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Earth Space Service Space Marines Boxed Set

Page 32

by James David Victor

  "How is Anath doing?" Roxanna asked politely as they stepped into a clothing shop. She was immediately drawn to a beautiful pale green dress that she thought would complement her purple skin very nicely.

  "Cabin fever," Andy admitted. "He'd like to leave the ship, but he understands why he can't. Can you just imagine his pale self walking alongside us? There'd be a riot."

  Roxanna considered this. "Very likely," she said. "I can tell you not all of these people keep up with the news broadcasts, but enough will and enough will know what our 'enemy' looks like. All it would take is one to get a mob going."

  The major sent her a sidelong look. "You're very chipper today, Roxanna," she commented dryly.

  The Selerid shrugged. "Practical," she said. "And with some knowledge of human psychology, having worked with you all so long. Mob mentality is a concern, and although your race has made considerable progress, there are some evolutionary elements that just seem impossible to get past."

  "I guess we might move away from our origins but never entirely," her commanding officer said thoughtfully. "There are still elements of our origins within us that we simply have to learn to control, since we'll never erase them."

  "Quite true," the Selerid said with a small smile. "It's something my people learned a long time ago and have turned toward doing just that, learning to control it rather than suppress it; we have learned that if you embrace it, you can manage it. If you ignore it and try to push it down inside yourself, you are likely to be overtaken by it."

  Andy laughed softly. "Humanity could learn a lot from your people, and I hope we do," she said.

  They walked in silence for a little while, then Roxanna grabbed Andy's arm and stopped them both where they were. She pointed to a small cafe just ahead of them. "Is that Dan...and Jade?" she asked. She whispered, even though they were far enough away that the squad-mates wouldn’t be able to hear them even if they spoke normally.

  The major peered closer and then nodded. "Yes, it is," she agreed. "And if you're about to ask if I see them kissing over that table, yes, I do."

  "I knew they were drawn to each other," Roxanna said, "because no empath could miss it. But I didn't think they'd act on it." Suddenly, she frowned and her purple brows drew together. "Are they going to get in trouble for this?" She looked sidelong at Andy.

  Andy shook her head. "It's not something that is...encouraged," she began, "but it's not against the rules because they are not in each other's chain of command. They are both non-coms. If I see it affecting their job performance, that's another matter. If it doesn’t affect the job, they can do what they want on their own time." She paused and then smiled a little. "Besides, it's war. We all deserve to find some happiness where we can."

  Roxanna knew their romance had nothing to do with her, but she had a romantic heart. Most Selerid did. It was the empathy. Seeing others happy and in love made her feel good, and Dan and Jade were both friends. She hoped they would be happy together.

  "Come on," Andy said, "let's move on before they see us and we ruin their moment. I think I see a bookstore, and I would like the newest Carson novel."

  1620 Hours

  Unlike humans, and many other species, Anallin—as a Hanaran—did not need "bonding time" with its commander. However, it had been around them long enough to understand that it was not a requirement for them to offer, so the Hanaran was glad Major Dolan was willing to carve out some of her leave time to spend with each of her squad. Anallin also appreciated that the human/Arkana woman was willing to do things that her squad-mates enjoyed, rather than forcing her choices upon them.

  This led the major and the Hanaran to a shooting range. Anallin was the squad's sniper, after all. And this was not a trait that maintained itself. It required countless hours of practice.

  This shooting range was normally used by the security force stationed on Eclipse. They did not presently have a Marine unit, although in wartime, this could change at any time. Still, the security force maintained a decent course and Anallin knew it would provide the practice needed.

  "How are all the injuries healing?" Andy asked casually as they checked over the weapons they would be using. She had chosen a smaller handheld weapon while Anallin was using a rifle as usual.

  "They are healing," Anallin replied simply. "I am fully functional again, although I have been informed there will be scarring. If I want them fixed, cosmetic surgery is required. I am not vain enough to require this."

  The Hanaran noticed a small smirk on the major's lips as they walked to the range itself.

  "I'd say that scars make the girls go wild, but I realize that doesn't apply to Hanarans," she said with humor. At least the Hanaran had been around humans long enough to recognize it, though early on in its career, that had been one hell of a learning curve.

  "No," Anallin agreed. "However, the sentiment is appreciated."

  Andy chuckled, putting her earmuffs over her ears. "You're learning more about human colloquialisms every day."

  Anallin nodded, putting on its own ear covers. "It helps to know what sorts of things humans say when you work primarily with them."

  The major didn't take up a shooting posture right away, instead turning toward Anallin with a curious expression. The Hanaran stopped and turned toward her, knowing she was about to say something and patiently waiting to hear what it would be.

  "Why did you choose to join the Marines and be surrounded by humans?" she asked. "I'm not sure why I never asked before. I've always been curious."

  The Hanaran did not reply right away. It was not the first time it had been asked that question, but it was the first time it had ever considered answering. To anyone else, Anallin had simply waved the question off as being too personal. The major, however, was another matter. Anallin wanted to answer her.

  "I never disliked humanity," Anallin said after a few moments. "I find you fascinating and have gotten along with groups of you better than most of my kind. It was my fascination, I suppose, that led me to the ESS. And it was my ability to shoot that led me to the Marines."

  Andy considered this and then nodded. "Well, I'm glad we have you, Anallin." She smiled slightly and then nodded at their targets. "How about we shoot some stuff?"

  The Hanaran's blue lips curved slightly in an imitation of the human smile. "I think that is a good idea, Major."


  1730 Hours

  Dan had been reluctant to part with Jade during their leave time on base, but he knew they couldn't spend every minute together. He knew it was just the rush of a new relationship that drove his desire to be together every moment, but they were both adult enough to keep it in perspective. Besides, he did enjoy spending time with his commander.

  He wanted to tell her about him and Jade, but he wasn't sure how she'd react. He knew it wasn't against the rules, but it wasn't encouraged either. So, they had decided to keep it to themselves, at least for a while. Maybe if it ever got really serious... Of course, few people could imagine him getting "really serious" about anything but training or a fight in front of him, but he did think about these things.

  "How's the family?" Andy asked as she wrapped a chalk-coated hand around one of the artificial rocks protruding from the wall they were climbing.

  "Oh, they're good," Dan said with a laugh, looking down to carefully place his foot. "I got a letter when we got to Eclipse and our systems connected with theirs. My impending nephew is already a handful, I hear. He's giving his mother more morning sickness than any of the other four did."

  Andy moved a couple steps higher. "So they already know it's a boy?"

  Dan laughed. "Not in the least," he said. "Not medically, anyways. My brother says it's going to be a boy because they've already had four girls. He adores his daughters, but you know how men can get. They like to have sons. It's been that way forever for the human race."

  Although for Dan, he wasn't sure he did. Not that he was sure he wanted any kids in the first place with his career, but if he did, he wanted g
irls. He knew what he'd been like as a kid, and seeing that replicated wasn't something he was keen to experience or subject the future mother of his children to.

  "Of course, all his wife is saying is that if he does this to her again, he might not get to be a man anymore," Dan laughed. "She's a pistol, that one. You know, in between all the throwing up."

  "Don't they have medication for that?" she asked, pausing to look down at him.

  He grinned up at her. "They do, but they also know that too much intervention isn’t good for the development of the fetus." He had heard all of this a lot over his life. "So it isn't strong enough to make the symptom go away entirely, just lessen it and prevent dehydration."

  The major looked like she was thinking for a moment. "Another reason to not have kids," she commented and then returned to climbing.

  "To each their own," Dan agreed affably. "I remember when they first married, my sister-in-law was happy with the idea of a big family. I'm pretty sure she's wondering what she was intoxicated on when she said that!"

  "I think you can compare parenthood to really hard-mode being a Marine," Andy said. "It is certainly something that you can’t know what you're getting into until you're there, and generally by then it's too late."

  "True," Dan laughed. "My sister-in-law is probably wishing she became a Marine right about now. At least the Corps doesn't make you throw up. At least, not that often." Of course, he could remember a couple particular difficult routines during training that had pushed him to the edge, along with that time with the Rumaaran Flu one of his fellow Marines had been gracious enough to give to him.

  "I'm sure your mother must be thrilled, though," Andy said as she reached the top before him and crawled over the ledge, coming around to sit and dangle her legs while waiting for him to join her. "She made it very clear she was a woman who adored her grandchildren and wanted as many as you and your siblings could give her."

  He crawled over the ledge and sat beside her, taking a few deep breaths and looking out over the indoor facility. "You're right about that. She couldn't be happier. I think her enthusiasm helps my sister-in-law feel a little better."

  Andy chuckled and then looked at him long enough to make him think she was about to say something serious. He suddenly panicked that she knew about him and Jade and some kind of hammer was about to be lowered, but then she shook her head slightly and she pushed herself to her feet.

  "Come on, let's get out of here before the next climbers reach us," she said, heading toward the top-level exit. "Besides, I've got time scheduled with your girlfriend in an hour and I want to shower first."

  Dan missed a step.

  1845 Hours

  Jade was nervous.

  She was the newest member of the squad, and although they had already been through a lot, she hadn't had as many of these "getting to bond with the squad" moments with Major Dolan as the rest of them had. Being next to her commander made her nervous, and her new relationship didn't reduce that anxiety in any way.

  At that moment, they were sitting in a small cafe off the first level of the promenade. There was live music—from real people with real instruments—and it was a fun experience, if she could forget about who she was there with.

  The major seemed to pick up on her nerves. Jade knew she probably wasn't doing a good job of hiding them and even a non-Selerid could read it.

  "You don't have to be nervous," Andy said. "You're not in any sort of trouble. About anything." There seemed to be something weighted in those last two words, but Jade definitely wasn't going to ask what that was. She had her immediate suspicion, but she knew she was also rather paranoid right then, so she tried to push those thoughts away.

  "I know, sir," Jade said with a small smile. "It's hard, though. I'm not used to this sort of outing and all."

  From the stage, a guitar began strumming and Jade couldn't help but look toward it. It made her smile. She had always liked live music, although she couldn't play anything herself or sing her way out of a paper bag.

  "There'll be plenty more to help you get used to it," Andy said, drawing Jade's attention back to her. "Good choice of events, by the way. Being ship-board most of the time keeps us from getting much of this." She paused. "Although, Lance Corporal Thomas can play the guitar and the piano, if I recall right."

  Jade's namesake green eyes opened wide as she learned this new bit of information she hadn't known before, but she suppressed the show of eagerness quickly. "Interesting," she forced herself to say as casually as possible. "That's pretty cool."

  The major smiled. "Yes. Yes, it is."


  2300 Hours

  Andy leaned back against the bar with a smirk as she watched her squad-mates. She wasn't drinking much herself because she didn't want to run the risk of losing control around her people, but she had already bought three rounds for them. Well, for three of the four. Anallin's system couldn't tolerate alcohol, so she'd bought something else the Hanaran could handle. Anallin lost some of the delirious effects of the liquor, but the Hanaran seemed to enjoy watching the others get a little tipsy.

  Roxanna was trying to teach Anallin how to dance. The pair hovered at the edge of the dance floor and the Selerid's skin was swirling, but not the way it did when she was agitated; this was something altogether different. Andy wasn't sure she'd ever seen her sergeant drunk, so maybe this was a byproduct of that. She was laughing, and the sound was infectious. The major could see people around her smiling as well, even though she knew they didn't know each other. For the first time, she wondered if the empathy went out as well as in.

  She didn't think Anallin looked entirely convinced, but it was giving it a good try.

  Dan and Jade were playing darts in the corner. Dan was losing badly, but he didn't seem to mind it too much. Andy had wanted them to know she knew without making too big a deal about it. The two of them sneaking around could prove a risk in itself and for their behavior, so she didn't want them to do that. She was subtle with Jade and had to hope the younger woman understood, but she'd been more forward with Dan...just because, really. It was amusing.

  It never failed to put a smile on her face to see her people relaxing and having a good time, especially with each other.

  Before the war started, the galaxy could still be a dangerous place that needed the help of the ESS Marines, but it wasn't like now. Now, it was galactic war with a species actively working to subvert them. Missions had moved away from escort, guard duty, training, and the occasional fighting to battles nearly every other day. Or at least, that's how it felt. Now it was growing lists of ships, stations, and colonies lost – people dead.

  They spent enough time together working hard, fighting alongside each other, so it was a nice change of pace to enjoy their time together. She sipped her drink and let herself soak it in.

  "Can I buy you a drink?"

  Andy blinked and turned to see a man standing there, looking at her with a small smile and expectant expression. It had been a while since someone had tried to pick her up and she almost laughed, but she didn't want to be rude. She smiled and shook her head. "Thanks, but I'm good."

  He sat down on the stool beside her, and she stifled a sigh. "Come on. Just one drink and a little conversation. That wouldn't be so bad, would it?"

  "That remains to be seen," she replied simply, "but I'm pretty sure when I said no thanks, I actually meant it."

  He looked like he was about to argue with her further, until his eyes rose to something behind her and he looked worried. She didn't have to turn around to know what he'd seen, and it made her smile again.

  "This guy giving you a hard time, sir?" Roxanna asked.

  His eyes dropped to her again. "Sir?"

  Andy smiled. "I'm a Marine, son."

  "That means she knows … roughly thirty-eight ways to break you into pieces." This was, of course, from Dan.

  "Thirty-nine," Andy said. "But who's counting?"

  The guy looked at her, then those behind her, and h
er again. "I, uh, think I'll drink somewhere else." With a quick nod, he bolted.

  When he was out of sight and deep into the crowd, Andy laughed outright and looked behind her. "Impeccable timing, folks."

  "Hey, we're Marines," Dan said with a mock serious face. "Impeccable timing is our middle name."

  "I thought your middle name was Wyatt," Anallin said with an erratic eye-click from its iris-less blue eyes. This was apparently a human turn of phrase it had yet to have heard before.

  Dan just waved the Hanaran off.

  The four of them took seats to either side of her at the bar. She was relaxing further into the evening when another voice came up beside her.

  "Major Andrea Dolan?"

  That wasn't some random guy trying to pick her up. Her Marine self immediately dropped into place, and she turned to look at the uniformed woman standing there. She bore the chest insignia of the ESS Intelligence Division. That bore bad tidings for her. The rank at the collar said she was a comparable rank below Andy, but she still stood up.

  Her adrenaline had started to surge, but she restrained herself. "Yes?"

  "I need you to come with me," the woman said. Two men came up behind her, all bearing the same chest insignia.

  "Why?" Dan asked, clearly before he could stop himself. Her Marines had stood up now and were to either side of her.

  "Major Dolan is being placed under arrest," the woman answered flatly.

  "What for?" Jade exclaimed indignantly.

  Andy held up a hand, asking without words for them to calm themselves. They didn't need to get arrested alongside her.

  "What is the charge, Lieutenant?" Andy asked with more sobriety than the others. Even though she asked, she already felt sure she knew what the answer was going to be. She had feared it might come to this.


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