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Love to the Rescue: Steamy Small Town Romance (Officers to Love Book 2)

Page 7

by Marie Carnay

  Keira glanced at Grant. He’d staggered close enough to shoot, she just needed to be clear. She handed the gun over with a nod. “O-okay. Just don’t shoot me. Please.”

  The man laughed and the sound sent shivers down her spine. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I can’t afford the evidence.” He pushed her toward the trail and she dove for cover.

  “Now Grant!”

  The hunter spun around, but it was too late. Two shots rang out. Keira watched as the man’s mouth fell open. Recognition dawned on his face as he fell to the ground. Dead.

  Her whole body began to shake. It was over. Grant stepped toward her, a smile on his handsome face, when he grimaced and slid to the ground. Oh my God. She rushed up to him and peeled back his jacket. His shirt was soaked in blood.

  Keira ripped off her shirt and used it to staunch the flow of blood.

  He reached up and took hold of one of her hands, drawing her attention back to his face. “I told you to stay put.”

  Something burst free within her chest. She brushed his cheek. “The longer we’re together, the more you’ll find out I don’t take orders well.”

  “Don’t worry, I figured that part out already.” Grant tried to laugh, but it turned into a wracking cough. “I think I’m gonna need some medical attention. You still have the radio?”

  Keira reached behind her and pulled it out of the waistband of her jeans. She held it up. “Call it in.”

  She moved to stand, but Grant wouldn’t let go.

  “I love you, Keira.”

  She swallowed. “Shut up. You’re not dying out here. Tell me that when you’re safe back home.”

  Keira pulled her hand free, stood up, and turned the radio on and shouted into it. “Help me! Grant’s been shot. We’re on the ridge by the falls.”

  The radio crackled to life. “Hello? Pinetree Station. Can I help you?”

  She repeated herself with a few curse words thrown in.

  “Got it. We’ll send the chopper.”

  Thank God. She fell back to her knees. “They’re coming, Grant. Just hold on.”

  His eyes fluttered. “I’d wanted to ask you to stay. To be a part of my life here.”

  She bent down and kissed his lips as tears landed hot on her cheeks. “You’ll still have that chance. Just don’t die on me.”

  One of her tears landed on Grant’s cheek and as she wiped it away, the sound of a helicopter filtered through the trees.

  Keira stood up and ran into the clearing, waving her arms like a wild woman. It landed and three men jumped out with a stretcher and medical equipment. All as big as Grant and just as shaken as Keira, they followed her back to his broken body. They had to save him. She hadn’t told him what he meant to her. She hadn’t told him the truth.


  Beep. Beep. Beep. Grant reached out to hit the snooze, but his arm wouldn’t obey. It fell back to the bed with a thump. The beeping sped up. Ungh.

  What the hell? He breathed in and an antiseptic smell assaulted his nostrils. Where am I? He thought back. An injured animal in the woods. A hunter in camouflage. A shot. The woman he’d fallen head over heels for. He struggled to wake up.

  “Grant?” The word resonated deep in his chest. It was the one voice he needed to hear. The one he never wanted to let go.

  Grant blinked and her face came into focus. “Keira.”

  She leaned forward and took his hand as her eyes searched his face. “Hey there, Officer. Where have you been? We’ve been so worried about you.” Her smile dazzled him and emotion exploded hot and fresh inside his chest.

  “What happened?” She stroked his cheek and Grant managed to look around. White walls, starched sheets. A hospital.

  “You were airlifted out of the park and flown straight to Anchorage.” She tried to smile, but her face was lined with worry. “The bullet was lodged in your lung. The doctor said you’re lucky to be alive.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I wouldn’t go anywhere without seeing you again.”

  She flushed and looked down at their interlocked fingers. “You wouldn’t have been out there if it wasn’t for me. I couldn’t just leave before I knew you were okay.”

  What? Was that all he was to her? He opened his mouth to ask when another voice cut him off.

  “Well, look who’s awake.” Killian’s voice boomed filling the room. Grant managed a smile and Keira shifted out of the way as the other trooper grasped Grant’s hand and shook it. “It’s good to see you awake, buddy.”

  “How long have I been out?”

  Keira piped up. “Three days. Your mom’s in the cafeteria. I should let her know you’re awake. I’ll be right back.” She nodded to Killian and left the room.

  Killian’s eyes followed Keira out of the room, and even though he couldn’t feel his shoulder, Grant wanted to punch the other trooper right in the mouth. Killian flopped into the chair next to the bed and shook his head. “That woman of yours is one hot number.”

  “She’s not my woman.” Not after the reception he’d just gotten. She was probably calling the airline right now and booking a flight back home.

  “Yeah, right. That’s why she’s been glued to your bedside every minute since they brought you in. Your mom couldn’t even get her to find a hotel and get some rest.” Killian patted the arm of the chair. “She’s been sleeping right here, curled up in a ball.”

  Grant frowned. Keira wouldn’t do that out of some sense of guilt, would she? He tried to swallow and ended up coughing until Killian rose out of the chair.

  Grant held up a hand. “I’m fine.” He fell back onto the bed. “What happened to that asshole who shot me?”

  “He survived, if you can believe it. He’s down the hall under guard until he is ready to be released from the hospital.” Killian ran a hand through his hair. “The jackass claims he had no idea that you were a cop.”

  Grant snorted. “Let me guess, he’d never have shot me if he’d known, right? He was ready to put a bullet through my head as surely as he killed that bear. Who is he? I didn’t recognize him.”

  “He’s keeping a tight lid on how he came up that way. Said he must have wandered into the park accidentally, and the bear was an accident, too. Claimed the bear attacked him. The boys have his ID, but they think it’s a fake. The hunting license looks like a home job too.”

  “I watched him shoot the bear in the head. He’s lying.”

  Killian pushed up to stand. “We’ll get your official statement as soon as you’re ready, don’t push yourself.” He patted Grant’s good shoulder. “The guys will be relieved that you’re awake. For a while there we thought we were going to lose you.”

  “I’m too stubborn for that.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Killian walked to the door. “When that woman of yours comes back, you tell her you love her.”

  Grant managed a smile. “Thanks for the advice, Officer.”

  Killian left and Grant fell back onto the pillow. A five minute conversation and he felt like he’d run a marathon. He closed his eyes.

  A few minutes later, a rush of sweet perfume and steps he knew so well filled the room. He smiled. “I hope you’re not trying to sneak up on an injured man.”

  She laughed and his heart swelled. Her hand landed soft on his cheek and he leaned into it. Her hair tickled his face as he opened his eyes to see her leaning over him. She was checking the dressings on his wound, his IV tubes and the monitors attached to his chest.

  He smiled at her fussing. “I heard you’ve been here a lot. Thank you.”

  “It’s not like I could just leave you here.” She perched on the side of his bed looking uncertain. “I wanted to make sure you were okay. Besides… hospitals are terrifying.”

  Grant was too exhausted to beat around the bush. “I’m glad that you did.”

  Keira flushed and looked down. Her hair fell forward and hid her face. “I’m supposed to go home in two days. I’m glad you woke up before I had to leave.”

  Grant fumbled with the bed
until he’d found the button to raise him upright. “If I hadn’t woken up, would you have left?”

  Keira chewed on her lip. “I told myself that it was silly for me to stay. There isn’t anything between us other than a one-night stand and a nice afternoon hike to the falls, right?”

  He reached for her and ran his fingers over her arm. “That doesn’t answer my question. If I hadn’t woken up by the time you were supposed to leave, would you have gone home?”

  She paused for a long moment, and Grant counted her breaths before she answered. “No.”

  He smiled and opened his arms. “Come here. Please.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” His shoulder might be stiff and awkward but between the drugs he was pumped full of and the joy in his heart, he didn’t feel a thing. She swung her legs up on the bed and leaned against his chest as she stretched out beside him. He smoothed her hair and hugged her tight. Her curves nestled against him was enough to keep a man happy forever.

  He sighed as she snuggled against his chest. He ran his hand through her hair. “I don’t want you to go back to Seattle.”

  She stiffened beside him.

  “I’ve been alone for a long time. It really doesn’t matter why. That’s just a fact. But there’s something between us Keira. Something I haven’t felt before. I think you feel it too.”

  Keira raised her head up and placed her chin on his chest so that their eyes met. She smiled. “I’m listening.”

  “Extend your trip. Give us some time to see where this goes.”

  Her eyes glistened as she smiled at him. “I can do that.”

  “Good. As soon as I get out of this place, I’m taking you on a proper date.”

  Keira chuckled. “Our track record hasn’t been that stellar has it?”

  “Brushes with death on both occasions?” He shrugged. “Maybe third time’s a charm.”

  “I’ll call my agent in the morning and let him know I’m extending the trip.”

  That’s all the time they’d need. He pulled her closer and closed his eyes. “Just stay here with me a little longer.”


  Grant stayed in the hospital another three long days and Keira never left his side. The way he held back when she came to him, the way he paused when he looked at her…it almost broke her heart. Did he remember saying he loved her? Was it just a dying proclamation? Did he mean it?

  Keira didn’t know. She’d expected his mom to swoop in and take over his care, but once Grant woke up, she’d hugged him, whispered something in his ear that made a trooper blush, and went back home to Pinetree.

  Grant claimed she needed to get back to the diner, but Keira knew better. The woman was hoping Keira would turn a few day extension into a permanent move, she was sure.

  Keira just wished she knew what Grant thought of the whole thing. They’d checked out of the hospital, maneuvered him into a rental car amid mighty protests over his ability to walk, and they headed back to Pinetree. They hadn’t talked any more about the future or their relationship, but she’d learned so much about Grant’s past. Three days with nothing to do but chat gave them plenty of time.

  She’d learned all about his family, his childhood, even his mistake of a relationship with Beverly the visitor center receptionist. He’d learned all about her parents, her past boyfriends, and how she’d never been awake long enough to see the sunrise. They knew more about each other than if they’d dated for months.

  With the speed things were moving, she should have been freaking out. But her mother’s words kept echoing in her head—when you find the right one, you know. You don’t want to do anything other than be with the person that you’ve found, and spend every waking minute with them. That was exactly how she felt with Grant.

  She glanced over at him as he pointed at the street to turn down. When she’d talked to her agent the day before, he’d surprised her with the most incredible news. She’d rushed into the hospital room to share it with Grant, but when she got there…she couldn’t. Something held her back.

  They pulled up outside a two-story craftsman and Keira blinked. It was large and tidy and manicured. Nothing like what she’d expected. Had he taken her to his mom’s place?

  Grant swung open the passenger door.

  “What’s this place?”

  He walked up to the front door with a smile. “It’s my house.” He unlocked the door and turned to her. “What? Not expecting this?”

  Keira blushed and tossed her hair over her cheek to hide it. “No…of course not.”

  “I can tell when you’re lying. You hesitate when you answer.”

  He swung the door open and flicked the light on. Keira stepped forward to enter his house when he stopped her with a rumble from his throat. “Not this time.”

  “I don’t—” Before she could finish, Grant had scooped her up like she weighed nothing at all and carried her over the threshold and into his house. “We’re not newlyweds, Grant. You don’t have to carry me in.”

  He kissed her temple and set her down. “I know.” He nodded at the house. “Let me give you a tour.” He whisked her through the living room, dining room, hallway, and bedrooms. It was way more than the cabin—three bedrooms, two baths, with a huge, private backyard.

  Grant led her back into the kitchen, it housed a good sized fridge, and an amazing gas stove. This place was a million times better than her apartment in Seattle. “I know how much that stove costs… How did you afford all this?”

  Grant shrugged. “Being a trooper pays pretty well. And I haven’t had a reason to spend money. The cabin and land have been in the family since forever. I guess we’re frugal.” He scratched his head and Keira smiled.

  She loved it when she embarrassed him. “Don’t be modest. This place is amazing.”

  “If you don’t like it, you won’t hurt my feelings.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Only one question. Internet access?”

  He grinned a mile wide. “Fastest in town.”

  “Then I think it’s perfect. Because there’s something I want to show you.” It was now or never. Keira hustled over to her backpack and fished out her laptop.

  “I can’t believe you haul that thing all over.”

  She shrugged and placed it on the marble countertop. “It’s not that heavy, and my camera fills up fast. This is able to store all my photos.” She turned it on and waited for her email to load. Scanning her inbox, she found the one that she wanted, turned the laptop and motioned for Grant to read the email.

  Keira held her breath, Grant’s reaction to the news could make or break… literally everything, including her heart.

  He finished reading and looked up at her with a strange look on his face and a raised eyebrow. “Does that mean…”

  “That I can transition to full-time nature photography? It sure does. My agent got me an exclusive magazine deal. If I want to work providing shots of Alaska, then this gig pays more than all my work in Seattle combined. I’ll be set.”

  Grant swooped her up into his arms and planted a gentle, lingering kiss on her lips. “Congratulations, babe. I knew from those first pictures you showed me that you had an eye for this kind of stuff. It’s great that someone else recognizes it. I assume that means that you can spend more time here in Pinetree if you wanted to?”

  “I will probably need to spend more time here than anywhere else,” Keira said. “I think you’d better get used to having me around.”

  Grant brushed her hair off her face and smiled. “I think I’m already used to it.”

  Grant leaned down and pressed his lips against Keira’s. He couldn’t believe how everything had changed in a matter of days. He’d gone from resigned to being alone to being one of the luckiest guys in Alaska.

  Keira had agreed to stay. It was more than he’d thought possible. Grant couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life showing her just how lucky he was—one orgasm at a time.

  He scooped her up in his arms an
d nestled her against his tight jeans. He’d had a hard-on since he’d woken up in the hospital three days before. Now that he’d been cleared and could go back to his life? He couldn’t hold back.

  Grant walked down the hall to his bedroom, Keira still wrapped in his arms. Thank God for king-sized mattresses. He planned to use every square inch. Setting her on the bed, he bent to capture her lips. So soft and kissable. Her hands reached up to pull him closer. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. It couldn’t get any better.

  She pulled away and gasped. “I need you.”

  “I know.” He took her mouth again, thrusting his tongue inside, swirling and dancing with hers until she moaned into his lips. He nipped her lower lip and she groaned.

  “I need to taste you first.” He dipped his head, trailing kisses up her neck and over her ear. He nipped at her earlobe, tugging on the soft flesh until she arched into him.

  “I don’t….I can’t…”

  “Yes, you can.” He nudged her back until she fell onto the mattress. Her hair had come undone and the brown strands fanned out around her head like a halo. Grant smiled. He couldn’t wait to give her a glimpse of heaven.

  Crawling over her, he slid his hand up her side, swiping his thumb over her breast before slipping beneath the straps of her tank top and bra. He pulled them down, exposing her plump nipple to the air. It pebbled instantly, tightening as he bent down to taste her.

  He licked across it, swiping at her puckered flesh before latching on and sucking. She arched into him, mewling in response to his mouth, and he picked up speed, flicking across her nipple until she grabbed at his head. She bucked into him, spreading her thighs and wrapping her legs around his waist.

  As he worked her breast, she rubbed herself all over him, grinding against his swollen cock until he pulled away. “You keep doing that and I’ll rip the rest of your clothes right off you.”

  “Maybe that’s my plan.”


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