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Wrath of the Savage

Page 25

by Charles G. West

  “You heard the boss,” Coldiron answered, obviously trying to talk through considerable pain. “If she says I’ll make it, then I reckon I ain’t got no choice.” He grimaced when he tried to shift his body and was rewarded with a stab of pain. “When I got hit, it knocked me to my knees, and I thought I was shot pretty bad, but I don’t think it’s as bad as I thought now.”

  “Well, it looks like you’ve got a couple of good nurses,” Bret said. “Just don’t get too used to lying around taking it easy. We’ve got a lot of work to do to build us a cabin.” To Myra then, he said, “You might wanna make use of that bottle we brought back from town. When I bought it, I didn’t know it was for medicinal purposes.”

  “You’d better get out of those wet trousers and let them dry by the fire,” Lucy said. “If you’re shy about it, you can wrap a blanket around you.”

  Her comment caused all three of the others to stare at her in disbelief. “Are you all right, honey?” Myra was the first to speak, astonished by the young woman’s apparent recovery of her fears and emotions.

  “Yes, I think so,” Lucy answered calmly. “We have a lot of work to do to build our home, so I think it’s time I started taking a bigger part in it, especially with Nate in the condition he’s in.”

  She couldn’t explain to herself why she had suddenly let go of her fears and taken a good look at the possibilities the future held for her “family.” She could not deny, however, the impact on her brain when Myra put two shots in the evil Bloody Hand’s body. She was convinced at last that the demon was really dead.

  I guess I have to believe in miracles, Myra thought. She was fairly beaming then with the prospects that the future she was planning for the four of them had a better than average chance for success.

  Still thinking about the rage Bret had exhibited when he saw Bloody Hand threatening Lucy, a rage he had never exhibited before, she said, “Lucy, why don’t you make us some coffee? I think we have something to celebrate.”

  It might take a little time, she thought. But what the hell? They’re young. They’ve got plenty of time.

  Read on for a look at the next

  exciting novel from Charles G. West,


  Available from Signet in July 2014.

  Cole Bonner stood at the top of a low ridge, looking back over a treeless sea of grass, watching the progress of the covered farm wagon a mile and a half behind him. Halfway down the ridge, Joe, his dark Morgan gelding, lingered, casually munching the short grass left by a dryer than normal summer. Cole watched the wagon for a few moments more before shifting his gaze back toward his horse.

  One of the best trades I ever made, he thought, even though he had given up two horses in exchange for the powerful Morgan.

  But Joe had proven his worth on the trek across Nebraska that had begun almost two months before, one day after Ann Sumner said I do and became Mrs. Cole Bonner. He smiled when he thought about Ann’s reaction when he had told her of the three most important decisions he had made in his entire life—the trade for Joe, the purchase of his Henry rifle, and marrying her. She demanded to know why marrying her was listed third, fully aware that he only said it to tease her, a practice he seemed to find delight in.

  Ann had wondered why he had chosen to name his horse Joe, and his response had been, “It’s as good a name as any, and Joe seems to like it all right.” The truth of the matter was that he couldn’t think of any clever name that would apply, so he settled on the first one that came to him.

  Certain now that the folks in the wagon could see him atop the ridge, he waved his hat back and forth over his head, a signal he used to tell them he had found water, or a campsite if it was nearing the end of a day’s travel. From that distance, he could see John Cochran, driving the wagon, his wife, Mable, seated beside him. Ann, with John and Mable’s three kids, was walking beside the wagon.

  Cole’s gaze naturally lingered upon his bride. It was a vision that never failed to remind him what a lucky man he was. She could have had any young bachelor in Lancaster, but she picked him. The thought always amazed him, for he had certainly never shown any indication of having serious plans for providing for a family. He had seldom had any thoughts beyond what he might be doing the next day, which was almost always the same thing as the day before, working for Henry Blacksmith. Blacksmith owned one of the biggest cattle ranches near Lancaster, Nebraska.

  Well, he thought, I reckon I’ve got a future to think about now, working for myself.

  He took his time walking back down the ridge to his horse. It would still be a few minutes before the wagon caught up to him, and as he climbed up into the saddle, he continued his reverie of the solid future he now saw before him.

  “I’ll be an old family man,” he announced to Joe. “Maybe have a dozen young’ns.”

  He grinned mischievously when he thought of the pleasure he would have in the process. Sometimes he would admit to himself that without Ann’s influence, he would probably never have agreed to set out for Wyoming Territory to build a farm. Truth be told, Ann had never really given him any choice in the matter of what they were going to do. She had a future all planned, and he just found himself fortunate to have been picked to share it with her.

  John Cochran had bought his parcel of land on Chugwater Creek, sight unseen, but he trusted the advice of his friend Walter Hodge, who claimed to be doing well in that valley. John’s plan was to grow wheat and raise cattle to sell to the military. Ann was set on going with her sister and her husband with plans to find her and Cole’s homestead, hopefully close by theirs. When he thought about it now, Cole shook his head, realizing that he had allowed himself to be totally dominated by his new wife. But deep down, he knew he didn’t really care where he went, or what he did when he got there, as long as he was with her. He couldn’t explain what being in love was, but whatever it was, he knew for damn sure that he had a hell of a dose of it.

  John had already guaranteed that he could make a first-rate farmer out of him, in spite of Cole’s protests that it might be more of a challenge than John anticipated.

  “Hell, I can’t raise dust without a horse under me to kick it up,” he had joked.

  He knew, however, that he could do anything another man could do, and he was anxious to show Ann that he could provide for her as well as any man. And he certainly couldn’t think of a nicer couple to team up with than John and Mable. Ann’s sister had wholeheartedly welcomed him into the family, and her children were already calling him Uncle Cole.

  It’s going to be a good thing, he told himself, and nudged Joe with his heels.

  • • •

  “Looks like another railroad camp on the other side of this ridge,” Cole called out to John as the wagon approached. Eight-year-old Skeeter, John and Mable’s youngest, ran ahead of the wagon to reach his uncle first. Cole reached down and lifted the boy up to seat him behind the saddle.

  “Good,” John replied. “That means there oughta be good water. I think everybody’s about ready to quit for the day. We can’t be much more’n fifty miles or so from Crow Creek Crossin’.”

  John’s friend had told him that Crow Creek Crossing was the place where he should leave the railroad’s path and head due north. He had been told that the Union Pacific should reach that point possibly by the time his little party arrived. Even if the railroad hadn’t, there was already a sizable tent city growing there on the banks of Crow Creek, so he would know it to be the place he was looking for.

  Cole took a moment to smile at his wife before turning Joe to lead the wagon along the railroad tracks past the ridge.

  “Get up, Joe!” Skeeter sang out as the big horse moved in response to Cole’s gentle press of his heels. The boy’s older brother and sister ran along behind them, eager to see the night’s campsite.

  As had been the case before, the railroad crews had been none too
tidy in the condition they had left their campsites. This one was no exception, so Cole led his party a little farther up the stream to camp where a couple of cottonwoods stood close to the bank.

  “This all right with you?” he asked the small boy hugging his back. Skeeter said that it was. When John pulled the wagon up beside him, Cole said, “This looks like as good a spot as any. Skeeter said it was all right.”

  Mable chuckled in response. “If Skeeter says it’s all right, then I guess we’ll settle right here.” She turned to her other two children. “Elliot, you and Lucy know what to do.” They responded dutifully, having gone through the routine every night during the past two months. Cole lowered Skeeter to the ground, then dismounted. After helping John with his horses, he pulled his saddle off Joe and hobbled the Morgan to graze with them beside the stream, about fifty yards from the wagon. With help from Elliot and Lucy, Mable and Ann soon had a fire going and supper started.

  The two men walked together to check on the condition of the horses, leaving the women and children to prepare the meal.

  “It’s gettin’ pretty late into August,” John said. “I sure hope to hell we can find this piece of land I bought and get us some shelter built before the bad weather hits.”

  “Like you said,” Cole replied, “Crow Creek Crossin’ can’t be much more’n fifty miles from here. We oughta be able to make that in plenty of time.”

  “Maybe so,” John said, “but according to the directions I got from Walter Hodge, my place on the Chugwater is thirty-five or forty miles north of Crow Creek. We’ve been makin’ good time, so far. And thank the Lord we ain’t seen no sign of Injuns.”

  Cole nodded. “I reckon they’ve been stayin’ away from the railroad crews and the army patrols.”

  They had discussed the possibility of Indian trouble before, but weren’t overly concerned about it. Troops had been sent along to protect the railroad workers, and they were trailing pretty close behind the track-laying crews.

  “I’d like it better if there were some thicker stands of trees beside some of these streams,” John commented. “Make it a little harder to see our camp.”

  “I know what you mean,” Cole replied, then laughed. “Hell, I thought Lancaster was short of trees. Looks like, from what we’ve seen since we left, there ain’t more’n a handful of trees between here and Wyomin’. Reckon we’ll be able to find enough timber to build a couple of houses by the time we reach Chugwater Creek?”

  John cocked his head, concerned. “Walter said it ain’t all like this. I reckon we’ll see, won’t we?”

  “I reckon.”

  • • •

  Ann stepped up to greet him with a kiss on his cheek when he walked back to the fire.

  “We’ll have supper ready in a little while,” she told him and gave his hand a little squeeze. He glanced down to meet an impish grin from ten-year-old Lucy. It seemed that every time Ann made any fond gesture toward him, it was always caught by one of the three kids, and it never failed to make him blush. Aware of his embarrassment, Ann smiled and said, “Pay her no mind. She just likes to see you squirm.”

  Overhearing Ann’s comment, Mable remembered when she and John were newlyweds. Ann wasn’t much older than Skeeter at the time, and she recalled that her sister had done her share of giggling whenever she caught the two of them stealing a kiss or an intimate embrace.

  “Go fill the bucket with water, Lucy,” she said.

  She felt some compassion for Cole and Ann. Spending your honeymoon with a family of five on a wagon afforded little private time together. She was happy for Ann. Cole Bonner was a good man, and his adoration for her sister was written all over his face. She and John had talked about the fortunate pairing of the two young people, and looked forward to working together to forge a comfortable living in the Chugwater valley. Her thoughts were interrupted then when John suddenly spoke.

  “Wait, Lucy,” he ordered calmly, his voice low but cautioning. “Get in the wagon. Mable, you and Ann get Elliot and Skeeter and get in the wagon.”

  Mable hesitated. “What is it, John?”

  “Just get the kids in the wagon,” John replied firmly, his voice still calm but dead serious. She quickly obeyed his order.

  “Where?” Cole asked, alert to the caution in John’s tone, his voice soft as well. He eased his Henry rifle out of the saddle scabbard and cranked a cartridge into the chamber.

  “I think we’ve got some company sneakin’ up behind that mound of scrubby bushes on the other side of the stream.” With no show of haste, he reached into the wagon boot and pulled a Spencer cavalry carbine from under the seat.

  Cole looked toward the mound but saw nothing. He trusted John’s word just the same, and didn’t doubt for a second that there was someone threatening their camp. Assuming they were Indians, he said, “They’re probably after the horses. You stay here behind the wagon and I’ll get over to the edge of the stream to keep them away from the horses.”

  “You be careful,” John warned. It was a risky move. There was very little cover on the grassy expanse where the horses were hobbled.

  “Cole, be careful,” Ann pleaded, having heard the conversation between the two men as she huddled with the children in the bed of the wagon.

  “I will,” Cole replied hurriedly as he left the cover of the wagon and made his way quickly toward the three horses grazing unsuspectingly near the stream.

  He dropped to one knee when he heard the thud of an arrow against the trunk of one of the large cottonwoods they had pulled the wagon under. Using the tree for cover, he scanned the mound of berry bushes John had pointed out.

  After a few seconds passed, he saw what he searched for when the bushes parted enough for him to see a bow. A few moments later, another arrow embedded itself in the tree, close to the first one. It was plain to see that the raiders were intent upon keeping him from getting to the horses. He rolled over to the other side of the tree and fired three quick shots into the bushes where he had spotted the bow. Then, without waiting to see if he had hit anything, he sprang to his feet and ran for the horses, looking for some place to use for cover when he got there. His series of rifle shots having caught their attention, all three horses held their heads up and stared at the man running toward them, but they did not attempt to bolt.

  His only choice for protection from the arrows that came whistling around him as he ran was a low dirt hump, which he reached safely because of a blistering volley of shots from John that forced the Indians to hug the ground behind their mound of berry bushes. Everything was quiet for a few minutes, and then John called out, “Cole, you all right?”

  Cole yelled back, “Yeah. I don’t think they’ve got anything but bows, but I’m afraid they’re gonna hit the horses. If you can keep ’em pinned down, maybe I can crawl back and take the hobbles off the horses and get ’em the hell outta range of their bows.” It seemed obvious that the horses were what the raiders were after, but if they couldn’t steal them, Cole was afraid they’d try to shoot them just to leave them on foot.

  “All right,” John shouted. “If you can bring ’em back here behind the wagon, we could guard ’em. They must not be able to shoot those arrows this far. At least there ain’t been any come close to the wagon yet. You just holler when and I’ll lay a blanket of fire on that berry patch.”

  “All right,” Cole yelled back. “I’ll tell you when.”

  He immediately started pushing himself back from the hump, still hugging the ground, pulling his rifle behind him. Evidently the Indians could not see him, for he managed to slide back to the Morgan’s feet and began untying the hobbles before an arrow suddenly thudded into the ground inches from his leg.

  “When!” he shouted, and John opened fire immediately. No longer concerned with any efforts to stay out of sight, Cole didn’t waste any time removing the hobbles from the other horses. He jumped on Joe’s back, grabbed the
lead ropes of John’s horses, and headed back to the wagon at a gallop. He reached the wagon with no arrows fired from the berry patch, slid off his horse, and tied all three up to it.

  John took his eyes off the mound for only a second to glance at Cole. “Now let’s see what they’re gonna do,” he said. “Looks like we got us a standoff.” Then he stole another glance toward the fire they had built. “I wish to hell they’da waited till after supper.”

  “John, what are we gonna do?” Mable called from within the wagon. “Are they still out there?”

  “I don’t see much we can do,” her husband answered. “Just wait ’em out, I reckon. As long as we’ve got the upper hand on weapons, there ain’t much they can do without gettin’ shot. They mighta already gone, decided it not worth the risk. We can’t see a blame thing on the other side of those bushes.”

  Everything John said was true, but Cole didn’t care much for hiding behind the wagon all night, not knowing if there were Indians still planning to jump them sometime during the dark hours ahead. As John said, there was a strong possibility that the raiders had conceded the contest since they were overwhelmingly outgunned. But Cole wanted to know that they were indeed gone. So he studied the lay of the land between the wagon and the low mound on the other side of the stream, planning the best route to take him safely to the rear of their position. When he was satisfied with his plan to work his way around behind them, there was nothing left but to wait for darkness to cover him.

  The wait was not long, for as soon as the sun dropped below the western horizon, it was as if someone had blown out a lantern. Within minutes, darkness enveloped the two big cottonwoods.

  “Cole, I’m not sure this is a good idea,” Ann protested when he told John what he was going to do.

  “Those Indians might be long gone,” Cole told her. “And if they are, there ain’t no sense in us stayin’ holed up behind this wagon. If they’re not gone, then maybe I can encourage them to leave with a few rounds from my rifle. I’d like to know how many we’re dealin’ with, anyway.” He turned to John then. “Keep a sharp eye. I’ll let you know if they’re gone so you don’t shoot me when you see me comin’ back.” He was off then, disappearing into the darkness.


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