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Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4)

Page 22

by Ellie R. Hunter

  I bark out a laugh, “Fuckin’ dishes, really Kit?”

  “Why not? The both of us doing them, they would take no time.”

  “The only thing I plan on doing is my wife,” I promise her.

  “I’m all yours then.”


  The music is loud, I’m in my tiniest black dress and tallest black heels, and I’m looking and feeling good. I’ve needed this for a long time. Jane pours me another drink and I knock it back in one as I have been doing all night. I have the night off and I’m taking advantage of it. As of tomorrow I’ll be back to cleaning, laundry and full time babysitting. Throughout the night I’ve overheard snippets of people’s conversations and all I seem to hear is their bitchin’ about Michael’s need to track down Chase.

  Dancing my way through the crowds of whores and brothers I see my man leaning against the bar talking with Oak. The years have been hard being with him but when he looks at me now like I am his everything with his lop sided grin only I see from him, it makes it all worth it.

  “Hey baby, you having a good time?” he asks, putting his arm around my shoulders.

  His strength always turns me on, so masculine and Michael. I’d know him anywhere if I were blindfolded.

  “Sure am,” I smile and slightly wobble.

  The drink has gone straight to my head but I know I have to tell Michael what I’ve heard.

  I lean up on my tip toes and whisper into his ear.

  “The guys are talking about Chase, they don’t sound happy.”

  “Oh yeah, what’re they sayin’?” he asks.

  “From what I’ve heard they’re questioning why you want him so bad.”

  He doesn’t say anything to that and looks around to everyone. He stays quiet and holds me tighter.

  “What are you going to do?” I ask him.

  He pulls a face and says, “I’ve never needed the club to find him, I’ll pull them back and do it alone. I don’t need anyone’s help killing him anyway.”

  “I don’t want you getting hurt without back up.”

  This was the last thing I thought I’d hear from him. The thought of him being alone with this guy and the tables turning on him and Michael being the one who ends up dead scares me senseless. But, it’s in these moments when Michael and I are the only ones who know what’s going on his head that I love, it makes me feel connected to him in a way no one else can be.




  The time has finally fucking come. I have the bastard Chase Carson in my possession and by the time I’ve finished with him he will be as dead as Rayna is and would have suffered more than she did.

  I wasn’t even out looking for him when last week he rode past me on his own and didn’t see me then I followed him and run him off the road.

  As soon as his body hit the ground I was out of the truck and hauling him into the trunk. The cunt didn’t even see me coming, making it all that much sweeter.

  Big Ron is here too, only because he was with me when it happened. I’ve spent two years diverting the club’s attention away from Chase so this day could belong to me and me only. Big Ron is something I’ll have to deal with another time, this is something I want for myself.

  Flicking my cigarette to the ground I step back into the warehouse and Chase is tied up where I left him and where he’s been for the last week. There have been whispers on the street that he’s gone missing but nothing has been brought to the Lost Souls.

  “Stay out here and keep watch, don’t come in for anything,” I warn him.

  It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting in the warehouse but when they do what I see gives me immense pleasure.

  Currently he is tied to a chair and looking like he has been run over by a truck thanks to the blows I’ve delivered to him. He’s broken and begging to go free.

  “If you’re going to kill me then get it done,” he spouts through broken teeth and a split lip.

  “You’ve been here for seven days now, aren’t you the little bit interested in why?” I ask, ignoring him.

  He looks at me through swollen eyes as if I’m fucking stupid. It’s normally pretty obvious why you’re in a situation like this but not this time.

  “We’re fucking rivals, what else is there to know?”

  I stop circling him and smirk, my time for revenge has come and he’s going to know exactly what he’s dying for.

  “Because of you someone very important to me is dead.”

  He looks at us now confused and wondering what the fuck I’m talking about.

  “Do you remember the night you shot at me when I was heading towards the hospital? You chased me down with two of your guys and made it impossible for me to get Rayna the help she needed. She died because of time wasted and that was because of you.”

  “Rayna? Your brother’s old lady? She wasn’t there that night.”

  “Yeah she was, she had just given birth in the back seat and was falling in and out of consciousness. Because of you she didn’t get the help she needed to survive in time.”

  I don’t bother giving him any more information and swing my fist into his jaw, using my left fist to upper cut him and his head snaps back. The force from my punch knocks him and the chair he is tied to rocketing backwards and he slams to the floor.

  Gathering eight years’ worth of grief and anger I repeatedly kick him anywhere my boot can land. By the time I’ve finished his body is slack and he is muttering something I can’t understand.

  Reaching into my pocket for the switchblade I grab him by his hair and tilt his head back. He is covered in his own blood and covering me in it too.

  “I’ve waited a long time for this,” I whisper in his ear and drag the blade along his throat.

  I watch in satisfaction while he chokes on his own blood, until he goes slack and his life is no more.

  Finally I have fulfilled a part of my revenge for Ray. I don’t for one second think she would rest easier now having had killed him, but it’ll make me sleep better tonight. I said he would pay and now he has.

  One down, Micky to go. I waited nearly eight years to get my revenge on Chase, I can wait a little longer and plan something special for Micky.

  I throw the blade to the ground and pull out my smokes from my pocket. Lighting up, I inhale deeply and let the smoke fill my lungs until they burn.

  No longer does my chest weigh heavy with need to kill this cunt still tied to the chair, I walk out of the warehouse feeling lighter than I have in years.

  Flashes of Rayna’s stark blonde hair falling down her back, her bright blue eyes smiling at me and her gentleness come to mind and the pain I usually feel when I let them in do not come. They will come again but for today, I can rest because half of the reason she is not here is gone. I did that for her, no one else, only me.

  “Is it done?” Big Ron asks.

  “Yeah, get rid of the body and clean up. I’ll meet you back at the club,” I say, trying to get rid of the smell of blood with the fresh air around me.

  He brushes past me and I hear him gag at the sight of Chase and his throat hanging out.

  A clatter to the side of the warehouse gets my attention and I think that someone has seen something they shouldn’t. Making my way around quietly, I pull out my gun and ready myself for any outcome.

  Crouched over I find a lad rooting through a bag. He doesn’t look old enough to be out of school. What the hell is he doing out here in the middle of nowhere?

  I stay out of his sight and watch what he’s up to.

  After finding what he needs he crawls under an old abandoned truck I had yet to get towed away and in less than five minutes, crawls back out.

  Going back to his bag, he pulls out a little black box and starts pacing backwards in my direction.

  From this point I can’t see his face but I can see his finger press something on the box in his hand and in the next second, the truck is blown sky high
and huge balls of fire are erupting all over.

  What a fucking little shit.

  “Hey,” I yell, causing him to jump around at my loud voice.

  I see the minute he debates internally about running off and I swing my gun up and aim straight for him.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you, if you run I will shoot you,” I warn him.

  Funnily, I’m not angry at him for blowing my shit up. I’m intrigued.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Nothing,” he lies quickly.

  “Don’t bullshit me son, I saw you with my own eyes. What was that you did?”

  He looks back at the truck, now engulfed in flames.

  “Come on, I don’t have all fuckin’ day,” I yell over to him.

  “I didn’t think anyone was around,” he yells back.

  “That’s not what I asked ya. You blew the shit out of that truck, how did you do it?”

  “It was pretty easy, but I’m not going to give my secrets up,” he shrugs as if every fucker should know this shit.

  “Is this first time you’ve done this?”

  He shakes his head and I lower the gun.

  “Where are you from?”

  “Doesn’t matter, I’m not going back,” he says, adamantly.

  This could work to my advantage, I quickly think it over and come to the decision I could use him for the better of the club when it comes to dealing with those Raging fucks. When Hunter finds Chase’s body, he is going to be coming from us.

  “How old are you?”

  “I turn eighteen in three days.”

  Humph, he doesn’t look a day over fifteen.

  “You lying to me?”

  “No sir.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  “Here and there.”

  “So nowhere?”

  Again, he shakes his head and looks back to the truck.

  “Do you know what this means?” I ask, pointing to my cut.

  “Yeah, I blew up the wrong man’s shit,” he smirks.

  I like his balls, the kid has spunk.

  “Do you want a place to stay? I can offer you a room and a place to hang while you get sorted. There’s a load of us in a town a few miles down the road.”

  He looks at me sceptically.

  “What do you want in return?”


  I’m not lying, I’ll let him see the club. Make sure he has fun at the parties and then I’ll ask him to prospect. Only if he agrees will I want something in return.

  “Sure, why not.”

  “Grab your shit and meet me around the front.”

  “What about the truck?”

  “Unless you have something to put the fire out with grab your shit and follow me around to the front. It can burn out,” I shrug.

  The kid does as he’s told and follows me around to my truck. He jumps in and I jump into the driver’s side.

  “What were you doing out here?” he asks.

  “First rule, don’t ask questions unless you’re prepared to die to keep the truth you’ve heard.”

  He nods and thankfully remains quiet on the ride back to Willow’s Peak.

  Dusk has fallen by the time I ride into the compound and it looks like another party is in full swing. Good, this kid will no doubt enjoy himself.

  “Come on Sparky, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.”

  I walk with a slower step than I usually do so he can get a good look at everything. I see Oak and Jane by the bar and stop when we reach them.

  “Oak, this is Sparky. He’s going to be staying with us for a few days, make sure he has a good time,” I say, introducing them.

  “Sure, why’s he called Sparky?”

  “You’ll find out,” I grin, “Right, follow me and put your bag away then you can come back down and party with everyone.”

  His face is like a hungry fat kid in a cake shop, this is going to work out brilliantly.

  He barely looks at the room before dumping his bag on the bed and disappearing back down the stairs.

  I make my way to the house and jump in the shower. Kitty hates it when I get into bed with blood on my hands. Not that a shower can get wash away the blood I’ve got on me, they’re stained beyond fuck.

  Towelling down, I don’t bother to put on any boxers and climb straight into bed. Kitty murmurs sleepily and snuggles deeper into the covers.

  “It’s done, babe,” I whisper into her hair, pulling her against me.

  “It’s about time.”

  Yes…it fucking is.



  Over the last week I’ve been watching Sparky closely. Everyone seems to get along with him and he doesn’t look like he wants to leave.

  Presently he is observing Oak working on his bike.

  “Sparky, get in here,” I call out to him and head back inside the bar, grabbing a prospects cut on the way to a table.

  He comes jogging in and takes a seat next to me.

  “I think it’s time you moved on, you’ve been here a week now, that’s plenty of time to figure out what you’re going to do next,” I begin.

  His face falls and I know I have him where I want him.


  His face snaps back to mine and he listens intently.

  “Unless, you wanted to join us?”


  “Yeah, I mean, you’re young and you have a talent I could use. You’d have all this every day for the rest of your life.”

  “I’m in,” he beams, eagerly.

  “You’ll have to prospect for us, that means you’ll have to prove to us you’re worthy to wear our patch. You have to do everything we tell you to and without question. Do that and I don’t see why you wouldn’t be wearing our cut within the year.”

  “Do I get my own bike?” he asks.

  “Earn your cash and you can buy what you like.”

  The door bangs open and Micky barrels through, spots us sitting at the table and comes over.

  “Here, put this on. This makes you an official prospect,” I grunt, shoving the cut Sparky’s way.

  He has it on before I can blink and is grinning from ear to ear looking down at himself.

  “Have you heard?” Micky asks, barely at the table.

  “Heard what?” I ask.

  “Chase is dead. He was found twenty miles down the highway.”

  “You’re shittin’ me, when was this?” I ask, faking my shock.

  “Apparently he was found last night but he’s been dead for days.”

  Oak comes up behind him and asks, “Did we kill him?”

  I shake my head and grimly reply, “Nope, I wish we did though.”

  “We should prepare ourselves, Hunter is goin’ to think it was us,” Oak says, taking Sparky’s seat.

  “We’re more than prepared,” I tell them both, looking over to Sparky.

  Hunter can bring what he wants to our club, I now have an advantage over him with this new kid.

  I leave them talking over possible trouble brewing and head to the house. As soon as I open the door I hear sobbing coming from upstairs. Taking the stairs two at a time, Alannah is standing in her bedroom doorway looking lost at what’s happening and the bathroom door is shut.

  Turning the knob it is locked too.

  “Is your Aunt Kitty in here?” I ask Lana.

  She nods her little head frantically and cuddles her Barbie doll.

  “Go in your room and shut the door, I’ll come and see you after I’ve spoken with your Aunt.”

  Once she’s in her room, I knock gently on the bathroom door and the sobbing stops.

  “Babe, open the door.”

  “Leave me alone, Michael.”

  “What’s wrong? Why are you crying? C’mon babe, open the door and let me in,” I plead.

  “Go away, please leave me alone.”

  “So help me Kitty, I will kick this door in if you don’t open it in the next five se
conds,” I warn her.

  The sobbing comes back and I don’t hear any movement on her side to make me think she is going to unlock the door.

  “I did warn you,” I mutter, stepping back to make room to kick it in.

  Two swift kicks and the doorframe splinters and the door is open.

  Sat in the corner of the bathroom with her knees up to her chest, Kitty sits there crying so heavily she can barely breathe.

  I go to take step towards her and a crunching sound comes from under my boot.

  I look down and see pregnancy test after pregnancy test scattered all over the floor. Bending down to retrieve one, I see it is negative, again. Every test I read is negative. No wonder she’s a mess, every month she thinks this is the month we get pregnant and every month it doesn’t happen. I don’t know how much more she can take. I gave up a long time ago of hoping for our own child but Kitty always held out hope.

  I sit beside her and pull her onto my lap, holding her head to my shoulder letting her cry until her eyes run dry.

  “Why, Michael? Why can’t I have a baby?” she asks, her voice coarse and scratchy.

  “I don’t know, babe.”

  “Everywhere I go women are fat with pregnancy and I look at them and hate them.”

  She normally has a couple of days each month where she sulks over the many negative tests she’s faced with and then her hope returns for the next month. This month is different, this outburst is new.

  “I don’t like seeing you in this much pain, babe. We can’t keep doing this,” I whisper, hoping I come across as sympathetic as I want it too. It grates on me that I can’t give her what she wants but her hope and faith it will happen is getting too much for her.

  “We have to keep trying, Michael. I won’t give up, I want our own child.”

  “I didn’t say we couldn’t try, but maybe we should let it go and if it happens, it happens and if it don’t, it don’t,” I offer.

  And then I go and say the wrong thing completely.

  “And we have Alannah, we’re not completely childless.”

  She pushes out of my hold and her face goes red from a building anger that is about to erupt.

  “She isn’t my child, she’s hers and everyone knows it,” she spits at me, “No matter how much I do for her, no matter that I’m the one who watches her day and night, tidies up after her, cooks for her, bathes her…”


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