Into the Mist

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Into the Mist Page 4

by Lacey Thorn

  “Fuck,” Gunnar muttered as it pushed her mouth further onto his cock. She hadn’t been braced for that plunge and so her mouth had ridden the movement taking more of Gunnar’s length inside her mouth.

  “I intend to,” Geran replied and Nikki wanted to laugh. Sex with these two would never be predictable or boring.

  Geran held her hips to him and shafted her with deep, hard thrusts that had her rocking on Gunnar. She went with it sucking him hard and deep, using her whole mouth on his cock. The harder Geran fucked her the harder she sucked Gunnar’s cock. So in a sense it was up to Geran to bring them all to pleasure. And he seemed more than up to the task. Hard and fast then slowing down to soft shallow thrusts, he kept them all on the edge for what felt like hours but had to be only moments.

  Now! she screamed in her mind knowing that they would both hear her.

  Soon, was the promise that filled her head with Geran’s voice.

  Gunnar was too busy moaning and guiding her to say much of anything she suspected and it made her feel pretty great about her first blowjob.

  His hand clenched in her hair and she moaned around his shaft before taking it as far into her mouth as possible. It was at the back of her throat and she was struggling to control her gag reflex. She could feel his excitement, feel his desire for her to take him all the way and she was determined to try. Breathing deeply through her nose she swallowed around the crown and held him there for just a brief moment before letting his flesh slide free of the contracting muscles of her throat. She gagged a little bit, he was big and she couldn’t help it. But for just a moment she had held him.

  Geran groaned behind her and pumped hard and fast driving her quickly back to the brink. He didn’t stop this time but rode her right to the edge and shoved her over. She cried out as her orgasm crashed over her, her body a tingling mass from head to toe. Gunnar’s fingers tightened in her hair just seconds before she felt the hot wash of his semen inside her mouth. She groaned as she tried to swallow every drop. Geran thrust so deep that he lifted her up onto her toes as he filled her pussy with his cum.

  She pulled her mouth free of Gunnar’s cock and released a moan that was almost like a wolf’s howl. Then following instinct she leaned down and bit Gunnar on his lower belly just above the curls that crowned his sex. Both men jumped and Gunnar’s fingers tightened this time holding her against his flesh as she bit him. It should have scared her, the desire to mark his flesh as he had hers. But it was instinctual, as if some part of her was awakening and laying a claim on the man before her. She had no doubt that she would soon do the same to Geran.

  She let them move her back up the bed so that they were a tangled mass of limbs as they all fought to slow their breathing. And as soon as they did she planned to get the answers she needed. Just as soon as she could get enough air in her lungs and enough feeling back into her body to move, let alone form a complete sentence.

  Chapter Four

  “So you have questions,” Gunnar said when they were all able to breathe again.

  “Many,” she said though she wasn’t sure it was a good idea to ask them while they were all still naked in the bed.

  “You will just have to do so,” Geran said as he tugged her closer toward his side. “I quite like you naked in bed with me.”

  “Well, I don’t plan to stay this way permanently,” she informed him with a snort of laughter.

  “More the pity,” Gunnar interjected as he ran a finger over her nipple.

  “Enough,” she said with a laugh tugging the cover up and securing it under her arms. “I really do think we need to talk. There are things you need to share with me. Things that perhaps I should have known before all this.”

  “It is too late to change anything now,” Geran said with hardness to his voice. She thought it was perhaps fear that made him sound so gruff.

  “I’m not saying that I don’t want this, you, both of you,” she told him. “I am just saying that it is time you told me what is happening. I feel different, as if there is something inside me struggling to break free.” She shook her head. “I know that I sound crazy but I just can’t shake it.”

  “It is normal,” Geran said.

  “How?” she asked when he didn’t continue. “How is that normal?”

  It was Gunnar who answered her. “There is much you should know. Your life will never be the same after what we just shared.”

  “The sex?” she asked.

  “It was more than mere sex,” Geran grunted. “It was a completion of the mating we started in the glen. And now that we have all found our pleasure together, as one, the mating is complete and changes will begin.”

  “What kind of changes?” she asked.

  “When we found you in the glen, in the bridal pool, you said the words that allowed us to claim you,” Gunnar said and she nodded when he looked at her. “How did you know what to say?”

  “They just came to me,” she whispered. “They appeared in my head and I said them.”

  Gunnar nodded as if something was clicking for him. “I believe that you were meant to come here, that you were meant for us.” He looked to his brother and waited for his brother to see what he saw.

  “We were sent to find you,” Geran said as he nodded. “Lynx, one of the patriarchs of our valley sent us to find you.”

  “To claim you,” Gunnar added.

  “Tell me what you are?” she whispered. She’d read enough that she had an idea, what with the biting, the growling, and the wilderness that seemed to abound here. But then that was just a figment of imagination, a writer’s folly. Right?

  “No,” Geran said and the hardness was back in his voice. “We are as you believe.”

  “You are werewolves?” she asked rolling the thought around in her head.

  “Yes,” Gunnar agreed. “White Valley is the only place left for our kind. Few can still survive outside the safety we are afforded here.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Once we lived among you,” Geran said, picking the story up. “Every male was born with the ability to change into his inner animal when he hit puberty. It was a rite of passage for males.”

  “And females?” she queried.

  “Females had their rite of passage when they were old enough to mate,” Gunnar said. “Just as it is now.”

  “Mating brings on the change in women?” That would explain the changes that she could feel, the presence of more than just her inside her body.

  “Yes,” Geran said. “It has always been this way. Since the beginning. But as man learned and grew through technology he left the old ways behind. He denied the animal within and repressed it.”

  “So the few of our kind who remained joined with the elves who survived and the valley was created,” Gunnar said.

  “Elves?” she was startled at that revelation but interrupted before they could go on. “We’ll get to that later. So you are just like me, only more primitive than technological?”

  “That is one way to say it,” Gunnar conceded.

  “If it is primitive to be all of yourself and not deny who and what you are,” Geran thundered. “If it is primitive to believe in honor, trust and loyalty.” He turned her to him and cradled her face in his. “If it is primitive to mate one woman, to love and cherish her for all of your life. To treasure her above any possession that money can buy. To know that there is nothing better or lovelier than her no matter the hands of time. Then I am primitive.”

  She had to catch her breath. She could feel the tears in her eyes at the passion in his voice. She could see forever in his eyes and fear was no longer a part of her world. Not as long as he and Gunnar were a part of it.

  She cupped his face in return and leaned in to kiss him softly on the lips. “I have made my choice, Geran,” she whispered. “I made it when I said the words that allowed you to claim me though perhaps I didn’t realize it then. The truth is I have never known what I have found with you, ever. In my entire life I had one person
whom I could count on, one person who loved me. And he died, he took his own life because of the prejudice shown him by those who should have loved him most. I have no reason to want to leave and every reason to want to stay and see what we can have.”

  She could see the tension ease from his shoulders at her words. “So tell me what I need to know. Please.”

  “It has been the same since we arrived in the valley. Our boys go through the change for the first time around the time of puberty. Some as young as eleven or twelve some not until they hit fourteen. There is a change in the hormones at that age that allows the change to occur for the first time. It is a hormone that our women do not make on their own and thus the change doesn’t occur for them until mating when the hormone is introduced to their system through our semen and saliva, and sometimes our blood.” It was Geran who took up the story leaving nothing out.

  “How difficult is it the first time?” she asked.

  “Some die,” Gunnar said. “It is not an easy thing to allow another spirit to coexist within. Some fight and do not survive. But most embrace the change and within days are changing back and forth at will.”

  “And for the women? How is it the first time for them?” She needed to know that more than anything else right now.

  “It can be hard,” Geran said. “You are shifting into wolf form for the first time once the body has already reached adulthood. There is little room left for growth and change. But most still survive. Few die. It is as if the goddess watches over them most knowing that the female is the lifeblood of her people. Something technology has prevented modern man from seeing.”

  “How is it you know of what exists outside the valley?” she wanted to know.

  “We have watchers who see that our boundaries aren’t crossed, that we are left in peace,” Gunnar stated.

  “And yet I made it through,” she whispered.

  “But then we’ve already decided that you were meant to,” Geran added.

  “So who controls the vale, mist, or whatever you want to call the boundary between the outside and the valley? And how does that person decide who can come through?” Nikki asked.

  “The elvin princess controls that,” Geran said.

  “Her name is Serena,” Gunnar continued. “She is the mother of the entire valley, the one who carries the fate of everyone in her hands.”

  “That can’t be an easy task,” Nikki stated.

  “It is her destiny,” Geran stated with a shrug of his shoulders. “It is her fate to watch over us all.”

  “And what of her happiness?” Nikki asked. “Does she have mates? Children?”

  “The elvin and the were are not allowed to mate with one another. It is a mixing of classes that has never been allowed,” Geran said.

  “Why not?” Nikki wanted to know. “And that doesn’t answer my question.”

  “Little is truly known of Serena,” Gunnar told her. “She is an idol to most, feared and revered alike. Many legends surround her but to be honest I don’t know what is truth and what is lie.”

  She took this in. Somehow she felt a link with this Serena, perhaps because this was the woman who had brought her here. She would make it a point to try to find her, if for nothing else than to give her thanks.

  “So how soon will the change occur?” she asked.

  “Within the next twenty-four hours,” Gunnar replied.

  “We will be with you every step of the way,” Geran swore. “We will not leave you and when the change occurs we will change with you and run as one.”

  “Will it hurt?” She really wanted to know the answer to that one.

  “Not hurt so much as it will be really uncomfortable as your muscles and bones shift and reform,” Geran promised. But it sounded painful to her. She couldn’t help the tremor that raced down her spine.

  “We will be here,” Gunnar drew her attention to him. “We will not leave you.”

  “Promise?” she asked. She was afraid and since they could read her thoughts anyway there was really no way to hide it from them.

  “We are mated and only death can separate us now,” Geran swore. “You are strong and a part of us.”

  She nodded. She had driven into this a broken woman with no place to go and no one who would care anyway. Now she was a mated woman with two men who would gladly die for her. It was a lot for any woman to take in. Add to that the simple fact that she now had a wolf inside her that would soon merge with her. Many would think her crazy and be quick to lock her away throwing away the key. See where technology had gotten them? She laughed out loud.

  “How do such wild thoughts bring laughter to your lips?” Geran demanded to know. “And I will kill anyone who ever tries to lock you up in such a room!”

  She laughed again. So they could see pictures in her head as well. Good to know. She pictured his cock and her using her mouth on it to bring him to pleasure while Gunnar took her pussy with his cock. Both men groaned bringing laughter bubbling from her lips again. That was what they got for looking where they shouldn’t. But then once again she found herself on her back with two aroused males looming over her. This was definitely something she could get used to.

  Gunnar took her lips, kissing her deeply, taking the time to explore her mouth with his. Geran gave her an intimate kiss as well, on her pussy. His fingers separated the folds and opened her to his tongue and teeth, to the smooth feel of his lips moving over her flesh. It was an eroticism she would never get used to. Two men so involved in nothing but her pleasure.

  Geran took her higher. His lips wrapped around her clit and sucked softly while his tongue flicked over and around the pebble. One hand slid lower and a long finger plunged inside her pussy making her arch and cry out into Gunnar’s kiss. She thought once more of Gunnar in her mouth, her lips wrapped around him sucking and licking at his engorged cock.

  “Such generosity would truly give you pleasure?” he asked as he pulled slowly away from her mouth.

  “Yes,” she cried out as Geran speared his tongue in and out of her pussy while his thumb worked circles over her clit. He was soft in his touch, too soft to bring her to the release she could feel building inside her.

  Gunnar rose up onto his knees beside her, his cock bobbing so close that she could smell the musk of him. It made her mouth water. Before she could turn her mouth toward him Geran pulled from her and swiftly flipped her to her stomach.

  “Hands and knees,” Geran said as he ran his hands over her buttocks and the back of her thighs.

  She was more than happy to oblige. She wanted this every day for the rest of her life.

  “Every day,” Gunnar swore as he moved in front of her, his cock right by her mouth.

  She opened wide and let her tongue skim over the rounded head tasting the bead of flavor that filled the slit. He was so good, so sensitive to her touch. She loved the way his nostrils flared, the way his head tilted down to view her actions better. He didn’t use his hands to grip her and force her to take his inches. Instead he remained still letting her explore him and finding pleasure in all she did.

  Geran moved behind her and she could feel the length of his cock against her buttocks as he moved between her spread knees pushing them just a bit wider. His hand caressed her lower back and softly he nudged her asking her quietly to tilt her hips just a bit more for him. He must have liked how she complied as a soft groan left his lips just moments before she felt the nudge of his cock at her pussy.

  She took Gunnar deep into her mouth letting the head hit the back of her throat just as Geran thrust within her pussy. She could imagine no pleasure greater than this, what she was experiencing with her two mates. The thrust and retreat. The pleasure that was given and received. It was something that many dreamed of but she doubted everyone experienced. How had she been so lucky? How had she been the one called for these two perfect men?

  A hard thrust and swivel of Geran’s hips and her thoughts scattered so that all she could do was feel. She was so close to orgasm, to explodi
ng in a blinding light of pure carnal pleasure.

  Her lips worked over Gunnar’s flesh, sucking and nipping and licking. She took him deep then slowly released him letting her mouth touch over every inch as she did. Then she would take him fast swirling her mouth around him as she let him slip free. Her lips would wrap around just the head again and she would suck greedily at him. His cock was so damn delicious that she would never get enough of him, of them.

  He slid free once more but he moved back before she could take him again.

  “I want to try something with you,” he whispered and the vision filled her head of the three of them together one taking her pussy while the other filled her ass.

  “Yes,” she whispered and felt Geran pull from inside her.

  Gunnar moved so that he lay beside her on the big bed. “Come to me,” he said and motioned with his hand for her to crawl over him so that she straddled his hips.

  She followed his guidance and soon had his cock poised below her pussy. Slowly she eased down his length. They both groaned with pleasure. But when she would have risen again he held her tight to him. “Patience,” he whispered in her ear before nipping the lobe and licking over it. “Let Geran enter.”

  She felt him behind her, felt his hands cupping her rear before moving to spread her ass cheeks wide. There was a cool sensation as he worked some type of lubricant against her anus before pushing his fingers inside and coating her there as well. She moaned at the sensation of his fingers and wondered if she would be able to handle it when he replaced them with his much bigger cock.

  “You will find the ultimate in pleasure,” Geran assured her and Gunnar smiled.

  Geran’s hands moved to hold her wide again and she felt the head of his cock against her anus. “So beautiful,” he moaned as he pushed into her. She felt the resistance, felt the burn and then the tug as he pushed through that first ring of muscle. Back and forth he worked until she felt his entire length fill her, the brush of his balls against the bottom of her ass cheeks.

  With Gunnar buried in her pussy it was a feeling of almost being too full, of having too much inside her. The sensations rushing through her were overwhelming. It was hard to focus on any one thing. She could feel the tension in both men as they held impossibly still. She couldn’t take it. They had to move now. She had to find relief from the pressure.


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