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Rebel Chasers

Page 5

by Carmen Faye

  They scrubbed and washed their hair and then got out, rushing to dry off.

  “Jeans?” Sydney asked.

  “Have to be. No time for anything else.”

  Dressed in jeans, black Harley shirts, and boots, they brushed their hair and put it back in ponytails. They were just finishing with a fast makeup job when Neil knocked on the door.

  “Shit,” Shayla said. “I’ll get the stuff out, you go answer the door.”

  “Right!” she replied, and ran from the bedroom to the front door.

  “Hey,” he said dryly as he came in with the case.

  “Hey yourself, lover,” Shayla said, and jumped into his arms as soon as the door was closed. “God you look good in the morning, Neil.”

  After a kiss he said, “Some folks call this time of day ‘afternoon.’”

  “Well, some folks weren’t up all night because their hot lover had to get his beauty sleep—which worked by the way,” she chided.

  “My sleep or your being awake?”

  “Both,” she answered with a smile.

  “So, Syd. Are you two, like, lesbians?”

  Sydney turned and tried to see past his curiosity. “If you had a camera in our bedroom for the last month, you would swear we were, Neil. But really, we just couldn’t stand having anyone else but you, and we have been… taking care of each other, yes. Does that bother you?”

  “No, just trying to get my head around this relationship with you two. Last night was extremely hot for me, and yes, I’m very attracted to both of you. I was actually happy you weren’t trying to get me to pick one of you, because that would have been impossible. But I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “Neither have we, Neil. Guys were never interesting enough that both of us wanted him, or important enough for us to ask the other to give him a special. So, we’ve never even had a threesome,” she admitted.

  “Hey Neil,” Shayla said, coming out with the scales and tests and setting them on the kitchen table. “Do I get a kiss?”

  “Of course,” he told her.

  Sydney took the delivery case from him and then watched them kiss, Shayla’s right leg coming up and rubbing against his thigh. They looked so sexy together.

  Shit, I’m getting turned on all over again.

  Last night with Shayla was amazing. She brought Sydney to levels of climax she never experienced before. She tried to do the same for her, and she hoped she succeeded. Shayla was hard to read sometimes. But even with that, she went to sleep still wanting Neil, and she was sure that Shayla did as well.

  They weighed and tested the three kilos. They were all the right size and over eighty percent. “Good enough. I guess we owe you sixty then,” Shayla told him.

  “Sounds right,” Neil responded, all business now.

  He counted the money, checked the stacks, and put them into his case. After that he seemed a little hesitant to leave. So Sydney asked, “You said you had plans for today? Can we know what they are?”

  “Nothing secret. I’m just going to take the trike down to the Keys. The engine still needs to be broken in, so I need to get in a few long rides,” he explained. “City driving a new engine generally leads to problems.”

  “Oh,” Shayla said. “Um, could we come along, or is this a solo thing?”

  “Don’t you have work or something?”

  “Well, yeah, but we’ll be back by nine, won’t we?” Shay pressed.

  “By seven, most likely,” Neil agreed. “I’m just going to run down, get some dinner, and come right back. Nothing special.”

  “To us it would be,” Shayla told him. “I know that probably sounded corny, but it’s still true. We waited a long time for last night to happen. Now—well, both of us are seriously hooked on you, Neil.”

  He looked at the case in his hand. “Getting there myself, girls. I really am. It’s a lot to take in, but so far, it’s all been good. So, yeah, grab your jackets and shades, and let’s get out of here. I just have to drop this off and we’re in the wind.”

  “Sweet!” Sydney screamed, and ran for her bedroom.

  When she came out, Neil and Shay were still kissing. “Um, Shay? Helmet? Shades? My turn?”

  Shayla laughed and Neil smiled, offering her his hand. She set down her stuff, ignored his hand, and jumped up in to his arms again. He caught her by the ass and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding herself into him as she went for a serious lover’s kiss. She actually got off a little before Shayla came back into the room.

  After that, they took the kilos into the office and put them in the tall gun safe they used for the drugs and cash. It was huge, but they felt secure with it. After all, they had another one hundred and eighty grand in cash stored away already, and now sixty grand’s worth in the coke. There was no way someone, or even several someones, were going to come in and carry that thing out. It took the safe movers special lifts to get it in the room at all. Now it was in and bolted to the floor. Once it was locked up, they set the two deadbolts on their steel-reinforced, steel-framed front door. Of course, the double pane window was right there, so anyone with a hammer and the will could get into the apartment. But they felt better knowing they weren’t getting into through the heavy door. Anyone coming through the window, they could shoot, right?

  Neil left them on the trike while he took the money inside and dropped it off. He came out with a sour brow, and when he was close enough, Sydney asked, “What’s up?”

  He stopped and looked at both of them. “Look, he’s taken to calling you two ‘the cunts.’ He’s the president, so I can’t call him out and beat the crap out of him for it, though I really want to. But if you ever hear that, and I don’t do anything, I want you to know that I really would if I could because I don’t think of you in those terms at all. Alright?”

  “Yes, and thank you Neil,” Shayla said. Sydney nodded her agreement, grabbed his jacket and pulled him in for a kiss.

  He looked less sour after that, then got into the front seat, started up the big engine, and pulled them out into the street to head for the freeway.

  Riding across the long bridges, across miles of water, and down to the Keys was wonderful. Sydney leaned back in the seat with Shayla and loved the whole moment.

  They ate lobster at a crab shack in Key Largo, which wasn’t fancy or special in any way. In fact, it was a dive. But it was the best meal she could remember having in years. They laughed and joked and kissed. Then afterward they walked along the shoreline, Neil holding each of them by the hand, while they enjoyed the sun and the scene.

  “Neal?” Shayla asked.


  “What do you have planned for tomorrow?”

  “Not much. I have some deliveries to make after three, but not much else going on.”

  “We have several deliveries to make tonight,” Shayla told him, “But if we’re back by seven, we could be done by ten, or just after.”


  “Would…” Shayla began, “Would you mind hanging out at our place until we got back? I would really like to be with you tonight, and I know Syd feels the same way. Will you?”

  Sydney held her breath waiting for his answer. Shayla was so confident, so calm. Sydney always thought of her as the serious one, because it was always Sydney who was dragging them into to trouble and fun.

  “We’ll stop off at my place so I can get my laptop. That way I can work on some mixes I’ve been putting together while I’m there,” he told them.

  She slammed excitedly into his side, wrapping her arms around him, whimpering with passion.


  Shayla checked the time coming back into the apartment, and saw that it was closer to eleven than ten-thirty. When they realized Neil wasn’t in the living room they looked at each other in doubt. “His bike is outside,” she reasoned.

  Sydney nodded and they took their backpacks into the office to unload the cash from their sales that night. They sold thirty-five ounces, which is on
e kilo, making about $11,500 in gross profit. It wasn’t the best Thursday they ever had, but tomorrow they would sell the other two kilos and have a delivery on Sunday. Then again on Wednesday. Generally they went through six to eight kilos a week. But they knew that Neil had Saturday planned with his sisters, so they weren’t going to schedule a delivery to them until Sunday.

  They found him sitting up with his back against the headboard of Shayla’s bed. His shirt was off, and his feet bare. On his lap he had his computer, and over his ears he had large headphones.

  “Good thing we’re not in trouble,” Sydney said to her.

  “Why’s that?” Neil asked, looking up from his screen.

  “Oh,” Sydney said, and bit her lip. “I thought maybe you wouldn’t hear that.”

  “I heard you come in,” he replied, giving her a smile. “Hungry? There’s some Chinese take-out in the kitchen.”

  “We ate at the club,” Shayla told him, coming into the room and taking off her top. Sydney did the same as she entered, removing her bra as well.

  “I have some margarita mix in there as well, with strawberries,” he offered.

  “Yummy,” Shayla said softly, slipping her own bra off. “But you don’t need to get us drunk. We’ve been yours for weeks now.”

  Neil shut down his laptop, closed the lid, and set it over on the nightstand with his headphones. “Then come here, you two. Sounds like I owe you about three weeks’ worth of sex.”

  Sydney leapt onto the bed and crawled eagerly toward him while Shayla removed her pants and thong before sitting down on the edge of the bed. She rubbed his leg and unbuttoned his pants while Sydney indulged herself with his mouth. After his cock was out and his pants out of the way, Shayla started sucking on him, loving the feeling of his cock in her mouth. He was nice and thick, and just long enough to feel like he might be a challenge.

  Normally she didn’t enjoy blowjobs. She did them occasionally. Usually only when she felt she had to, which were rare occasions. Sydney, however, loved sucking cock. She said she would rather suck a cock than have her pussy eaten. Of course, after the way she was squirming around and howling last night, Shayla had a hard time believing her claim.

  With Neil, though, she had an urge to be close to him and to be as sexy as she could be. Giving head was sexy. She felt sexy in performing this way. But after about ten minutes Sydney climbed off the bed to get her pants off, so Shayla straddled Neil’s thighs and got his cock into her pussy.

  “Oh, fuck me,” she breathed, as the head of his cock stretched her open, arching her head back. “God damn, you are thick. I didn’t think… Oh fucking hell.”

  She worked his cock with her hips and thighs, grinding down on him with her abs, loving every inch of being stretched and opened. “Oh Neil, oh shit,” she panted. “God your cock is so fucking nice.”

  Neil brought Sydney to him and began sucking on her breast as he worked two fingers into her pussy. Sydney gasped and squirmed and almost instantly climaxed from the attention. Watching her orgasm brought Shayla to a very nice, nearly perfect climax that spread through her body like liquid rapture, but she still didn’t have him fully inside of her yet. So she continued to work him, pressing down with each stroke of her hips, spreading herself even further open.

  “Sweet mercy,” she moaned. “Fuck. Oh Neil, god I’m so fucking yours. Shit.”

  Sydney was kissing him now and squirming again as his hand was bringing her close to another climax. “Again?” Sydney moaned with a whimper. “You want me to come again?”

  Now that he was fully inside her, Shayla started fucking him and grinding her clit into the base of his cock.

  “Fuck yes! Ah, fuck yes!” she moaned as she ran her hand down his chest and then along his shoulders. “God Neil! Shit!”

  Her climax came with a rush, catching her by surprise. “Oh fucking hell!” she screamed as her body went wild and wanton around his cock.

  She sagged against him, convulsing slightly from the shudders of orgasm, and after several minutes he picked her up by the ass and set her aside. Then he pushed Sydney down onto the bed and positioned himself between her open and willing legs.

  “Yes Neil,” Sydney moaned. “Love me, Neil. I want you so bad. Please. Take me.”

  When he entered Sydney, her back arched and trembled. “Oh fuck! God Neil! You’re so fucking big! Fuck! Oh god! Don’t stop! Please! Fuck me Neil!”

  Shayla lay down on her side and watched her two lovers embrace, fascinated by the emotions blossoming inside of her. Sex wasn’t an emotional thing for her. It just wasn’t. But the connection she was feeling to the both of them was bringing tears to her eyes. It was never going to the same again. Never.

  Sydney was pounded by Neil for nearly twenty minutes, going through orgasm after orgasm. Her hair was drenched with sweat and her hands were only able to claw feebly at the sheets or his arms.

  Neil then rose up from Sydney and grabbed Shayla, bringing her up to her knees, her ass in his hands. She was looking into Sydney’s beautifully wide eyes when Neil entered her, and she gasped in blissful agony as he pushed all the way inside of her. “God!” Shayla cried out in a long agonized wail, which twisted her body, and had her hands clawing at the bed-sheets.

  Then Neil began to fuck her and her whole concept of sex and orgasms was rearranged and puzzled together into wild and beautiful designs she never thought existed.

  At some point Sydney slid under Shayla until her breasts were level with Shayla’s face. Shayla was only vaguely aware of Sydney masturbating furiously while she watched Neil pound into her hard ass.

  Shayla was suffering from a continuously near-orgasm experience which didn’t seem capable of peaking into a climax. It just grew in size and agony, twisting her body and clutching her abs into knots as she clawed at the bed and rubbed her face into Sydney’s breasts.

  Shayla felt nearly mad with the agony inside of her, swirling and building in waves and currents, and then Neil gathered a fistful of her hair and pulled her back, bending her up, and lifting her off the bed.

  “Oh, fucking mercy!” she cried out, and the climax ripped through her like a tide of electric lava.

  Then Neil grew close to his own orgasm, and he pulled her back even harder and fucked her into a wildness never explored before. She was in a place where she had no desire other than to be fucked and to please. Feeling his climax in her was all that mattered.

  “Give it to me Neil! Please! I want you so bad! Take me! Fuck my ass!” she howled, amazed that this was her voice, her throat making these words.

  When he climaxed, she felt his cock harden and thicken and become much hotter, and then she felt his release with a bliss she never associated with a man’s climax before.

  Neil let her go and she fell down on Sydney like a ragdoll. Sydney took her into her arms and kissed her neck and her lips and massaged her right breast, pulling at her nipple, while Shayla shuddered with pleasure and aftermath tremors of her climax.

  After a while, Neil got out of bed and walked toward the hallway. They watched him go, not sure if they should follow.

  “Fuck, Shay,” Sydney whimpered, “It’s never been like that before. I was so totally his, and so happy about it.”

  Shayla sucked on her friend’s breast, collecting her thoughts. Trying to find some reasonable explanation for the seriously heightened experience they both just felt with Neil. Was this how sex felt when you were in love?

  They heard the blender come on, looked at each other, and smiled. Strawberry margaritas sounded so fucking good right now.

  They left the bed giggling and pushing each other so they could get to the kitchen first. The sight of Neil standing naked in their kitchen with his long legs, perfect yummy ass, and that fucking awesome V-shaped back all brought them up short. Sydney clutched at her. “God,” she hissed, her voice thick with desire.

  Neil turned off the blender and poured three glasses out, then turned to give them one each before washing out the blender and settin
g it back together. Picking up his, he said, “I would have brought them into you.”

  “We got excited,” Sydney replied eagerly.

  He nodded, then turned around and took down three shot glasses and filled them with tequila. He handed one to each of them and then said, “To us.”

  “Yes,” Shayla said.

  “Yes,” Sydney agreed, with a vigorous nodding of her head.

  It was near dawn when they fell asleep, cuddling Neil between them after a night of sex, sweet-talking him and turning him on with girl-on-girl action that got him hard several times.

  Shayla woke to the sound of love making as Neil fucked Sydney with a slow, loving rhythm which had Sydney clawing at his shoulders and groaning from deep in her lungs. Shayla studied them, feeling nothing but pure love and satisfaction.


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