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Heroes in Uniform: Soldiers, SEALs, Spies, Rangers and Cops: Sexy Hot Contemporary Alpha Heroes From NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors

Page 8

by Sharon Hamilton

  Luke drove silently for so long, she was beginning to wonder if he’d decided not to share information after all. She pushed back the unexpected niggle of disappointment. It was okay. She’d worked alone for so long, she would deal with this herself, although a part of her really, really wanted Cowboy by her side. Her attraction for him had been for so long and now that she had spent time with him, she wanted it to continue.

  “He’s my half-brother.”

  Of all the answers, she hadn’t expected that one. “Half-brother,” she repeated. They were both tall, dark and ridiculously handsome but looked nothing alike. Whereas Luke wore cowboy boots and sometimes a hat, she couldn’t see Drei in either. She shook her head. “That’s hard to believe.”

  “My mom is from Georgia, the one here in Europe. She had a son before meeting my dad, who, at that time, came over to sell farm equipment,” Luke explained. “We aren’t very far apart in age and grew up together on a farm in Georgia, USA. From Georgia to Georgia, see. Can’t make that up.”

  “Yes, but wow. Drei, a farmer’s son.” The Drei she knew was a wild, carefree man, with very cosmopolitan tastes. “Okay, so I understand now why you suddenly showed up in our little black market corner of the world as the Cowboy. As a fixer, you could get information and you were trying to find him.”

  “Exactly. And every little bit of information I get or try to retrieve, I realize now, is linked to you. You’re always around, even when you were not actually involved in what I was doing.” He huffed out a sigh, as if letting the realization sink in. “My contact had been chasing clues about things Drei had connection with and of course, you’re the connection. I was just too blinded by lust to figure that out.”

  Nina sat up. “Wait. Blinded by what?”

  Luke glanced at her again. “Like you haven’t known all along how much I wanted you. You and I have been eye-fucking for months, Nina. If you deny that, I’m going to have to stop the car and show you all the things you made me think of doing to you all this time.”

  That threat made her smile. She had teased him a lot. It was the only outlet of personal pleasure from her months of self-imposed control. She’d figured it was harmless fun, since the Cowboy appeared to be focused on his own thing. People in their business knew everyone’s boundaries and from her agency, she’d learned that the Cowboy had a reputation of keeping to himself and making money on behalf of third parties who needed his expertise.

  “Talking about stopping the car,” she said, “are you going to ever stop somewhere? I need to pee.”

  She laughed at the look he gave her. She did enjoy teasing him so.

  “I’m trying to make sure we aren’t followed,” he told her.

  “I gather that, but I was wondering if you have a plan.” She picked up the laptop by her. “You see, my handler’s laptop had my personnel page front and center when he was killed while sitting at his desk. Why would he need my info up unless his killer made him? So I’m thinking those bastards were actually after me, but I only managed to access a few pages before they were blocked.”

  “I think they want you for the items you have been retrieving for your terrorists.”

  Nina frowned. “That’s impossible. I don’t have them. Everything is given to my company who works out the deal with their clients. I get the money wired in my bank account as soon as an item is exchanged or returned. You know how this works. Before Drei disappeared, we worked out, from all the jobs I’ve done this year, three items went to the men who are holding my father. Drei went off to the Ukraine to confirm one piece of our puzzle before he went dark. Last month, I’ve figured out the fourth object and—”

  “What is it?”

  She thought of the envelope secured inside the lining of her jacket. “I failed to deliver something tonight,” she told him. Why were they in such a hurry that they chased her all over the city if that was indeed the last item? After all, they had waited almost a year for their project. Of course, the man she was supposed to pass the envelope to hadn’t shown up. She tapped on the laptop. “Stop somewhere quick. I need to find a way to override a password or to see what those men really want from me, Luke.”

  “I know just the guy,” Luke told her. “To get him, you have to be partners with me, sweetheart. It’s connected to Drei and I want to find him.”

  Partners? Nina smiled up at the handsome face. “Is that all? Partners?”

  “With benefits,” he emphasized, returning the exact same smile she was giving him.

  “Is this guy you know that good?”

  “He found out all that stuff about you.”

  Nina tapped the laptop again. “These benefits better be good,” she warned. “I’m very particular about benefits.”

  “Then I should show you how good they are,” Luke drawled, his voice deep and sensual. “My digger is good but even he takes some time to crack computer software. While he’s working, we can discuss your options.”

  She sniffed. “What is it with you and options, anyway?”

  “An Airborne Ranger always outlines three choices, sweetheart. Option three is always the best one.”

  * * *

  Luke called Konstantin before taking Nina up to their apartment. He knew his friend would still be up, either at his role-playing computer game or at work digging for information.

  “No way are you bringing La Niina up to our place without going through the security wand,” he said.

  “Kostya, we need your help,” Luke said.

  “Oho, then she definitely needs to be wanded,” his friend retorted. “I don’t care how much into her you are. She’s La Niina. She’d be insulted if I didn’t show some concern for my safety.”

  “Hang on.” Luke turned to Nina. “My friend wants to make sure you aren’t bugged. He has a security wand and some kind of machinery that checks for high-tech weaponry. Usually, he isn’t this restrictive with my friends, but you have a reputation, sweetheart.”

  “What, he wants to strip-search me?” Nina asked sarcastically.

  “No, that’s my job,” Luke said.

  She sighed. “You seem to only have that on your mind.”

  It was true. It was Nina naked all the time in his head, even during times of danger. She’d always been hot from afar but not tonight. Tonight, she had been his, just like in his dreams. He didn’t care how much danger she brought with her. She was just dangerously hot and he was the man to handle her.

  “Konstantin is extra careful because he isn’t sure why I’m bringing you up, that’s all. I haven’t ever brought anyone back before, you see?”

  She raised a disbelieving brow at him. “Ever?”

  Luke shook his head. Life here had been all about his search for his brother and his job had kept him too busy to entertain any social life. “I’m a lonely, lonesome, quite-alone soul,” he said. He showed her his cell phone. “Should I suggest we don’t stand around by the road all night where we could be seen? Coming up or not?”

  “All right. As long as he understands I’ll kill him if he touches me, even with a wand.”

  Luke resumed his conversation with Konstantin. “Kostya, she says yes.”

  “I think the lonely, lonesome, quite-alone line was what convinced her, my friend,” Konstantin said from the other end. “I can’t believe you’re bringing La Niina home to me. Do you know how much money she could make me? There’s a price on her head, you know. Someone placed an ad on an online dark site, saying it was urgent. I’ve been expecting you tonight, so I’ve got all my toys ready.”

  And that was just like Kostya to drop that bombshell out of nowhere. Luke could see the smirk on his face as he said that line. Hell, he was probably rubbing his hands in glee, anticipating some cyber digging fun.

  Luke turned to Nina. “We have to go up now,” he said, matter-of-factly. “You’re wanted in the market.”

  The market was lingo for black market, of course. Nina’s eyes widened. To be wanted in the market held many meanings, none of which was pleasant
. However, his girl remained unruffled.

  “Good to know,” was all she said.

  When they reached upstairs, Konstantin was already at the door, looking more unkempt than usual. He shook Nina’s hand.

  “Sorry about this,” he said. “Luke told me there was a laptop. Please can you deposit it into my bag with your phone and any other e-devices you might have?”

  After giving him a questioning glance, to which he responded with an encouraging nod, she handed over the laptop and took out several cell phones from her jacket.

  “What about my gun?” she asked.

  “You can keep that on you,” Konstantin replied as he put the laptop into a clear plastic bag. “I’m going to scan it with my special box to the right of the door. Luke, you can wand her for me. You’ve seen me do it, right?”

  “Yes. Can you order us some room service? I’m hungry.”

  Konstantin smiled. “I like her, Luke.”

  Nina stood by and watched as Konstantin placed her laptop and phones into a small box.

  “What’s that?” Luke asked.

  “My homemade scanner,” Konstantin replied. “Don’t worry, it won’t harm the devices. So the wand didn’t find anything on the lady?”

  “Nope, she’s clean,” Luke assured him.

  Meanwhile, the scanner hummed a warning, with some buttons flashing red.

  “But her laptop and phones aren’t,” Konstantin said.

  “She picked the computer up from her office,” Luke told him, “so I’m not surprised if it’s loaded with bugs.”

  Konstantin stared at the e-pad in his hand, then turned to Nina. “My reader here tells me at least one of your devices is contaminated. Do I have your permission to disengage it?”

  “What would it do?” Nina asked.

  “Depends on whether it’s the laptop or any of your cells. In the case of the laptop, it could just be a virus. If it’s the phone, it might be loaded with a signal. I can jam that and keep you from being tracked.”

  “In that case, you have my full permission to do what you can,” she said. She turned to Luke. “I’m hungry and need a snack. If you don’t’ feed me soon, I’m going to be very grumpy. You don’t want to ever see me grumpy.”

  “I’ll feed you,” he said.

  While they sat around a table eating soup and crackers, Luke filled Konstantin in about what had happened. He left out certain parts, of course, but his friend’s eyes were filled with amusement because it was obvious to him what he and Nina had been up to.

  Konstantin asked a few questions but other than that, he mostly kept busy playing with the pad controlling the scanner. Nina’s computer and gadgets were still inside it being “cleaned,” as Konstantin explained.

  “It’s going to take some time for me to look inside the computer and play with the software,” Konstantin told them. “You both look like hell, so why don’t you two get some sleep while I work?”

  Luke checked the time. It had been a very long night. “I hope you can get in it quickly, Kostya. We don’t have much time. We need to check the list of things Nina had delivered and see if there are addresses or individuals. We know the four things and Nina thinks she has the fifth in an envelope she’s carrying.”

  “What’s in it?” Konstantin asked.

  “She hasn’t shared that with me yet,” Luke answered.

  “I haven’t had time to open it,” Nina said. He watched as she unzipped a secret compartment in her jacket and pulled out a small, square envelope. “The man changed to a later time to meet and then didn’t show up. I was heading back to HQ when you…um…delayed me.”

  He couldn’t help giving her a wink. Then he realized something. “I saved you twice,” he said. “If you’d gone back, those guys looking for you would have timed it just right.”

  Nina nodded soberly. “Yeah. I’d have met with the same fate as all my friends.” She stirred her bowl restlessly. “The thing I don’t understand is, they came back for me a second time, as if they knew I was in there. How did they know?”

  That was exactly what was bothering him too. “They’ve been tracking you all along,” he said. “They knew you were at Drei’s and then they located you when you stopped at your office. I’m not sure how they did that exactly but the method has a delay involved, since each time, they hadn’t shown up immediately.”

  “It was as if they weren’t actually following me, you know?” Nina ran a hand through her hair. “You wanded me just now, so we know I haven’t picked up some kind of bug they planted. It’s not on my devices. So, how?”

  He noted for the first time her eyes were red-rimmed. “You’re tired,” he said. “We’re going to take that nap while Kostya get to work. Are the cameras on in case we get tracked all the way here?”

  Konstantin groaned. “That’s all I need. My place riddled with bullets. Why did I have you as my roommate again?” He took another look at his scanner. “Honestly, I think it’s one of those phones she’s been carrying. The laptop wasn’t on her until just recently, correct?”


  “Jackpot then,” Konstantin said. He waved his hand dramatically. “Nina’s phones can’t give any signals while they’re in my special magic box, my friends. You may go to bed and catch forty-winks whilst Sir Constantinos casts a circle of protection spell around us.”

  Nina gave Luke one of her looks. Oh yeah, he would need to explain to her about his friend’s weird online character. But, right now, he was taking her to bed as soon as possible.

  “Let’s look at the contents in your envelope,” he said.

  Nina carefully tore it open. There was a tiny clear plastic case inside. She passed it around the table. Four ampoules filled with some kind of liquid were encased within the case.

  “Let’s not open it,” he said. “I have a feeling these are not vitamins.”

  “I don’t think so either,” Nina agreed. She hid a yawn behind a hand. “Maybe they’re energy pills.”

  “I’ll see what’s in the market that would fit the description of liquid-filled bullets,” Konstantin said. “The case holding them is made very securely, so I’m thinking let’s not try to open it like some stupid thieves would.”

  “Agreed. So, can we leave you to do your thing for a few hours?” Luke tugged Nina to her feet. “Let’s get some rest.”

  “Bathroom?” she mouthed.

  “Over there, down the hall. My room is the one to the right.”

  “Yes, I need my alone time now, folks. I’ll bellow when I find anything,” Konstantin said, picking up the box and heading for his study. When Nina disappeared into the bathroom, he added, in a low snarky voice, “Well, well, well. The Cowboy and La Niina, sitting on a branch.”

  “Sitting in a tree,” Luke corrected.

  “K-i-s-s-i-n-g,” continued Konstantin, ignoring the correction. “Is love next?”

  “I thought you said you needed your alone time, as you call it?”

  Kostya did a little jig. “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.”

  “You’ve gone cuckoo,” Luke said, mildly irritated by the teasing. “I’m heading to the guest bath to wash up.”

  “Denial is a river in Egypt, my friend,” Konstantin retorted with a wide grin. “You got her in your bedroom. Sure you’re going to rest.”

  After freshening up, Luke knocked on his bedroom door and entered. Every good intention fled out the window at the sight of Nina lying on his bed in her bra and panties.

  “What are your options now, Cowboy Ranger?” she mocked.

  Option Three had never sounded so damn good.

  * * *

  Nina was tired of playing games and out-thinking opponents. Living on the edge, patiently making deliberate moves, sacrificing her needs because the end goal of saving her father was important. She’d followed MI6’s instructions and played the role—stealing, retrieving, passing information and things of import—because they had needed to figure out the reason they w
ere keeping her father prisoner and alive, but the British agency was just as secretive with her as with the terrorists. Drei, whom they’d hired to help for one retrieval, was the only one who had stepped up and helped her as much as he could.

  She was tired. She wanted answers, especially now that everything had gone to hell. She’d almost died tonight and if not for Luke, she probably would have, or at least been seriously injured. Of course, going into this job, she’d been prepared to die, but damn it, she was this close to solving the mystery and saving her father. Why couldn’t these stupid agencies be upfront about anything? Maybe MI6 was just as clueless at its end and was using her as a pawn, getting as much information from her unexpected talent while they could, before the inevitable.

  Nina wanted to howl in frustration. Taking a deep breath, she took off her clothes and set them on a nearby chair. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. There was really nothing she could do but take control of her emotions and remain Nina, the remote and clever operative working for a MI6 fake, black market company in Estonia. It was clever, really, doing black market business as a front and finding out what the underground was up to. Everyone was a pawn and she was the idiot pawn, playing both sides on her own.

  Well, she was tired of being alone. Tonight showed her how tired she was. And alone. Luke St. James, the man who had haunted her dreams this past year, had, within a span of hours, made her feel alive again. She’d laughed and oh yes, she’d actually enjoyed herself.

  She stretched out on the bed, wondering about the man coming in. She had an idea what they would be doing other than sleep. One thing she was sure about—if she were going to die, she must first get to see Luke St. James naked and spend the little bit of time left with that delicious man. Nina the spy cautiously approved. Her real self, Naya, totally, enthusiastically approved. All settled, then.

  The door opened. She struck a sultry pose.

  “What are your options now, Cowboy Ranger?” she asked.

  Her dream man did exactly what she’d hoped for. No words. Just that devilish smile with the hint of reckless abandon she’d always been drawn to. He started taking off his clothes.


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