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That Summer (Part One)

Page 8

by Lauren Crossley

  “I’m not surprised. I bet you didn’t get much sleep last night, did you?”

  “I think I got a total of two hours.” I admit, raking my fingers through my hair.

  “God, Serena. You shouldn’t have even come into school today.”

  “You’re right. She shouldn’t.”

  We both whirl around at the exact same time and inhale sharply.


  “What are you doing here?” I demand coldly, folding my arms across my chest.

  “Lisa, do you mind making your own way home tonight? I really need to speak to Serena on her own.” He directs his question towards my best friend, ignoring my own as he waits for her response.

  “I really don’t feel comfortable leaving right now. You have no idea what sort of day she’s had and we made plans to hang out tonight.” Lisa responds firmly, clearly not impressed with Cole or his suggestion that she go on without me.

  “What does she mean? Are you ok? Nothing bad happened, right?”

  He takes a step closer towards me with an angry look on his face. The concern he has for me can be heard in his voice as he centres his focus on my eyes, watching me closely. “What happened, Serena? Tell me.”

  “What do you think happened? She’s been the target of every single comment that’s been made today and none of them were good. The Principal made her feel like she was the one who got arrested yesterday afternoon and Louise threatened her. Oh, she’s also had the word ‘whore’ scrawled all over her locker. The same word she’s been called fifty times today!” Lisa yells, pointing an accusing finger at Cole.

  “What? Serena, is this true? Tell me it isn’t.”

  At first he appears hurt, his sadness and sorrow causing his shoulders to collapse and his head to fall.

  “Yes, it’s true.” I murmur softly, wiping a lone tear off my cheek which had begun to fall.

  The second he notices my pain his anger reignites. His fury is explosive and intimidating, reminding me how thankful I am to not be the one on the receiving end of it.

  “And Louise hurt you?”

  “No, I mean… yes. She… she slapped me but-”

  “She what? You didn’t tell me that bit!” Lisa exclaims, interrupting our conversation by placing herself between us.

  “She fucking hit you?!” Cole growls, pushing my friend to the side so he can stand right in front of me.

  “Can you both stop it? The last thing I want to do right now is relive the hideous day I’ve just had.” I whimper, covering my heated face with my hands.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Come here.” Cole interjects, gently prising my hands away. “Look at me, Serena.”

  I do as he asks, gazing up at the most magnificent face I have ever seen. His brown eyes are enough to make my heart race and my insides melt as he stands within such close proximity to myself.

  “You promised me.” I whisper, moistening my lips. “You promised that none of this would happen and I believed you.”

  “Sweetheart, I meant everything I said to you last night. I didn’t know that my suspension from school would start today. I thought I would be here and have time to warn everyone what the consequences will be if they were to insult you. I was called in for a meeting with the Principal first thing and was told my two week suspension was to start straight away. Before school started I tried to make sure that the people I thought might bother you were fully aware of what would happen to them if they did. Obviously, I didn’t threaten the girls but I told some of my friends to make sure they didn’t say anything to you. I swear to God I was absolutely certain it would all be ok for you or I would never have stayed away, fuck what my suspension says.”

  There’s a prolonged silence between the three of us as I try to digest everything he’s just said to me. I’m more confused than ever and don’t know how to process the amount of things that have happened in such a short space of time.

  “Listen, I’m going to leave you two alone.” Lisa announces quietly. “I’m sorry about the way I spoke to you, Cole. I didn’t know you… anyway, I’m going to go and leave you to talk. Serena, is that ok with you?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Lisa.” I offer her a weak smile, giving my consent for her to leave us.

  “Make sure you call me later on. I want to know that you’re ok.”

  “I will.”

  “Lisa?” Cole turns away from me and walks over to her. “Thanks for taking care of her today. You’re a good friend.”

  Her face lights up when she hears his praise, proof that no female can resist Cole’s charms, not even Lisa.

  “Just make sure that you take care of her tonight or I’ll be forced to hunt you down and kick your ass.” She jokes, pointing her finger at him again.

  Cole chuckles softly as he watches Lisa get in her car and drive away, leaving us alone together. He closes the distance between us and wraps his muscular arms around my waist.

  “God, I missed you.” He whispers softly, inhaling deeply as he places a delicate kiss on my forehead.

  “So they didn’t exclude you?” I ask, choosing to remain cool and detached as I push him away from me.

  He looks hurt for a split second before he changes his expression, trying to act life my aloof manner didn’t bruise him.

  “I had a meeting with that smug bastard they call our Principal first thing this morning. The second I walked into his office I knew he wasn’t going to give me a chance to explain it all to him. All he cared about was the fact that Jonathan had dropped the charges against me and the police will no longer be involved. He’s suspended me for two weeks and then I’m on probation for the rest of the year. I’m out of here if I put a single foot wrong. I can’t even get a detention without the threat of being kicked out looming over me.”

  “I’m sorry, Cole.”

  “Don’t you dare apologise to me. You have no reason to be sorry.” He says firmly, stroking his finger down the side of my jawline.

  I try to ignore the exquisite sensation his touch ignites, fighting my own arousal as well as the yearning I have for him to do more.

  “I saw the Headmaster as well.” I inform him. “He wanted to hear my own version of what happened and I told him the truth. I tried to explain things to him and told him that you helped me but he didn’t want to know.”

  “Don’t worry about it, ok? This whole place can go to hell for all I care.” He complains bitterly, glaring at the building behind us.

  The door to the main entrance opens as several members of staff make their way out of school. Cole quickly grabs hold of my hand and pulls me in the opposite direction, out of the car park and away from our teacher’s prying eyes.

  “Where are we going?” I inquire, struggling to keep up with Cole’s speedy footsteps.

  “Somewhere private.”

  “And where is that?”

  “My place.” He answers simply.

  “B-but won’t your mum be at home?”

  “I don’t care if she is.” He responds dismissively. “But I doubt she’ll actually be there. My mum is pretty much like yours, Serena. She’s never home.”


  We walk in silence for the next few minutes, making our way down several streets and avenues until we stop outside a nondescript and unremarkable looking house. I watch Cole as he reaches inside his back pocket, presumably for his front door key.

  For some reason I imagined someone as mysterious and intriguing as Cole to live somewhere different. I can see him in a luxurious apartment with a spectacular view which overlooks the city or even an abandoned warehouse… anything other than this. It’s far too ordinary for him and I just know that he will feel the same way about this house that I do about my own.

  “Come on in.”

  He’s already let himself in and is standing in the hallway, waiting for me. I hurry up the front door steps and join him, nervously taking a glance around my new surroundings.

  “How long have you been living here?” I ask, taki
ng in my surroundings.

  “Just a few weeks. We moved in here right before school started.” He replies, helping me to remove my jacket.

  “Where were you studying before that?”

  “Somewhere down south, in London.”

  “Wow, I’ve never been there but I’ve always wanted to go.” I say, watching him hang my jacket up on the coat peg behind him.

  “I’ll take you some time but for now, come here.” He growls, circling his arms around my small waist.

  “Why?” I whisper, breathing heavily.

  “I need a hug.”

  I smile and go to him, relishing in his warm embrace and how good it feels to be safe in his arms. I now realise how foolish I was to doubt him, I should have trusted my instincts and not listened to the niggling doubts inside my head.

  “You don’t realise how much I needed that hug as well.” I mumble softly. “I’ve had the worst day.”

  Cole reluctantly releases his hold on me, watching me intently.

  “We really need to talk about that, Serena.”


  “Because I need to know what each and every single person said to you today. I’m not going to let anyone get away with this, believe me when I say that.”

  I do believe him and that’s what scares me. It’s terrifying to know that Cole might hurt someone because of me, regardless of whether or not they upset me.

  “It really doesn’t matter anymore.” I tell him. “I just want to put it all behind me and forget about it.”

  “I need to know.” He argues, placing his strong hands on my shoulders. “I need to know so I can do something about it.”

  “How can you when you won’t even be at school for the next two weeks? It’s not like you’re going to be there to protect me.”

  “Believe me, I’ll be watching. If anyone so much as glowers at you, I’ll know about it.” He states boldly, absolutely certain.

  “But how can you?” I ask, gazing up at him in confusion.

  “Just trust me, Serena. That’s all I ask of you. Tomorrow will be different for you, I promise.”

  There’s a prolonged moment of silence between us before I decide to let this go. It’s clear that Cole isn’t going to reveal anything right now so I might as well bide my time and wait until he wants to give me the answers I need.

  “I guess your mum isn’t home after all.” I say, eager to change the subject.

  “I knew she wouldn’t be.” He responds sourly, his expression turning dark. “Come on, I’ll show you my room.”

  “Y-your bedroom?” I stammer, eyeing him warily as he starts to make his way up the stairs.

  “You don’t want to see it?”

  “I do but…”

  “But what? Come on up.” He encourages me, turning around to face me when he reaches the top.

  I moisten my lips and take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself to follow him. I’ve never even been inside a guy’s bedroom before and the whole idea is enough to make my entire body tremble with trepidation.

  His room turns out to be somewhat different to what I expected. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just… unremarkable and minimalistic. The colour scheme is grey, with a double bed in the centre of the bedroom and an average-sized TV opposite. He has a chest of draws by his bed and a couple of posters on the wall of the latest car models I guess he must admire.

  I step into his room with caution, wondering if I should take a seat on the bed or stand by the doorway.

  “Take a seat.” He instructs me, placing his large hand on my lower back.

  I do as he asks and clasp my hands together in my lap.

  “So… this is your bedroom.” I mumble quietly, feeling awkward and overwhelmed by the unfamiliar situation I’ve come to find myself in.

  “Yeah, this is it. I know it’s not much but I really don’t spend a lot of time in here.”

  “Really?” I prompt him, raising my eyebrows at him. “Where do you spend the majority of your time? With Louise?”

  I long to take back my bitchy remark as soon as I said it, cursing myself for sounding so petty and jealous when I don’t have the right to.

  “Serena, you have every right to be angry with me.”

  He walks over towards his bed where I’m sitting and crouches down in front of me.

  “It’s none of my business. I shouldn’t have said anything.” I tell him, focusing my gaze onto the floor beneath me.

  “It is your business.” He argues, forcing me to make eye contact with him by tilting my chin up towards him. “It’s not hard to figure out who told you about it. It was Louise, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes” I admit, fighting against the memory of her cornering me in the girl’s bathroom. “I suppose I can’t really blame her, not after what you told me about… about saying my name.”

  “That still doesn’t give her the right to say anything to you, let alone touch you. Believe me, she will not go anywhere near you from now and I won’t go anywhere near her after I’ve finished warning her to keep away from you.” He promises, imploring me with his eyes to believe him.

  “Please don’t threaten her.” I beg him, uncomfortable with the idea of anyone being intimidated by Cole because of me.

  “I’m not in the habit of threatening women.” Cole assures me, smiling warmly. “I just want to make sure that she knows where you and I stand. I don’t want her to bother you again.”

  “What do you mean when you say where you and I stand?” I enquire nervously, tucking a stray strand of my hair behind my ear.

  “I still mean everything I said to you last night, Serena. I want us to be together and I now realise it’s the only way I’m going to find any peace. These last few weeks have been absolute hell for me and I simply don’t have the strength to keep away from you anymore.”

  My mouth falls open in shock and amazement. It still astonishes me that I actually have someone like Cole who is prepared to lay down his feelings for me like this. His level of openness and honesty is enough to confound me completely, leaving me bewildered and unsure about everything.

  “Cole, I-I’ve never even been in a relationship before. I’ve never met anyone like you or experienced anything like this until now. I… I need time to think and time to adjust to everything. I’m used to being invisible at school and today I had to cope with being noticed and recognised, I was the centre of attention and I despised every single second of it. If you and I enter into a relationship, can you just imagine how unbearable it would be? Everyone would have an opinion about us and I just don’t think that I would be able to deal with the amount of criticism and judgement that’s bound to follow. I’ve been victimised and ridiculed for a year now and I just want to spend my final year at school in peace. I want to fade into the background and get on with my life. Being with you will only encourage them, Cole. The girls at school already hate me, they’re going to despise me even more if I’m your girlfriend.”

  He tries to interrupt me, remaining crouched down before me on his knees. I shake my head, pleading with him to stay silent.

  “Serena, I-”

  “Please, Cole. Just try and understand what I’m saying.”

  “I do understand, baby. I really do, it’s just that I don’t know how much longer I can carry on like this. I’ve tried to blot it out, I’ve tried to make my feelings for you go away but nothing works. I’ve been drinking far too much, sleeping around, fighting, skipping school and ignoring you. Nothing has helped and I don’t know what to do anymore. Help me, Serena. Please. I’m begging you to give me a chance, just one chance to make you happy. I swear to you I can do it.”

  He takes hold of my hands and pulls me up onto my feet, pulling my body against his until my chest is pressed tightly against his. His breathing is erratic and it’s as though his brown eyes can see right through me, right into the depths of my soul.

  “If we… if I say yes.” I whisper, wetting my lips once more before I continue. “Will you be faithful
to me? Will you continue to go to parties and be with other girls as well as asking them to sit on your lap in the cafeteria? Because I won’t accept that if that’s how it’s going to be, Cole. I’m not an idiot.”

  The thought of Cole being my boyfriend and carrying on with his old lifestyle is enough to make me feel sick. I’ve never been cheated on before and I hope to God that I never will be. I already know my heart would break into a thousand pieces if he were to betray me with someone else. Infidelity is something I refuse to tolerate and I need Cole to be aware of this before I agree to becoming involved with him at all.

  “Serena…” He sighs wearily, lowering his head. “Do you not understand the depth of my feelings for you? Do you not understand how much torment I’ve been in over these past few weeks? I’ve been trying to convince myself to stay away and it isn’t fucking working. I just can’t do it anymore… please don’t ask me to.” He lifts his gaze once more, searching my eyes for answers, silently pleading with me to believe him and give him this once chance.

  I watch him closely, realising that I no longer have the strength or the determination to stay away from him much longer. Whatever it is that exists between us, I know I owe it to myself to find out what it is.

  “Ok.” I finally acquiesce, fighting the unshakeable urge I have to retract what I just said.

  “Y-you mean it?” He stammers, staring up at me in absolute astonishment.

  “I mean it.” I say firmly, making sure I maintain my confident expression. “I don’t know what we could be or if we can be anything at all but I’m willing to give it a try. I need to know.”

  “Aw, baby. Come here.”

  He jumps up onto his feet and picks me up, spinning me around until I feel dizzy.

  “Cole, put me down!” I squeal, laughing happily.

  “I’m sorry, I guess I just got a little carried away.” He apologises, gently placing me back down onto my feet. “You really mean it though, don’t you? You’re going to give us a chance? All I need is one chance, baby. One shot at making you happy. I know I can do it.”

  “Let’s just start slowly.” I remind him, placing one of my hands on his chest. “I really don’t want to rush into anything.”


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