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Return of the Runaway

Page 24

by Sarah Mallory

  ‘I am sure I can be spared for a little while.’

  ‘Good.’ She sighed with satisfaction as he began to nibble her ear. ‘Then Grandmama and I will organise everything.’

  ‘Everything?’ Cassie opened her eyes as he stopped his delicious onslaught and held her away from him. He was regarding her with undisguised suspicion. ‘It will be a very quiet wedding, I hope.’

  She lay back against the pillows, smiling up at him. ‘Why, yes, of course,’ she murmured, her eyes shining with love and mischief. ‘That is, as quiet as a wedding can be for the daughter of a marquess.’


  She laughed at him. ‘Do not fret, my dearest love, there is not time to arrange a vast ceremony. And once it is over we may return here.’ She put a hand up to his face. ‘I am impressed with our marital bed. It is extremely comfortable.’

  ‘It is not the bed that is important,’ he growled, rolling on top of her. ‘It is how one performs in it, as I am about to demonstrate. Again, if milady is willing?’

  ‘I thought you would never ask me.’ She sighed, gazing up at him lovingly. ‘Yes, Raoul darling, milady is very willing!’

  * * * * *

  This is the third story in

  Sarah Mallory’s exciting Regency quartet,


  Already available:



  And look for the last book in the series,

  coming soon!

  Keep reading for an excerpt from BOUND BY ONE SCANDALOUS NIGHT by Diane Gaston.

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  Bound by One Scandalous Night

  by Diane Gaston

  Chapter One

  Early hours of June 16th, 1815—Brussels, Belgium

  Brussels was in chaos.

  Bugles blared in the streets, their sounds echoing off the huge buildings of the Grand Place, repeating, over and over the call to arms. All officers and soldiers must report for duty!

  For battle.

  Wellington had learned that Napoleon and his army crossed into Belgium and were marching towards Brussels. Wellington’s soldiers needed to mobilise quickly to stop him.

  Lieutenant Edmund Summerfield of the 28th Regiment of Foot wound his way through townspeople of all shapes and sizes and well-dressed gentlemen and ladies still waiting for carriages to bring them back from the Duchess of Richmond’s ball. Everywhere men were shouting, women wailing, children crying. Soldiers in uniforms of all colours rushed to and fro. British and Hanoverians in red, Belgian and Dutch in dark blue, British light cavalry in light blue, Rifles in dark green, Highlanders in plaid kilts. The array of colours mimicked a carnival, but the mood was tense, a tinderbox that with one spark could turn to riot.

  Edmund forced himself to remain calm. He shifted his bag from one shoulder to the other and wished his head were clearer. He’d spent the evening in a tavern, drinking and playing cards with fellow officers too low in rank and importance to be invited to the Duchess’s ball. The bugle’s repeated call, still resounding through the tension-filled air, had sobered him greatly.

  He pushed his way to the curb of the rue du Marais. Horses, wagons, carriages, men and women dashing on foot, blocked his way. Through the kaleidoscope of colour he spied a vision in white across the street, an angel amidst the tumult. While he watched, a man in labourer’s clothing grabbed her around the waist. She beat on the man’s arms with her fists and kicked his legs, but this man, rough and wild-eyed, dragged her with him.

  Edmund bounded into the busy street, heedless of the traffic, narrowly missing being run down. He made it to the other side and chased after the man abducting the woman. Her shimmering white gown made it easy not to lose sight of her. The man ducked into an alley between two buildings. Edmund reached the space a moment after.

  ‘Let me go!’ the woman cried. Her blonde hair, a mass of curls, came free of its bindings and fell around her shoulders.

  The man pinned her against the wall and took the fabric of her dress in his fist.

  ‘Vous l’aimerez, chérie,’ the man growled.

  ‘No!’ cried Edmund. He pushed his bag like a battering ram at the man’s head.

  The man staggered and loosened his grip.

  Edmund dropped his bag and slammed his fist into the man’s jaw, sending him sprawling to the cobbles. ‘Be off with you! Allez! Vite!’

  The man scrambled to his feet and disappeared into the dark recesses of the alley.

  Edmund turned to the woman. ‘Did he hurt you? Vous a-t-il blessé?’

  She looked up and the light from a street lamp illuminated her face.

  He knew her!

  ‘Miss Glenville!’

  She was Amelie Glenville. Her brother, Marc Glenville, was married to his half-sister Tess.

  Her eyes, wide with shock, looked past him.

  ‘Miss Glenville?’ He touched her chin and made her look at him. ‘Do you remember me? I am Tess’s brother, Edmund. We met at your parents’ breakfast two days ago.’

  Her face crumbled. ‘Edmund!’ She fell into his arms. The beautiful Amelie Glenville fell into his arms. Who would believe this?

  When Amelie entered the room that morning, for one heady moment he’d been caught in the spell of her unspoiled beauty. Fair of face. Skin as smooth as cream. Cheeks tinged with pink. Eyes as azure as the sea. Hair, a mass of golden curls, sparkling in the light as if spun from gold. Lips lush and ripe for kissing. Innocent. Alluring.

  And smiling at him during their introduction.

  The next moment, though, he had been introduced to her fiancé, a most correct young man, a Scots Greys cavalry captain and son of an earl. Reality set in and Edmund had instantly dropped her from his mind. Even if he wanted to court some young woman—which he did not—a viscount’s daughter like Amelie Glenville would never do for a bastard like him.

  And here she was embracing him.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ he asked her. ‘Why are you alone?’ She’d obviously been to the Duchess of Richmond’s ball. Her white gown must have been lovely before it had been so roughly handled.

  She drew away and trie
d to sort out her clothing. ‘Captain Fowler left me here.’

  The fiancé? ‘Left you? Why?’

  She huffed. ‘We had words.’

  ‘He left you because of a quarrel?’ No gentleman, under any circumstance, would desert a lady on a city street in the middle of the night, especially not on a night like this. ‘What about?’

  ‘It does not matter,’ she snapped.

  She sounded more angry than alarmed, at least. That was fortunate. Did she even realise what had almost happened to her?

  ‘And I have no idea how to walk back to the hotel,’ she continued in a peeved tone. ‘Could you direct me?’

  Good heavens! The man had abandoned her without her knowing the way back? ‘I think I had better escort you.’

  She rubbed her arms.

  He shrugged out of his coat. ‘Here, put this around you.’

  ‘Might we go back now?’ Her voice wobbled a bit. ‘It is the Hotel de Flandre.’

  She’d be better off staying angry. ‘I remember what hotel it was.’

  He picked up his bag and offered her his arm, which she readily accepted and held with an anxious grip.

  They stepped from the relative quiet of the alley back into the cacophony of the street.

  ‘Hold on tight,’ he cautioned, and she squeezed his arm as people bumped against them, the soldiers hurrying to battle, the others to somewhere safe.

  What on earth had possessed Fowler to abandon her on such a night? This was not an afternoon stroll through Mayfair. It was after one o’clock in the morning, and the soldiers on these streets would soon be facing battle; the townspeople, possible occupation by the French. She’d already discovered what could happen to a beautiful, unescorted woman when emotions were so high.

  She was lovely enough to tempt any man. Even him.

  But he must not turn his thoughts in that direction.

  ‘Do you not have to go to your regiment?’ she asked as a company of Belgian cavalry rode by, the horses’ hooves drumming on the stones of the street.

  He did need to reach his regiment as soon as possible, but why stress her with that knowledge? ‘I am more in fear of what my sister and your brother would do to me if I left you alone on the street. My sister would draw and quarter me. Your brother would probably do worse.’

  ‘Why would they ever know, unless you told them?’ she retorted peevishly. ‘I have no intention of speaking a word of this night to anyone.’

  So much for trying to use levity to counteract this nightmarish episode.

  ‘Then blame my conscience,’ he said. ‘I would think very ill of myself if I abandoned you.’

  ‘Unlike some gentlemen,’ she muttered.

  ‘There will be plenty of time for me to reach the battle.’ He hoped. ‘I doubt Napoleon will disturb his sleep.’

  Fine words, but who knew how close Napoleon was to Brussels? Edmund had heard varying accounts. One thing was certain, though. Men would fight soon. And die.

  He concentrated on getting her through the crowd without further mishap. The streets cleared a bit when they reached the Cathedral of Saint Michael and Saint Gudula. It rose majestically into the night sky, its yellow stone glowing against the black sky. Men would be stopping at that Gothic church for a few prayers before battle, Edmund would wager. It could not hurt to pray a little.

  Pray not to die.

  Edmund shook his head. Don’t think such thoughts, he told himself, but he’d seen too many battles on the Peninsula, seen too many good men die while he survived. Soldiers always talked of having only a finite number of battles in which to remain unscathed before it was their time to die.

  Miss Glenville swiped her gloved fingers across her eyes. Was she weeping? If only he could have prevented this ghastly night from happening to her. She was too lovely and unspoiled to have been so roughly treated. To think what that ruffian had in mind to do to her made him tighten his hand into a fist.

  He needed to distract both of them from their thoughts. ‘So what did happen with Captain...Captain Whatshisname?’ He only pretended to forget.

  ‘Fowler.’ She spoke the name as if it were a term of contempt.

  ‘Captain Fowler.’

  ‘We quarrelled and he walked away and left me.’ She turned her head away.

  The scoundrel. ‘What sort of quarrel would make a man abandon you?’

  The doors of the cathedral opened, revealing the glow of candlelight inside. A man in uniform emerged, head bent. Edmund hoped the man’s prayers would be answered.

  He turned again to Miss Glenville. ‘Tell me what you and Captain Fowler quarrelled about.’

  She swiped at her eyes again. ‘I certainly will not.’

  He persisted. ‘Is that what is making you weep?’ He feared it was the other man’s mistreatment of her.

  ‘I am not weeping!’ she cried. ‘I am angry.’

  Anger was better. Good for her.

  Better for him, too. He was caring too much, caring about never seeing a beauty such as Amelie Glenville again if he lay dead on the battlefield.

  ‘It is really none of your business, you know,’ she snapped.

  ‘No doubt,’ he persisted. Ungentlemanly of him, but it distracted him from morbid thoughts. ‘But you say you will not speak of this, say to your brother or my sister. You should talk about it with someone, since it is plaguing you so. I am unlikely to say anything to anyone.’

  After all he might soon be dead.

  ‘Why would I talk to you?’ she responded in an arrogant tone.

  He’d almost forgotten. He’d been talking with her as if she’d consider him her equal. ‘Yes, wise not to tell the likes of me.’

  ‘The likes of you?’ She sounded puzzled.

  Need he explain? ‘Surely the scandalous details of my birth were whispered into your delicate ears.’

  ‘What has that to do with it?’ she asked, then smiled wryly. ‘But you are correct about the details of your birth being whispered in my ear.’

  He gave her a smug look.

  ‘Your sister told me more about you,’ she went on.

  He laughed. ‘What did she tell you? That I was a horrid boy who teased her and played pranks on her?’

  ‘Did you?’ She glanced at him but quickly glanced away.

  This was better. Who would guess that he’d think talking about himself was desirable? It kept them both from more painful thoughts, though. ‘Tess could not have informed you of my wayward activities in the army. My sisters know nothing of that. Their ears are delicate, too, you see.’

  She batted her eyes at him. ‘Wayward activities? Are you some sort of rake? I have been warned against rakes.’

  ‘Oh, be warned, then,’ he joked. ‘I am a shameless rake.’

  ‘Are you?’ Her voice lowered almost to a whisper.

  Had he gone too far in this bantering? Had he reminded her of the ruffian who’d accosted her? ‘You are quite safe with me, Miss Glenville.’

  She glanced at him again, and her good humour fled. She turned away. ‘Yes. Safe.’

  If only he really were a rake, he thought. He would steal a taste of her lips and take the memory with him into battle.

  They walked in silence until they reached the Parc de Bruxelles, its main paths lit by lamps. The parc looked almost as busy as it did in the daytime, but now other couples were not leisurely strolling on the paths. They were either hurrying into the shadows or clinging to each other.

  ‘Shall we cross through the park?’ he asked. ‘It will be safe enough tonight. Or would you prefer we walk around it?’

  ‘We may cross the park,’ she responded.

  She was still lost in her own thoughts. Edmund wanted her to talk to him again. Seeing so many sweethearts clinging to each other affected him. How
many would be torn apart for ever? He supposed they were trying to grab one more moment of feeling alive. Perhaps that was what she and Fowler quarrelled about. Perhaps Fowler asked her for more than she could respectably provide. Soldiers leaving for battle often wanted one last coupling with a woman.

  As they walked through the park, he heard faint sounds of lovemaking coming from behind the shrubbery. Surely she had noticed, too. Surely she could hear the sounds.

  ‘I have a suspicion that your Captain Fowler might have asked for liberties,’ he tried to explain. It did not excuse Fowler’s abandoning her, but maybe it would help explain his behaviour toward her. ‘Men often want a woman before battle.’

  She stopped. ‘You think he propositioned me?’

  Now he was not so certain. ‘That was my guess, yes.’

  * * *

  Amelie kept walking. He really could not be more wrong. Fowler had not propositioned her. But he had left her.

  ‘He put you in danger by leaving you,’ the lieutenant went on. ‘That was unforgivable.’

  Could he not talk of something else? Anything else?

  Was it possible to grow older in an instant? Because that was how it felt to Amelie. One moment she was young and in love; the next...

  ‘Unforgivable,’ she repeated. But his leaving was only part of his unforgivable behaviour.

  Not that it mattered to Fowler.

  They continued across the park, heading to the gate on the other side. As they reached it, another couple entered, a plainly dressed young woman and a tall, red-coated infantryman.

  The young woman halted. ‘Miss Glenville?’

  Amelie stared at her. ‘Sally?’ She glanced back to Edmund. ‘My maid,’ she explained.

  ‘Oh, miss!’ the maid cried. ‘Are you back from the ball? There is to be a battle, and your father wants to leave early in the morning for Antwerp. I have packed for you. Must I come to you now? I—I hoped for a little while longer.’ Her words came out in a rush.


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