Book Read Free

King Cave

Page 25

by Scarlett Dawn

  He rested back in his chair again. “Actually, no, I’m not asking because of that. Although, I do believe in it, even the prophecy, since I’ve seen it occur, the one who drank the last drop not even realizing they were completing the sacrifice.”

  “Me, too,” Vivian murmured absently, her hand still over her mouth, her eyes on the cup.

  “No, Dad,” Ezra whispered. “There is not, and never has been, anything romantically going on between Lily and me.” Lie. “We’re only friends.” Lie. “But, don’t feel bad, you’re not the first to think otherwise.” Truth.

  He said it all without a fluctuating heartbeat or batting an eye.

  Cahal’s blank expression didn’t change, his gaze turning to me. He raised one eyebrow. “And your answer would be?”

  “The same.” I scrutinized his raised eyebrow as I spoke quietly. It had the same arched shape as Ezra’s. “He and I aren’t involved outside of friendship and business.” Score to the big ol’ liar who didn’t flinch under pressure.

  His head cocked, face perfectly expressionless, as he spoke barely above a whisper. “What were you two doing together in the supply closet last night at King Nelson’s party?”

  “Arguing,” Ezra stated instantly, earning his father’s gaze, which was convenient since I froze.

  “For close to an hour?”


  “The argument was about?”

  Ezra hesitated, and I said, “A personal issue.”

  Cahal’s dark gaze turned steady on me. “Personal?”

  “Yes.” I shrugged. “We’re friends, so we tend to have those.”

  Instant. “Who was the father of your babies?”

  My gaze narrowed. “That is none of your business.”

  “Perhaps.” He nodded once. “But how is it the father didn’t know you were pregnant? Any Shifter male knows by scent alone.”

  My lips thinned, digging myself deeper. “I was only with him once.”

  He hummed, eyes to Ezra. “And you’ve tasted her blood before?”

  “If you’re asking if I have bitten her in a sexual act, the answer is no, since I’ve already stated we’ve never been involved,” Ezra growled, his jaw clenched tight. “And I think that’s enough of your inappropriate questions.”

  “One more,” he whispered delicately, his eyes steady on his son. “Why were you as heartbroken as Ms Ruckler when she miscarried?”

  I stared at his eyebrows, scrutinizing them hard, trying to think of nothing. Of course, his dad had been scenting Ezra’s emotions during that time. He had been right there, watching over his son. He hadn’t been there for me. In retrospect, I should have made him leave.

  I heard Ezra’s heart pound erratically for the barest moment, before he got himself under control, stating, “Lily’s my friend. It hurt me to see her hurting.”

  Both his parents stared at him.

  I cleared my throat, glancing at Ezra with a small smile. “A meal is never just a meal when I’m involved.” I placed my napkin on the table. “I think I’m going to head out so you three can enjoy yourselves.” I did feel bad for ruining their obviously good time together.

  Vivian’s hand shot out. “No. Please, don’t.” She tilted her head at Cahal. “He doesn’t know when to quit sometimes.” She motioned at the buffet. “We’ll get some coffee and the four of us will talk,” she eyed her mate, “civilly.”

  Ezra’s gaze was steady on mine. “It’s up to you.”

  I paused.

  My gaze roamed over the almond shape of his green eyes, which could be large and expressive or carefully blank and were hidden behind his thick lashes, then over his dark arched eyebrows, his sharp cheekbones, the complexion of his mocha skin, his strong jaw with its severe angles, and his full, wide red lips, which were parted slightly, his straight white teeth flashing between them. He looked so much like his father. I knew that deep within him he was much the same, so that I could truly respect one, and not the other, wasn’t fair. I inhaled deeply and nodded. “I’ll stay.” And try to not let his father rattle me, and hope my being here wouldn’t ruin his family’s comradeship.

  Ezra’s lips quirked, one eyebrow rising. “That’s brave, after an Elder Zeller examination.” His eyes took their own slow perusal of each of my features. “You’re a regular glutton for punishment.”

  “Or,” I held up a finger, “I just really want another cup of coffee.”

  He chuckled softly. “Or there’s that.”

  My lips lifted, actually happy to be staying. “And more banana pudding, since you ate it all.” To spend more time with him.

  His scowl was completely fake. “You had the last bite.”

  I hummed. “You can have the last one this time, since I’ve completely,” my eyes rolled grandly, “upset your delicate sensibilities.”

  His grin was slow, like the sun peeking out behind a cloud to eventually cast its full glory on you. “Finally, you see the error of your ways.”

  “Oh, no,” I murmured, eyes caught on the beauty he was gracing me with. “I’m not conceding anything. I’m only informing you of your gentle constitution and the kindness I’m offering.” My own grin fanned my face as slowly as his had when he choked, completely enjoying myself.

  Shaking his head, he started chuckling, and gazed at my mouth. “Shall we?” He scooted his chair back. “I’ll get the coffee.”

  I nodded. “And I’ll get the pudding.”

  We glanced at his parents, waiting for them. They were staring at us — again — and I was pretty sure they weren’t even blinking. Cahal opened his mouth, but Vivian stood abruptly, placing her hand on his shoulder, her eyes on her mate. “I’ll get our coffee. Just sit here and enjoy the,” she cleared her throat, “silence.”

  Little by little, his mouth shut, and he grunted.

  Yep, a lot like his son.

  Antonio joined us fifteen minutes later. He sat next to me with his arm over the back of my chair. At first, Ezra and I had both been quiet at his arrival — neither of us had been completely comfortable with him after his threat. But eventually, Ezra laughed at something he said. The conversation was not at all like the first part of our brunch as Vivian led the discussion, keeping the topics less painful.

  When Cahal snuck in a question about where I had grown up and what schools I had attended, Antonio answered smoothly, lying out of his ass as he rested his hand on my shoulder. I finally glanced at him when Vivian enquired about my mother, and he recounted a story which made me smile as he laughed. His golden gaze met mine, and he leaned over, placing a kiss on my forehead and murmuring, “I love you, Lil.”

  I forgave him for everything at that instant, knowing I didn’t understand everything there was to him. His layers were as deep as my own. But the truth was there. I loved him and he loved me. My grin was a little watery, but I sniffed the tears back, resting my head against his shoulder, and joined the conversation around me. A meal became simply a meal.

  Exactly two weeks after Ezra and I became sexually active with one another again, the Kings decided to hold a movie night down in the fighting arena, which was the largest area of clear space, since some of the natives were becoming restless as the rumors of war escalated even further, which weren’t at all off base, judging from our intel meetings. The Kings also decided that when it was all said and done, the four Prodigies were going to be on clean-up duty, calling it ‘cleaning up our subjects’ messes’. Of course, they told us while laughing at their own ‘superb intellect’ practically in our faces. But we weren’t going to let that get us down. All four of us loved a great movie marathon, and the Kings had picked out three perfect films — a romance, a comedy, and an old scary flick, which was pretty much a comedy to a Mystical.

  Mages had arranged the sublevels with rows of black leather couches, slanting the bleachers, and set up an enormous movie screen at the end of one wall. The kitchen staff served buffets at the other end full of hot dogs, nachos, and candy galore. Add in the popcorn and soda fount
ains, which were magically replenished, and it was a packed house. So much so, I was betting that the Kings would do this at least once a week, though hopefully without us always on clean-up detail.

  I stood with Pearl in line for drinks, staring at Ezra, who was standing near where we were sitting. There was a pretty Vampire woman talking with him. Oddly, she had a tiny Maltese dog in her purse, which she kept shushing when it made barely a sound. And she had very friendly hands. It was almost comical to watch Ezra trying to evade them, making me feel better. Ezra and I hadn’t talked about sleeping with other people, but that was only because we just weren’t doing it, so we never actually needed to have ‘the talk’.

  “Do you know who that is?” I asked, chewing on my lip.

  Pearl followed the direction of my gaze. “I think it’s Daisy or Petunia or something like that.”

  My eyebrows slammed together. “Rose?”

  “Yep, that’s it.” Pearl nodded. “She ate with us at lunch one day weeks ago when…” She cleared her throat. “Never mind.”

  I snorted. “I know about them.” I stared at her dog, evil thoughts entering my mind. “I do believe she wants a repeat with Ezra.”

  Pearl snorted that time. “He looks like he has to pee, he’s moving around so much trying to escape her clutches.” She leaned forward, squinting. “God, are her nails painted pink? On a Vamp?” She paused. “And black polka dots. Whew, she’s something else.”

  “An experience…and she sprinkles her bed with rose petals,” I murmured, my power flaring at the dog, which finally glanced my way. “But she’s not going to smell so pretty anymore.” And my eyes flashed for the barest moment, capturing the dog’s complete attention as I pushed my will on it. That was all it took. I rocked back on my heels, stuffing my hands in my pockets and grinning like a fiend.

  “What was that?” Pearl whispered. “It was only a tiny fluctuation.”

  “Tiny bit for a tiny dog.” I nodded toward Ezra and Rose. “Watch and learn.”

  Her attention snapped to them as we slowly moved in the line. We watched as Rose and Ezra both sniffed the air, right before Rose peered down at her little, innocent pooch. She opened her purse wider. Pearl and I both blinked in surprise as she screamed bloody murder, holding the bag and dog out at arm’s length, literally running through the obstacle of couches and out the fighting arena’s doors, her shout following her.

  The place had gone silent.

  I slapped a hand over my mouth so my laughter didn’t attract any undue attention. And, God, was Ezra’s face priceless. He shook his head at his dad and mom, who were sitting on the couch behind our reserved one, clearly confused.

  Pearl was gurgling, making an odd swallowing noise. “Poor dog.”

  And I couldn’t help it, my laughter just busted out. Loud and booming. She had the right of it.

  Conversation had begun to pick up again, saving me from everyone looking in my direction, but Ezra’s eyes snapped to me, his keen hearing picking up my laughter. I wiped a tear from my eye, waggling my fingers at him as he blinked. I mouthed, “You’re welcome.” He stared, his eyes slowly widening.

  Pearl was cracking up, too, but quickly stepped in front of me when Cahal began to turn his head to see who his son was staring at. “I’ll have to remember you can do that.”

  Rubbing my stomach, my muscles cramping from laughing so hard, I chuckled, “We’ve put a herd of predators to sleep before.” My gaze met her watering one. “I can handle a dog’s bowels.” Not to mention, King Kincaid had been taking me out into the woods for the past few days, having me call wolves in preparation for the upcoming war. They were my animal. It was pretty awesome to be able to control them with a single growl and my will.

  Ezra and Jack had already gotten our popcorn, so when Pearl and I sat on the center of the couch, we exchanged their drinks for our salty, buttery goodness. Ezra still stood, tipping back his beer, eyeing me. I dug into my popcorn so I wouldn’t laugh. Jack sat on the arm of the couch, taking his own swig of beer, watching us. Pearl’s shoulders started shaking under their gazes, and Jack instantly glanced at me, to which I opened my eyes wide in mock shock, before grinning.

  “Genius,” he mouthed, then took a sip of his beer.

  I bowed my head, and then scented cigarette smoke. My eyes traveled to Ezra, who was taking a drag on a cigarette, still staring at me. From behind me, Vivian stated loudly, “Dear, that is just obscene.” A pause. “And it stinks.”

  “Would you prefer I smoke something a bit more herbal?” Ezra drawled, his gaze moving over my head, daring her as he grinned evilly.

  I heard her gasp. “You would never.”

  “Of course not, Mom,” he murmured, eyes twinkling and roving back to me. “Does the smell bother a Shifter’s nose?”

  I shook my head, the scent mixing with his pretty damn deliciously. “It’s not bad.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Elder Merrick griped behind me and to the right. “It’s fucking repulsive.”

  Ezra purposely blew the smoke his way, but his eyes were on me. “How’s your popcorn?”

  “Good, thank you.” My head cocked in thought. He was watching me awfully hard. “Mad?”

  His lips quirked around his beer. He swallowed, shaking his head. “No. More…intrigued.”

  That was a relief. If he had been upset about Rose I probably wouldn’t have had it in me to apologize. “Good beer?” I munched on my food with my eyes on him, returning the favor.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Abruptly, a black envelope hovered in front of my face, obstructing my view of Ezra. Blinking, I tilted my head back to look at it. It smelled of wolf and hung in midair, obviously spelled. It had my name on it. Wiping my hands on my pant legs, I plucked it from the air. Shrugging at Ezra when he raised an eyebrow, I opened it curiously.

  Read its contents.

  Quickly, I wiped all expression from my face.

  I had known this would happen. King Kincaid had prepared me for it. Still, it was a shock to the system. But there was nothing to be done except to handle it.

  “Problem?” Ezra asked, more than likely scenting my emotions.

  “No. Just some Shifter shit,” I mumbled, lying out my ass as I set my popcorn and drink down on the ground, standing. “I’ll be back in a bit.” He stepped in front of me, but I quickly stuffed the envelope in my pocket before he could peek at its contents, smiling up at him. “Nothing major.” He couldn’t be involved in this. It was mine to handle.

  His head cocked. “Sure?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” I nodded. “I’ll be back before the movie starts.”

  Resting against the back of the couch in front of us, he drawled, “Alright.” His lips curled around his cigarette, taking a drag, his green eyes watchful.

  I hadn’t fooled him, but he wasn’t going to push so I gave him another smile before turning to where the Kings and Elders were. Elder Merrick was talking with King Nelson, but I caught his eye. His speech faltered. Raising my eyebrows, I tilted my head slightly toward the exit. When he gave the briefest nod, I started moving through the couches, trying not to let my nerves get the better of me. One glance at King Kincaid and Elder Talus, and they were quickly following. There had to be three witnesses for a formal challenge. That was what I had in my pocket, and what I couldn’t believe some fuck was doing during a time like this. On the brink of war. But there it was.

  I had been challenged, Shifter style.

  As soon as we were beyond the arena’s doors and heading up the walkway, I pulled the envelope out of my pocket, and handed it to King Kincaid. “I’ve been challenged, like you said would happen.” Probably not the last one I would receive in my lifetime. I was small when Shifters were supposed to be large and strong like the three men around me. That in itself was enough to make Shifters question my strength. Honestly, it wasn’t a bad assumption. I didn’t try to fool myself that I was stronger than them.

  “Jesus,” King Kincaid muttered, quickly reviewing the lett
er’s contents. His feet stalled, before he put them back into motion. “Two? Two people are challenging you?”

  “Apparently,” I sighed, rolling my shoulders, utterly tense, pissed…and a little scared. “This is gonna hurt a little.”

  “Who signed it?” Elder Talus asked, placing a hand on my shoulder, offering comfort.

  “Doesn’t say,” King Kincaid growled, crumpling the letter. “Only that the challenge is now. On the beach.”

  “Shifted form, hand-to-hand, or swords?” Elder Merrick asked instantly.

  “Hand-to-hand,” I whispered, beginning to stretch my arms. “Maybe we should have a medic on stand-by.” This wasn’t going to be pretty. Though, if it had been my tiny shifted form…that was a worry to evaluate on another day.

  “Shit,” Elder Merrick growled, even as King Kincaid pulled a cell phone from his pocket, calling the medical staff. “Okay…okay. You know where your weak points are. Just don’t let them hit you there.”

  I snorted. “Lord help me.” I was going to need it. A formal challenge was to the death.

  “Are you sure you want this?” I asked the Shifter woman in front of me. I hadn’t seen her before, but that wasn’t saying much since King Cave was enormous. The other person challenging me was sitting on top of a grassy sand dune, watching silently. He would be next, assuming I made it through this first fight alive. “You have the option to back out.” I could only ask once per Shifter Law.

  “Fuck you,” she sneered. As I thought she would. She didn’t appear to like me much. “Do you really think you can lead us through this war? Because I sure as hell don’t.”

  My eyebrows rose. “I am going to lead us through a war if it comes to that.” And I attacked.

  This was not what I wanted to be doing. Killing a Mystical. We needed every single viable one available to us in the case of war. But, since this was going to happen, I was going to fight the only way I knew how. Quickly, with the surprise of attack. I was going to survive. There was no other option.


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