Dead Bastard

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Dead Bastard Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  “I know you’re a virgin, but don’t worry, baby. I’m not going to pop this cherry with my fingers.” He slid back up to touch her clit. “That’s why I backed away. I want to take you as mine, Dani. I want to claim your mouth, pussy, and ass for my own. All I can think about is shoving my dick so deep inside you that you can’t think straight. I want to spunk all over your body, so you smell like me and no one else. I can’t stand for other men to touch you. You’re mine, Daniella. No one else’s and you weren’t ready to deal with that.”

  She’d deal with it now. Daniella was soaking wet from his words and his touch. She wanted him. Maybe Shakes was the man who didn’t give a fuck about who her father was. At least she knew one thing, she was happy to risk her father’s wrath for him.

  “You’re mine, Daniella, say it,” Shakes demanded, staring at her, looking at a face that was innocent in a place full of vileness and filthy fucking monsters.

  “I can’t say that,” she said softly.

  “You can and you will, because I see the way you look at me, the way you watch me. You want me as much as I want you, and why fight that shit?”

  She swallowed, not responding right away.

  He cupped her cheek, stared at her delicate face, one that would be corrupted by him, no doubt. “I want you at my place, in my bed. I just want you, Daniella.”

  She exhaled slowly, and her pulse beat rapidly at the base of her throat. He stared at it, watched her flesh jump up and down wildly in that small spot. He wanted to lick it, drag his teeth along it, and suck at that spot. Damn, he wanted her.

  “Get your shit together, meet me downstairs by the backdoor. Try to go unnoticed, because I’ll pick you up and take you to a hotel. That’ll be a hell of a lot safer than my place if this all goes to shit.”

  “Shakes, this is bad; it could end very badly.”

  He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Yeah, it’ll probably end really fucking badly, but it’ll be worth it, no matter what.” He kissed her again, hard, possessively. He stroked her tongue with his, loved that she mewled and melted right against him. She’d put up a resistance before, but now she gave into him, submitted just like he wanted. “But I’ll make sure you’re okay. Nothing and no one will take you from me,” he said with so much determination that he heard her gasp. “I’m going to go talk to Zeke, talk to your old man about you being mine. If this needs to be done this way, it has to be done now, Daniella.”


  “Get your stuff, Daniella, and do what I say. I’ll make sure shit works out.” But that was an empty promise, because he didn’t know how in the hell this would go down. “You want this, right baby?”

  She was silent for a moment. She licked her lips, looked at him with this intense gaze, and finally nodded. “I do, but I’m afraid for you.”

  “Don’t be afraid; just do what I say,” he kissed her again, then turned and left her room. Shakes headed down to the bar, and once seated at the sacred wood counter, he took a moment to just gather his thoughts.

  It had been damn hard for Shakes to pull away from Daniella, but he had, and now he was suffering for it. He’d left her in her room, wet, soaking for him, and he was hard as a fucking rock, even with all this shit on his mind and what he was about to do. Sitting at the bar at the clubhouse, he was thinking about his next move.

  He lifted his gaze, stared at the mirror behind the bar, and knew what he wanted to do, what he had to do if he wanted to be with Daniella.

  “Hey, brother, do a shot with me?”

  He looked over at Dark, the club’s Sergeant at Arms, and shook his head. “Nah, got someplace I need to be.” He stared at the tatted up MC member, watched as he took a bottle of Johnnie Walker and tipped it back, drinking several shots in one go.

  “You going to pick up some pussy?” Dark asked, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, and looking over at Shakes.

  “No, but it’s important shit.” He needed to get his truck, get Daniella, and then after he dropped her off at a hotel, he’d go talk to someone that might rip his dick off for just stepping inside his place of business.

  “You need backup?” Dark asked.

  Did Shakes need backup? He wasn’t going to risk the club by getting them involved, or risk the club knowing what the fuck he was about to do. Demon and the club were already up his ass about leaving Daniella alone because the repercussions with Zeke could be bad shit, but he couldn’t.

  He didn’t even know why he cared so much about one female, but the fact was seeing Daniella, thinking about her, hearing her voice, smelling her hair, all of those things and more had him obsessed with her. He couldn’t allow another man to be with her, touch her…fuck her. No, he’d fucking go crazy, hurt someone, kill them because Daniella was his.

  He pushed away from the bar, grabbed his keys out of his pocket, and headed toward the front door.

  “Where you off to in a hurry?” Demon asked, coming out of the meeting room with a cigar hanging out of his mouth and a stack of folders in his arms. Ever since he’d taken up with his old lady, their president only had eyes for Deanna. Before that, Demon had fucked any female that walked by, but he supposed love really did change people.

  Hell, look at Shakes. He hadn’t even fucked Daniella, hadn’t done more than kiss her, yet he couldn’t get hard with anyone else. It was like she was his drug, and only she could give him the high he wanted and needed.

  “Out,” Shakes said.

  Demon took the cigar out of his mouth and glared at him; Shakes knew the president understood something was up. “What aren’t you telling me?” Demon asked in a deep, serious voice.

  “I just have shit to do. If I need you, I’ll call.” But he wasn’t going to call the club, sure as hell not for this. If they knew what he was doing, they’d either try and stop him or kick his ass for going against club orders, but he had to do it. He had to do this to make sure Daniella was his. If he didn’t get the answer he wanted, he’d have to take the next step. That would be a hardcore decision, a pretty big step that might ruin his position with the club and cost him his life.

  Shakes was actually here, had fucking come to speak with Zeke about taking Daniella as his. He’d picked her up in the back of the club, dropped her off at a hotel instead of his place, and as much as he’d wanted to just stay there and fuck her, claim her as his, he knew he needed to do this first.

  He’d driven to one of the many clubs Zeke owned, got past the Fort Knox-like security he always had around him, and now sat in his office staring at the man that could have his neck slit before Shakes knew it was about to happen.

  Zeke hadn’t spoken, hadn’t said a fucking word to Shakes since he’d walked into the room. The club was right behind Zeke, the thick glass tinted so no one could see in, but those in the office could see out. It was also soundproofed, so although people were dancing, practically fucking each other on the dance floor to the music that blasted overhead, Shakes couldn’t hear any of it.

  Shakes stared at Zeke, didn’t show any expression, and told himself that what he was about to tell this hardcore motherfucker would probably have him sleeping in a hole six feet under for the rest of his life. They were in one of Zeke’s office. The fucker owned a shitload of clubs in the city, and when he wasn’t doing legal work, like with the clubs, he was a pimp, drug dealer. And embezzler.

  All in all, Zeke was one bad motherfucker, didn’t care about anything or anyone aside from himself, his business, and his daughter, Daniella.


  Yeah, that was why Shakes was here right now, about to tell this prick that he wanted his daughter in the worst kind of way.

  “If you have something to say, I suggest you say it. I have business to handle and I agreed to give you five minutes.” Zeke said, his voice hard, devoid of emotion.

  Shakes was on edge; although the MC told him to not go near Daniella, that there were plenty of other females he could fuck, Shakes knew it was more than that. Shakes wanted her like a
fiend wanted his next fix, his heroin, hell, his fucking everything. In just the short time he’d been around her, he’d grown obsessed and possessive of the woman.

  She wasn’t even the type he normally went for. She was plain, almost geeky, but in a totally hot way. She was also innocent, so damn vulnerable that compared to him, she was pure driven snow. He was corrupted, evil, a murderer who did illegal shit. Fuck, he was the scum and shit on the bottom of her loafers.

  “Spit it out, because time’s wasting, boy,” Zeke said impatiently.

  Shakes gritted his teeth, dug his nails into the armrests of the chair, and stared at Zeke with the same expression on his face, in his gaze: cold, hard, unrelenting, and not about to put up with any shit. “It’s about Daniella.”

  Zeke immediately tensed. “What the fuck about her?”

  Shakes thought about how to phrase it, but realized there wouldn’t be any good way to go about it. So, he just fucking said it. “I want her…as mine.”

  Zeke didn’t say anything for some time, and as the seconds ticked by, as the tension, heat, and oppression in the room grew, Shakes knew that shit was about to hit the mother fucking fan.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Zeke said slowly, braced his hands on the desk, and stood. He leaned in an inch. “Say that again.”

  Shakes hadn’t brought any of the club with him. His decision had nothing to do with the Soldiers of Wrath. Demon didn’t have the first clue that he was standing here, right now, with Zeke.

  “I’ve come to tell you that I want Daniella and she wants me.” Shakes rested his hand on his hip, close to his gun at the base of his back.

  “You know I didn’t just hear that. I didn’t hear the shit that just spilled from your mother fucking lips.” Zeke burst out laughing.

  “You don’t think I know men like you. You’re all the fucking same.” Zeke didn’t make a move to round the desk. He buttoned up his suit jacket, smirking. “My Daniella is not going anywhere with you. You’re going to leave my office, climb on your bike, and get the fuck back to your club. I told Demon none of you were to touch my girl.”

  Shakes chuckled. “I’m not here because of Demon. I’m not here because of the club or who you are. Let me say it properly: Daniella is mine, Zeke. She’s my old lady, my woman, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

  “You touch my daughter, Shakes, and you’ll be a fucking dead bastard on the sidewalk. Do you understand me?”

  Shakes smiled. The temptation to tell him that he wasn’t going to get the chance was strong. Instead, he walked out of the office.

  He knew Zeke wasn’t lying. All that stood between him and death was mere minutes. Walking out of that office, he had no doubt Zeke would be calling his home. Grabbing his cell phone, he called Daniella.

  “How did it go?”

  “It didn’t go. Pack anything I can carry on my bike. We’re leaving now.”

  “Wait, why?”

  “If we don’t move, I’m dead, because I won’t take you back to the club or to Zeke.” He hung up, climbing onto his bike. Riding toward the hotel where he’d put Daniella, Shakes had only one regret. His one selfish act was going to cost the club. He couldn’t give up Daniella. Once Shakes had her, he wasn’t going to give her up ever again.

  Daniella had never considered going on the run from her father, yet this was exactly what was happening. Shakes had come to her at the hotel, picked her up, and they’d been on the move since. They hadn’t stopped for the past twenty-four hours. She was tired and just wanted to rest. They had to be at least a thousand miles from the Soldiers of Wrath and her father. Shakes had tossed his jacket away at the hotel where he’d picked her up. He’d left a small note simply saying sorry to his brothers, and she wondered how this would fare in the long run with his status in the club.

  Her legs were hurting her from straddling the bike. All she wanted to do was sleep. She was worried, of course. Daniella worried about what her father would do to Shakes if they were caught, and she worried about what his club would do to him for abandoning them. Of course, she felt this thrill that Shakes would run with her, risk everything just for her, but it scared the hell out of her.

  He pulled up into a rundown motel that looked like one paid by the hour, and although it looked nasty as hell, she couldn’t lie, she really didn’t care as long as she was with Shakes.

  “Stay here,” he said, leaving her sitting on his bike. She wrapped her arms around her waist, and looked around at the shady surroundings. Her cell phone went off, startling her and causing her heart to race. Daniella glanced down to see Zeke was calling her. She hovered over the accept button then decided against it. He would kill Shakes for taking her. She didn’t want Shakes dead.

  Did she love him?

  She really didn’t know. He was different, and he saw her, like, really saw her, which was new when it came to her. Daniella wasn’t under any illusion about the way she looked. She wasn’t beautiful like Deanna, Amy, or Eloise. Her plain, geeky appearance was obviously easy to overlook.

  Several shifty looking guys passed by watching her and she hated their gazes on her.

  Come on, Shakes.

  Her father was many things, but he’d never leave her out in the open in a strange neighborhood that clearly allowed murder as it’s day job.

  Get a grip, Dani. It’s fine. You’re going to be completely fine.

  Shakes appeared only moments later swinging some keys around his finger. “We’re in luck.”

  “Don’t leave me outside again,” she said, glancing behind her at those men.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you. I had my eye on you even when I was in the office, and if those fuckers came at you they would be dead at my feet right now.”

  “I don’t like this. Do you expect us to be on the run forever?” she asked, feeling her anxiety over this rising. He grabbed her arm and led her toward one of the rooms that was in the back.

  “Tomorrow I’ve got to ditch the bike, and we’ll get a small car.”

  Daniella bit her lip really fighting the need to snap and curse at him, trying to tell him, make him understand that this was going to get him killed. He opened the door to their room. Stepping inside, he flicked the light on and Daniella’s heart sank. The walls were yellow from years of smoking clients and no refreshing paint. The bed was made but the air was riddled with the scent of old, dirty sex.

  Tears filled her eyes and she tried to take a step back. “I want to go back home.”

  “Do you want to be with me?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” But she didn’t know if she meant that.

  “We go back and I’m a dead man.”

  “I didn’t want this. I don’t know what I want, but I know for damn sure it’s not this. I can’t stand this.” She covered her face with her hands, sobbing as the reality of their situation finally hit her hard.

  What the hell was she doing? She was running away with a man over ten years older than she was, a man she really didn’t know, and doing something that could really get Shakes killed, and put her in a bad spot.

  The door closed and he touched her hands. She shook her head, refusing to release her own face. “No, I don’t want you to touch me.”

  “Dani,” he said, speaking softly.

  When he used that voice, she wanted to fall for him all over again. It was a combination of so many things that had her melting for him.

  “I can’t do this. I’m not used to this.”

  He ran his hands up and down her arms, tugging her against his body. “Look, I know this place is a shit hole. I wouldn’t dream of bringing you here if I didn’t have any other choice.”

  “We can go back home.”

  “We’ve been gone long enough they know shit has gone down with me and you. We go back and I’m a dead bastard. Your father will kill me, and there is sure as hell going to be issues with the club.”

  Tears filled her eyes even more. Dropping her hands, she stared up into his face. �
��I don’t want you to die. I don’t want to be responsible for you getting killed.”

  He took her hands, pressing a small kiss to the inside of her wrists. “I know, baby. I know you don’t want me to die.” He tugged her tight against him and she didn’t fight.

  Wrapping her arms around his body, she took a deep breath. “I’m so scared, and honestly I am so shocked that I’m doing this when we don’t really even know each other.”

  “There’s no need to be scared. We stay here, I trade my bike in for a car, and I empty out my account. I’ve got time to get us plenty of cash. When we’re far away, I can find us a place. We can’t use our real names.”

  “Are you even listening to yourself?”

  “Lots of people do this, Dani.”

  “No, not this. My dad will never stop looking for me, Shakes. He’ll never give up and I don’t want to spend my life running, afraid for you.”

  She wasn’t scared about herself. Her father was many things, but he’d never hurt her. But Shakes on the other hand…yeah, if he got hold of Shakes, he was dead.

  Zeke would be disappointed. It would make a change for him to be disappointed in her rather than the other way around. She’d never done anything like this.

  “I know he won’t ever give up. We can’t go back.”

  She cupped his face, touching him for what felt like the first time. “Okay, then we’re going to have to make the best of it, aren’t we?”

  He pushed her against the wall. “I know this place isn’t perfect for you, baby. I will make it up to you.”

  This was all so crazy, but even though she was scared for herself and Shakes, and even though she honestly didn’t know what the future held for them, she did know she wanted to be with him. It was strong inside of her, that need to be with him in every way. Daniella moaned as he slammed his lips down on hers. They didn’t have to hide like they did back at the clubhouse.


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