Dead Bastard

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Dead Bastard Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Look on the bright side.

  There wasn’t much else she could do. They were both in danger. Sliding her fingers into his hair, she pulled on the length, groaning as he pressed his rock hard cock against her abdomen. She pushed back, gliding one of her hands down to grip his cock in her fist over his jeans.

  “You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you, baby.”

  “Yes, please, Shakes, I need you.”

  “I’m not going to fuck you here. When I take your pussy, it’s going to be in a room that I know is damn clean. I’m many things, Dani, but your first time is going to be memorable.” She groaned. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t make you feel good. I’m going to have you riding my fingers, baby, melting for me. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, Shakes, please.”

  She gripped his shirt tightly, arousal flooding her.

  “First, I want you to get naked. I want to see you, Dani. No hiding.”

  He took a step back, watching her. Daniella licked her lips as he tugged his shirt up his body. She took a deep breath as he exposed the beauty of his naked chest. There were patches of ink here and there.

  “Now it’s your turn.”

  Opening her jacket, she let it fall to the floor before taking her time to undo the buttons of her shirt. Her hands were shaking but Shakes didn’t rush her. There was no sound from him when she removed her shirt. She stood in front of him in her plain white bra.

  “Take it off. Let me see you, Dani.”

  Reaching behind her, she unclipped the bra, and then let it fall to the floor. She stared somewhere past his shoulder so she didn’t have to look him in the eye.

  “You’re utterly beautiful, Dani.”

  Forcing herself to look into his eyes, she saw the lust shining back at her. He took a step closer. The tips of his fingers running up her stomach, and just when he was about to touch her breasts her cell phone rang, invading the moment.

  For a moment she didn’t move, didn’t even breathe. Was it Zeke again? “Sorry,” she said, bending down to grab her phone from her jacket.

  Shakes took it from her and read the name flashing on the screen. “It’s your father.”

  “He keeps calling and I keep ignoring him.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, folding her arms over her breasts. The last thing she wanted to be doing was talk about her father when she wasn’t wearing a bra and about to be sexual with Shakes.

  They stared at Zeke’s name flashing across her screen.

  “Do you really want to go back?” he asked again.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt, but I want to be with you.” She shook her head, finally making her decision. No, she wasn’t going back.

  Taking her phone from him, she hit ignore then closed her phone. It was final and done.

  Her phone now went straight to voicemail. Zeke growled out as Daniella or that bastard Shakes, turned off her fucking phone. He threw his cell phone across the clubhouse. The moment he’d come for Daniella, he’d known something was wrong. Demon wouldn’t allow him inside the clubhouse, and he’d not been able to get in contact with his little girl.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Zeke asked, barely restraining his anger.

  “She left willingly with Shakes,” Demon said, saying the words through gritted teeth. “We don’t know anything else.”

  “The bastard came to me telling me he wanted Daniella to be his. I told you no one touched my little girl.” He glanced around the clubhouse. The room was full with Demon’s patched-in members. Deanna stood by Demon, and Amy was beside Joker. “Did I miss the party invitation?” Zeke asked.

  “I’m pregnant with our first child,” Deanna said, holding her belly as if for protection.

  From the gritting of Demon’s teeth, it was clear he hadn’t wanted Zeke to know about that. “How interesting. So, my daughter has somehow been getting closer to one of your men and now I can’t find her, and he’s nowhere to be seen.”

  “We’ll find him.”

  “I know you’ll find, him, and you’ll bring him to me.” Zeke wasn’t used to having to wait for what he wanted.

  “No, I’m not going to bring him to you.”

  Zeke smiled. “You’re not going to have a choice.” He moved toward one of his men. Taking the man’s cell phone, he put a call in to one of his associates. Zeke had contacts everywhere, and more secrets than any other man he knew. Staring in Demon’s eyes he waited for the man to answer.

  “Yes?” The man on the other end said.

  “I’ve got a job for you.”

  “Listening,” his associate said.

  “The Soldiers of Wrath MC are on the lookout for one of their men, goes by the name Shakes. If they take Shakes in or in anyway try to help him, I want you to put a bullet through Deanna’s skull.” Zeke kept his face stoic even as Demon went for him. His men drew their guns, and the tension mounted in the room. “Name your price.” The man said a price. “Done.”

  Disconnecting the call, he pocketed the cell phone.

  “And you wonder why Daniella couldn’t stand you? You’re a monster,” Amy said, shouting out. Joker slammed his hand over Amy’s mouth.

  “I’m not a monster. I’m getting the job done because I want my fucking daughter back.”

  “You fucking bastard.”

  Zeke stared at the man opposite him. “You can let him go,” he said to his men. “I’ve got no problems with facing you, Demon. I warned you not to mess with me.” He closed the distance between him and Demon, getting right into his face, showing them all he wasn’t scared. Zeke had been through hell and come out the other side stronger than anyone else he’d known. The only thing he gave a shit about was his little girl. He wasn’t the best father in the world, but he loved her.

  “I’ll bring him to you,” Demon said, slowly, his anger clear in his voice.

  “Good, because I’d hate to have to put a bullet in your woman’s head.”

  “You’d still do it though, wouldn’t you?” Demon asked, rage coming from him.

  Zeke smiled. “I will do it. What you’ve got to realize, Demon, is there are few things I won’t do. I won’t kill a child, and I don’t take unwilling women, but I do kill them if they cross me or anyone I hold dear. I will kill your woman if it gets me what I want.”

  “And what if we can’t find them?” Demon asked.

  “I suggest you find them, because if you don’t then your woman won’t be breathing any longer. You and I both know there isn’t anything your club could do to stop me. Don’t let him slip through your fingers.” Nodding his head at the clubhouse, Zeke smiled humorlessly. He’d made a lot of enemies, but again, it wasn’t something he wasn’t used to, or especially cared about.

  Leaving their clubhouse, he climbed into his car.

  “They’re going to try and kill you,” his driver and guard Nigel said.

  “They can try and they’re going to fail, just like all the rest.” Everyone failed because they weren’t prepared to risk everything they loved. Zeke had an army of deranged killers, even mercenaries, men that had nothing to lose, on his payroll.

  Zeke had kept Daniella away from him so that he could take the risks, and not put her in danger. When he saw Daniella, he wasn’t going to hurt her. He’d never hurt her. She needed to know the world was dangerous, and acting rebellious wouldn’t fly with him, not in this situation. He’d protect her until he took his last dying breath.

  What if she loved Shakes?

  He wasn’t going to allow himself to think about that. Love didn’t come into their world. It never would.

  It had been hours since they’d been at the motel, and although Shakes had said he wouldn’t fuck her at this nasty fucking place, she was feeling this heat inside of her that wouldn’t lessen. They’d showered separately, and right now Shakes was on the chair in the corner, facing the door, a gun in his lap, and the TV on but muted. He had his head back against the wall, his finger running over the butt of the gun, and although she was exhausted,
and had to assume he was as well, she couldn’t sleep.

  After her father called and she’d shut her phone off, the mood had been broken. However, she was still aroused, still thinking about being with Shakes despite his words that he wouldn’t take her here.

  He stared at her, his eyes half-lidded, his entire composure controlled. He was shirtless, and his jeans were unbuttoned. God, his body was so powerfully built, so hard and muscular, and the tattoos that lined his skin had her even more turned on. She was going to do something she had never done before: just take what she wanted and worry about everything else later.

  Daniella sat on the bed, her heart pounding so hard she thought it might very well burst right through her chest. This was the most spontaneous and illogical thing she had ever contemplated. Seducing Shakes when his life was in danger because of what they felt, wanting to have sex with him when they should be staying alert, probably wasn’t very smart. But she couldn’t help what she wanted and needed right now. She wanted him to hold her, to tell her things would be okay. She wanted him to tell her that things weren’t as bad as they really were, even if it wasn’t quite true right now.

  She’d always played it safe, well, as safe as one could be given that her father was one of the most feared men in the city and surrounding area. It tended to make life difficult for her.

  “You’re looking at me like you want something, Daniella,” he said in his deep, gritty voice.

  She swallowed, rubbed her hands on her thighs, and exhaled. Feeling her courage bounce back and forth like a Ping-Pong balls, she used every ounce of strength and grabbed it. “I do want something.”

  He lifted a dark brow. He hadn’t shaved in the last twenty-four hours¸ and his scruff made him look sexier, dangerous even. “And what’s that, baby?”

  Her throat tightened, her tongue swelled, and her heart raced. “You, Shakes, I want you.”

  He slowly stood, placed the gun on the bedside table—still within reach, but now his hands were free to do…whatever he wanted. “Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked slowly, almost menacingly. “I told you I wouldn’t take you here, that our first time wouldn’t be in a hovel.”

  Because her life had been so lock and key, and because her father had his men keeping tabs on her, it hadn’t given Daniella a lot of time to actually be with a guy in many ways. She was a virgin; and she wanted Shakes in every way possible. Even though she was a virgin, it didn’t mean she was a prude; it didn’t mean she hadn’t ever kissed a guy, or done other illicit things. She’d never really been touched by a man. Her father had been so tight on the security since he came back in her life that stolen moments with guys had been fleeting. She wasn’t a child anymore, wanted this, and why in the hell shouldn’t she get what she wanted for once?

  “I want you anyway, everyway, and right now. I don’t care where we are, Shakes.”

  He smirked, but it looked sinister, calculating almost. “I should say no and deny your gorgeous ass, but I’m too damn selfish for that.” He took a step closer. “Feet flat on the bed, and spread your legs so I can see your pussy, Daniella. I want to see the pussy that belongs to me.” Shakes’ voice was deep, low, and there was a bit of something not quite civil about the tone.

  This very submissive need inside of her to do exactly what he said, when he said it, rode her hard, and she found herself doing what he asked without question. Daniella had never been the one to submit so easily, but with Shakes, she wanted to, she wanted to be with him, and to say fuck it all. She’d found herself doing a lot of things she never thought she would do.

  She lay back on the bed, her heart thundering, her palms sweating, and her pussy so wet her panties were soaked. When her feet were on the bed, she glanced down and watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them down his legs. This seemed like it was going so fast, but God she wasn’t going to stop it.

  Daniella looked at his cock, at the long length, the thick girth. Damn, he was impressive. He stroked himself from root to tip, not caring that she watched, that he was being crude in the most delicious of ways. He was a big man, hard and muscular, and he was well over a foot taller than she was. Daniella had never been a small woman and had always had curves and been on the thicker side, geeky and even awkward. She loved her body, though, and she knew Shakes did as well.

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  She nodded. Yes, she did, she really did.

  “And that pussy’s a virgin, isn’t it, baby?”

  She licked her lips and nodded again.

  “That pussy is mine, only mine, and it will be forever, Daniella.” He kicked off his jeans. “Take the panties off, and spread your legs for me. Let me see that cherry.”

  Oh. My. God.

  “Come on, baby girl. I am barely holding on as it is, and I need you to give me this.” He started stroking himself harder and faster, and when she looked down at his shaft she was surprised to see he was so excited for her a drop of clear fluid dotted the tip of his cock. He then spread his palm over the crest and used his pre-cum as lubrication.

  She looked back at his face and saw that his pupils were completely dilated and eating up the light blue irises. He looked like a demon ready to take control of her, ready to make her submit no matter what. But God, Daniella wanted that, wanted him to take possession of her in a way that she had never experienced.

  She quickly got her panties off. Spreading her thighs as wide as they could go, she felt her labia part, felt her entire being become exposed to him. The lighting in the room wasn’t the best. It was bright, almost obtrusive, and no doubt showed every single “flaw” she had. But Shakes looked at her like he had never seen a more attractive woman, like she really was his. That had a surge of power moving through her. An obscene amount of wetness came from her, and she felt it slip down the crease of her ass the longer he stared between her thighs.

  “Fuck, you have no idea how you look to me right now, and how gorgeous you are to me,” he said as he continued to stare at her pussy and stroke his cock. “The things I want to do to you are so fucked up they’d scare you if I said them out loud.”

  His words had her breathing harder and faster, had her chest rising and falling as she tried to suck in more air.

  He slowly moved his gaze up her body until he was looking in her face again. “I want you in every way, want to claim you, own you, make sure you know that there is no other man that will ever fucking touch you.”

  Ludicrous. Insane. Crazy.

  All of those meant the same thing, yet they all three filled her in different ways and described this situation.

  He took step closer, and this low, guttural sound left him. “Touch your cunt for me. Touch that virgin pussy and tell me know how good it feels.”

  That term for one of her body parts might have offended her on another occasion, but the way he said it made her feel heated, pliant, and so ready to have him shove that huge cock deep inside of her.

  Sliding her hand down her belly, she didn’t stop until she slipped her fingers between her slick folds. Daniella had touched herself plenty of times, but never in front of a man. The bottom of her hand brushed along her clit, and a gasp of pleasure left her.

  “Fuck yourself with those fingers, and make yourself come for me.” Shakes looked so tense, and his muscles strained under his inked skin.

  Daniella was on the verge of coming right now just at hearing his demands, and that startled her. But her pussy was so soaked that when she did slide her middle finger inside of her opening, she had to bite her lip to keep herself from coming. “God, I’m so wet for you.”

  He groaned deeply, and it sounded more animalistic than human.

  She wanted to get off with him in her, pounding that hard rod deep inside of her pussy until he couldn’t go any further. She was a virgin, and she hated that fact right now.

  “Fuck yourself with them, Daniella.” He sounded breathless in a purely masculine way.

  God, he had a sadistic streak to him, becau
se this was pure torture. Daniella started sliding her finger in and out of her pussy; she was so wet it moved easily. For a solid minute he just watched as she pleasured herself, and it was taking every ounce of her self-control not to just let go until the pleasure consumed her. If he didn’t take her now she wasn’t going to be able to last, but before she could tell him that, or even beg him to fuck her, which she was on the verge of doing, he let go of his dick.

  “I want to be gentle for your first time, need to be gentle, but dammit I can barely control myself.” He moved closer still. “And I sure as hell don’t want to fuck you in this motel room—”

  “I just want you. Stop thinking about where we are, and just focus on what we could be doing right now.”

  For a moment he didn’t move; she didn’t think he even breathed as he watched her. He grabbed his wallet out of his pants on the floor, grabbed a condom, and then she was the one staring at him, holding her breath, and surprised she was actually doing this.

  Zeke slammed his car into the driveway of his home, angrier than hell. The Soldiers of Wrath would protect Shakes, and he didn’t want that dead bastard protected. Once inside he walked into his study and poured himself a generous shot of whiskey. This was his good stuff, as well. He wasn’t in the mood for shit.

  “Daniel!” He shouted, waiting for the man he was looking for to come into his office.

  “What’s up, boss?” Daniel asked.

  Out of all of his men, Daniel was the best tracker, and he was fucking loyal. Right now, Zeke needed loyalty. He wanted his daughter back.

  Throughout his life, he’d done a lot of bad shit. He’d lied, cheated, and fought his way to the top, but he’d loved his daughter. Daniella was going to have a better life, even if he had to kill every fucking person who was in his way.

  “You know what’s going on?” Zeke asked, taking a sip of his whiskey.


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