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Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows

Page 25

by Michelle Horst

  “Alchera.” I could hear Raighne calling me, his voice filled with alarm, but I couldn’t break away. I was entranced in this horrible nightmare.

  A tree whipped passed my head, its massive branch missing my face by mere inches.

  “Alchera, we have to move. Dammit!” I felt Raighne pick me up, running towards more frantic voices. Familiar voices.

  “Sky! What is happening to Sky?” I heard Carlo’s frightened tone before I saw them.

  “Let me down.” Raighne wasn’t listening. We got closer to the group. His attention was fully with his surroundings and the disasters happening around us.

  “Raighne, put me down!”

  “You are bleeding, I need to look at you.” I pushed away from Raighne to get to Sky.

  “I’ll be okay. Sky, look at me.” I held her blood streaked face in my hands. “We need to move now. Can you do that for me?”

  “I can’t block them out. It hurts, Alchera. My heart…it physically hurts.” I looked up at Carlo’s concerned face, then at Lee’s. Lee nodded firmly, and then picked Sky up as if she weighed no more than a feather.

  “Let’s move, people. If I say stop, you stop. If I say run, you run. You leave no one behind.” Lee’s military voice boomed over the group, as he took control of the situation. After all, this was what he’d trained for. He gave me a brief smile before we started moving in the opposite direction of the chaos.

  “Carlo, stay with me. Translate the signs.” Lee was in battle mode, adamant to keep us all alive. It was horrible to see Sky’s blood smear against his back as he moved.

  With Lee and Carlo guiding us, and Alandra and Evin protecting from behind, we made our way through the rubble and scores of frightened people. Cars were crashing everywhere as the road began to lift. The ground quaked violently, making it difficult for us to take a step.

  Sarah started to lag, totally out of breath. At this rate we weren’t going to make it.

  Carter shimmered away. I felt him leave. Raighne glanced back, not slacking his pace one bit.

  “I was right,” he muttered. “He did not change after all. At the first sign of danger he leaves.”

  “Stop!” We all froze behind Lee. He was peeking around the corner of a half-wrecked building. “Looters.”

  “Don’t they realize what’s coming?” Carlo was mystified by what he saw.

  “Another word for them are idiots. We have to cross the street, hopefully they won’t notice us.” Evin picked Sarah up just as Lee shouted for us to run.

  We ran, not stopping until we came to a dead end…or so it looked. There were cars piled up against one another forming a barricade. We were going to have to climb over, but Sky and Sarah wouldn’t be able to.

  “What now?” I glanced behind us to make sure the looters hadn’t noticed our presence, but we weren’t that lucky.

  They came running towards us, guns in hand.

  “Lee…the looters!” Panic filled my voice.

  Lee came running around me, his rifle aimed. Jason followed in his steps.

  The looters started shooting at random; bullets sprayed like they were coming from a power hose. Before Lee and Jason could retaliate Raighne waved his hand, turning their own bullets back on them. His face was strained, his gray-blue eyes ice cold as the looters fell to the ground one by one.

  Eamar broke the silence. “We cannot climb over this barricade, not with Sarah and Sky in the state they are in.” Eamar placed his hand on Raighne’s shoulder. “Move it.”

  Raighne seemed anxious, as if his father was asking too much of him. Moving away from the group, he set his firm shoulders in place and moved the first car, as if it was made of air. Tossing the car aside, he turned to the next when Carter appeared in the middle of the street.

  “Come quickly, I have found the Vatican. I can shimmer us there.” He was covered in dust - his once black shirt was now gray. He also had a gash on his forehead, where some of his hair stuck to the already crusting blood. “Move! This is happening everywhere!”

  We ran to him, hastily forming a circle. Sarah and Sky were trying their best to stand on their own. I got separated from Raighne and landed between Doug and Eamar.

  We reappeared right outside the Vatican. I didn’t waste time to see if Carter was okay. I sprinted into the already half-ruined building, not caring about any dangers it may hold.

  “Alchera!” Raighne and Carter both called out my name.

  I ran down one passage after another. I stumbled and fell, but got up and carried on. The building started shaking fiercely, parts of the roof falling in as portions of the walls collapsed around me. I ducked into a room; a chunk of roof just missed me by inches.

  “Madam! What are you doing here?” My head shot up in the direction of the voice. There were four men in the room huddled together. I recognized one of them from the vision.

  “You!” I pointed at him. “You know Antonio. Where is he?” I got up, moving closer to him.

  “He is not here. He has gone home to Pompeii, to his family.”

  “Pompeii?” How was I going to find him now?

  “They have a vineyard there. Sorry…it is all I know.” The building was caving in around us, trapping me in the room with the men.

  Amidst the danger, the last few seconds of their lives ebbing away, the men were on their knees, praying. I stood watching them; debris fell on me from every direction.

  I wouldn’t die praying though. I would die smiling, with an immense feeling of relief. I would be free.

  But then Carter’s arms grabbed me from behind, and he shimmered me out of the collapsing room. I struggled to free myself from his grip.

  I was angry knowing that he’d just stolen the freedom I so longer for. We reappeared a safe distance from the building, though he didn’t let go. He held me tightly, his mouth pressed against my ear.

  “Why?” I was shaking. “You, of all people…why couldn’t you just let me die?”

  “Hold it together, Alchera. The rest of the group is coming; you do not want them to see you like this. I have to go back for Raighne, he is still inside!”

  “Raighne!” My head jerked up as Carter shimmered away, letting the wind grab at my clothes.

  “Raighne!” I waited for him to answer, though there was only silence. “Raighne, answer me!” A loud rumbling noise ended the Vatican, as the amazing structure disappeared into a pile of ruins.

  I slowly turned my head towards the mess, knowing Raighne and Carter were somewhere inside. Why hadn’t I seen this coming? I closed my eyes, waiting for the tears, but I was left with only a hollow emptiness and the ever present shadows growing bigger inside of me.

  “Alchera, come.” Alandra grabbed my hand, dragging me away from the site. I didn’t even notice the other bodies lying everywhere, like the Devil’s carpet.

  “Where do we go now?” Lee’s face was neutral, as if none of this had even touched him.

  “We can’t just leave them.” Jason looked back at the ruins. “Alchera?” When I said nothing his eyes turned to Evin. “How can you leave your own brother behind?”

  “If they had survived they would have been out by now. We cannot risk your lives for theirs. We have to keep moving.” Evin looked at me, his eyes filled with sorrow for the loss of his brother, yet here I was feeling nothing for the man I loved with all my heart.

  “We have to go to Pompeii. Antonio has gone there.” My voice was dead in my ears.

  “It is almost two hours from here, and that’s by car!” Carlo was shaking his head, holding Sky tightly to him. I glanced around me. Doug and Jason were taking turns carrying Sarah. Eamar stood next to his son, Evin, who was holding Alandra. Lee was beside Carlo once again, who was consoling Sky. Where did that leave me? Had I really lost Raighne? My love for him was the only good thing even left inside my soul. And Carter was gone too, before I could tell him what I’d learned.

  I’d learned you could not hold on to bitterness forever, there would come a time when you would have to
let go and forgive those who had wronged you. Well, so I thought. That was before Awo took them both from me.

  “No!” I folded over, as I yelled at Awo. “How could You do this to me? You were supposed to be on my side. I’m doing everything You want, still You keep taking everyone I love away.” I balled my hands into tight fists, looking up at the dark, churning heavens. No one noticed as Carter and Raighne appeared not too far from us.

  “You forced Adeth to turn just as You are forcing me to do now. Awo loves all…but creates only evil.”

  “Alchera, stop!” Eamar grabbed me by my arm, shaking me. “Listen to what you are saying. It is blasphemy.”

  I yanked my arm free. “And I should care…why?” I was hissing now. “Because He is your precious One? He took your wife from you! He took Raighne, Carter…everyone!” There was only one emotion left. Hatred.

  “You devote your life to Awo, but do not for one minute expect me to fall to my knees and be thankful for all the pain and heartbreak He has caused me. What kind of a God does that to someone he loves? You should have left me in the shack, Eamar. You should have let Carter kill me. I would rather have faced him than the shadows eating away my soul.” I turned away, walking towards Lee when I saw them.

  I didn’t yell their names, nor did I start running. I just kept walking, as if I was caught in a trance. I tried taking a deep breath, but I couldn’t. My legs went numb just as Raighne took hold of me, folding me into his arms.

  “You didn’t answer me. I called to you, and you didn’t answer me,” I whispered.

  “I tried to call you, too. For some reason we cannot reach each other by using telepathy anymore. I thought I had lost you back there.” Raighne pulled away, cupping my face in his hands.

  I shook my head wearily; I just wanted to give up.

  “All will be well, my love. Let us get through this quest alive, and then we will deal with what is inside you. All I ask of you is to not leave me in the dark - speak to me when it becomes too much.”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice anymore.

  The ground started shaking again, a reminder of what was happening around us.

  “Can we move?” Lee wasn’t happy standing still. “I’m glad everyone is alive, but I would like for it to stay that way.”

  “How do we run all the way to Pompeii?” Carlo was visibly upset.

  “We have to go to Pompeii?” Carter stepped forward, looking pretty worn out.

  “Isn’t there a volcano in Pompeii?” Everyone went quiet at my question. I moved away from Raighne, my blood slowed as the vision of getting shot flooded my memory.

  “What is wrong? You look as if you have seen a ghost?” Raighne asked.

  I turned away from the intensity of his gaze glad that our telepathy had been cut off.

  “It‘s nothing. Just something I remember.” I didn’t want to worry him, and this could also be my chance to finish off what Carter had interrupted. If I could get shot, I could die.

  “Carter, can you still see what I’m thinking, if I picture it?”

  He gave me a chilling side glance. I am hearing you loud and clear, Alchera. Every word. My telepathy seems to work just fine.” He looked away, answering in his normal tone.

  “As long as I touch a person, I can see into their mind.”

  “Then you can take us there? The place I’ve seen?”

  He swung around, stalking towards me. “For whose sake, Alchera? Antonio’s or yours?” He was angry now. “Why not tell Raighne the truth?”

  “Tell me what?” Raighne turned to me, confused.

  I glared at Carter. “Nothing. We are wasting time we don’t have. Can we form a circle, please?”

  I will not let you kill yourself. Carter’s voice sounded like he was enduring physical pain.

  You’ve always been able to hear my thoughts? I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised.

  Carter’s eyes grew darker. I can hear everyone’s thoughts. It is one of my talents; I am a mind reader.

  Why didn’t you just tell Adeth what I was thinking back in the shack?

  Because I held onto your secret with the last bit of control I had left. I care for you, Alchera. You mean more to me than my own life. His revelation about his feelings for me didn’t shock me as I had expected it would. It did stir something in me, though. Could I call it friendship? Friendship for this man who I could no longer hate?

  Did you hear what I thought about forgiving you?

  He shifted his hand, linking his fingers through mine. I did. It was what got Raighne and myself out of the Vatican alive. Thank you for caring whether I lived or died back there.

  “Alchera?” Raighne whispered my name as he took my other hand. “About what you said earlier—”

  “Not now, Raighne. Besides, I thought you were dead.” I tried smiling.

  “You mentioned shadows—”

  “Not now! We have to get out of here.” I glanced at Carter before letting my eyes sweep over the group. Making sure everybody was accounted for I closed my eyes, thinking only of that spot - the end of me.

  “Now, Carter.”


  When we materialized we were standing in the foreign city from my vision. There were people everywhere, screaming in a language I couldn’t understand. We weren’t standing in the exact spot I had thought of, but it would do. We were close to the volcano and I could see the smoke billowing from it.

  “Now what?” Carter wiped the blood from his face, his hands visibly shaking. He sank down to one knee, his strength gone after the shimmer.

  “Are you okay? At least you’re not passing out anymore.” I kneeled down beside him, cleaning his face with one of the wipes Jason handed me.

  “I will be fine. You are right, I am getting stronger with each passing moment now that I am no longer under Adeth’s control.” I helped him up, making sure he was capable of standing on his own before I let go of his arm.

  We were off to the side, slightly hidden behind a tent. I peeked out from behind it, only to see rows of tents stacked beside each other. I could see stretchers with the injured lying all around. There were people dressed as doctors running everywhere, trying to tend to the wounded.

  “Carter, you’re the only one who knows what Antonio looks like.” He’d seen the vision with his telepathic mind. “He might be in one of these tents. Split up and call me if you find him. We can meet back here. The rest of the group can stay here and rest.”

  Carter walked in the opposite direction as Raighne and myself.

  “What did you mean by Carter can ‘call’ you?” Raighne sounded upset, his jaws clenched together.

  “It’s one of Carter’s talents. He is a telepath and can read anybody’s mind.” I shrugged, trying to make it inconsequential.

  “Yet I cannot communicate with you in that way anymore. How is it possible for him?” I thought about it for a while, as my eyes scanned every face around me, hoping the next one would be Antonio’s. “Maybe it’s because you’re good and I’m turning into a monster. Maybe it’s because of the shadows growing inside me.”

  He stopped me dead in my tracks and took me by the arms. “You are not evil. Yes, I admit there is something wrong, but Alder and Aster will be able to take it from you. Look at me, Alchera”

  I slowly followed orders, still not wanting him to see the shadows accumulating in my eyes. People moved around us, not noticing us, as we stood there in the middle of the chaos.

  “I love you with every cell in my body. When I am away from you, it physically hurts.” He gave a small laugh before continuing, “Can you not see how I feel about you? I am meant for you.” He wet his lips as he leaned his forehead against mine. “You are meant for me, Alchera. You have always been the one.” He wiped the hair from my face, gently kissing my tears away. “So you can understand when I say there is no evil in you. The woman I love cannot be evil. I will not allow for it to happen. I will not lose you.”

  “Raighne, I—”

You do not have to speak now. I needed for you to know how I felt about you. I wanted you to understand you still had something good to fight for, that is if you want me?” The lazy smile pulled on his lips.

  “I will always want you, Raighne. The hope I had for us has been the only thing keeping my heart going.” A tear rolled down my cheek. “Just know you have always been the one for me, too. I love you so much.” I pressed myself so hard against him, as if it would be the last time I would get to hold Raighne in my arms.

  “Why are you sad?”

  “You have been my every heartbeat and every…breath, and—”

  Carter’s voice suddenly broke into my mind. I have Antonio. Hurry back, he is not coming by his own free will.

  My body jerked. “Carter has Antonio, and he’s going to be a problem.” I turned around, running back as fast as I could.

  I could hear Antonio yelling before I caught sight of him. He was upset - more than upset.

  “You are from the Devil. Do not touch me, child of Satan!” I came around the corner of the tent, slamming into Carter’s back. He took hold of my arm, preventing me from meeting the ground.

  My attention was on Antonio. Evin and Eamar were holding him so he wouldn’t be able to escape.

  “Antonio, it’s okay. We are here to help you.” He glared at me, and spat at my feet. It made my temper flare and, without thinking, I walked right up to him. “You listen to me, you ungrateful bastard. Your God wants us to save your ass. I have sacrificed my father and my brother to get to you. I have almost lost the man I love, not to mention a…friend. So get your act together, because whether you bloody well like it or not, you are leaving with us now!” I was hissing in his face, unaware that my eyes had turned to charcoal again.

  “Alchera, move back. You will not convince him in that manner.” It was Sarah’s concerned voice behind me.

  “Sir, please come with us,” she spoke, softly. “Just like us, you have been chosen for your talents.” Sarah was already out of breath. “We need to get three more people before Earth is completely destroyed. Please come with us, we need you.” She fell back into Jason’s arms, totally drained from talking.


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