Into the Mist

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Into the Mist Page 3

by Lacey Thorn

  Until she squeezed. Her inner muscles tightened around his cock and milked him like a fist. With a howl of pleasure he thrust as far in as he could go lifting her knees from the ground. And she didn’t yell or flounder. She braced her arms beside his brother’s shoulders and lifted her legs back and up to clench her knees beside his hips. He moved his hands higher on her hips to try to help brace her and she arched her back pressing her hips that few inches closer. And he lost the tiny bit of control he had managed to hold on to. She squeezed again and his cock fired inside her like a loaded gun. He cum shot up from his balls and exploded from his cock head filling her with spurt after spurt and truly making her theirs.

  Her body was already softening with the releases and the hormones now flowing through her from both his and his brother’s saliva and semen. She would rest now and when she awoke the process would already be in place. The one that would help her find her own inner wolf. There was no going back now. They were bonded.

  She is tired, Geran said.

  Hmmm…very tired, Nikki agreed and the brothers wanted to laugh. Already they were bonded enough for her to hear them in her mind. It was another gift given them in the bond they now shared.

  Rest my love, he assured her. Rest and know that we will be here when you awake.

  You will not leave me? The catch in her voice tugged at his heart and he wondered what secrets she held that she would worry so.

  Never again shall you walk alone, Gunnar swore to her and his eyes were dark with emotion as he looked up at Geran.

  We are together now, Geran added. And nothing can change that. Nothing.

  “What has she been through that she is afraid that we will leave her?” queried Geran.

  “I have no understanding of how anyone could leave one such as our Nicolette alone,” replied Gunnar.

  Geran eased back and up before grabbing his pants and pulling them back on. It made his heart swell with emotion to see their mate curled so trustingly against Gunnar’s chest. Sleep was an unguarded time when true emotion would show. And it said a lot that their Nicolette curled into him and not away from him. But they must move her out of the elements and into a safer place where they could watch and protect her as the changes began in her body.

  Geran eased back down to the soft blanket of grass and gently moved her into his arms. Gunnar seemed reluctant to let her go but they both knew what they needed to do.

  “One of the cabins lies just east of here, maybe a mile,” Gunnar stated as he pulled his pants on. “That would be the easiest to reach.”

  “Yes,” Geran said and stood easily holding a sleeping Nicolette to his chest. “Grab her things and let’s head out.”

  Gunnar turned and saw her clothes and a pack and retrieved them before stepping to his brother and heading toward the cabin.

  “There will be many questions when she awakens,” Geran stated. “The desire will be there but with the joining of our blood and semen inside her it will not be as desperate a need.”

  “The process already begins within her,” Gunnar said. “Even now her body changes so that her inner animal can be found and freed. There is no going back from this point. Only forward.”

  “I know that,” Geran nodded. “I only hope that she realizes it and accepts it and us.”

  “She will,” Gunnar stated with confidence but Geran could see the fear in his brother’s eyes.

  Nicolette wasn’t from the valley and thus couldn’t possibly completely understand what was happening to her and them. From the moment she had said the words claiming them as mates she had sealed her fate as far as valley law was concerned. And with their bite and physical consummation the process had begun. Soon she would transform for the first time into a wolf. And if she was strong enough to survive that first change, an entire new life would be opened up for her. A life that included two men who would watch over and protect her every moment. Two men who would die for her. Two men who were willing to show her just how amazing love could be.

  For now they could only wait and see. And pray to the goddess that her gift was the blessing that they had been praying for.

  Chapter Three

  Nikki woke with a delicious full body stretch. She felt snug and warm and though her body had a few aches they weren’t all that uncomfortable. She felt the grin tug at her lips. She’d had sex with not one but two guys and it had been the most incredible event of her life. Hell, she wanted to do it again. She giggled at the thought of what a wanton she seemed to have turned into after her first sexual encounter.

  “What thoughts bring such delicious laughter to your lips?”

  The voice was a low purr and it was then that she realized that she wasn’t alone in the bed. Her eyes popped open to encounter Gunnar lying with her. But when she had fallen asleep they’d been outside. How the hell had they got here?

  “We carried you,” Gunnar said as if he could read her mind.

  “I can,” he stated again and she glared at him making him laugh and reach a finger out to smooth her brow. “Such a look should never grace your face my love.”

  “What do you mean you can?” she queried refusing to be distracted despite the way her body responded to his touch.

  The bond has started between us and many changes will occur over the next twenty-four hours. One of which is that we should all be able to speak with one another with no need for spoken words.

  She’d been watching him and his lips had never moved beyond the smile that he wore. And yet she had just heard every word that he said.

  As I can hear your thoughts, he told her and that did not make her feel easy.

  “All of them?” she queried not liking the idea that he and Geran would be able to know every thought she had.

  He laughed. For now. As you strengthen in the bond you will learn how to keep some things private while allowing us to see others.

  “Where are we? Where is Geran?” she asked needing to focus on something else for a moment while she tried to process this new revelation.

  “We do not need to speak to be heard anymore,” he told her again.

  “Humor me for now,” she replied. “I like to hear your voice,” she answered honestly. There was a slight accent to his words as well as to his brother’s. But it wasn’t one she had ever heard before.

  “As I enjoy the soft melody of yours,” he said and she blushed which she found almost hysterical considering the things she’d done with him earlier. “We are in one of the cabins that are kept solely for the use of triads during the mating ritual.”

  “What exactly does this mating ritual consist of?” she asked wanting to understand what they thought was going to happen. She was so confused. So many emotions and feelings were going through her body and quite frankly she didn’t know if any of them stemmed from the drugs in the water or in their bites.

  Just the thought of those bites had her glancing down at her shoulders and taking in the marks that stood out against her fair skin. They were not tender or sore or inflamed in any way. They honestly did look like dog bites. She glanced back up at Gunnar and really looked closely at him. There was something that she couldn’t put her finger on. Not physically. Physically he was perfection. But it was as if there was more to him than what appeared on the outside.

  As she watched he stepped from the bed unashamedly naked and her mouth watered all over again at the sight of his body. Would she ever get enough of him or his brother? And what the hell had sex with them turned her into? From virgin to slut in one encounter. It was enough to make her giggle again.

  “You are no slut,” Gunnar said reading her mind again. He leaned down bracing his hands on the bed so that he was close to her face. “There is no shame in loving with your mates.”

  Nikki took a deep breath and tried not to lose her temper. “I understand that being able to read my thoughts is part of whatever is going on with us. But I find it extremely rude right now and I’m going to ask nicely that you either try not to or at least refrain from comme
nting on every little thought that goes through my head. I’m not going to censor what should be private for me.”

  Gunnar took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a minute. She could see him struggling with what she asked of him. And honestly it made her like him all the more.

  His eyes opened and he gave a sharp nod. “I will do my best, but it is a difficult request so understand that I might not be able to control what is instinct for me.”

  “Agreed,” she said and without thought leaned in to give him a kiss on the lips. It was meant to be light and playful but his response was consuming. His tongue tasted her bottom lip before pressing inside her mouth and exploring with slow sensuality. It seemed to last forever and yet not nearly long enough. She was gasping for air when he slowly pulled back and she knew without words that he was reading her thoughts of how wonderful a kisser he was. To his credit he merely smiled and preened but offered no comment.

  “If you ever want to see the cabin, use the facilities, then you had best leave this bed quickly,” he said as he slowly moved back to stand. His cock jutted hard and thick from his body and her mouth watered as her cunt flooded with moisture. “If you keep looking at me like that it will be hours before you are offered a chance to leave this bed again.”

  She gulped as her eyes moved to his face. She could see the flush of sexual arousal under his skin, the way he held himself back. And it made her appreciate him all the more. There was honor in him, more so than in most men she had encountered in her lifetime. Save Michael. And with that thought she was reminded of how she had ended up here in the first place. The death of her best friend.

  His hand smoothed down her cheek and wiped away a tear she hadn’t even realized she’d shed. “I see your pain and understand the loss of a friend such as the one you mourn. Let me show you where the facilities are and I will give you a moment alone.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered as she stepped from the bed. She was naked but it didn’t seem to matter when he was as well. He took her hand and led her across the room to another door. She would have to pay closer attention to her surroundings when she came back out. But for now she just wanted that moment alone to process everything that had happened.

  “I will leave you here,” he bent and touched his lips softly to hers again. “I will be just outside the door if you need me. You have only to think it and I will be here.”

  “Thank you,” she said again.

  “Your pleasure is all I desire,” he said and she knew he wasn’t just speaking of her sexual pleasure.

  She shut the door and leaned against it for a moment taking a deep breath. Her life would never be the same again. She didn’t know exactly what was going on yet, but she could feel something changing inside her. It was as if her conscience was taking an actual shape and growing inside her. She had so many questions, so many things she wanted to know and understand. But first she needed to get herself under control. He could read her thoughts and for a woman who had never censored what was inside her head that would be a hard thing to control.

  She had felt the pull to come here, to cross through the mist, and that had led her to the path she was on right now. That one decision, leading to these two men and a mating ritual that she still didn’t understand completely. She was smart enough to realize that they took it very seriously, that this seemed to be a forever type of thing for them. And honestly it wasn’t as if she had anything left to go back to. Not anymore. It amazed her that she was even considering staying here with them, but it just felt right, like it was meant to be.

  There was more going on here than she knew, more than they had shared with her so far. She needed to sit them down and talk with them, really find out where she was and what the rules were for what she suddenly found herself in with them. Gunnar and Geran were amazing. Fit, gorgeous, and claiming to belong to her and only her. How was that even possible? They said it was their way to mate only one woman between them. But what type of society was okay with that? And what was up with the bites? She had way too many questions going through her head.

  She quickly used the facilities and went to the water basin to splash her face. Grabbing a cloth she washed herself as best she could. There was some type of shower-like enclosure but she wasn’t sure how to use it. Besides now that she had her head cleared a bit, she was eager to go get some answers to her questions. And that was just what she planned to do until she opened the door. Every thought, every question left her head to be replaced by pure lust.

  Gunnar sat across the room on the edge of the bed gripping his cock in one hand. The way he sat with his legs sprawled, his torso reclined back a bit on one elbow, the lust that lit his eyes as he watched her. His palm caressed the length of his cock, up and down, his thumb skimming over the head and the drop of pre-cum that glistened there. She licked her lips at the thought of taking that inside her mouth, of tasting him and reveled in the sound of his groan. He wanted her. And it was a powerful revelation.

  She saw his eyes flare with the reading of her thought and almost laughed as she watched him fight not to comment on it.

  “You can say something if you like,” she whispered as she moved across the room to him.

  “I will always want you,” he stated and she saw no doubt in his eyes. He meant it.

  “What makes you so sure of that?” she queried. “What if I get fat, or grow wrinkled with age?”

  “You are my woman, my mate,” he vowed. “To me you will always appear as you do today. My heart will know you and my body will crave you.”

  “Is that the way it is with your people too?” she asked as she stopped between his legs just inches from that mouthwatering cock.

  “Yes,” he hissed and she knew he was reading her mind again.

  “Would you like me to?” she asked with a grin. “I’ve never sucked a cock before.”

  “I would be honored to feel your mouth on my flesh,” he stated.

  “Ummm…” she moaned as she bent over bracing her hands beside his hips on the bed. Just her mouth hovered over his cock. She could smell the rich musk of his lust, of his desire and it made her mouth water.

  She leaned close and ran her tongue over the pearled drop that graced the crown. He tasted salty, hot, like an explosion of flavors she’d never known before. There was nothing to compare him to, nothing that came to mind. He was unique and addictive. She wanted more.

  She sucked the crown into her mouth running her tongue all over and around dipping into the notch just under the head. He seemed to like that so she stayed there for just a moment caressing the space with her tongue. Her lips tightened and she sucked on him enjoying the way his flesh seemed to jump against her tongue. More fluid filled her mouth and she swallowed it greedily. It seemed to make her hotter for him. She could feel her pussy creaming as it clenched on nothing.

  “Now this is a sight to come in to.” She heard the voice behind her and knew that Geran was back from whereever he had been. “You have to be the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  She wanted to say something, wanted to greet him but her mouth was full of Gunnar’s delicious cock and she was reluctant to let it go.

  “Just keep sucking baby,” Gunnar groaned. “Remember we have no need for words between us. Geran can read your thoughts as well.”

  Fuck! She had forgotten that.

  “Oh I plan to fuck that tight little cunt,” Geran said his voice right behind her now. She felt him drop to his knees behind her, felt his hands as they slid up the back of her thighs pressing her to stand with her feet just a little further apart. “Just as soon as I taste that sweet cream coating those plump lips.” His tongue ran over her folds and she shuddered even as she continued to lick and suck on Gunnar. “I could eat you forever,” Geran muttered and went to work doing just that.

  All thought left so that she no longer had to worry about what they heard in her head. It was as filled with moans as the room would be if her mouth wasn’t so full. She was a body of pure sensation. The
pleasure she was giving as well as what she was receiving. Gunnar held his hand to the back of her head, his fingers running through the short curls, caressing her more than holding her in place. There would be no need for that anyway. She was enjoying exploring him, getting to know what he liked and disliked. She had timidly moved one hand to his shaft and he had placed it under his showing her how to stroke up and down just as he wanted. When and where to squeeze and how to work her mouth in tandem with their joined hands.

  Geran had a finger deep inside her pussy pumping in and out while his tongue and lips paid attention to the swollen bud of her clit. She was melting. She would be a puddle on the floor soon. He was so good with his mouth but she was dying to feel his cock entering her, the slow burn of his possession as he took her.

  He groaned behind her and with one final kiss he stood and placed one hand on the small of her back. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad for them to be able to read her thoughts, at least not all of the time. Not when it got her what she wanted sexually from them, not when they satisfied her needs so quickly and easily.

  “Always,” Geran vowed as she felt him tuck his cock against her entrance and press inside. She understood very well what he meant. He was telling her that he, no they, would always take care of her needs. And without a doubt she believed them.

  “Your pleasure will always be our pleasure,” Gunnar said in a voice that showed just how hard he was fighting to allow her the time to explore him.

  She pushed back against Geran and felt him shudder just before he gripped her hips tightly and plunged deep.


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