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Slave Dragon: Earth Dragons Series: Book4

Page 6

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “Imagine that!” he muttered. Sand hoped to god she didn’t actually put any of that stuff on.

  “The only problem is that…we have nothing else. I can’t wear this for much longer.” She wrinkled her nose.

  Turned out that things could get worse. They could get much worse. “I’m going to make us something to eat.” He needed to get his mind off of sex.

  “I’ll help you.”

  “No.” Sand shook his head. “You stay there.”

  She frowned. “Nonsense. I’ll—” She stood up.

  “You stay there,” Sand said again. “Please. I won’t be able to concentrate with you anywhere near me.”

  “That bad?”

  He nodded once. “Yes.” He cleared his throat, trying to shove aside the thoughts he had of fucking her with that disc device against her clit. He was so screwed. Or not! They couldn’t give in to that crazy Feral bitch though. He had to find a way out of this place and soon.

  Chapter 7

  The next day…

  Macy opened her eyes. The light was still soft. The sun would have just begun to rise. The room was still bathed in a fair amount of shadow. She’d slept through the night. Despite everything, she’d actually slept. It had taken forever to fall asleep, but she’d gotten a good night’s rest in the end. She must have been more tired than she realized. Sand had been sweet enough to insist on her taking the bed. She turned onto her back, expecting to see him fast asleep on the sofa. She gave a shriek when she saw him standing at the foot of her bed. He was staring at her. Just staring. His eyes were narrowed. His brow furrowed. He looked seriously pissed. “Are you okay? Sand, what’s going on? Did something happen?” She sat up, the covers pooling around her hips.

  His eyes dipped down to her chest, and he groaned. Sounding like he was in physical pain. He turned around and paced away. “Cover up!” His voice was gruff.

  Macy looked down. She wore the silk red negligée from the trunk. It was long and did a half-decent job of covering her body. Especially since she wore a bra underneath as well. Still, though…shit! There was cleavage everywhere. Macy pulled the blanket up, even though Sand wasn’t staring at her anymore.

  The dragon shifter was breathing heavily. Still facing away from her. It sounded like he was breathing through his mouth. He cursed. “I’ll be right back.” He stomped off into the bathroom. He didn’t quite shut the door.

  Macy had known that her ovulation was going to be hard on Sand, but she hadn’t expected this. He bristled with raw energy. The way he looked at her. She shivered. It was like he was going to give in and ravage her at any second. He’d said he would be able to control himself, but she wasn’t so sure anymore. Fear rose up in her and adrenaline coursed.

  She heard him groan softly from inside the bathroom. It sounded like he was trying hard not to make any noise, and failing. The groan was low and drawn out. She felt her cheeks heat, realizing that she was listening to him coming. There was no pleasure or satisfaction in the noise, just more frustration.

  Macy tucked the covers under her arms, listening to the toilet flush and then water running. Sand appeared moments later.

  “Are you feeling a bit better?”

  Sand shrugged, still looking angry.

  She would take that as a no. “Anything I can do to help?”

  “A blow job would be nice.” His voice was gruff and tense.

  She choked on nothing for a few seconds before inhaling deeply. “That’s a little rude of you, don’t you think?”

  He shook his head. “It was a bad joke. I wasn’t being serious. Then again, maybe I was…without realizing it. You must be feeling horny as well. You’re in your heat. Humans can’t be completely immune to their own bodies’ needs. Or are you?” Sand paced from one end of the room to the other. He was agitated. A bristling ball of pure energy and hormones. “There are a ton of things we could do without actually fucking.” He stopped walking and turned to face her.

  Was he being serious? “Okay, so you’re not joking anymore?” It was a stupid question, since she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t joking. She could sense it.

  His eyes had a desperate edge. He shook his head. “No! Not joking. I would make it really good for you. I swear. I’m great with my mouth…really fucking good. I’ll toy with your clit until you beg me to let you come.” His eyes moved to her lips. “I’m sure you are amazing with that mouth of yours.” He got a look of longing.

  “Okay.” She swallowed. “I’m going to pretend this conversation never happened.”

  Sand groaned. He swiped a hand over his face, squeezing his eyes shut. “I told you to ignore me earlier. Thank you for paying attention. Please keep ignoring me. I apologize for my behavior. This won’t be the last time I try to proposition you. Tell me to fuck off when I do! I’m going to feel like the biggest asshole once this is over.” He was looking down at the floor, looking defeated.

  Macy felt sorry for him. “I take it I’m ovulating now? That’s why you’re so…bad?”

  He shook his head, locking eyes with her again. They were almost fevered. His whole face was pinched. “Not yet but soon. You’re highly fertile right now though. This is why we stay far away from females in heat. Far away. Especially when we’re attracted to them.” He clenched his jaw, looking at the ceiling.

  “You’re attracted to me?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “Big time. Red looks good on you. Holy shit.” He groaned, putting a hand over the bulge in his pants. A bulge? There was a bulge? “You’ll need to excuse me.”

  “Again? Already?” He’d just…

  “Yes. Looks that way.” He rushed into the bathroom, not even bothering with the door this time. It wasn’t like she could see inside from this angle.

  Not even ten seconds later and he was groaning, same as before. There was flushing and washing. Sand reappeared not looking any better. “I’ll just go and stand over here.” He headed to one of the exits, leaning against the wall, facing outside. He pulled the curtain open, which ruffled in the light breeze.

  “Can I get you something to eat? Something to drink?” Macy tucked the sheet more firmly around her body. She didn’t want to make things more difficult for him than necessary. Covering up was top priority.

  “Maybe later.” His voice was a deep rasp.

  “I’ll go and check on my clothes.” She’d washed her things the night before. That’s why she’d had to wear the stupid negligée in the first place.

  “Yeah, I already checked and they’re still wet.” He sounded like he was forcing the words out between clenched teeth.

  Shit! That wasn’t good. “I know showering helps, so I’ll do that as well.”

  “Thank you.” He didn’t turn around.

  “I’ll go now,” she mumbled. “Are you sure you’ll cope with this?” She swallowed hard. This was bad. Really, really bad. “I’m getting nervous here.”

  Sand turned around. His whole body looked hard and ready. His eyes were narrowed. He looked all set to wage war. “Then you understand what’s coming your way when that crazy bitch sends in a Feral male.”

  Her heart raced. Beating like mad inside her chest. Fear soured her mouth. “I-I’m petrified just thinking about it but…” she shook her head. “I-I can’t…we can’t…”

  His whole stance softened. “I agree with you, Macy. I don’t want whelps but if I did have them, I sure as fuck wouldn’t hand them over to that crazy female. We’ll find a way, but you need to understand the ramifications if I fail. I won’t lay so much as a finger on you unless you ask. A Feral would not be as…controlled. I might get rude. I might get angry. I will get vulgar, but I won’t hurt you.” He shook his head. “You have nothing to fear from me.”

  “I appreciate it.” She nodded once. “I might get scared. I might question you. If you get vulgar, I might get angry, but I will try really hard to trust you despite everything.”


  “What?” That was the last thing she expected to hear.
“You just said…”

  “Don’t trust any non-human in a situation like this. Kick me as hard as you can in the nuts if I come at you ‒ which I won’t ‒ but...” His jaw tightened. “In fact,” he made a face, “I might ask you to kick me hard at some point. If this gets bad enough. The kind of pain that comes from a kick to the balls might be more bearable than this kind of pain.” He winced.

  “You would rather I kick you in the balls than lose control?”

  He nodded, looking uncomfortable.

  Macy smiled. “I’m not worried then.”

  “What did I just tell you about trusting a shifter during your heat?” He looked pissed.

  “I won’t trust just any non-human. I will trust you, though. Thank you. Any guy willing to take a kick to the balls ranks high on my list. You’re a good guy, Sand.”

  “Not really. If you could read my mind you wouldn’t trust me for shit.”

  “Well, good thing I can’t read your mind then. I’m not worried.” She shook her head.

  He nodded once. Macy turned to head to the bathroom.

  “By the way…” Sand said.

  “Yes?” She turned back to him.

  “You snore.”

  “I know.” She felt her cheeks heat. “I apologize. I had hoped you would be too busy talking in your sleep to hear me.” Her ex had complained bitterly. It was one of the many reasons she hadn’t wanted to fall asleep the night before. She hadn’t wanted Sand to hear her.

  “I thought it was cute as hell!”

  “You’re just saying that. You have no idea right now what’s cute and what’s not. How can you? I could scratch out your right eyeball and you’d still be attracted to me…right now, that is.” It was all the hormones talking. Sand had a pair of ultra-thick, rose-colored glasses on.

  “It has nothing to do with your heat.” He frowned, as if he wasn’t sure. “You’re cute when you snore.”

  “I’m loud for a woman. Cute?” She shook her head. “I think not! I’m going to take that shower. I’ll be out in a bit.”

  “Take your time.” Sand gave her a tight smile.

  “Oh…would it help if I stayed in there?” She pointed to the bathroom. “I could close the door and—”

  “No.” He shook his head. “The bathroom is a space contained within a space. It wouldn’t help at all. I need to get away.” He looked outside longingly. “I could handle being around you better if it was in short bursts.”

  “What would you do if you were out in public and you ran into a female in her heat? It must happen.”

  “We don’t mingle with humans very often, but to answer your question,” he nodded once, “it does happen. Thankfully almost all human females are on some form of birth control. Females don’t go into heat all that often. It’s only for two days every few weeks, or so, that it gets this bad. It’s nowhere near this intense either, unless we’re attracted to a female.” He bit down on his lower lip for a second, looking at her in a way that had her wanting to squirm or blush, or maybe both. It was just the hormones talking. She needed to remind herself of that. Macy preferred it when he was being vulgar. He was easier to deal with.

  “The biggest thing is being able to get away. We can handle being around a female in her heat. One that we’re attracted to even, as long as it’s in short stints. This, though.” He gripped the bars of the cage. “This is a nightmare.”

  Macy couldn’t begin to imagine what he must be going through. What were they going to do when that woman came back? What about when some other man was thrown in there with her? Someone who wasn’t as good as Sand? Fear immobilized her for a second. It clogged her throat. It filled her mind with terrible images of what her fate could be, and for a moment she was tempted to give in. Rather it be Sand than some monster. At the end of the day, she couldn’t give in. Sand was being strong. She needed to be strong too.

  Chapter 8

  The next day…

  Sand physically hurt. It was a strange pain. No, not physical. It couldn’t be, not with his healing abilities…and yet, it felt physical. It felt deep-seated. Every muscle, every limb. Even his eyes, make that his whole damned face. His senses were on high alert. His sense of smell, so much more acute. His vision as well. His whole body buzzed with raw energy and adrenaline. Need coursed through him every second, every minute, every hour.

  It seemed to be getting worse. It was like his body could sense that the window was closing. Macy wouldn’t be fertile for too much longer. Thank fuck! But then what? What would that Feral bitch say when she returned?

  Macy was wearing her jeans and shirt. Well-covered. Not that it mattered. She may as well have been naked. Her pussy smelled so good. So fucking good. His balls pulled tighter and he groaned. He pulled his knees up higher and squeezed his eyes shut even tighter. Ignore the fuck out of it!

  She turned to him. “Are you okay?” She frowned. Macy had asked him that question about a million times. “Of course, you’re not okay,” she muttered to herself. “I mean, look at you. You’re in the fetal position on the sofa. You haven’t eaten anything since lunchtime yesterday. I’m going to prepare something for you. Maybe there are ingredients for a broth. Something light is what you need.”

  “There’s only one thing I want to eat.” His voice was so gruff, he was sure she hadn’t understood him.

  “Ignoring,” she said in a singsong voice. Macy was taking this well. She was a strong female. He respected her. This despite asking her to suck him off twice more after that first time. He’d even asked her if he could please fuck her. He’d promised to pull out before coming. Shame burned in him. At the same time, he was having to hold himself back. He was on the verge of begging. Getting on his knees and begging her to let him rut her. He was almost past the point of caring anymore. Not about whelps. Not about that crazy Feral female. Not about anything other than sinking his cock into something tight and wet. Not just something. He wanted Macy. He wanted her on her knees. On her back. Against the wall. On the floor. In the shower. Any which way he could get her. A part of him didn’t care anymore if she was begging him for more or begging him to stop. It scared the shit out of him. It made his blood run cold despite the fire in his veins. Burning, consuming, raging. The need to fuck! He may as well be an animal. His scales rubbed him. It hurt. It all hurt. Sand wanted it to stop.

  He’d jerked off so many times that his dick felt raw. His balls still ached. His cock knew the difference between hand and pussy. Although he’d come…there would be very little seed. No relief. He needed relief. Fuck!

  Macy had been talking to him all the while. He had no idea what she was saying. Then she was there. Standing right in front of him. He could hear her heart. The blood rushing through her veins.

  She put something on the table. It might have been the food she was talking about. He couldn’t scent anything beyond the wet slit between her legs. It beckoned him. There had been stories of denied males who had died during a female’s heat. “I don’t want to die,” he muttered.

  “What?” Macy asked. Her voice was sweet. Like an angel. She was trying so damned hard. She’d showered so many times. “You aren’t going to die.” Concern was laced in her voice.

  “I need you to kick me in the balls,” he blurted. He couldn’t hurt her. If this got much worse, he might. He’d give that Feral bitch exactly what she wanted. Macy would hate him. He wouldn’t blame her. He would hate himself. What of the whelps? No! Fuck!

  “I would prefer not to.” Macy sounded appalled.

  “Hard,” he growled. “Are you wearing shoes?” His eyes were still closed.


  “Good. Be careful not to hurt yourself but kick me as hard as you can, and square in the balls. No hesitation. Do it as soon as I stand up.”

  “But I don’t want—”

  He opened his eyes, looking up at her. “You need to do it. Please!” He said the last between clenched teeth.

  Macy’s eyes widened. He obviously looked that bad. She nodded q
uickly, looking freaked out.

  “Good. You ready?” he growled.

  “Yes.” She nodded again, looking more composed. That was his girl. Strong and bold. “I am.”

  “Okay, then.” Sand jumped to his feet. He was brimming with energy.

  Macy narrowed her eyes with determination. Fuck but she was beautiful. Full, soft-looking lips.

  She gripped his shoulders, preparing to knee him. Her hands tightened and all of his synapses fired all at once. “Stooooop!” he groaned the word, crouching. His balls exploded with an orgasm of epic proportion. All it took was her hands on him. That’s how fired up he was.

  Macy’s grip tightened some more, helping stabilize him so that he didn’t fall. When he opened his eyes, she was looking at him with concern. “Are you okay?” She asked him for the million and oneth time.

  “I am now.” He pushed out, feeling like a teenage asshole.

  He had a feeling the pain would be back soon enough, but right then, at that moment, with Macy’s hands still on him, he felt relief.

  “In desperate need of a shower but…” He glanced down. Wishing he hadn’t. It was a fucking mess. The whole front of his jeans were a disaster area. Heck, there was come on his stomach. That’s how much had left his body. “Don’t!” he warned Macy who looked down.

  She let him go. “Oh…oopsie.”


  Had she really said ‘oopsie’? The look on her face was comical. The way her cheeks turned red was downright adorable. Sand burst out laughing. “I’m sorry,” he said between chuckles. “I so damned sorry. Thank you, though. Who knew a shoulder squeeze was all it would take.”

  She smiled. “Glad I could finally help.”

  “I’m going to take care of this mess. Which set do you prefer?”

  “Set of what?” She frowned.

  “Set of underwear. It looks like it’s black silk or tighty whities. I could even wrap a towel around my…”

  “It doesn’t matter. Whatever works best for you.”


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