by Phil Keith
as drummer, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155, 305
dubbed “First Black Fighter Pilot,” 103–4
education, 21
employment in US, 279–81, 290, 305–6
in England, 46–49
fame and, 309–10, 314–15
FBI and, 279–83
final residence, 283, 285
final trip to Columbus, 287–88
first probable aerial victory, 9–13
first serious, intimate relationship, 50–53
in Foreign Legion, 64–65, 72–78, 79, 80–84, 93–94
as French spy, 198, 203–7, 225, 239–41
funeral and burial, 322–23
with Gypsies, 30–31
highest armed service rank achieved, 110
on his accomplishments, 308
with Hughes family, 37–38
as “lucky child,” 14–15, 19–20
marriage and children, 165–70
on Marta Russ to Europe, 39–40, 43–45
motto on plane, 125
nicknames, 49, 86, 148, 215
physical description, 20
posthumous appointment as second lieutenant in the United States Air Force, 323
racism during childhood, 23–24
recruited as French spy, 198
refusal to be called “nigger” or “boy,” 33, 36
relationship with Bricktop, 169, 185–86
relationship with Kitty, 169, 220–21, 223, 224, 239, 242, 243, 244
return to US, 269
Robeson Riots and,
as runaway in Georgia, 30–35
in Scotland, 45–46
shot, 208, 218–22
on The Today Show, 311–14
Bullard, Eugene, awards and honors
American Volunteer with French Army Medal, 142
Battle of Somme Medal, 142
Battle of Verdun Medal, 142
as Chevalier (Knight) of France, 308, 309
Combatant’s Cross, 142
Croix de Guerre, 92, 94, 109, 142
display in US Air Force Museum and National Air and Space Museum (Smithsonian), 323–24
“Eugene Bullard Day” (in Georgia), 323
Legion of Honor, 308, 312–14
Military Medal (Medaille Militaire), 142, 238–39
recognition of service by de Gaulle, 318
Victory Medal, 142
Voluntary Enlistment Medal, 142
Volunteer Combat Cross, 86, 142
World War I Medal, 142
Wound Medal (Medal for Military Wounded), 81, 86
Bullard, Hector (brother), 288
Bullard, Jacqueline (daughter)
appearance of, 210
at award ceremonies for father, 308, 323
Baker as babysitter, 184
believed died in World
War II, 170
birth, 166
daily life with father, 209, 227
education, 211
escape to US, 277–79
marriage and death, 286
in NYC, 285–86
possible death of mother, 168
Terrier and, 223, 242, 243
Bullard, Josephine Yokalee Thomas (mother), 19, 21, 23
Bullard, Lolita (daughter)
appearance of, 210
at award ceremonies for father, 308
Baker as babysitter, 184
believed died in World War II, 170
birth, 166
daily life with father, 209, 227
education, 211
escape to US, 277–79
marriage and death, 286
in NYC, 285–86
possible death of mother, 168
Terrier and, 223, 242, 243
Bullard, Pauline (sister), 288–89
Bullard, Wiley, 22
Bullard, William L., 25
Bullard, William Octave “Big Ox” (father)
attempted release of Bullard from Foreign Legion and, 83–84
background, 21–23
death, 289
employer, 20–21
fight with Stevens, 24–25
near-lynching of, 25–26
physical description, 19, 20
racial discrimination at work, 24
Bullard’s Athletic Club, 190, 193, 194–95
Bullitt, William C., Jr., 229, 275–77
Burns, Tommy, 56
Butler, Charles and family, 35–37
Capdevielle, Ferdinand, 68
Carpenter, Eliot, 177
Carpentier, George, 50
Castle, Irene, 149
Castle, Vernon, 149
Celikten, Ahmet Ali, 104
Chamberlain, Neville, 212, 232
Chance, Perry, 236
Chaplin, Charlie, 178
Chapman, Victor “Gentle Giant,” 67, 69–70, 116
Charleston, Yellow, 174
“Cherie,” 50–53
Chevalier, Maurice, 241
Chevalier (Knight) of France, 308, 309
Chez Florence, 150
Chicago Defender, 158
Chicago Tribune, Paris edition, 156–60
Churchill, Winston, 232
Clarke, William Robinson, 104
Club Zelli, 151–52, 155, 174
Combatant’s Cross, 142
Compton, Nettie, 192
Connell, Louise Fox, 315–16, 322
Cooper, Opal, 153–54, 161, 195
Coward, Noel, 178
Crawford, Joan. See also LeSueur, Lucille, 173
Creek Nation, 19, 22–23
Crehore, Austen B., 278
Crisis, The, 109
Croix de Guerre
awarded to Bullard, 92, 94, 109, 142
awarded to Carpentier, 50
awarded to Crehore, 278
awarded to Lafayette Flying Corps, 114
awarded to Kiffin Rockwell, 69
Cunard, Nancy, 178
Curtis, Albert, 158
Daladier, Edouard, 212, 213
Davis, Belle, 54, 59, 62
Dean, Jack, 178
de Gaulle, Charles, 237, 255, 282–83, 286, 316–18
de las Swaine, Jacques, 266–67
De Vaux, H.C., 257
Dewey, Thomas, 302
DH-4 DeHaviland observation planes, 119–20
Diamond, Jack “Legs,” 173
Dickson, Jefferson Davis, Jr.
background, 95–96, 97–98
as boxing promoter, 193
flight training bet, 99, 103
“Dixie Kid.” See Brown, Aaron Lister “Dixie Kid”
Dolly Sisters, 178
Dowd, Dennis, 68
DuConge, Peter, 187
Egypt, 153–55
Eisenstein, Sergei, 294
Ellington, Duke, 173, 210
African American expatriates in, 47, 51, 53
economic boom, 54
popularity of boxing, 54–55
Escadrille Americaine, 113
“Eugene Bullard Day” (in Georgia), 323
Falkenhayn, Erik von, 87
Fanelli, George, 302
Farnsworth, Henry W., 78
Fay, Frankie, 173
FBI, 279–83
Federation of French War Veterans Cemetery, 323
Ferrolino (Commandant), 94–95, 99–100
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 148, 181–82
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 181–82
Flanner, Janet, 212
Flying Circus, 14
Ford, Maddox Ford, 181
Forrestal, Georges, 61
France. See also entries beginning with French; Paris
absence of racial discrimination in, 23, 160, 161–62
American veterans at ceremony in honor of Unknown Soldier, 307
Bullard’s determination to go to, 26, 29, 31, 35,
37–38, 214–15
Bullard’s final trip to, 307
Deuxième Bureau, 197–98, 200, 203–4
Legion of Honor, 308, 312–14
Nazi spies in, 197–98
touring with “Belle’s Picks,” 54, 59, 62
during World War II,
France Forever, 282, 283–84, 286–87
French Air Service
Americans in, 101
Dickson, White, Kisling bet, 99, 103
training schools, 101–3, 110–11
French Foreign Legion
Americans in, 64–71, 85–86
Battle of Verdun, 87–92
blacks in, 194
Bullard’s experiences,
72–78, 86–92
esprit de corps, 82–83
Second Battle of Artois, 78–83
Garroway, Dave, 310, 311–14
Gartz, Richard “Craney,” 263, 283
Genet, Edward C., 78, 100
Gilmore, Buddy, 177
Goettler, Harold, 119–20
Goode, Eslanda Cardozo, 293–94
“Great Christmas Truce of 1914,” 77
Great War. See World War I
“Great White Hope” (Jeffries, James J.), 57, 60
Gros, Edmund
background, 112–13
death, 239
last encounter with Bullard, 238–39
racism of, 122, 133–34, 140, 141, 142, 187, 308
Guthrie, Woody, 299, 300
Gypsies, 30–31
Haig, Douglas, 79
Haiti, 21–22
Hall, Bert, 68
Hall, James Norman, 110–11, 142
Hambro, Leonid, 298
Haney, Lynn, 241
Hemingway, Ernest, 112, 148, 180–81
Henri-Robert, 151, 159, 304
Hernandez, Joaquin, 286
Hindenburg, Paul von, 196–97
Hitler, Adolf, 196–97
horses, 30–31, 33–35
Houdry, Eugene, 282
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 296, 297
Hughes, Langston, 176, 322
Hughes family (of Georgia), 37–38
Hull, Cordell, 277, 278
Hunter, Alberta, 172
Huxley, Aldous, 178
Ingalls, David, 120–21
Irwin, William, 94, 103
James, June Jewett, 237–38, 239, 242
Bullard as drummer, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155, 305
cakewalk and, 192
Harlem and, 172–73
popularity of, 148–49, 151
popularity of black American performers in Paris, 173
top postwar performers, 172
Jeanette, Joe, 59–60, 61
Jeffries, James J. “Great White Hope,” 57, 60
Jimmy (pet capuchin monkey), 10, 123, 126, 141
Joffre, General, 79
Johnson, Denise, 286
Johnson, John Arthur “Jack”
background, 55–56
defeat of white boxer by, 56–57, 60
McCloskey and, 61
nightclub owned by, 172
in Paris, 59, 62
trumped-up charges of violating Mann Act, 57–58
Johnson, Rowland Garnett, 286
Jolson, Al, 173
Jones, Florence, 173
Jones, John Edward, 94
Jones, Seth, 149
Joyce, James, 148, 181
Kelley, Russell, 78
“Kid.” See Brown, Aaron Lister “Dixie Kid”
King Oliver, 172
Kisling, Moise
background, 95, 96–97
flight training bet, 99, 103
at Le Grand Duc, 185
Straumanns and, 163
Lafayette Escadrille
airplanes, 121–22, 124–25
American aviators, 113–14, 115–16
Bullard’s dismissal, 137, 138–41
Bullard’s first mission, 124, 126–27
Bullard’s missions, 9–13, 128–31, 134–36, 138
combat missions flown by Bullard, 131
flying gear, 126
founding of, 100, 101, 112, 113
French command, 114
lack of racism in, 287
monument to American pilots, 187
naming of, 113
Lafayette Flying Corps, 112, 114
Landis, Judge “Kennesaw Mountain,” 58, 295
Langford, Sam “Boston Tar Baby,” 59, 60–61, 62
Lansing, Robert, 83, 84
Laporte, Raymond, 308
Legion of Honor
awarded to Bullard, 308, 312–14
awarded to Lafayette Flying Corps, 114
Le Grand Duc
“Bricktop” and, 173, 175, 176–77, 205
Bullard at, 174
Bullard’s sale of ownership of, 188–89
payment of entertainers, 228
popularity of, 177–79, 214
Leplanquais, George, 198, 200, 203–4, 206
L’Escadrille (The Squadron), 190, 191–92, 193, 196, 231–32
Les Corses, 206
LeSueur, Lucille. See also Joan Crawford, 173
“A Letter From Mssr. Bullard,” 159–60
Lev, Ray, 298–99
Lewis, Harry, 50
Life, 212
Lloyd, Craig, 143, 163–65, 168, 186, 191–92, 284, 302
Loos, Anita, 178
Lufbery, Gervais Raoul, 115–16
Luke, Frank “Arizona Balloon Buster,” 118–19
Man Ray, 178, 185
Marta Russ, 39–40, 43–45
Martin, “Denver Ed,” 56
Marzan, Violette, 308
Matthews family, 31–32
Mauvias, Oscar, 191–92
McAuliffe, Mary, 148
McClellan, Harry, 156–58
McCloskey, Charlie “Blink,” 59, 60, 61, 62, 184–85, 196, 206, 218
McVey, Sam (or McVea), 59–60, 61
McWilliams (American consul), 261–263, 265
Mercer, Mabel, 178
Military Medal (Medaille Militaire)
awarded to Bullard, 142, 238–39
awarded to Carpentier, 50
awarded to Ferrolino, 94
awarded to Lafayette Flying Corps, 114
awarded to Rockwell, 69
Miller, Zell, 323
Minard, Major, 13–14, 128, 134
Mitchell, Louis, 149
Mitchell, William “Billy,” 116, 132
Mondelli, Domenico (Wolde Selassie), 104–5
Monet, Claude, 151
Moreland, Travis, 31
Morlae, Edward, 68
Mrs. Palmer’s Boarding House, 35
“My Day” (Eleanor Roosevelt), 309
National Air and Space Museum (Smithsonian), 323–24
Navarre, Jean, 102–3
Bullard and, 214, 216
Hitler named German chancellor, 196–97
racism in Paris and, 194
“Negro music.” See jazz
Neusel, Walter “Blonde Tiger,” 194–95
New York Amsterdam News, 301, 318
New York City
Bullard’s early mon
ths in, 273–75
Bullard’s final residence, 283, 285, 305
Bullard’s jobs, 279–81, 290, 305–6, 310–14
Bullard’s work for France Forever, 282, 283–84, 286–87
Franco-American military memorial celebration, 320
racism in, 280
Rockefeller Center and The Today Show, 305–6, 310–14
New York Daily Mirror, 301
New Yorker, 212
New York World Telegram, 308
Nieuport 11 and 17 planes,
Paleologue, René, 88, 90, 91, 92
Pankiewicz, Jozef, 96
parachutes, 116, 130
Paris. See also Le Grand Duc
absence of racism among French, 160, 161–62
Bullard as drummer, 149, 150, 152
Bullard as gym sparring partner, 148
Bullard’s return to, after WWI, 142–43, 147
Bullard’s 1950 return to, 303–5
Club Zelli, 151–52
on eve of WWI, 62–64
on eve of WWII, 211–14
German occupation, 242–244
L’Escadrille (The Squadron), 190, 191–92, 193, 196, 231–32
Le Tumulte Noir, 183
Montmartre as cultural epicenter, 148, 190
night life in 1920s, 151–52, 155, 174
during “Phony War,” 226–33
popularity of black American performers, 173
racism and Nazis in, 194
racism of American expatriates in, 155–61
Parsons, Edwin Charles “Ted,” 102, 187, 278, 315
Patterson, Frederick D., 284
Peck, Sedley, 274
Peekskill Riots, 299–303
Pereti, Justin, 206–7, 216–20, 223
Perez, Young, 193
Pétain, Philippe, 87, 236
Phelizot, René, 68, 70
Picasso, Pablo, 96, 185
Pinsard, Captain Armand, 10, 127, 131, 141
Plessis Belleville Field, 111
Poitier, Sidney, 316
Pollard, Hugh, 192
Porter, Cole, 173, 182
Pound, Ezra, 178, 181
Prince, Norman, 101, 113, 115
absence of, among French, 23, 160, 161–62
absence of, in Foreign Legion, 77–78
absence of, in French aviation school training, 100
American expatriates in France and, 155–61
Americans fleeing from Nazis and, 267
autobiography as way to fight, 316
Bullard taunted as child, 23–24
“Fight of the Century” and, 57
of Gros, 122, 133–34, 140, 141, 142, 187, 308
Gypsies and, 30
Johnson-Jeffries fight, 57, 60
Nazism and, 194
New York bus fight, 291
Peekskill Riots, 299–303
Spector and, 273–74, 287
Staten Island ferry incident, 280
in US armed services, 109, 110, 133–34, 140–41, 284