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Will to Love

Page 20

by Miranda P. Charles

  "I'm alright."

  Hearing her sniffly voice, he asked, "are you sick, baby? You don't sound well."

  "No, I'm not sick."

  "Then what's wrong, sweetheart? What happened? Are you crying?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

  Clarise almost laughed out loud. That was exactly what Megan had asked. But she didn't really feel like laughing.

  "Why didn't you tell me about Karen Childs?" she asked him in a quiet voice.

  Will froze and felt a cold hand clutch his heart. "What do you mean, baby?" he asked in a low voice.

  "Exactly what I asked, Will."

  Will took a deep, disturbed breath. Clarise was obviously very upset because of Karen.

  "I didn't tell you about her because she isn't an important enough subject to just bring up out of the blue. There hadn't been a good enough reason to talk about her," he answered softly.

  Clarise was silent for a moment, digesting what Will had just said.

  "So catching up with your ex-fiancee in Vienna and Budapest is not an important enough reason to tell me about her?"

  "No, I'm not catching up with her. She sent me an email telling me she planned to be there the same time I was there and that maybe we could have coffee. I said I'll be very busy and wouldn't have the time. I don't plan to catch up with her."

  "So you have been communicating with her recently, Will? You knew she'd be in Europe the same time as you? I still don't see why you haven't told me about her."

  "I told you, baby. She's not important enough to discuss."

  Clarise couldn't grasp that. Karen was someone he was with for four and a half years. How could she be so unimportant?

  "Maybe the real truth is that your girlfriend of only a few weeks is not important enough to disclose these things to." she said in a hurt voice.

  "Clarise! How could you say that? I love you!" he said angrily.

  "Do you?"

  Will winced as sharp pain lanced his heart at Clarise's doubt that he loved her.

  "Yes, damn it! I love you. I'm madly in love with you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my life!" he said forcefully.

  Clarise was dumbfounded at the vehemence of his declaration.

  "Really?" she asked squeakily when she recovered her voice.

  Will sighed audibly and spoke with quiet sincerity. "Yes, baby. I really love you. I'll do anything to prove it to you. Anything. What do you want me to do?"

  Clarise's heart pounded in her chest, her eyes filling again with tears. But this time, they weren't tears of pain, they were tears of relief and love for the man on the other end of the line. But something still niggled her.

  "Will, she said she was the one who broke up with you."

  Anger at Karen bubbled in Will. The woman had obviously approached Clarise and upset her. But he pushed it away for the meantime. He needed to fix things with Clarise first.

  "Yes. I was very relieved when she did. She was my on-again, off-again girlfriend for four years. Then her friends started getting engaged and I had this huge pressure to propose to her. I was ambivalent about getting engaged. But I did have a great social life because of her so I thought that was a good enough reason."

  "But you must have been in love with her," Clarise insisted.

  "I thought I was a little in love with her. But feeling the way I feel about you, I know now that wasn't love. What I felt for her was nothing compared to what I feel for you. Please believe that, baby," he implored.

  "She's still wearing your ring."

  "What?" he said incredulously.

  "She said she tried to give it back to you but you wanted her to keep it."

  Will shook his head. Karen could really be a super bitch when she wanted to. "When she tried to give it back to me, it was with accusations that I didn't appreciate what she had done for my business. She was a great networker and did introduce some people to me during our time together. She tried to make me feel guilty. I said to her to keep it as payment for all the referrals she gave me. I fully expected her to sell it. The ring and all the furniture and household stuff she took more than made up for whatever help she gave me in my business. I didn't want to feel beholden to her. I wanted a clean slate."

  "Oh," was all Clarise could say.

  "Is there anything else you want to know about her, baby?"

  "She wants you back, you know."

  Will snorted. "I should have known she was scheming something when she turned up in my office unannounced a couple of weeks ago. She said she wanted to refer more friends of hers that have a need for my company's services. Now, I have to make sure I don't accept any more of her referrals. I'm sure she only wants me back because I'll be good for her image. But I'm not interested in getting back with her in any way, shape or form. I don't care about her anymore. But I'm so fucking in love with."

  Clarise silently cried happy tears. She was so choked up she couldn't speak.

  "Baby? Are you okay?"

  "Yes," she sniffed loudly and giggled. "I'm okay."

  "Are we okay?" he asked, his voice breaking.

  "Yes," she whispered.

  Will let out a huge sigh of relief. She was back with him. "Now can you tell me what happened? She obviously spoke to you."

  Clarise told him about Gina and Karen's visit to her office earlier that day. He couldn't believe the gall of both women. What they did was juvenile. He didn't know how Chris put up with his wife.

  "I'm sorry you had to go through that, baby," Will said. He ached for her. All he wanted to do at that moment was hold her close, comfort her and show her how much he loved her. But he was on the other side of the world.

  "It's okay. I'm okay now."

  "I love you, Clarise," he repeated.

  "I know, baby," she assured him. "I love you, too."


  Clarise was putting on her earrings when the buzz of the intercom startled her. It was 7:55am on a Friday morning and she wasn't expecting any deliveries. Who could it be? She picked up the intercom phone. "Hello?" she said warily.

  "Hi, baby. It's me."

  "Will!" Clarise shrieked in disbelief and elation. She pressed the button to let him in the building and ran to the door. She stood there, holding the door open, waiting for him to round the corner to her corridor. After what seemed like an eternity to Clarise, she heard the 'ping' of the elevator then he appeared, pulling his big luggage behind him with a wide, happy grin plastered on his face. Just as wide and happy as the one on hers.

  She would have run to him but she still had the presence of mind to hold the door open or they would be locked out. The key was in the apartment.

  But he was in front of her in no time. He swept her up into his arms and gave her a hungry kiss which she returned eagerly. When they pulled away, he dragged his luggage and they went inside.

  "Why are you back so early, honey? You're not due back 'til next Friday."

  "I couldn't wait until then to see you again after our conversation a few days ago," he said as he put his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him.

  Clarise caressed the handsome face she loved so much. "Oh, baby. I'm fine. I felt a lot better after you explained."

  "Well, I'm not. I need to hold you, kiss you," he said as he showered her face with soft kisses, "make love to you and show you just how much I love you."

  Clarise melted in his arms and surrendered herself to the bliss of being loved by Will.

  "Can you take the day off today, baby?" he asked as he started unbuttoning her blouse.

  Clarise had already forgotten she was supposed to go to work today. "Yes," she answered without hesitation. "I better call Ray now before we both forget about it. He might send a search party and interrupt us."

  Will laughed and released her.


  "I'm glad you caught me. I was just about ready to leave for work when you arrived," Clarise said to Will after she finished her call with Ray who was glad she was taking some time off for her

  "I was worried I'd miss you. But I really wanted to surprise you so I just kept my fingers crossed that I would make it here before you leave at eight. Fortunately, the traffic on the M5 and the tunnel wasn't so bad."

  Will took her hand and led her to the bedroom where he continued to unbutton her blouse slowly.

  "I do have to return to Europe on Monday, sweetheart. My meeting in Prague is a very important one."

  Clarise was touched that he came home for her even when he was busy with work. He really loves me!

  "What about the ones you miss because you're here?" she asked him.

  "They're mostly relationship development. You're more important."

  "Oh, but the meeting in Prague is more important than me?" she said teasingly.

  "Of course, not. You want me to cancel that too?" he asked as he nuzzled her neck. "I would if you want me to."

  "No!" Clarise leaned back to look at him with a serious expression. "Will, I want you to fulfil your business dreams. I want you to achieve all of your goals. We just need to plan our schedules better so we can be together as much as we could when you or I have to travel. I've been thinking about it and I know that Ray would allow me to work offsite when I'm writing or editing so I could go with you sometimes when you go away. We can work it out."

  Will smiled at her lovingly. "Okay, baby." And he kissed her again with such tenderness and reverence that it brought tears to Clarise's eyes.

  When his mouth left hers to explore her neck, his breathing changed. He kissed, licked and sucked her throat as cupped her breasts with his hands and run his thumbs over and over her sensitive nipples. Clarise whimpered.

  He undressed her slowly, skimming his lips along newly exposed skin. Her panties came off last. Then he was kneeling in front of her fully naked body. He grasped her hips and unleashed his tongue on her clit. He licked her slow, then fast, teasing the sensitive bud. Clarise moaned as she ground her hips closer to his mouth, revelling in the pleasurable sensations his mouth and tongue were giving her, and wanting more.

  She tugged at his arms to make him release her hold on her hips and she stepped back from him. He looked up, his lips glistening, his eyes hooded with desire.

  "Baby, I need you naked, too."

  He licked his lips and smiled wickedly then stood up. "Then undress me," he commanded.

  Clarise bit her bottom lip and smiled seductively at him. She unbuttoned his shirt, kissing his chest as she went along. He helped her with his cuffs and shrugged out of his shirt impatiently, letting it fall to the floor. Her hand went to his belt and she quickly undid it. When she unzipped him, her hand grazed the bulge in his pants, making him hiss. She pushed his pants down and he eagerly stepped out of them. The only garment left was his boxers. Clarise knelt in front of him and placed kisses on his impressive erection over the material. He groaned.

  "Baby, naked, please," Will rasped.

  She pulled his boxers down and she nudged him to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. She knelt in between his legs and Will held his breath in anticipation.

  Looking into his eyes, Clarise gripped his hard cock with her hand and stroked it, making Will pant hard.

  "You're so hard, baby," she whispered.

  "Only for you, my love," he responded breathlessly.

  Clarise bent down to lick his balls as she continued to stroke him. "Aaahh, Clarise." She licked his length in one long, slow movement from the base to the head then flicked her tongue on the tip of his cock, tasting the dew that formed there. Will's breathing grew more ragged as he buckled his hips toward her mouth.

  She closed her lips around him and took all she could in her mouth. When she pulled back, she flicked her tongue on the sensitive tip. She did this again and again until Will knew he would explode in her mouth if she didn't stop. He didn't want to come like this. He wanted to come inside her. This time around, it would be skin to skin without latex.

  The thought almost undid him. He pushed her away gently and lifted her to the bed. He fell on top of her and they kissed each other ravenously. He moved down to take a nipple into his mouth, earning him a moan from Clarise that he loved hearing. His hand travelled down and reached her hot centre. He parted her folds and rubbed her clit. He groaned at her wetness. So hot, so fucking wet. For me.

  "Baby," Clarise whimpered. "Please."

  He knew what she wanted and positioned himself so the tip of his cock touched her wet pussy lips. "Is this what you want, sweetheart?"

  "Yes!" Clarise cried as she shifted her hips to try and make him penetrate her.

  He thrusted into her and they both cried out with sheer pleasure. Will could feel her wetness, her heat, around his erection and it was driving him wild. "Oh, fuck, feel so good," he cried as he drove into her over and over.

  He was close, so close, and he wasn't going to last long. He gathered her in his arms and in one movement, he was on his back and she was on top. "Ride me, baby," he growled.

  He knew this was one of Clarise's favourite positions and she could come quickly when she was on top, especially when he also licked and sucked on her nipples as he moved in and out of her. He pulled her lower towards him and captured a hard nipple between his lips which he laved with his tongue.

  "Ohh, ohh," Clarise cried as she moved faster. "Oh, god, baby." Her cries came out louder and faster as she rode him, reaching for her climax. Will lost all control and groaned loudly as he spilled himself into her.

  Clarise felt Will come inside her. It was heavenly and she fell apart. "Aaaaahh, Will!" she gripped him over and over as she climaxed hard.


  "Will I ever get enough of you, baby?" Will whispered to her as they started to make love again for the fourth time that day. The way they were going, he wondered if he would have any energy left for tonight but his body just couldn't stop wanting Clarise. Oh, hell, he wasn't complaining. He just hoped he wasn't tiring her out too much.

  Clarise giggled. "I hope not," she said as she reached down to stroke his hardening member.


  The Smithson's place was abuzz as the final preparations were being made for Megan's charity fund-raising event. The marquee was up in the backyard, the tables were set up and the decorations were hanged. The only thing missing was the food. The caterers hadn't arrived yet and Megan was panicking.

  "They're not far away, babe. I just called them," Rick said soothingly to Megan.

  "The guests will start arriving in fifteen minutes!"

  "Well, the caterers should be here by then so don't worry."

  "Meg, we'll make sure we entertain your guests when they arrive. Don't worry too much," Clarise said to her sister. She and Will arrived two hours ago to help set everything up.

  They heard the doorbell ring and Megan ran to answer it, hoping it was the caterers.

  "I'm going to wring the neck of those damn caterers for being late," Rick said with irritation. "It's stressing Megan out big-time. She's trying not to show it but she's so wound up. I don't like seeing her like this."

  Clarise smiled fondly at her future brother-in-law. She knew that if it was at all possible, he would make Megan just put her feet up and relax and he'd do everything himself. After four years together, he was still very much smitten with his fiancee. "Well, Rick, I guess as her maid-of-honour, I better make sure she doesn't get this stressed out on your wedding day."

  Rick's eyes went wide with horror at the thought of anything going wrong during the wedding. "Clarise, promise me!"

  She laughed. "I'll try my best. That's the only promise I can make."

  "What do you think can go wrong?"

  Will watched in amusement as Clarise teased Rick about all the things that could go wrong during his wedding day.

  Just then, a vision of him and Clarise standing in front of the altar, exchanging wedding vows, flashed in his mind. His heart swelled and a smile tugged at his lips. Yes, he had met the woman he truly wanted to spend the rest o
f his life with. He decided that when he came back from Europe, he would devote some time to finding her the perfect engagement ring and planning the perfect proposal.


  Megan walked back into the kitchen with a good-looking man neither Rick nor Clarise had met before.

  "Rob!" Will exclaimed in shock. "You're early. I can't fucking believe it!"

  "Will! I thought you wouldn't be here tonight. I thought you'd still be in Europe."

  "My plans changed. I couldn't stay away from my girl for too long," Will replied, taking Clarise's hand and introducing her to Rob. Then he introduced Rob to Rick.


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