soiling his relationship with Simon?

  No, he could keep the two separate. Simon was his past, and Macy was his present. He received comfort from her, and she from him. Was there anything wrong with that?

  He didn’t think so.

  As she pressed her breasts against his ribs, his body came to life again. He had a lot to learn about the female body and the mysteries it held. Turning, he faced her and pressed his erection into her stomach.

  “Will you show me what you like? You’re the first human female I’ve been with.”

  Reaching down, she palmed his sack and ran her hand up his shaft. “I would love to, Titus. But you have to understand that I don’t like just one thing one way. I don’t know how it was with another male, but I like things rough, I like things gentle. I guess it depends on my mood.”

  He groaned at her touch. “Take me to school, Macy.”

  She laughed. “Before I do, I want to know if we’re going to tell anyone about this.”

  He hadn’t given it any thought and shrugged.

  She squeezed him again. “I guess it’s not something that needs to be discussed at this point. You love Simon, and we find comfort in each other.”

  “Yes,” he whispered, trying to fight the guilt of his feelings for Simon, yet lying naked with Macy.

  “So, we’ll remain friends, but we’ll keep this side of the friendship a secret from the others. There’s no reason for them to know about it. It would only serve as fodder for a lot of gossip.”

  He couldn’t see anything wrong with her logic. The last thing he wanted was to be teased relentlessly by the males in the house about Macy. Then they’d start asking when he’d make her his mate … he couldn’t even think about that.

  “Agreed. I believe one would call us ‘friends with benefits.’”

  She laughed, a small throaty sound that made him smile.

  He closed his eyes as she ran her hand up and down his shaft, loving the intimate touch.

  Then he had a thought. “Macy, who else have you been with?”

  She kissed him for a long time, her tongue slowly exploring his mouth and almost making him forget his question.

  “It doesn’t matter. It happened about two years ago when we lived in the bunker.”

  “Was it Justice?”

  She lay back on the pillows and laughed. “Why does everyone think I slept with Justice?”

  “So I take it you aren’t going to tell me?”

  She shook her head, and he accepted her decision to allow the past to stay there.

  He rolled on top of her and took her right nipple into his mouth as he palmed the small globe of flesh. “I like these.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “And I like that.”

  Getting up on all fours, he explored her secret flesh with his fingers. He watched her face as he did so. Some areas she responded to more than others. When he found her swollen nub, her back arched and she sighed.

  “That’s good, right there.”

  Bringing his fingers to his mouth, he grinned, liking the taste. Yes, getting to know the human female would definitely be an interesting task, one he looked forward to.

  Chapter 21

sp; Two hours later, Macy slipped from Titus’ room and headed upstairs to return the key. She felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted from her soul. She grinned—a little time being intimate with a male could work wonders for her psyche.

  The elevator doors opened into the small hallway that led to the kitchen. She hoped to find it empty, but doubted it as dinnertime approached. Abby bustled about preparing for the meal.

  “How are you doing, Abby?” she asked as she entered.

  Abby turned to her and gave her a tired smile. “I think I can officially say that I’m done being pregnant.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I was due three days ago! My back hurts, my ankles are swollen, and I feel like I have a kangaroo living inside of me!”

  Abby concentrated again on chopping the broccoli and onions, and Macy slipped the master key back in the drawer, then went to help.

  “Have you seen Beverly recently? Has she checked you out?”

  Abby nodded. “I just left there. She says I’m three centimeters dilated.”

  Macy had talked at length with Beverly about the human female anatomy and knew this was a good thing. “That means the child is on the way.”

  Abby sighed, not sounding very positive about the news. “I know.”

  “Surely, you must be very happy. Your baby is coming!”

  Abby put down her knife and looked down at Macy. She stood about five foot nine and had a natural beauty like nothing Macy had ever seen with her soft wavy hair and the smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, and it only reminded Macy at how average she was. She tried to stand a little taller to make up for it.

  “I am. My mate, on the other hand, passed out when he heard the news. He’s down in the medical lab with Beverly while she revives him with smelling salts.”

  She pursed her lips and didn’t say anything.

  “That male has had nine months to accept this, and he finds out it’s coming anytime now and passes out? How am I supposed to feel? I’m the one carrying the baby, I’m the one giving birth. He just hears it’s coming, and he does a face-plant? What the hell am I going to do? Who’s going to be there for me?”


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