The Grand Turk
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mosque and who makes the call to prayer from the minaret
minaret: tower from which the imam makes the call to prayer
oda (odası): room or chamber
pasha: a title given to generals, vezirs and governors general
pazar (pazarı): bazaar
şadırvan: ablution fountain in a mosque courtyard
sancak: subdivision of a province
sancakbey: governor of a sancak
saray (sarayı): Turkish palace
selamlık: men’s quarters in an Ottoman home or palace
sipahi: member of the feudal cavalry
şeyhülislam: head of the Islamic religious hierarchy in the Ottoman Empire
sokak (sokağı): street
tabhane: hospice, often for itinerant dervishes
tekke (tekkesi): dervish lodge
timarhane: insane asylum
türbe (türbesi): tomb
ulema: member of the learned class, educated in Islamic law
vezir: one of the sultan’s ministers
yeni: new
The Ottoman Dynasty
Osman Gazi (c. 1282-1326)
Orhan Gazi (1326-62)
Murat I (1362-89)
Beyazit I (1389-1402)
Mehmet I (1413-21)
Murat II (1421-44, 1446-51)
Mehmet II (1444-6, 1451-81)
Beyazit II (1481-1512)
Selim I (1512-20)
Süleyman I, the Magnificent (1520-66)
Selim II (1566-74)
Murat III (1574-95)
Mehmet III (1595-1603)
Ahmet I (1603-17)
Mustafa I (1st reign) (1617-18)
Osman II (1618-22)
Mustafa I (2nd reign) (1622-3)
Murat IV (1623-40)
Ibrahim (1640-8)
Mehmet IV (1648-87)
Süleyman II (1687-91)
Ahmet II (1691-5)
Mustafa II (1695-1703)
Ahmet III (1703-30)
Mahmut I (1730-54)
Osman III (1754-7)
Mustafa III (1757-74)
Abdül Hamit I (1774-89)
Selim III (1789-1807)
Mustafa IV (1807-8)
Mahmut II (1808-39)
Abdül Mecit I (1839-61)
Abdül Aziz (1861-76)
Murat V (1876)
Abdül Hamit II (1876-1909)
Mehmet V Reşat (1909-18)
Mehmet VI Vahidettin (1918-22)
Abdül Mecit (II) (caliph only) (1922-4)
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