Into the Mist

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Into the Mist Page 2

by Lacey Thorn

  Her features were almost elvin and he worried for a moment knowing that it was forbidden for the were to mate with one of elvin descent. But her ears were not pointed and watching her frolic he saw no wings. She was just a dainty woman and he let out a grateful breath and a prayer of thanks for her presence. He could feel his cock swelling with desire for her and he hoped that she would feel the same desire. The water would prepare her but it would not cloud her judgment. She would still have to choose for herself whether she wanted to mate with them or not, she would have to say the words of her own free will.

  He stood on the edge of the water with Gunnar, both as yet unnoticed by her. Her short cap of curls was dark in the water but he had a feeling that they would dry into a honey color. Finally she looked up and noticed them. And Geran was swept into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. The color was so dark a blue that it was almost purple. Gorgeous. And sad. Before the day was over he hoped to replace that look of sadness with one of passion and wonder and maybe, if the goddess was smiling, someday with love.

  Nikki looked up from the waters and noticed the two men just approaching where she swam and played. Her heartbeat picked up but it wasn’t with fear. It was with pure appreciation and if she were honest, lust. They were gorgeous, sheer perfection. Both stood shoulder to shoulder and she would judge them as at least a foot taller than her five-foot-two-inch frame. Their hair was about the same length as her honey-brown curls, just reaching their shoulders. Their lush locks were thick and only slightly darker than her own color and she wanted desperately to run her fingers through them.

  Her eyes connected with one of them and it seemed as if an electric current passed between them sending a sizzle straight to her pussy making it clench and flood with need. Never had she felt this way before. Never had she wanted a man or sex with the longing she experienced now. And she wanted it with both of them. And the way they were both looking at her there was no doubting that they felt the same.

  She let her gaze wander from the hazel gaze she had been trapped in. Both men wore only low-slung pants that appeared to be a soft brown leather. And there was no missing the bulges both men were proudly displaying. They were hard and ready. And she was more than eager to have sex. Desire coursed through her filling her body with a fiery need. But thankfully sanity still prevailed to a certain extent.

  “Who are you?” Nikki asked.

  And the one she’d been focused on first just smiled and squatted down so that their gazes were more level. “Shouldn’t we be asking that of you?” he parried back. “I’ve not seen you before in White Valley.”

  “White Valley?” she asked.

  “That is where you are, little one,” was the reply. “Were you unaware of where you are?”

  “I…” Honestly she didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t really remember how she had arrived here, just the overwhelming desire to be here. Need rippled through her and she feared she might orgasm in the water just looking at them. Never had her body felt such need, such desire. “I’m Nikki,” she decided to say instead hoping he would take the olive branch and share their names with her.

  “Nikki?” he questioned with a curious look on his face. “Such a hard name for such a beautiful woman.”

  She laughed and it felt amazingly good. “My full name is Nicolette.”

  “Ahhh…that is much better.” He nodded his head. “My name is Geran Mondella and this is my brother Gunnar.”

  “Very nice to meet you,” she said and almost laughed at the absurdity of this whole thing. Here she was stark naked in a pool of water with two men, strangers, watching her. It should be all wrong. It should be as scary as hell. And yet somehow, it felt like fate. It was as if this was why she had remained a virgin. That this was the reason Michael was put into her life to save her. She was meant for them. But how did that make any sense at all?

  “And you as well,” the other one, Gunnar, murmured. “You do realize that you are frolicking in the bridal pool, do you not?”

  “The bridal pool?” she sputtered. What the hell did that mean?

  “You are aroused are you not?” he asked inhaling deeply as if he could smell her even through the water. She felt her skin flush with both embarrassment and lust. There was just something so erotic about the way his nostrils flared and his eyes darkened. He wanted her.

  She nodded. Her mouth wouldn’t work to allow even a tiny yes to escape.

  His smile was positively wicked reminding her of a predator presented with a tasty treat. But it only spiked her lust higher and she could feel her pussy clenching in need.

  “You are promised to someone?” It was Geran who demanded her attention now.

  “Promised? You mean like engaged or something?” she asked, and when they both nodded she shook her head vigorously. She wanted to make sure that they knew she had no one in her life, nothing to keep her from being with them. “I am unclaimed.” She had no idea where those words came from. Unclaimed? She wasn’t a possession. But that was what popped into her head and escaped from her mouth.

  “Ahhh. Then do you realize that you are breaking the law here in White Valley? That you can be punished?” Geran stated with the same feral smile as his brother had displayed earlier.

  “Punished?” she squeaked out. “But I didn’t mean to break any laws. I’m not from here.”

  “I’m afraid that won’t save you,” Gunnar said and shook his head. “There is only one thing that will keep you from being punished.”

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “You will have to agree to mate with someone here in the valley,” Geran stated matter-of-factly.

  “Mate? With someone from here?” That sounded like something permanent. She had nothing waiting for her, no one left who would really miss her. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to stay in a place she knew absolutely nothing about. And damn it she didn’t want to choose one of the men in front of her. She wanted both of them, which should terrify her but strangely didn’t.

  “Well, actually in our culture it is just a little different,” Gunnar said.

  “Different how?” she queried. It was getting hard to carry on this absurd conversation. She was hot, so hot. Her nipples were hard nubs as was her clit and she was desperate for a deep penetration in her pussy. Way too desperate for a virgin to feel.

  “In White Valley a woman mates with two men.” Gunnar’s hand indicated both him and his brother. “A triad is formed, an unbreakable bond that lasts a lifetime.” He couldn’t tell her the ins and outs of mating a werewolf until she had made the initial bond.

  “So no divorce for you guys, huh?” she laughed but their eyes burned hotter and this time it was with anger, though thankfully not directed at her.

  It was Geran who answered. “We do not take our women for granted here. They are to be loved and treasured above all else. There is no greater honor that a man can gain than the love of his mate. And no man here would be foolish enough to throw such a gift away.”

  Wow. They were very serious about this. “So you mate only once? For life?”

  “Yes, that is how it is for us, little one,” Gunnar informed her. “And it is the same for the woman. Once she commits herself to her mates there is no going back.” Of course there were reasons for that. Reasons he couldn’t share with her just yet. Like how the mixing of fluids would change her DNA forming a bond between the three of them that only death could break.

  She shuddered in the water and her breathing picked up.

  “No matter your choice you must remove yourself from the water soon,” Geran informed her. “The desire you feel will only grow more intense the longer you stay in bridal waters.”

  “Why?” she whispered.

  “Because the waters are made to prepare a woman for her first mating. There are pheromones that will increase your desire to help you receive your mates into your body.” Geran inched closer and held his hand out to her and yet she held still where she was. “Are you not already so wet with desir
e? Your pretty pussy flushed and lush with the proof of your desire?”

  She caught her breath as he inhaled again and his nostrils flared. That carnal smile appeared again and she glanced between him and Gunnar. So why not choose them and have the sex her body was screaming for? She wasn’t stuck here unless she wanted to be no matter what they said. She was a modern independent woman and when she wanted to leave she would do just that.

  Taking a deep breath she held her hand out to him and when he grasped her palm to palm a jolt fired all the way down to her toes using both of her nipples and her clit as exit points as well. No matter what tomorrow held this was right. For some reason this moment was her destiny. These two men and what was going to happen between them in the next few hours.

  “So what do I have to do to not break the law?” she asked as their gazes licked over her aroused body.

  “You must say the words that allow us to ease the ache you feel,” Geran said. He made no move to touch her, only keeping her palm tight to his. And Gunnar seemed to be holding himself perfectly still. They were waiting as if they were going to pounce on her the moment the right words left her mouth.

  “And what are those words?” she asked breathlessly.

  “You must freely choose Geran and me as your mates,” Gunnar informed her.

  “I do,” she said, only caring that they did something soon to relieve the ache burning in her body. Those waters really did their job perfectly.

  Geran shook his head. “No you must say the words with our names. Geran and Gunnar Mondella.”

  “Okay,” she said and then the right words came to her. “I choose Geran and Gunnar Mondella as my mates.”

  A hard tug and her naked form was against Geran’s chest with Gunnar moving in behind her so that she was caged between the two men.

  “Now we make you ours,” Geran murmured and Gunnar bit down on her neck from behind. She cried out at the feel of his teeth sinking into her skin. It was sharp and painful like the vicious bite of a dog. And then she felt as if she were floating on a cloud and knew that if Geran wasn’t holding her she would be in a puddle at their feet. What the hell had she got herself into?

  Chapter Two

  “You bit me,” she said as she glanced back over her shoulder at Gunnar. “Why on earth did you bite me?”

  “You accepted us as your mates,” Gunnar stated. “So I initiated my claim by marking you as mine. My saliva will help you to relax, will help to ease you through the mating.”

  She could feel that, could feel the rush of whatever drug he’d given her as it moved through her body. She was very relaxed and yet even more hungry for the sex her body desired. But she’d never heard of a woman needing a drug to relax her for sex, even if it was her first time. At least not when she was a willing participant, and she was more than willing.

  “You didn’t need to drug me,” she whispered. “I want you both.”

  “And you shall have us both,” Geran assured her lifting her chin up and catching her eyes. He dipped his mouth and possessed her with his kiss. There was no other word for what he did and yet even it didn’t convey how she felt. His kiss was hot and consuming and left her gasping for air that she couldn’t seem to pull into her lungs.

  “It is a natural relaxant that passes from our saliva into your bloodstream. It is what begins the process,” Gunnar said as he moved his hands around her to take her breasts in his palms, cradling and squeezing them. His fingers plucked at her nipples arousing them into harder points.

  “What process?” she moaned. Somehow she had managed to place Geran’s thigh between her legs and she was rubbing herself wantonly against it.

  “The mating process,” Gunnar murmured as he licked over the spot he had bitten. “From this moment on you belong to us.”

  Geran caught her in another kiss before she could counter that bold declaration. She might have sex with them. But she belonged to no one.

  “Just as we belong to you,” Geran stated as he slowly pulled from her lips.

  “Yes,” she said. It was too much. The sexual tension was like an electric current in her body. She couldn’t fight it any longer, didn’t want to. “Just take me. Make love to me. Now.”

  Gunnar pulled her snug against his chest instead wrapping his arms around her waist and trapping her arms at her sides.

  “Let’s just take the edge off first,” Geran said with a wicked smile as he lowered to his knees in front of her. He brushed his lips over her skin starting just under where his brother’s arms were. Low across her abdomen, over to her hipbones and then down until his nose was poised over the glistening curls the led to the slick folds of her pussy.

  He inhaled deeply his nostrils doing that flare again that she found so damn sexy. And then with no more foreplay he was there, using two fingers to spread her lips wide while he played his tongue over her clit. She screamed and bucked against the hands that held her so tightly and came hard. It crashed over her with such force that she felt shattered, blown into pieces. Stars in a kaleidoscope of colors exploded before her eyes and she could feel her body flying.

  But Gunnar placed gentle kisses across her neck and soft nibbles along her earlobes. And though Geran remained on his knees before her he now only placed soft kisses along the tops of her thighs and mound. And slowly she came back into her body. No less aroused for the orgasm that had so recently ripped through her. But as her heart rate finally slowed a bit she wondered if he had managed to take the edge off at all or only build it higher.

  “Please,” she begged. “Make it stop.”

  Gunnar lowered her down his body and into Geran’s arms before moving from behind her. She slipped easily into Geran’s arms and gently he lowered her naked body to the carpet of grass at their feet. His hands were everywhere touching and caressing her keeping her body in an inferno of desire. Her eyes were at half-mast but there was no missing every inch of Gunnar’s body as he undressed above her.

  He wore only the brown leather pants and as they skimmed over his thighs her mouth grew dry. His cock was the thickest she had ever seen. She would swear it was as thick as her wrist. And she had to gulp as she thought of it taking her, plunging deep inside her pussy.

  “You can take it,” Geran said as he followed her suddenly wide-eyed gaze to his now naked brother. “The waters. His saliva. You are prepared for mating.”

  She could feel her empty sex clenching on nothing but air and knew that he was right. She was ready, more than ready.

  “Now,” she screamed, tired of waiting, tired of begging. “Fuck me now, damn you.”

  Geran was pushed out of the way as Gunnar took position between her wide-spread thighs. No longer content to be docile she lifted her legs to clench them tight around his hips. Her hands came up to clasp his shoulders and with a sharp cry she did what felt natural. She lifted her head until she could reach his pectoral muscle and locked her teeth in his flesh.

  But the bite of her teeth seemed to be the catalyst she was looking for. With a fierce cry he guided his thick cock to her wet pussy and rammed deep. She bucked and cried as he filled her pussy stretching tissue that had never before known the burn of penetration.

  “Yes,” she hissed out between her clenched teeth as he began to move within her. She dug her nails into his shoulders, locked her feet together at the small of his back. She was on fire. God, she wanted him deeper, harder, wanted his thrusts faster. She was burning for him.

  “So hot, so fucking tight,” Gunnar moaned. “I won’t last much longer.”

  “Then fuck me,” Nikki cried, using his body as the leverage she needed to slam up into him. The motion forced his cock deeper and they both groaned at the pleasure that passed between them. And finally, finally, the remains of his control snapped and he was taking her hard and fast, his cock rammed just the way she wanted it to and she could feel her orgasm welling up ready to burst through her again. He thrust deep and she clenched her pussy tightly around him, using her arms and legs to lift her high eno
ugh to keep him buried deep.

  He cried out and she could feel his cock swelling inside her as he came. And at the first blast of hot cum that filled her she joined him. Her teeth locked into the same spot again and with a sound like a wolf’s howl his did too.

  She wasn’t sure how much time passed before she could breathe again. With a gentle roll Gunnar turned them so that she reclined on top of him.

  “Ready for round two?” he asked with a wicked smile and a glance over her shoulder.

  She glanced back as well and took in the erotic sight of Geran fully aroused behind her. She got to her knees intending to move from Gunnar so that she could be with Geran. But she only made it to her knees before Geran dropped behind her and placed his hands on her hips to hold her in place. She was astride Gunnar whose legs were held together making room for his brother to straddle behind her.

  “Don’t move,” Geran spoke behind her. “I want you just like this.” She was facing forward so she didn’t see the slight shift in features as he fought the spirit inside him that wanted to stake claim as well. But Gunnar did. He saw Geran fight his wolf as the animal struggled to come forth, watched as he fought and won. He knew how hard the battle was as he had just fought the same struggle himself.

  “Mine,” Geran spoke gutturally through a jaw that wanted to elongate. And with a howl he lowered his head and bit her on the opposite side that his brother had. Her blood slid across his lips as his saliva blended into her flesh and flooded into her blood. His cock was poised and ready already probing at her wet cunt. With his claiming the bond would be formed, unbreakable. And they would be as one. With a howl, he thrust deep. And found heaven.

  There was no doubt in his mind that this was indeed what heaven must be like. She was slick and wet and yet tighter than his fist had ever been. Each thrust was like a vise squeezing his cock trying to hold it in place deep within her. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted faster, harder, deeper and yet at the same time he wanted to slow down and prolong this ecstasy for as long as he possibly could. So it was a mixture of all. Slow and then fast until he could control himself enough to slow down again.


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