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King Cave

Page 13

by Scarlett Dawn

  His breath caught on a groan. He tugged gently at his captured hands as his neck arched, breaking our mouths’ contact. I stared down at him, watching the ache of pleasure play across his strong features. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were closed, his jaw clenched, and his lips were red and swollen. Biting my lip so I wouldn’t moan, I undulated my hips and ground our sensitive flesh against each other, wanting to witness his satisfaction. His lips parted and his fangs descended, and I felt him shudder under me as he met my movements, a soft exhale escaping him as his muscles clenched.

  Green eyes slitted open, he growled, “Don’t tease me.” Without warning, his captured hands were on my cheeks, brushing his thumbs once over my heated skin then, just as suddenly, they were back under my own hands, captured again. “I can’t hold off much longer.” My eyes narrowed even as his lips lifted again, but this time his smile was smug. “Sweetheart, even your wolf knows who’s superior in bed.” Head raising, his lips gently brushed my neck, then his fangs followed, sliding across my flesh in a corporeal stroke before he lowered his head back to the pillow, his eyes hooded. “I want to hear you scream ‘baby’ again. Soon.”

  I scowled, grabbing his hands harder. “I did not call you ‘baby’.” Did I? I had never called any bed partner by a pet name. “And my wolf only wanted you to prove yourself. Not concede you’re the superior in bed.”

  His resulting grin was pure male self-confidence. “I assure you, you most definitely called me baby.” Again, one of his captured hands moved, brushing his thumb over my frown before it was back inside my captive hold. “I liked it.” His direct, controlled gaze met mine. “Between us, here in this bed, I am dominant.”

  I stilled on top of him. Ramifications zinged through my mind at his words. Putting aside the fact we had broken our friendship pact, there was one other detail not so minor. He was the Prodigy Vampire, soon to be King, and I was the Prodigy Shifter, soon to be Queen. Unfortunately for us, I did enjoy a man being dominate in bed, just as long as I could have my fun when I wanted. But that couldn’t be between us. I couldn’t let him control me with the possibility of it running over to the subjects I would be ruling.

  Ezra’s almond-shaped eyes began darting back and forth between mine, obviously picking up on the switch in my demeanor. I felt his hands begin to move again, and my jaw clenched as I swiftly rolled, using my miniscule Vampire speed to evade him, tugging the blanket with me. I slipped off the edge of the bed, hauling the enormous, ripped fur cover around my naked body, and took a step back when his eyes flashed at my evasive tactic.

  Keeping my gaze firmly on his gradually blanking face, glancing nowhere lower on his delicious body, I stated quietly, “This was a bad idea. I’m sorry, Ezra, but this can’t happen again.” My words were guttural, even if soft, as I made myself voice them.

  Quickly turning when he began edging off the bed, I shoved my feet into motion, heading toward the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower.” A thought occurred in spite of my body’s pulsing need. “You may not want to go outside unless you’ve washed, because you smell like me.” Shifter’s sexual fluids smelled like their animal, so any Shifter would be able to tell he had just slept with a wolf Shifter, and any Shifter who knew my scent well enough would know it was me. My teeth gritted hard as I felt wind brush past me. I halted instantly when Ezra stood before me, staring down at me with his hooded gaze.

  Impassive green eyes ran over my features. “Why?”

  My lips pinched, but into the quiet I decided he deserved the truth. “I can’t risk you dominating me.” He would know why. I didn’t elaborate.

  He hummed, his head cocking. “And if I promised to keep it to the bedroom?” He paused, lifting a single, bored brow. “I know how to keep my sex life private from business.”

  Lips thinning even further, I shook my head. “It’ll spill out somewhere.”

  After a few moments of dead silence, his hooded eyes opened fully. Honesty radiated in their depths, blatantly showing me his feelings as he cupped my jaw and made me peer directly at him. “I respect you and your handle on the Shifters. This isn’t a relationship, as you know, only sex, kept behind closed doors.” His face lowered, slanting closer to mine. “It won’t leak to arguments or me trying to manipulate you.”

  He meant it. I could tell even without scenting as I had the truth in his words. Still… “I don’t know, Ezra.” This was one of those suck-ass decisions in life I was going to have to make, being who I was. “It never ends up being just sex and we both know that.” The same conversation we’d had back at the fore.

  He placed his forehead against mine. “As I said before, we’ll deal with any issues as they arise.” His penetrating gaze never wavered. “I promise you, sweetheart, I won’t ever try to manipulate your ruling.” The scent was truth. His lips quirked up at one corner. “You should know this already.”

  Yes, I guess I should, since we cared for one another, but being who we were didn’t allow us the luxury of assuming. Which he also understood, so he wasn’t taking my second-guessing him as an insult. My argument was valid. Staring into his eyes, all I wanted to do was throw my arms around his shoulders and kiss him hard, rather than run away from him.

  Jaw repeatedly clenching, I debated my decision internally. If I were going to have a sexual relationship with another in power, I would want it to be with a person I loved and who loved me in return. An individual who I respected and trusted completely, and they likewise. Ezra was all of those things. He was also the man in power I wanted to take to my bed.

  Inhaling deeply, I stated, “If I ever once feel you’re trying to control a situation because we’ve had sex,” I didn’t doubt he would try to control situations, because he already did at times, but it was the ‘because of sex’ bit I wanted to clarify, “we’re through.” I met his eyes steadily. “And I will have lost my respect for you.” It was brutal honesty, but if he ever did what I had said, it would be one hell of a low blow against someone he called his best friend.

  His eyes narrowed slightly at my words, but he slowly nodded. Right before he yanked the blanket off my body, tossing it to the floor. “I’m going to ignore the fact you’re starting to tick me off,” his hands rested on my hips, “actually thinking I would do something like that,” he bent, his warm palms gliding over my skin to the backs of my thighs, and he lifted me swiftly, my legs hooking around his waist and my arms around his neck, as his hands moved to my ass, squeezing and holding me flush against him, “because I want to take that shower with you.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” I murmured, automatically arching so my breasts were flush against his flexing chest. My nipples pebbled at the contact, and I rubbed them deliberately against his heated flesh. “But I still want to taste you.”

  His eyes darkened as he moved us inside the bathroom, kicking the door closed behind us with his foot. “You missed your chance.” As he stepped inside the shower, one of his hands slid lower on my ass, his fingers feathering over my intimate folds and finding I was most definitely wet for him. “I’m going to taste you now.”

  Heat unfurled through my lower stomach, my head dropping back as his mouth landed on the crook of my tender neck. Fumbling with one hand, I managed to turn the water on to a decent temperature as he sucked, fanning the flames inside me. Hot water sprayed over our bodies, creating a slick, luxurious slide to our skin as he set me on my feet, our dueling sensual powers already rippling in waves against our fevered flesh.

  Dropping to his knees before me, he groaned as he stared at my chest.

  Panting, I watched as his eyes flared, matching my own powered eyes, as his hands gently cupped my breasts. Pinpoints of pleasure warmed my body as he softly squeezed, bringing his face closer. Gripping his slicked hair, I arched, serving myself up for him. His breathing hitching, his tongue flicked over one of my nipples. I jerked at the contact, and one of his hands slid behind me, holding my back tight so I wouldn’t move as his teeth latched onto my nipple. A cry of n
eed fell past my lips, and his gaze met mine, his lashes wet and speared, making his green eyes sparkle that much more as he suckled hard, pulling and tugging my aroused flesh in his moist mouth, his tongue laving hungrily.

  I bucked against him, trying to breathe through the pleasure he was inflicting. Fisting his hair tight, I pulled him against me, not wanting his mouth to stop its exploit. He nibbled and sucked, his eyes closing as he groaned, pleasuring one breast, then the other. My body trembled as I pressed greedily against him, his fingers roaming like luxurious petals down my sides until he gripped my thighs, making me spread them. My whimper of disappointment echoed past the spray of water as his lips left my breasts.

  “Hush,” he crooned gently, and then his lips were on me again, licking and placing light kisses down my quivering stomach. He nipped softly in a circle around my belly button, my breath faltering altogether as I watched him work his way down my body, wanting, no needing, his mouth lower. His hand hooked around one of my knees, lifting and placing it over his shoulder.

  Gliding two fingers slowly over my hip, then lower, his eyes met mine again as he kissed the area directly below my belly button. Biting my lip, I groaned low, my eyes on his as those same two fingers slipped through my sensitive folds, slick with need for him. His breath caught, and his desired groan echoed mine as he gently slid his fingers inside my tight channel, filling me where I needed it most.

  “Ezra,” I moaned, unable to hold still, and rocked against his fingers. Hearing his breathing become pants was only an added stimulation, and my head fell back, letting the water rush over my face. “Ezra…please.” He was teasing me, not giving me want I wanted: his mouth were I needed it. Rolling my hips faster, his fingers began to thrust more severely, my body trembling with pleasure all consuming. “Baby, more. I need more.”

  “There it is,” he moaned, and then he fueled my need. His mouth was on me.

  I screamed, grasping his head as his tongue dipped through my folds, finding my clit and pressing. He laved his talented tongue back and forth as his Vampire growled, sounding hungry and greedy. I lurched against him, undulating rapidly in time to his fingers and mouth.

  The fever inside me swelled, and my head fell forward so I could see his stunning face between my thighs, could watch as his luscious mouth opened wider, sucking my throbbing clit between his teeth. Pulling. Nibbling. Pressing. His fingers crooked inside me, and I stilled, his glowing eyes slamming to mine.

  Our gazed locked for a heartbeat before my head fell back as I screamed, “Ah fuck, baby!”

  My body shoved against him, ecstasy bowing my back as tremors of pleasure consumed my entire frame, my body racked in melted, blurred warmth, shattering me so hard my knees buckled. His Vampire took voice, purring against my flesh as he lapped at my juices, gripping my ass with both hands to keep me steady and hold me flush against his mouth. A low moan of the inarticulately sated rushed through me as I sluggishly came down from heaven’s gates, the haze not wanting to clear as Ezra leisurely licked in long, slick motions.

  He kissed my clit softly, took one more gliding swipe with his tongue, making me jerk, then he was rising to stand. My eyes shut lazily, and he held my completely satisfied, limp body in his steel-like arms. His mouth found mine, tasting of me and his own spicy flavor, as he guided my body and pressed my back against the tiled wall. His teeth tugging on my bottom lip, relentless, he murmured, “Ready for more?”

  An unintelligible sound was all I could manage.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he whispered against my lips, once more lifting me and holding my legs around his waist, his grip brutal on my hips. “Open your eyes, sweetheart. I want you to see who’s fucking you senseless.”

  I shivered at his command, his tone one hell of a turn on. Slowly and languidly, my lids opened. Green eyes, on fire with need, were inches from mine. His face was fierce, his features showing in sharp relief with the desire riding him. He tilted his head closer, biting my bottom lip. I moaned as he sucked it inside his mouth, laving the sting with his tongue.

  Voice husky, Ezra ordered, “Put my cock at your tight little cunt’s entrance.” His nostrils flared. “Now, sweetheart.”

  His intake of air turned labored as I moved my hand down his chest, rolling my fingers gently over the hills and valleys of his stomach muscles. Enjoying how he jolted at the contact, I followed his dark happy trail to where his cock was heavy between us. My gaze left his as I gripped him, his breath catching at the contact. I tried not to gawk at the gigantic cock in my hand. He was larger than any sexual partner I’d ever had before, my fingers unable to touch as I gripped him.

  Coveting the feel of him in my hand, I ran my thumb over the crown. His skin was silky and smooth over hard steel, and I couldn’t resist gripping him tighter, noticing how his body tensed in longing. I pumped my hand up and down his length, my lips curving as his fingers dug into my hips, a soft growl reverberating from his throat as he began thrusting into my touch. Stroking him thoroughly, I peered away from the wonder of his cock and watched his eyes close to bare slits. His lips parted, white teeth showing as his fangs descended. I listened to his breath repeatedly rush in and out, watched his chest expand and lower as his muscles turned rock-solid against me. It was a hell of a turn-on to watch.

  Ezra let me — I was sure he was letting me — pet him and watch the effect it had on him for a good minute until he pressed against me, yanking back a handful of my soaking hair, making my neck arch in submittal. “Enough playing, little wolf. I want inside you.”

  I blinked, even as my breath caught. “My wolf’s not here, just me.”

  He grinned, mouth full of fang. “Your wolf may not be here, sweetheart, but you’re still a teasing little wolf.” He licked across my bottom lip in an unhurried stroke, creating a shiver down my spine. “And I very much like.” His fangs retracted, and his blunt teeth bit the bottom lip he had just softly stroked. If he pressed any harder, I would be bleeding. Through his teeth, he growled, “Now, put my cock where we both want it.”

  A quiet moan intermingled my pants as I obeyed his dictate, very much wanting his cock inside me again. His hips pulled back slightly, giving me room to maneuver, and I squeezed his sides with my thighs, tilting my hips as I reached down and spread my aroused wet folds to position the head of his cock at my core. Pulling my fingers back, wet from my arousal, I placed them at his mouth when his teeth released my lip. He immediately suckled them, and his eyes closed with the action, groaning. I watched, breathless, as his cheeks hollowed, and his tongue slid along each of my two fingers, licking off every last taste of me.

  As I pulled them out of his mouth, Ezra’s glowing eyes opened, heat flaring from them, and he groaned, “You taste like hot sex.” His grip altered to my hips, his fingers digging into my flesh, and his control snapped.

  He thrust. Demanding. Vicious. Pure predator.

  Crying out in a pleasure that bordered pain as he slid halfway in, I blinked my glowing eyes open and made them stay that way so I could watch him this time. Apparently of the same mind, he was watching me, his eyes so dilated only the tiniest of pale green rimmed the black pupil.

  “And you feel even fucking better,” he growled. Our gazes locking, he tilted his hips back, his grip tightening on my hips, then drove forward so brutally into my snug channel my hands flew above me to the tiled wall, trying to brace myself as I groaned. He grunted, his nostrils flaring and his muscles straining under his mocha flesh. “So fucking good.”

  Ezra didn’t relent.

  He began thrusting into me with remorseless pleasure in mind. He didn’t start slowly or gently as his ministrations had been the previous time, once my wolf had left, or even as his fingers and mouth had taken me. Instead, Ezra wrapped one arm behind me, holding my nape, his other hand moving to hold my ass as he drove into me, again and again, his fierce features hovering directly in front of mine. This was an unapologetic, dominant taking. Our shouts and panting breaths fanned over each other’s cheeks a
s our powers zapped the air, neither one of us taking our eyes away from the almost pained expressions of ecstasy riding each other’s flushed features, wanting to watch.

  Ezra roared in my face, his fangs fully bared, and banged his forehead against mine, pressing my head back against the wall and holding me severely as he slammed his cock repeatedly into my drenched channel. I screamed in answer, the pads of my fingers gripping the glossy tiles as I thrust my hips back, riding his cock just as violently. His lips hovered over mine, breathing in great pants of air, as his thrusts became more urgent.

  “Ezra…Ezra. Baby, please.”

  He slanted his hips, pressing against my clit with each increasing drive.

  I nodded jerkily, beautiful tension intensifying and flaring to my stomach and clenching along my nerves. “Just a little…more.” I choked, fervor shooting through my limbs, my mind shutting down in a blaze. My mouth opened wide on a scream as I convulsed against him.

  He shouted against my lips, his grip bruising and his thrusts frantic, before driving into me ruthlessly. My thrumming channel spasmed against his cock as his cum shot in scalding pulses inside me, another shudder racking my frame at the intimate sensation. His glowing eyes were all I saw as I floated inside a physical cloud of erotic sensory. Our bodies trembled against each other in our pleasure, only gradually falling from our sated high.

  Ezra’s body unclenched little by little, leaning heavily against mine as I went limp inside his hold. Foreheads still touching, he blinked lazily with a breathlessly muttered order, “We are not stopping this any time soon.”

  “Agreed,” I barley breathed, my voice hoarse. I patted his back listlessly where my hands now rested over his shoulders. “We’re kind of good at this together.”


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