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Solitary Fae (Humans vs Fae Book 2)

Page 11

by Charlotte Royalin

  "I've never seen him in such a poor mood. I was never a member of his court though, I've been a free fae all my life. But I do not like it when he's mad."

  "Agreed," I huffed, looking back down at the book in front of me. I flipped it back open to the codex and searched for more information.


  It had been a while since I'd last crossed paths with Faariin. And with that time, I had been taking out my frustration by shooting arrows. Calidi allowing me to come by whenever I felt the urge to, beyond our few hours in the morning. Another thing that had been frustrating was that all that I could think about was Vethari. I had only seen a glimpse of him as I was heading toward the miniature library to study with Hob, but the moment I went to say something after seeing him in the corner of my eye, he had vanished. He had been so busy lately.

  It was driving me insane with how much I wanted to see him. Wanted to just see if there was anything that I could act upon with him and my emotions. Whether he just used his aura to make me want him, I wasn't sure. It was most definitely a possibility. Regardless, I understood that I wanted him again. As unladylike as it was to say and think, I wanted every bit of him.


  I steadied my focus on the bow.


  I released. The arrow finding the center of the target true and easy enough. Though after a few moments it fell out, just as before. I'd been hitting the target but couldn't manage to get many arrows to stick. Focusing more on aim than on the power behind it. I was still advancing in the craft of being an archer well, though there was much I needed to learn still.

  I huffed as I let the bow stand at my side still within my grasp. Rolun clapped his hands, as did Ke who were happy to see me succeeding as the Great Hunt was drawing near, so I'd been told. I had done some research on it now that I knew the time was fast approaching. But there wasn't much detail in the convoluted stories. Much like The Passage there were some things that were difficult to discern what was part of the actual practice and the many spins offs of stories and mysteries that were within.

  Calidi scratched at her scalp as her eyes turned toward my new permanent guardsmen. Batik and Ley. Faariin had been true to his word that they were to be following me near every waking moment. They stood guard outside of my temporary homestead. They stood guard within the library when I was studying with Hob. And now, here they were as well, watching over me as I attended my daily practice with the fire nymph. It was off-putting at first, and now was simply... still off-putting.

  From the motions and general nuances and body movements I could tell immediately that Calidi was not happy with the two of them around. She had never made any claim that she was their friend, but neither did she say that she despised their presence. It could just be within her fiery nature to be put off by those invading her space when she did not invite them in herself.

  "How much longer is this practice going to take?" Ley grumbled as she plucked out pieces of straws from the bale of hay they sat upon, adjacent to Rolun's usual spot. "As long as Penelope needs. If you are so bored, get out of our hair and retreat back to your home in your keep." Calidi snorted. Obviously not expecting a reply as she insulted them frequently and they had yet to give into any of their possible grievances with her.

  The nymph stepped close to me, her stick gently tapping at the base of my back, then at my shoulders to lower them in good posture, though also remaining relaxed. Her eyes moved over the two, lounging half-blooded, High Fae in a casual way before turning her attention downward. Trying to give off the appearance that she was only interested in fixing my stance to better the pressure of the arrows when I allowed them to soar toward their target.

  Tapping at the front of my knee for me to adjust my weight between them, rather than putting it all on one leg, she leaned in close. My head remained raised upright, though I listened as her face was almost right up against my cheek. "Don't make any sudden movements, but I think someone has a surprise for you."

  I gulped as she took a step away from me. Allowing me to break stance and turn to glance over my shoulder to see what all the commotion was about. And of course, as I should have guessed, there he stood. In his magnificent furs, bronzed skin glowing with the early noon sun blazing above us.


  I paused myself, not wanting to squeal like a young girl and rush into his arms. I willed myself to remain calm, though I could not repress the wide grin that betrayed my calmness. The High Fae nodded slightly to everyone there, including myself, before frowning after spotting Ley and Batik standing guard. His eyes focused into a narrow look as he approached me.

  "Penelope," he said, now focusing completely on me as his head tilted back slightly to stare down at me with a bit of a cocky look, though it was one I had learned wasn't entirely condescending. Perhaps it was just the look of one who came from high station as I had seen many officials in my own town do such a thing.

  He leaned forward, and my heart almost froze mid-beat in shock. My eyes widened as he gave me a hug. "Why are they here?" His head tilted just barely in the direction of the two fae guards who were watching us closely. Ah, I realized the hug was nothing more than a ploy, so he could speak to me quietly.

  I didn't let that deter me however, as I mirrored his movements and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. It was the best I could do to get a grip on him given how tall the man was. "Faariin sent them. They've been watching me for near a week now," I mumbled into his neck as he hunched over my frame. He let out a snort of a disapproval before releasing me, giving my shoulder a heft pat with his heavy hand. "Calidi has told me you've been doing well." His thumb flicked over his nose in a boyish cuteness. "For a human, that is." I returned the happy look in his eyes with a fervent nod.

  Calidi now approached after watching the brief exchange, coming forward to clasp a hard hand onto Vethari's bicep, leaving a trace of smoke as she retracted. "Indeed, she has. I'm impressed and believe she will do well with the hunt after all."

  Vethari shrugged, his back shifting just enough to keep Batik and Ley behind him and avoid seeing his front—or his lips as he spoke. His jaw clenched as he gave Calidi a meaningful look and she merely nodded in return. A sly grin creeping up onto her face while the burning coals of eyes darted quickly in the direction where the guards were standing. Though his broad visage continued to block their view, and hers.

  She cleared her throat, reaching over her head to scratch the nape of her neck while Vethari's voice boomed. Almost echoing in a way as I continued to watch the exchange in dumbfounded confusion. "Rolun," my captor's voice demanded, and it was answered as Rolun hopped off his bale of hay and trotted over, Ke fluttering close to his shoulder. "It's good to see you!" The fawn cheered, hopping up and down in joy at seeing his friend. "I heard you've been studying for your Taela. How is it going?" Vethari asked, placing a hand on top of his head before turning his head back to face Calidi.

  She mouthed at him. "Now?" As Rolun began to go on a long rant of how his studying had been. Bringing up the fact that I had yet to come to an understanding about the whole convoluted mess that came within the intricacies of fae life. I gripped my bow tight as I poked the young satyr in the ribs in retort. Only causing him to giggle. I then noticed that Vethari, despite asking the question, was not listening whatsoever to the fawn. Instead his lips began to move quickly. And I watched them. Not only as I gazed longingly at how full and well-shaped they were, but as it became slightly strange. I could not understand the words.

  The fire nymph's hand continued to rest on Vethari's bicep and her other hand came lightly to press against my shoulder in what seemed like solidarity. Vethari's hand had slide down from the ruffling of the boy's head and rested comfortably around his nape. Rolun was continuing to speak before the bronzed fae suddenly widened his eyes as Ke sat down on his shoulders. Vethari shouted aloud to interrupt him mid-sentence. "Katah!"

  And just like that the air felt as if it had been knocked out of my chest.

; There was a rush of swirling of wind. It was breezing past me so fast I couldn't even breathe. It lasted no more than three seconds before I hit the ground with an "Oof!"

  Lolling my head up from the cold mud, I groaned, wiping at my cheek with the back of my hand as I looked around me. Vethari and Calidi both stood in front of my crumpled body. Vethari with his arms across his chest, and Calidi with a hand on her hip. Dusting a bit of clay and earth from her own arm. "Oh, how I love traveling like that." She smiled as she walked over to Rolun and helping him up as he cursed like a sailor.

  "You could've warned us ya know!" he shouted. His tail puffed up as it was inclined to do when angered.

  Vethari laughed at the fae's frustration. A sweet, soothing sound to hear.

  He strode over to me. Bending down low enough to offer me a hand and raising me to my feet. "That was really... really something I've never..." I tried to form words, but instead I formed vomit. I pushed the High Fae away from me and vomited across the wet grassland. Not much, but it did make me feel less queasy after.

  "Oh, the poor dear." Calidi clicked her tongue earnestly as she began to tear off pieces of mud that were now stuck to the fur across Rolun's legs. Ke floated around dizzily as well. "Ouch, ouch, ouch." She frowned as her little hands grappled at her head.

  Vethari shrugged, giving me a hard pat on the back and walking out toward the water that was in front of us.

  "So..." I began to speak after spitting out the last remnants of the disgusting taste in my mouth. "Where are we?" I looked around at our surroundings. Instead of the large oaken trees that usually surrounded us, we were in the middle of what almost seemed like a marsh. Exceptionally tall willows dotted throughout the area with white flowers blooming from their hanging vines. Fireflies were glowing off in the distance too, though I couldn't see too far because of the mist that was about.

  "Think of it as entering another faerie circle," Vethari said aloud as he seemed to be searching for something. "Each circle allows you to enter a plane of the fae who live there. With magic, one can enter each plane at will—so long as you know that it exists."

  I managed to shake off the bit of queasiness that remained. Trekking forward to meet him with Calidi, Rolun, and Ke at my side.

  "And where are we now? I do not recall this plane?" Calidi tsked. Hands resting fully on her hips once more as she glanced around through the mist.

  "Why don't you take a look." Vethari smirked as he reached a hand forward.

  The thick heavy mist began to part, as if there were a strong wind in the center pushing it to the left and right of us.

  And before our eyes, was quite the beauty to behold.

  A rather thin bridge of stone led forward to a wide pier, covered in the overgrowth of beautiful purple flowers that almost emanated a glow of their own. I covered my mouth with both hands to hide the gasp and wide mouth that accompanied the sight. In the center of the island was one of the willows as well, while the lake gently swayed back and forth in bright turquoise while the water’s edge licking upward and lapping against the side of the miniature island.

  "I've been here before!" Rolun announced, taking off with Ke holding onto the back of his unruly hair with all her might so as not be flung off.

  "Slow! Slow!" she squeaked with her tiny voice.

  "It's just a place I like to go to relax." Vethari nodded before giving the nymph a serious look. "And it will take Batik and Ley some time before they find us. So, we may now speak earnestly without constant prying ears." Calidi's normal cocky look subsided as she nodded as well.

  I shared a glance between them as we slowly followed the other two faeries prancing ahead. "Why don't you want Batik and Ley around? I know it's annoying at first, but you get used to it," I said simply, hugging onto my bow. Surely it was only the magic used to create it that kept it from splintering into thousands of pieces upon impact after the spell to transport us to wherever this was.

  "It is not them in particular. I have worked side by side with them for many missions. It is Faariin." Vethari spoke softly so only the three of us could hear the conversation. It came as a bit of a surprise to me, given what I had only just recently learned about the Seelie and Unseelie courts. Faariin seemed to be a good leader, though there was a lot missing from the books about him that were within the library. Words had been lifted from the books although nothing had replaced them.

  His comment caught the nymph’s attention as she nearly stumbled forward at his words. "Faariin has been good to us, no? At least he has always been fair in matters of our village. And he has treated Calidi no different."

  Vethari shook his head, "Faariin is going to make my plan difficult. Especially when it comes to trying to unite the fae and humans to stop any further conflict within our homes." He glanced over his shoulder toward me, looking me straight in the eyes. "It will make our plan to return you difficult."

  I was worried. "But he is constantly saying how he wants me gone. I would think he'd be glad to help you," I muttered. This was indeed something I had not even thought about. But Vethari could not lie. None of them could. Which means his concerns were genuine.

  "It would not be the first time Faariin has struck down a close friend over the matters of humans."

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as if there was a sudden air of electricity. He really would do that? How? When? Why would other fae trust him then? There were always meanings between the lines when people would speak at court in my hometown. But within the courts of fae there had to be even more to be read since many things were told within riddles, leaving you to grasp at what it was they were hinting it.

  I could only nod. There was obviously much more going on at play here than I originally thought.

  Once we had all made it across the bridge, Vethari made a show of flopping down onto his behind and leaning back against the moss surrounding the base of the tree. Rolun whisked his hand through the air and in almost no time the small fallen branch within his grasp fashioned itself into a fishing pole. And a blade of glass into twine that tied itself to the head of the rod on its own. Ke merely skirted the water, looking underneath to find where it was Rolun should toss it out to.

  While they played, Vethari motioned to either of his sides and waited for both Calidi and I to approach and take a seat before he began to speak.

  "We need to discuss the Great Hunt."


  I glanced over at Calidi, but her focus was entirely on the powerful fae that sat so casually before us. His knees bent upward and wide in callous display. I couldn't help but find my gaze wandering between them ever so carefully as to not draw his attention. "The Great Hunt was just an excuse I needed to give Faariin to allow Penelope to roam." Vethari began to speak seriously now, and my attention snapped up and fixed onto his face.

  "If nothing else, he is allowing her the right to shoot arrows and have fun since she doesn't appear to pose a specific threat. Other than the fact that she is a human being kept by fae. If it were entirely up to him she'd be rotting within the dungeons of his keep. Letting her roam and not go insane so when she finally did return to the humans she wouldn't speak negatively about us," he snorted.

  "Other than the fact you did take her here against her will I'm sure." Calidi's head tilted in the side with a half smile cocked on her lips.

  Vethari rolled his eyes. "I do not think she would have come from her own choice." I opened my mouth to retort but his hand waved casually in the air to dismiss the argument ready to ensue. "In any case. The Great Hunt; this will be a good opportunity for him to let his guard down." Vethari quieted slightly at his own words. Calidi's tense positioning of her body and fixed focus on him led me to believe he was choosing his words carefully. What he should and couldn't let us know just yet.

  "And?" I urged him to continue.

  He blinked, his gaze slowly looking up from the beautifully bright grass and toward my face. He seemed to take in my presence for a moment and released a heavy breath.
r />   "And that is the best opportunity to allow the humans within our realm and return you back to your people."

  Calidi frowned and made no guise to hide her disapproval. "Let humans into our realm? You're going to tell them how to enter our faerie circles and expect them to not abuse that power? Even if the Great Hunt is a time of revelry and peace you cannot expect humans to feel the same."

  He didn't dispute the fact. Crossing his fingers before him and resting his chin against it as he continued to peer at me. I wasn't sure if he was waiting for my opinion or not, so I spoke up. "As much as I like the plan, I think Calidi is right. I know barely anything about how things work in your world, but from what I do know... I do not think the humans will care whether this Great Hunt is about peace amongst all or not. Especially if they send templars."

  Calidi's head snapped toward me. "Templars?"

  "The ones who train specifically to destroy fae and the exploitation of magic." My jaw clenched as I had to break my eye contact with the High Fae within our presence. Would Alphonse come? He would be newly inducted into the Hall of Templars by this time, but he had already proved himself capable with the murder of that dryad. And he had changed so much since we were young. Would my call for him to cease any harm to these fae work? I wasn't completely sure. At least not enough to ensure their safety. Or even a fraction of safety.

  "Penelope is correct in this, then." Vethari's fingers gripped tightly together. "What do you both think I've been doing on my tours outside of our realm? I have been delegating things very, very carefully. Do you not know what capability I have in these matters?"

  "I know you were an advisor to the Unseelie king," I said, easily gaining both of their full attention. The splashing off to the side of us from Rolun and Ke seemed to pause. Clearly taking in the conversation as well. I allowed myself to sneak a peek up toward Vethari to try to read if he was angry at the fact I brought it up. But he was calm.


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