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In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete Second Season: Episodes 6-10

Page 38

by Rhiannon Frater

  “Armando...” Vanora swallowed hard. “Armando, it’s true, isn’t it?”

  “I couldn’t tell you,” Armando muttered.

  “Why not?”

  “Aeron’s edict.” At last he looked at her, his gaze pleading. “I tried to work around it. Tried to find a way to protect you. But Aeron is my Master. I can’t deny him.”

  With a mirthless smile, Carlotta stroked Vanora’s cheek. “You came to me for answers, but your lover holds them all.”

  “Where is Aeron, Armando?” Vanora demanded. “Is Alisha alive?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Armando started to reach out for her hand but stopped when Vanora twisted away. The blood on the floor and counters was almost gone now. It had been snaking across the floor to feed the vampires her blood the entire time they’d been talking. That realization made Vanora even queasier.

  “Are you taking me to Aeron?” Vanora asked, dreading the answer.

  “No! Of course not!” Armando snapped.

  “But he will. If Aeron tells him to by direct order, he will turn you over without a second thought.” Carlotta shook her head and returned to the remains of her children. Tears on her face, she scooped up some of the ashy remains into her small clutch purse. “You can’t trust him. No one can.”

  “Is she telling the truth?” Vanora took another step away from Armando. The magic inside her vibrated with the need to be released. She loved Armando with all her heart, but she had known all along she could never really trust him.

  “Yes. If Aeron commands it, I must obey. But I turned off my phone! I won’t answer his call. I will evade him. I will take you far from here!” Armando surged toward her, his torment etched into his features.

  Vanora held out her hands, golden light spreading from her palms to form a shield before her. Armando skittered to a stop, shocked at the sight. “Vanora...”

  The stench of sulfur filled the air.

  “And yet you brought her to the place where you know Aeron will be coming,” Greg, the incubus, said from near the pantry door. At his feet was a ring of fire that sputtered and sparked with an unearthly green glow. “How smart is that, fang-boy?”

  “What are you doing here?” Armando snarled.

  “I’m here for her. Aeron is coming,” Greg answered, stepping out of the circle. “I had to do some tricky maneuvering to get here first.” The stout incubus reeked of brimstone and fire.

  “Aeron is here!” Carlotta exclaimed from where she stood near a window peering out at the front of the house. “He’s coming with Lorelei.”

  “You knew he might come. This wasn’t a trap,” Armando reminded Vanora. “You knew the risk.”

  “Yes, I did. But I thought you would fight with me, not against me,” Vanora answered. “If you had told me...”

  “I couldn’t!”

  “He’s here, and he’s going to take her. And you’ll let it happen, Armando. If she comes with me, she has a shot at surviving this,” Greg said urgently.

  “I will not let her leave with you alone,” Armando said in a savage voice. “I’ll go with you.”

  Greg adamantly wagged his head. “You’re not trustworthy, Armando, and you know it.”

  The footfalls of the approaching vampires in the living room area sent tremors of terror through Vanora. She’d been so foolish to believe she could defeat Aeron. “We need to go. Now.”

  “Armando, are you here?” Aeron called out. “Where are you?”

  Vanora recognized the voice of the vampire, and it ignited her senses in a way that made her miserable yet aroused. The power of the vampire slithered through the house, seeking her out. Directing her focus to Armando, she watched his visible struggle not to reply.

  Hands trembling and tears in his eyes, Armando gazed at her in remorse as he growled out, “In the kitchen!”

  “Is Vanora with you?” Aeron’s voice was closer now.

  “Resist,” Vanora whispered, her fingers grazing over his cheek.

  Golden eyes gazing into Vanora’s, Armando clenched his hands in tight fists at his sides. Through gritted teeth, he said, “Yes. She’s here.”

  Vanora made her choice. “Let’s go,” she said to the incubus but grabbed Armando’s hand. She wouldn’t abandon him this time. There had to be a way to break him free of Aeron’s power.

  With a grateful look, Armando’s fingers wrapped around hers.

  Greg growled with frustration but pointed to the ring of fire. “Just step into it, doll.”

  Aeron entered the kitchen at that very moment. Dressed all in white leather liberally speckled with dried blood, he was imposing, handsome, and terrifying. His amethyst eyes drank in his surroundings as Lorelei took her place at his side. It was hard to breathe in his presence. Though Vanora was unable to actually see it, she sensed the great majestic wave of Aeron’s power filling the room and reaching for her. The vampire lifted his upper lip in a slight snarl when he caught sight of Greg.

  “Hey, asshole! How’s it hanging?” Greg said with false joviality.

  “What are you doing here?” Aeron demanded.

  “Saving the girl,” Greg answered with a feral grin.

  Lorelei immediately darted forward, but Greg hurled a fireball at her. The little vampire attempted to dodge, but it struck her hip, setting her ablaze. Screaming, Lorelei thrashed about, attempting to wiggle out of her burning clothing. The tall, albino vampire immediately whipped off his coat and tossed it over her.

  “Go! Now!” Greg shouted, grabbing Vanora’s arm and jerking her toward the ring of fire.

  Vanora intensified her grip on Armando’s hand, dragging her after him.

  “Armando, bring the girl to me!” Aeron ordered as he attempted to smother the flames on the burning vampire as Lorelei sobbed in fright.

  Greg’s fingers dug painfully into Vanora’s wrist as he pulled her toward the circle. “Let go, asshole!”

  Armando gave Vanora a heartbreaking look, then jerked her away from Greg.

  “No!” Carlotta finally stirred from where she had stood in silence. Hurtling her body into Armando, she broke his hold on Vanora’s hand and rode Armando’s body to the floor. “Go, Vanora!”

  Vanora cast a sorrowful look at Armando. His golden gaze met hers, and the agony she saw within them hurt more than she could endure. Tears blinding her, she stepped into the circle with Greg. The incubus muttered something in another language, his hands on her shoulders. Aeron leaped over the kitchen island and flew at them. There was a flash of green fire, and the kitchen vanished into darkness. Before she could cry out in surprise, she found herself standing next to a large black pickup.

  Gasping for breath, she spun about, trying to get her bearings.

  “Get in. We need to leave now before they realize we didn’t travel that far.” Greg unlocked the truck and climbed behind the wheel.

  Vanora scrambled into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because Aeron is a murdering dickhead,” Greg answered. “And this is about my vengeance, sweetheart. I’m going to make him hurt like he hurt me.”

  For a terrifying second, Vanora feared that maybe the incubus planned to kill her. Her fingers settled on the door handle, ready to thrust open the door. The power within her vibrated in anticipation.

  As Greg guided the truck onto the road, he let out a long exhalation. “I’m not going to hurt you, Vanora. Killing you wouldn’t be the wise thing to do. Maybe it would be the demonic thing to do, but I’m serious about vengeance. Killing off Aeron’s woman isn’t good enough. Killing Aeron is. And that is something no one has been able to do for thousands of years.”

  “Because he’s so strong?” Vanora dared to ask.

  “No, sweet cream pie, it’s because he can’t be killed. Stakes, knives, swords, guns, cannon balls, fires...a building falling on top of him. You name it. Aeron has lived through it all. He literally can’t be killed. Or at least no one knows how to kill him.” Greg flipped on hi
s turn signal and swerved onto another road. His eyes kept darting toward his mirrors, making sure they weren’t being followed.

  Vanora pressed her hands to her stomach, attempting to stop the crazed fluttering within it. She wanted to cry and scream all at the same time. Aeron was unkillable. Armando was in his power. Alisha was missing. What could she do?

  “Look, you did the right thing coming with me. Armando is tied to Aeron. Whatever Aeron tells Armando to do, he has to do it. He can’t resist it. It’s called an edict. I know this isn’t going to make you feel much better, but I think the guy actually loves you.”

  “I know he loves me,” Vanora answered miserably. “But I also knew he was lying and keeping secrets.”

  “Don’t we all, cupcake?” Greg smirked. “C’mon, sweetie, you’re the best shot this world has to get rid of Aeron. Look at those precious glowing hands. That’s power right there. You haven’t even hit full strength yet.”

  Vanora closed her eyes and saw the bronze box waiting for her. The three women stood around it, waiting. They still resembled Carys, Rhonda, and Lorelei, but they were now dressed in long white Grecian gowns. Opening her eyes, she said, “Where are we going?”

  “For tonight...a hotel outside of Houston. Then tomorrow we’ll figure out our next move. There’s a lot I need to tell you and a lot I got to sort out.” Greg sped past a burning apartment complex where firefighters were bravely fighting yet another inferno. “I came for you on impulse without any real plan.”

  Vanora glanced toward the incubus. “Really?”

  “Nope. I saw a chance for real vengeance and took it. This is not about you, okay? It’s about me. I want that white asshole dead. I just gotta figure out how to use you to kill him.” Greg flashed a smile that was far from charming. “I’ll keep you safe. I’ll keep you alive. But you gotta figure out how to power-up. If you’re Aeron’s destiny, then maybe that means you hold his fate in your Tinkerbelle hands.”

  Sliding her fingers through her white-blond hair, Vanora closed her eyes. She knew exactly what she needed to do. “We’re not leaving Houston. We need to meet up with my friends. I trust them to actually help me. If you want vengeance, then you’ll do what I say.”

  Greg looked startled. “Huh?”

  “You’re not in charge of this show, Greg. I’m not one of your tarts.” Vanora lifted her hands, the golden glow increasing. “What do you think will happen if I direct this at you?”

  Gawking at her, Greg almost hit another car but rapidly jerked around it. “You’re not...”


  “Well, not as soft and innocent as you appear to be.”

  “Don’t underestimate me. Ever. Now, turn this truck around.”

  With a frustrated but amused little chuckle, Greg obeyed. “So where are we going?”

  Vanora dug into her purse for her phone. Texting Sheila, she waited for an answer. Within a few seconds, the address appeared. She couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t a surprise that Sheila and Alexander were still in Houston. They were loyal friends. Vanora gave Greg the address, then quickly updated Sheila. There still wasn’t a response from Alisha, but this didn’t surprise Vanora. She still wouldn’t accept that Alisha was dead but was fairly certain her sister couldn’t reply wherever she was.

  “So what’s on the agenda, Snow Queen?” Greg asked.

  “I’m going to tap into my true power, find my sister, free Armando, and kill Aeron,” Vanora answered.

  Greg snorted sulfur. “That’s all, huh?”

  “Oh, and save the world.” Vanora snuggled deeper into her coat and watched the buildings glide by the vehicle.

  “Well, I guess you’re the girl to do it.” Greg guided the truck onto yet another street. After a long pause, he asked in a somber tone, “How’s it feel to be the chosen one?”

  Vanora didn’t answer immediately but looked away from the demon so he couldn’t see her tears. It was difficult to talk for a few seconds. Finally, she said, “Like I have a job to do.”

  * * *

  A wave of green fire swept through the kitchen, forcing the vampires to scramble out of its wake. Tendrils of the green flame touched Armando’s coat as he flung up his arm over his face. The leather sizzled beneath its touch. Nearby, Carlotta screamed in agony and Lorelei whimpered. The reek of sulfur and brimstone filled the room.

  “No!” Aeron’s voice was a sharp bark. “No! How dare he!”

  Armando lowered his arm in time to see Aeron bash in the front of the refrigerator with one sharp strike of his fist. It was the angriest Armando had seen his Master in a very long time. A long swath of ruined flesh slowly healed on Aeron’s chest as he struck the refrigerator again.

  “I want that demon’s name, and I want him vanquished!”

  Lorelei crawled onto the kitchen island, still swathed in Aeron’s coat. “He set me on fire!”

  “He’s done worse than that. He took Vanora,” Aeron reminded her.

  Carlotta writhed on the floor close to Armando. Acid burns covered her hands and face. The velvet gown had melted where the demonic flames had touched it. He crawled to her side and lightly touched her scorched cheek. The fire had caught one of her eyes, and the white orb rolled toward him as she focused on him.

  “Why?” Armando whispered, careful with his words.

  “I loved Roman,” Carlotta answered, her voice deliberately raised. “And he’s dead because of our beloved Master.”

  “You spiteful little beast,” Aeron hissed and was instantly upon her. “You let her be taken from me!”

  “Just like you took Roman from me!” Carlotta shouted without fear or remorse in the face of the albino vampire.

  Aeron resemble a statue as his features flattened, losing all expression. The coldness in his amethyst eyes made them appear dead and jewel-like. “You would betray me for that weakling, Carlotta?”

  “I have nothing I love left in this world, so why should you?” Carlotta spat out.

  “Give her to me! I’ll take her head!” Lorelei landed with a thump next to them.

  Armando raised his eyes to regard the man he had once loved so much he would have died for him. Now he just felt empty and lost. Watching Vanora disappear with the incubus in a flash of green fire had been one of the worst moments of his very long life. Now he was about to lose Carlotta, and the pain within him was almost unbearable.

  “She’s mad with grief. Punish her, but spare her,” Armando pleaded.

  “No! Take my head! Kill me!” Carlotta attempted to slash her nails down Aeron’s cheek, but he caught her wrist and crushed it. She shrieked in agony.

  “Drain her and entomb her. Let her starve through the eons and remember her betrayal.” Aeron straightened to his full height and turned his back to Carlotta. A flick of his fingers indicated that Armando should rise and follow him.

  Lorelei gashed Carlotta’s throat and dragged her across the kitchen floor. The gypsy scrabbled at the stronger vampire’s hold, trying to break free. The thick trail of cold blood mingled with the ashes of Carlotta’s children. The terror in his ex-lover’s eyes filled Armando with sorrow, but he was relieved that her punishment was entombment. It gave him hope that he might find and free her later.

  Armando followed his Master through the house to the driveway, where a sleek white sedan waited. The driver hurried to open the rear door for Aeron.

  “Find Vanora. Keep her unharmed. Bring her to my haven, Armando,” Aeron ordered.

  The words became a bond that wrapped firmly around Armando’s will and settled in with a vice-like grip. Inclining his head, Armando said, “As you desire.”

  “You’ve done well so far. That infernal demon and traitorous gypsy will not prevent me from fulfilling my destiny.” Aeron rested a hand against Armando’s cheek. The sensation was akin to being touched by a marble statue. It made him yearn for Vanora’s touch. “You are my favored son. My most faithful child other than Lorelei. I impart this task to you because I trust no other to perform it.”

  “I will do as you ask,” Armando answered, his mind already searching for ways to somehow resist the edict.

  “I know you will,” Aeron said significantly, then slipped into the car.

  Armando waited until the car ferrying his Master had turned far down the road before departing. Standing in the driveway, he considered pursuing Lorelei but realized quickly this would be folly. He couldn’t risk his Master becoming aware of Armando’s duplicity. Though he suspected where Vanora would go next, he could delay following her since the night was waning. Once he found her, the edict would compel him to obey. He had to ponder his options and form a solid plan; otherwise, he’d became the greatest threat to Vanora.

  Flames were just beginning to eat away at the windows of the house when Armando finally walked toward Roman’s convertible. Lorelei had probably set the fire before carting the gypsy off to be punished. Carlotta’s home would burn in the purge like so many others this night.

  Helpless and forlorn, Armando slid behind the wheel of car and tugged the door shut. Loneliness burrowed into him and took up residence. Without Vanora at his side, he felt lost. How could he ever continue without her? He had no desire to find out.

  There had to be a way to break free of the edict and save Vanora.

  Alisha Socoli woke with a pounding headache. Confusion clouded her mind, and she was uncertain of where she was. The musty odor and hard roughened surface beneath her were unfamiliar. Trembling, she attempted to lift herself up, but her elbows buckled and she collapsed onto the cold floor. Gradually, her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and coffins formed out of the murk, revealing where she was imprisoned.

  It was the mausoleum.

  Faintly, she could hear the wind outside whistling through the trees standing guard over the Socoli family crypt. The memory of earlier events that night unfurled within her mind, awakening the terror she’d experienced. Who was the strange woman with the wolf claws? Why had she drugged Alisha, then imprisoned her in the mausoleum? Alisha was still violently ill from the marjoram. Did it really poison witches? It made sense now why she and Vanora had an allergy to the spice. Alisha was so weakened she didn’t have the power to escape. She couldn’t even stand.


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