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Dead Bastard

Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  Do it for Daniella.

  Gritting his teeth, he turned to his men who were waiting for the signal to kill.

  You want his blood on your hands; kill him, and wipe all threat away from your daughter.

  Zeke battled with himself.

  “Please, I won’t go. I won’t leave. I’ll try to be the good daughter you want, just don’t let him die. Please, I love him, Dad. I love him more than anything.” She sobbed the words against his chest.

  “Fuck,” he said. Wrapping his arms around his daughter, he held her tightly to his chest. “You don’t make it easy being your father. I’ve been worried sick about you.”

  “We wouldn’t have left if you’d given him your consent and not threatened him.”

  Zeke swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Don’t even think this is going to change how pissed off I am. He’ll jump through my fucking loops until I’m satisfied,” Zeke said.

  “We’ll do anything, just let him live, please.”

  Nodding, he kissed the top of her head. Only his little girl could make him do what he was about to do.

  Putting the safety on his gun, he placed it safely in his holster. This hadn’t gone the way he planned.

  “Sir?” one of his men asked.

  “Put your weapons down,” Zeke said.

  He had to go and bargain for the man’s life he’d been more than willing to end moments ago.

  When I get home, I’m going to take a woman, and get the blood I want out of her ass and thighs.

  Zeke had just the woman in mind. There was going to be another shipment of females in a couple of weeks, meaning more work, and more auctions. He had a lot of businesses that he hoped Daniella never found out about.

  “I want him to live.”

  What in the hell was happening?

  Shakes stared at Zeke, replayed what he’d just said in his head, and then looked at Demon. This wasn’t what he’d been expecting, not at all. He’d been prepared to die for the woman he loved, but then Zeke had told Demon he wanted him alive?

  “You want him to live?’ Demon asked, clearly as confused as Shakes. Demon looked at Zeke.

  Zeke looked at Daniella, emotion crossing his face, then gave a sharp nod. “I don’t want to cause my daughter any more pain.” He looked at Shakes. “And I see how much she loves him, how much he loves her. It’s clear he was willing to die for her, and I have to amend a part of that.” Zeke clenched his jaw. “I’m not saying I won’t keep my eye on Shakes, make sure his ass is in line and treating my little girl right, but I don’t want to cause her pain by taking the bastard’s life.” Zeke looked at Daniella again. “I love you, even if you don’t believe me, or see it. I do, Daniella, with all my heart. You are the one good thing in my life.

  The air grew thick, and the silence stretched out.

  Zeke looked at Daniella a moment longer, and then turned his attention to Demon. “You spare that piece of shits life and I’ll call off the deal we have. We can stay in touch, if need be, but I won’t use the club to do anymore of my dirty work.”

  “Dad?” Daniella said, shock in her voice.

  Demon gave a gruff nod. “I can’t guarantee anything, since the club has to vote after his betrayal and lack of concern for my woman and kid.” Demon looked at Shakes then.

  “I won’t have my daughter being torn up over this shit. If I had been okay with it, they wouldn’t have run. No death, Demon.” Zeke stared at Demon and the club, and the tenseness increased.

  Demon looked at Steel and Joker. They didn’t verbally communicate, but they didn’t need to. Shakes could read them well enough as if they’d shouted their conversation. Demon turned back to face Zeke. “And if we take Shakes’ death off the table, you’ll call this deal between us off?”

  Zeke gave a gruff nod.

  “Fine, we’ll work something out.”

  Shit. What in the fuck was going on here?

  Zeke turned and left, but Daniela called out to him and moved forward.

  “Dad,” she said softly. “What are you doing? Why are you doing this?” She sounded happy, but wary.

  Zeke cupped her cheek and looked down at her. “I just want you happy, no matter what. And if keeping Shakes alive means that, then I’ll back off and let you live your life.” He smiled softly at her. “I’m a bastard, a vile asshole that makes my living exploiting people, selling shit that is illegal, and making people miserable.” He stroked her cheek, and Shakes couldn’t move as he saw real emotion on Zeke’s face. “I just want you to be happy and not hate me.” Then he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. But don’t let him fuck this up for you, baby girl.” And with that, Zeke turned and walked to his SUV. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. “We’ve already called for a clean up on the bodies. I’d suggest you do whatever you need to with him then get the fuck out of here before the police show up.”

  They all stood there and watched as Zeke left, the SUVs kicking up dirt in the process. Shakes turned and faced Demon once they were alone again, but when he sensed Dani move closer, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. He held her, just marveling in the fact he was alive and could do it. But what would the club do with him? Death might be off the table, but there was a hell of a lot of worse shit they could do, shit that was torture for betraying the club.

  “Seems like you have choice to make, Shakes,” Demon said.

  Shakes pulled Dani tighter, closer to his body. “Would you have given me the gun if Zeke hadn’t stopped it?” Shakes asked, referring to being shot and killed.

  “What do you think?” Demon asked, his face a hard mask of anger. “You didn’t care that my woman and child were in danger, didn’t care Zeke threatened to kill them if you weren’t found.”

  “I love Daniella,” Shakes said just as hard. “If the roles were reversed, you would have only cared about your old lady and no one else. I’m sorry I went against the club, betrayed you all, and betrayed the club. But I had to be with Daniella and make sure she was safe.”

  Demon shook his head. “I may have given you my word on not taking you out, and I know the club will back Zeke up on that, but you have to be punished, Shakes. You betrayed us, turned your back on the MC, and you have to pay for that.”

  Shakes nodded, knowing this was going to happen, knowing it needed to happen. “I take responsibility for what needs done, but I’d do it again, Demon. I’d leave and take Daniella with me. She’s my old lady and I love her.”

  Demon didn’t respond right away, but then he exhaled, ran a hand over his face, and looked at Shakes once more. There was this openness, this almost sympathy on the other man’s face. “I know what you mean, man, and I would have done the same to be with Deanna. I would do anything for her.” Demon stepped closer. “But you have to pay, Shakes.”

  “I know.” Shakes looked at Joker and Steel.

  “We’ll take a vote at the club, but you need to give up your cut. You need to leave the club.”

  And that was like a fucking blow to his head. He knew he’d have to pay, but giving up his cut, leaving the club, still came as a shock. He looked at Daniella, at the woman he loved, the woman he’d die for, kill for. He cupped her cheek, stared into her gorgeous eyes, and knew he’d do whatever it took to be with this woman.

  “You don’t have to leave. I can’t let you walk away from them,” she said softly, tears in her eyes. “I can’t be the one that makes you give up everything.”

  He smiled softly and leaned down to kiss her. “I’d give my life if it meant being with you for one more day.” Shakes pulled back, took a deep breath, and faced Demon and the other members again. “Make the vote. I’ll respect whatever the club decides.”

  Although the vote for him giving up his cut had to be unanimous, he knew, without a doubt, the brothers would vote him out. But Shakes would do anything to be with Daniella, even if that meant walking away from the men he considered family, and the club he’d give up everything for. But Daniella was important to him; s
o important he’d black out his MC ink, give up his cut, and forget he was ever in the MC.

  Three days later

  Daniella was scared, worried for Shakes They sat in his living room, the phone call he’d just received weighing heavily on him.

  “Are you sure this is what you want, that I am what you want?” She didn’t want him giving up his world, his life, for her.

  Shakes stared at her, the hardness in his face having her sit up straighter. “Come here,” he said in a commanding, deep voice. She stood, moved over to him, and when she was within his reach, he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap.

  “Don’t say shit like that again. I love you, will always love you, and if giving up my cut and blacking out my MC patch ink means I can have you and not run, then you better fucking believe I’m going to take it.”

  “But the MC is your life, your world.”

  He smiled and cupped her cheek. “I don’t have a choice leaving the club, baby. Running with you sealed my fate. But even if I had the choice again, I’d chose you.” He kissed her again. “The club has been my life for a long time, but I betrayed the club to be with you, and I don’t regret that. I have to pay the price.”

  “But you’ll be losing a piece of yourself, and I’m afraid you’ll hate me for it.”

  “Stop, Dani.” He leaned in and kissed her. “I love you. Okay?”

  She nodded, smiled, and leaned in to kiss him. “We don’t have to run anymore, Shakes.”

  He shook his head. “No, baby, we don’t. I can finally give you that happily ever after you deserve.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, loving the sound of that, but worried about what he’d be missing in his life not being in the MC. She didn’t know much about motorcycle clubs, but she knew that it would eat away at him, take a little piece of his soul not being in the club. She just hoped he didn’t regret this decision once it was all said and done.

  Shakes entered he clubhouse and found all of the brothers waiting for him. His patch had already been burned; he’d seen it out on the parking lot in a metal drum.

  All the brothers were waiting for him. He wore a leather jacket without any markings.

  “You know the drill,” Demon said.

  “I’m voted out, and I’ve got to have my ink blacked out.” Shakes had a choice, have his ink blacked out, or have a brother cut it off. He was more than happy to have the ink blacked out. This was his decision and he was more than happy to leave the club if it meant staying with his woman.

  Daniella was his life. The club was amazing, and he was grateful for the time he’d spent with them. The brothers couldn’t give him what she could: the love, the support, and the feeling that he was cared for. He loved her with all of his heart and soul.

  “I didn’t want any of you to get in trouble or for you to be in pain because of me. I love you guys, but I love Daniella more than you.”

  “We get it, brother,” Joker said.

  “Even I get it.” Demon let out a sigh. “I hate that we’re going to be losing you, but there’s nothing we can do. You betrayed the club, and there has to be a punishment.”

  “I accept all punishment that you decide I need.” He removed his jacket, and he watched, felt, as the room grew hot, tensed.

  Shakes held his arms out, turning in a circle so they saw he was free, and without weapons. “I’m not armed. I’m not here to fight.”

  He tugged up his shirt, and took a seat. Drill, the guy who did all the ink was waiting.

  “This is going to hurt,” Drill said.

  “I don’t care about the pain.” He took a seat, presenting the ink on his arm. Once his arm was blacked out, he’d give him his back.

  The brothers relaxed as the machine started to buzz.

  “On the last Friday of the month, Dani and I are getting married. You’re all invited,” Shakes said.

  “You sure you want us to be part of that?” Demon asked.

  “I’m taking my punishment. I’m out of the club. Not one part of your vote said we couldn’t be friends, still be family. I’m out, and my cut is gone.” Shakes looked around at the men he’d considered friends. “You’re still my family.”

  Demon gritted his teeth.

  Deanna came from behind Demon. She placed a hand on Demon’s arm. “We’ll be there. Daniella’s a nice woman, and we still love you Shakes.”

  “She is. She didn’t know that I’d put your life in danger.”

  “I get why you did it, and I know all of the other bothers would have done the same if they were in your shoes. You’re in love.” Deanna smiled at him, and he was thankful she wasn’t angry with him.

  The rest of the brothers accepted his invitation. Joker offered him a bottle of whiskey as Drill started working on his back.

  “No. I accept this.” The burn on his arm was nothing compared to the burn that started on his back. He was in pain, and it fucking hurt. Thinking about Daniella helped the pain to lessen just a little. This he could handle because at the end of it, he was going to go home to his woman, the love of his life.

  The biker life was great, and he’d miss parts of it. He was going to keep his bike, which he’d gotten back for a good price, and he’d get to go on rides. They didn’t take that from him, and he’d have Daniella in his life. In time, the rumor about what he’d done and how he’d been cut off from the club would spread. He’d have no support from the brothers in other chapters, but even if that hurt, he knew this was what he needed to do to make things right. He had to do this for himself, the club, and Daniella.

  Daniella arrived at her father’s place, and she’d never been more nervous in her life. They had left the ranch, and the town behind, and they were back, living near the Soldiers and her father, in Shakes’ place. She wasn’t going to go back on her promise, and she would make an effort to be in his life.

  The guard on the door gave a nod and let her inside.

  She walked down the long corridor until she was outside of her father’s office. Her heart was pounding, but she found the strength to knock on his door.

  “Come in,” Zeke said.

  Blowing out a breath, she opened the door. Zeke had his head over a document on his file as she entered. When he looked up, she saw the shock on his face.

  “Daniella,” he said, closing the file.

  “All you do is work and live in this room. Do you know you’ve got a whole house to live in?” she asked, rubbing her hands together in front of her. She’d hated living in this fortress. It had only served to remind her of the life her father led, and the life she was trapped in.

  He’d saved the love of her life.

  “There’s no rest for the wicked. Where’s Shakes?”

  “He’s taking his punishment from the club.” She shivered, thinking about what that meant. He’d not gone into much detail about what was going to happen.

  Zeke nodded. “I couldn’t make them keep him. The club would have looked weak because of it.”

  “What about you? Will you look weak?” she asked. She folded her arms, wishing there was something she could say or do that would break the tension.

  “I’ve spoken with Shakes, and he’s going to be working for me. I’ll pay him, and his lack of position will show to the world his punishment,” he said.

  “He’s told me he’ll be working for you as a grunt or something.”

  “If anyone thinks they can take me on, let them. They’ll come up with a brick wall of force.” He nodded at her bound arm. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. It was just a graze.”

  Zeke climbed out of his chair and rounded the desk to stand before her.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I have never wanted to hurt you, Dani. I love you. You’re my girl, and I’ve only wanted to protect you. Your safety means more to me than anything.”

  “We’re going to be staying close. I’m going to go to college like before. Shakes wants me to finish. I’m scared,” she said.

hat are you afraid of?”

  It was the first time he’d ever asked her what she was afraid of. Usually, he found out the source of her problem on his own, sometimes totally misjudging the issue, and took out her problem. He always asked questions afterward.

  “He’s given up everything for me. Won’t he come to resent me?”

  “Shakes is the kind of man to weigh his options. Before he came to me, he’d have already made a decision based on two outcomes. He would have thought of everything, and set out his course of action.” He dropped his head, sighing. “He’s a good man. He’s not the man I wanted for you. You’re my little girl, and I saw you with a doctor, a man who doesn’t have a past like mine or Shakes, but I can see how wrong I was. Shakes loves you, and he’ll do whatever he can to protect you.”

  “I love him.”

  “And he loves you. I’ll always be here with you, for you, and I want to work on our friendship, honey. I really want us to get to know each other.”

  “Well, if you want you can come around to dinner next week,” she said.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Also, Shakes and I are getting married at the end of the month. I’d really like it if you’d be there to give me away,” she said.

  She watched, amazed, as tears filled his eyes. It was the first time she’d seen him look happy.

  “I’ll be there.”

  Taking a deep breath, she closed the distance between them. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she gave her father a hug. She’d not given him a hug in over ten years. Closing her eyes, she released a sigh as Zeke held her tightly.

  “I missed you, Dani.”

  “I missed you, too, Dad.”

  “I wish I was a better father for you but I’m not. I can’t change who I am. I wish I could.”

  She let the tears spill from her eyes, truly happy to be with her father.

  After a few minutes, she pulled out of his arms. “I better be getting back. I don’t know how long Shakes is going to be, and I don’t want him to be worried about me.”

  “I’ll be around tomorrow. You’d better warn Shakes you’re cooking for me.”


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