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Slave Dragon: Earth Dragons Series: Book4

Page 20

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “What?” she asked, not liking where this was going. “What have you done, mom?”

  Her mother scrunched her face up. “Don’t get mad.”

  “Mom! Tell me already.” Scout whined, sensing the tension.

  “Okay, but you can’t get mad. I love you very much. That’s where this is coming from. All of it.”

  “Who is he?” Macy huffed, still petting her dog.

  “He’s gorgeous, Macy, and really sweet.” Her mom’s eyes glinted.

  Macy clapped a hand over her face. “No…please tell me you didn’t.”

  “He’s tall and did I mention gorgeous? I can’t remember what he does for a living, but he does have a decent job. He drove a really nice car. And he was so cute and polite too,” her mother gushed.

  Macy kept her face planted in her hand for a few seconds longer. “Why, mom?” she spoke into her hand, her voice muffled. “Why do you keep doing this?”

  “I hate seeing you alone,” her mom said, sounding concerned. “I love you, Macy. I want you to be happy.”

  “I know you do, and I know you’re just trying to help, but you have to stop doing this. You really have to stop already. I don’t want you to set me up. How long do I have to make a getaway? When is he getting here?”

  “Too late,” his voice was deep and resonating. It was a voice she knew well. No! No way! It couldn’t be.

  Her eyes flashed to his. A beautiful golden, honey color she had drowned in many times. He smiled and they crinkled at the edges. “Too late to run away,” he added, winking at her.

  It had only been four days and yet she had forgotten how gorgeous he was. He could be wearing anything and still look good, but he’d chosen a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Not fair! She’d also forgotten how devastating his smile was. Right then, it was aimed at her.

  Her mother laughed. “I’m so glad you came. Macy, you must meet—”

  “Sand?” Her voice was filled with shock and confusion. “What are you doing here?” She stood up.

  “Wait a minute…” Her mother sounded just as confused. “You two know each other?” She stood up as well.

  “I’m sorry I stalked you, Mrs. Stevenson,” Sand began.

  “Rhonda.” Her mother flapped a hand. “You can call me Rhonda. How do the two of you know each other?” She frowned.

  Sand narrowed his eyes. “You didn’t tell your mother about our—?”

  “Of course not!” Macy widened her eyes, trying to shut him up.

  Her mother’s frown deepened. “Wait a minute,” she gasped. “Those weeks you were away. You met Sand then, didn’t you?” Her eyes widened.

  “She sure did.” Sand folded his arms. Was it her imagination or did his chest look even better covered in a cotton shirt?

  At that point, Scout got sick of being ignored. He’d been lolling his tongue and wagging his tail excitedly for a full minute and no one had acknowledged him. He jumped up, paws landing on Sand’s chest. “Oh!” He grinned. “You must be…” Then he frowned. “Is this your puppy?” He made a face.

  Macy couldn’t help smiling. “Yep. Sand meet Scout.” Her dog licked Sand’s hand as he petted him. “You should get down, boy,” Macy tried but Scout stayed right where he was.

  “This,” Sand rubbed Scout’s fur, “is your cute little doggykins? Your ‘pup’, I believe you called him on plenty of occasions? This is him?”

  “Yes. He is still technically a puppy. He isn’t even a year old yet.”

  “He’s huge, and not at all what I expected.” Sand rubbed on Scout’s neck and her dog lapped it up. It seemed the guy had good hands, even when it came to dog-petting. “I mean that in a good way. He’s gorgeous.” There was more stroking of fur. “I was expecting a little…lap dog.”

  She laughed. “I think he’s cute too.”

  “Are either of you going to tell me how you met and why you stalked me?” A voice interrupted their exchange.

  “I think that’s obvious, Mrs. Stevenson. I’m here to save your daughter,” Sand said.

  “Save her from what?” Her mom frowned.

  “I need to save her from y—”

  “Um…mom, can we finish our coffee date some other time?”

  “What? You’re not going to tell me?” Her mom raised her brows. “I’m curious to know about what the heck is going on.”

  “I will tell you, just not right now. Sand and I need to talk. We’re going to take Scout for a walk.”

  Her puppy finally jumped off of Sand’s chest and bounced around them, tugging on the lead. “Okay, boy.” She tried to calm him.

  “Here,” Sand held out his hand, “allow me.”

  She handed the lead to him and Scout seemed to settle just a little. They said their goodbyes to her mom, dodging questions all the while, and headed for the park. They walked for a few minutes in silence. Scout sniffed everything between bouts of bounces. He’d bounce and then sniff and then bounce some more. “He’s a great dog. No wonder you couldn’t stop talking about him.”

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, getting to the point. “We shouldn’t see one another anymore. In fact, we should probably add that to the list of rules.”

  “Screw the rules.” He stopped walking, or maybe she did. Macy couldn’t be sure. They were also already in the park. When had that happened?

  “You can’t say that,” Macy said. Scout seemed to sense that something was brewing because he sat down and was quiet for a change.

  “I can, Mace. I hate those rules. I hate that you left—”

  “Stop right there. I’m not entering into some casual thing with you. I can’t be your fuck buddy anymore. In fact, I wish that whole thing had never happened.” She shook her head.

  “I’m glad it happened because I met you, Mace.” He stepped forward. “Because I found out that I want things I never knew I wanted. They’re important things. They’re things that matter.”

  “What things?” she asked.

  “I want love and a committed relationship. I want to be a father and I want those things with you.” His eyes pierced right into her.

  Oh shit! She pushed out a breath, feeling overwhelmed right then. “Where did this come from?” She frowned.

  “I was lying to myself. I lied while we were together. I lied when we got out. I lied when you left. I managed to hold onto the lie for a day or two, but then…” He shrugged. “I just couldn’t do it anymore. I love you, Macy. I love everything about you. Your smile, how sweet you are, I love the way you snore…yeah, you heard right,” he chuckled. “Not just when you’re on your heat. I love it all the damn time. It’s as cute as hell. I love you…all of you. I’m not sure how it happened, or when it happened, only that it did. I would be the biggest idiot on earth if I let you slip away. If I let what we have go.”

  Part of her felt such joy. Such happiness…but the other part, that logical part, had to suppress those emotions. “It was those damned rules.” She tried to smile but her lip wobbled. “I told you we should have followed them more closely. This would never have happened if we had.”

  “They’re a bunch of bullshit and you know it.” He took a step towards her, taking her hand, but she pulled away.

  “I might never be able to have kids.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I went to see a doctor yesterday. Louise was right. I have endometriosis. My MRI is booked for next week. It’s bad though, Sand.” A tear rolled down her cheek. Hot and wet. “If you want kids then I’m not the right person for you. I might not be able to have any.”

  “I want you, Macy. I love you.” He put his arms around her. “You need to understand that. I want kids…but only with you. If it doesn’t happen…” He shrugged.

  She sobbed and put a hand over her face. Tears coursed down her cheeks. She hadn’t told anyone about her prognosis.

  “We’ll figure it out.” He hugged her tight. “We’ll tackle it as a team.” He kissed the top of her head. “Fuck, Mace…I’ll do anything. What do you want me to do? Just s
ay it.”

  “Hold me,” she sobbed into his chest. His arms felt good, reassuring. He felt right. They felt right. She finally lifted her head. “Do you really love me?”

  “Yes.” He was smiling.

  “And you’re sure my fertility issues won’t get in the way of…?”

  “No,” his voice was choked up. “I know you want whelps and I’ll do anything to make that happen, but if it doesn’t, we’ll be okay. We’ll have each other. We can see the best doctors and we can try really, really hard.”

  She laughed. “You like the thought of all that trying.”

  “I do! I’m not going to lie.” He shook his head, a gorgeous smile on his lips.

  She laughed some more.

  “Can I kiss you yet?” He cupped her face. “On the mouth, that is. I never want to kiss your cheek ever again. Unless we’re talking butt cheek…then I’m okay with it.”

  She laughed. “I love you too, by the way.”

  “I know.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’ve known for a while. I’m sorry I acted like such a dick. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure things out. I won’t fuck up like that again, I swear.”



  “Kiss me already.” He leaned in and covered her lips with his. Soft, gentle…so…wet? Scout had decided to join in on the action.

  They broke away, laughing. Sand sobered up. “I want to mate you soon, Mace. I hope you’re game. We’ve waited long enough.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Is that your idea of a proposal?”

  He got a shocked look. “Oh, shit.” Sand dropped to one knee. “What I meant to say was…” Scout bounced around him. “I love you so damned much and will you mate me? Fuck!” His expression morphed into panic. “I don’t have a ring. I’m winging it here!”

  “Get up,” she laughed. “I was joking. Yes! My answer is yes! That was as from the heart as it gets.”

  “Good.” His eyes lit up. “Let’s go to Vegas. What do you say, boy?” Scout bounced up and down, trying to nip at Sand’s arm. “Do you want to go to Vegas?” There was more jumping, this time there was whining as well. “He agrees.” Sand grinned.

  Macy laughed. “I’m afraid that my mom would kill me. It’s going to have to be a white wedding with all of the family.”

  “Anything for you!” He turned serious. “And I mean that.” He planted a kiss on her mouth.

  Chapter 28

  Stone felt uncomfortable as he looked around the table. The female across from him glared. Her eyes were hard and cold. They were a bright yellow color. Strange as hell and yet…interesting. Pity she wanted to kill him. Or to tear off his balls. Or both. Hopefully, she’d kill him first. Save him some unnecessary pain.

  Thing was, she was a Feral female. She was strong enough to be able to do whatever the hell she wanted to him. He was a sick fuck because other things instantly came to mind. His eyes moved down to her chest. The Feral wore a tight tank top. She had nice-looking, perky tits with the plumpest nipples Stone had ever seen. He lifted his gaze back to hers, not lingering.

  “Um…” He turned his body slightly, and even though he spoke to Topaz, he didn’t take his eyes off the Feral while he did so. She continued to stare daggers at him. Eyes narrowed. Jaw tight. Frown evident. “I thought the brief said a male and a female from each species. Why am I the only male in attendance?”

  The female across from him snorted. “The brief recommended that a male and a female attend.” She scrunched up her face, looking both irritated and confused. “The word ‘recommended’ is key here. Who would send a male? What would a male know about issues concerning females? You should not be here.” Her eyes sliced into him. Or, at least it felt that way.

  Stone had to fight not to squirm in his seat, or to run the fuck away. This female didn’t want him here.

  “Our king was the one who made the call,” Topaz put forward. “Stone was ordered to attend, as was I. The male is eager to contribute to our discussions surrounding—”

  “Then your king is a fool,” she spat, eyes glowing like amber in a flame.

  “Do not—” Topaz began, clearly angered at the Feral’s harsh words against their Blaze.

  Stone touched her arm, it wouldn’t do them any favors to start an argument before this conference even started. “I am already here,” Stone was sure to keep his voice even, “so, I would appreciate it if we could make the most of it. I assure you I will take my role very seriously.”

  The Feral snorted. “We are here to discuss the predicament of infertile, non-human females. You are neither of those. In fact, why aren’t you with a human right now? Making young? You have absolutely no idea what it is like to—”

  “Come now, Cordia. The dragon sounds like he has genuine concern for our plight. He has been tasked with attending, as have we. Let’s not—”

  “I don’t like it.” Cordia pushed her dark hair back off her shoulder, her mouth set. “Maybe we should take a vote. Your king can send a female in your place when everyone votes for you to leave. Someone sympathetic to what we are going through. That person is not you.” She widened her eyes.

  “Stop right there! You have no idea—” Topaz began.

  “Leave it,” Stone urged the dragon next to him. “It’s not worth it,” he added.

  “You said we should vote,” a female from down the other end of the table piped up. “I vote that the dragon stays.” She smiled at Stone, giving him a wink. By her scent, he could tell that she was a vampire.

  “I agree,” the wolf shifter sitting next to the Ferals said, licking her lips. “Let him stay. The rest of us are all are infertile females. One male will help us see things from another angle.”

  The Feral rolled her eyes so hard that Stone wasn’t sure that they would even come back from the other side of her skull. “You are only saying that because the male is attractive. He has pretty eyes and a decent-sized prick. You’re hoping for a rut and want to get on his good side. I saw the way all of you looked at him when he came into the room. This is serious.”

  “You looked at my dick?” Stone had to hold back a laugh.

  The Feral made a face. “Not on purpose. Your midsection is at exactly eye level. I was already sitting here when you came in. You are wearing those thin cotton pants.” She shrugged. “It was hard to miss. I assure you, I wasn’t looking.” She snorted.

  Topaz giggled.

  Just then, another vampire female walked in. She wore a navy dress suit with a white blouse. She was holding a glass bowl with folded pieces of paper inside. “Morning!” She smiled warmly. “I am Gazelle. I have been tasked with coordinating our conference over the next few days. We have a couple of interesting topics up for discussion. I thought it would be a good idea if the species were split up. I want each of us out of our comfort zones and learning about one another, while we figure out a way forward for all females,” she cleared her throat, “like ourselves.” Sand noticed she avoided looking at him as she spoke. He glanced at the Feral, who was glaring at him like he had been the one to personally rip out her womb and stomp on it.

  He looked back at the vampire.

  “Here,” Gazelle put the glass bowl on the table, “I want each of you on this side of the table to take one piece of folded up paper. Do not open it yet!” The bowl began making its way down to him. Each one of them removed a slip. Stone did too, placing the empty bowl on the table in front of him.

  He held onto the paper, a bad feeling slowly making its way into his bones.

  “On three, you can open up and see who your partner will be for the duration of the conference. You will work closely with this person. I am sure that together, we can find a way forward. You may open your papers now and then we will take a one-hour recess so that you can get to know your partner better.” She smiled broadly, sucking in a deep breath before counting down. “Three. You may open the paper now.”

  Sand held onto the paper for a few more seconds before finally opening it

  Cordia. Feral Species.

  How had he known that this was coming? His heart fucking sank. This was going to be a long-ass couple of days. He was about to be partnered with a female who not only hated his guts but could use them for garters if she felt like it.

  “Go and enjoy some light refreshments,” the vampire added. “Make sure you go somewhere private with your partner. I want you to fully understand one another, as a species, by the time this conference is over.”

  “Why the need for the whole team-building thing?” he had to ask.

  “We all share a common problem,” Gazelle said. “However, it is far more complex than that and aspects may differ between the species. Who knows? Maybe one species can help another. Knowledge is always power. We will never know unless we share. Our kings would also like for this to be an opportunity where we improve our interspecies relationships. Take it as a chance to learn and to grow. You hour has started.” She looked at the watch on her wrist.

  There was loud chatter and chairs scraped as new pairs began to leave. Everyone left, including Gazelle. Eventually, it was only the two of them remaining. Still sitting there across from one another. “I do not wish to improve interspecies relationships.” Cordia shook her head. “I don’t like you.”

  “How do you even know that? You don’t know me.”

  “You’re a non-human and a male. Both reasons enough.”

  “Bullshit,” Stone threw back.

  Cordia raised her brows. “Dragon, vampire, Feral, shifter or elf. You are all the same.”

  “What?” he snorted. “I’ve never heard such shit in all my life.”

  “You looked at my breasts…sized me up when you first arrived. You pictured rutting me at least once in the short time we have been in the same room. In short, you reduced me to an object before you knew anything about me. If I offered to rut you right now, you would jump at the opportunity.”

  “Are you offering?” He folded his hands on the table.

  She rolled her eyes, before narrowing them on him. “You wouldn’t last even one round.” One side of her full mouth lifted in what may have been the start of a smile. “I would hurt you.”


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