Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4)

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Biker Born: The Lost Souls MC Series (The Lost Souls Series Book 4) Page 24

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Hey Oak, I’m off into town,” I yell over to him by the door.

  “You need me to join you?” he yells back.

  “Nah, I’m good. Going to see about a new prospect.”

  He nods and disappears inside with Alannah and I turn my bike on.

  Riding into town is always soothing and free feeling. Hopefully on the way back I’ll have what I want and it will feel even better.

  The chime above the gas station door dings loudly and the kid behind the counter jumps to his feet when he sees I’m back.

  I’ve been watching this kid for the last month or so now and although he hasn’t opened his mouth and said the words, I know he is behind the computer hack at the school. The club could use his expertise, I could use his expertise.

  “How you doin’ son?” I ask, stepping in front of the counter.

  “Fine, what are you doing back here?”

  “I thought I’d come and make sure you were alright, I’ve noticed the cops are still stopping by. Have you still not opened your mouth?”

  “I don’t know what you’re going on about,” he says.

  I smirk and nod slowly. Wise kid, I like that he is keeping quiet. Imagining the possibilities of how he could help the club and keep it quiet gets me excited.

  “I know how hard your mother has it working three different jobs just to get food on the table. I know you bailed on college even though you could’ve walked into any college you wanted just so you could help your mom in any way you can.”

  “Anyone could find that out, most people in town knows she has three jobs.”

  “How would you like to earn some proper cash without having to slave around here every day?”

  This gets his attention and I carry on, “Why don’t you blow this off and come to clubhouse tonight. We’re having a party, I think you’ll enjoy yourself.”

  “I can’t leave or I won’t get paid.”

  I dig in my back pocket and produce my wallet. Pulling out two hundred dollar bills I leave them on the counter and wait for him to pick them up.

  A full minute goes by and he still doesn’t touch them.

  “I earn the cash I take home.”

  “That’s admirable, it really is but the cash you earn with your abilities can be endless. I’m offering you the chance at something much bigger than this place and something you can enjoy. Take the cash and earn it by coming to the party tonight, get a feel for the place and then we can talk.”

  I don’t give him a chance to argue with me and leave.

  Getting Slade to join us is another step in the right direction in bringing youth and vitality into the club. Sparky with his expertise with explosives, Cas with his strength and hunger for cash and Slade with his computer knowledge will be just what this club needs for the future.

  “Get that music pumping,” I instruct the prospect.

  The volume goes to full level and I make sure there is plenty of alcohol and girls around to give Slade a good time.

  “Are you sure this kid will make the cut?” Micky asks, sidling up beside me.

  “Without a doubt, wait till you see what he can do on a computer.”

  This is all going to work out nicely and I can’t fucking wait. Right on cue, the lad walks in looking lost but strangely intrigued by what he sees.

  “Here he is,” I say to Micky and now Oak who has just joined us.

  “Welcome, here, come and have a drink with us,” I say, waving Slade over.

  He brightens up when he sees me and then takes a good look around on his way over.

  “Brothers, this is Slade. Slade this is everyone,” I introduce them.

  The club greets him and the kid relaxes a notch. It doesn’t take long before he is wobbling from too much alcohol and has a whore pawing over him. He is in his element and I have him exactly where I want him.

  Leaving them all to it, I quietly escape to my office and pour a large whiskey to drink in peace. With all the little plans coming together, I deserve it.

  Mark wanted a place for the lost to come and find a home and a family. I want a place that is feared and finding a new generation of Lost Souls will guarantee me that. The world is changing and unless we change with it, we’ll get stuck behind.

  A timid knock on the door brings me out of the past and back to the present.

  “Come in.”

  Slade pops his in the door and I motion for him to come in and take a seat.

  “Is it an okay time for us to talk?” he asks, sitting opposite me.

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Tonight is unbelievable, is that what it’s like around here?”

  “Pretty much, yeah,” I smile, knowing he will have a prospect cut on within the hour.

  He runs his hand through his hair and exhales loudly.

  “You said earlier that I could earn more cash with you, what will I have to do?” he asks.

  “You won’t admit it but I know it was you who hacked into the school’s records and changed them all.”

  After I heard about it on the local news, I made it my mission to find out who was responsible.

  He goes to speak but I cut him off.

  “You don’t need to say anything, I know it was you, I’ve been watching you for a while and if you want to join us all you have to do is your computer magic as and when I tell you to. What do you say? You want to join?”

  He doesn’t even need to think about it.

  “Hell yeah, there’s only one thing I’m worried about.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Giving my job up means I’m not helping my mom out and I don’t want her working more than she has to,” he admits.

  I admire that, a man who wants to make life easier for his mom is a man worthy of my respect.

  “I can help you out with that, there’s no need to worry yourself over that. As soon as you put the prospecting cut on all you need to do is, prove yourself to us, be loyal and never ever tell a soul what you see or hear in this club. Understand?”

  “I understand completely, when I do join?”

  “Right now,” I smile, reaching for a cut from the box at the end of the desk.

  “You’ll be a prospect until you’re told otherwise, normally it takes a year or so but I think you’ll make the cut a lot faster,” I grin, knowing I’m talking the truth.

  No one in the club is going to vote against him when they see what he can do for us.


  The new kid has just walked out of Michael’s office looking very happy with himself and sporting a prospect cut.

  Mark would never bring in guys so young, we all knew Michael would run things different when he took the gavel but I didn’t think it would change so much. Everything Mark wouldn’t do Michael does, everything Mark used to do, Michael doesn’t. They run things in complete opposite ways.

  “What do you make of these new prospects?” I ask Oak.

  “Not much apart from they’re young, Michael seems to think they’re special in their own ways.”

  Mark brought this club together to give us all somewhere to be ourselves, Michael is keeping this club together bringing in guys with talents that could destroy others.

  “Mark wouldn’t like this, Michael’s up to something, I know it man.”

  This is the moment I lose Oak in this conversation, I can never talk about Mark for long with him. I miss our friend too but losing Mark has hit him hard and no amount of time is healing his grief.

  “Mark isn’t here anymore and Michael is, he’s in charge and we have to get used to his ways. Besides, Cas may be young but there’s something different about him. He’s not like other kids his age.”

  Yeah, there’s something different alright. I’ve watched the kid since Oak dragged his ass in here after finding him trying to lift one of the cars out front. He’ll definitely patch in when his time comes, the other brothers get on with him so far and he respects our space. But there are times when he’s lost in himself and he gets this look
come over him and he looks like he’s fighting some pretty deep demons.

  “What about Slade and Sparky? What do you think Michael wants with them?”

  Oak faces me and gives me his full attention.

  “You know what he wants, Mick. Michael’s always wanted power in strength and numbers. He’ll use any way to get what he wants. Don’t you remember all the times he would go against Mark if he disagreed with his choices? Michael is running things the way he always wanted Mark to run things, he’s bringing in men who can makes us stronger and deadlier.”

  I get this bad feeling in my gut whenever I think too deeply about these changes and I don’t know if this new club is something I want to be a part of, but then again I wouldn’t know who I am if I wasn’t a Lost Soul.

  “Where’s Flo tonight? I haven’t seen her for a while,” Oak asks, changing the topic of conversation.

  “She’s at home, she hasn’t been feeling well lately and hasn’t had the energy to leave the house much.”

  It has become a concern too, she’s normally so vibrant and full of life.

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “I don’t know man, she keeps vomiting and gets tired real quickly.”

  I’m sure there is more to it but she won’t tell me, I guess it is because she knows I worry too much about her as it is.

  “Actually, I’m going to head home and check on her. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I haven’t let myself think the worst in a while because when I do I am reminded that the worst is death and that motherfucker is all too real when it’s someone you care about let alone love with all your soul.

  Losing Mark was hard but if I lost Flo, well, I can’t bring myself to think about it.

  The ride home is tense and I pray that she is more herself when I get there. I have loved that woman from the moment I cast my eyes on her. Her beauty knocked me down and I still haven’t been able to get back up. She has held me captivated for all these years and there hasn’t been a single day where I have regretted meeting her.

  I was just as lost as Mark and Oak and all the others but when I met her, I knew who I was and who I wanted to be and the miraculous part is she fell in love with me.

  The house is shrouded in darkness when I unlock the door and the sound of the TV is all I can hear.

  Throwing my keys down on the hall table, I find her wrapped up under a blanket half asleep on the couch.

  “Hey babe, what are you doing back so early?”

  “I wanted to see how you are doing, are you feeling any better?”

  “Yeah, I’ve just been chilling out today, it seems to have helped a lot,” she smiles, but her eyes are telling me she’s lying.

  I stroke her soft cheek and move the few wisps of hair away from her face and smile back.

  “I want you to see a doctor, this has been going on for way too long now and I’m scared for you.”

  Her hand lands on mine and clamps it down to her face. Her eyes briefly close and she smiles, for real this time.

  “I love you, Micky. I’ll go to the doctor if you come with me.”

  “Of course I will, I’ll always be there with you. We’ll get you better, that I will promise you,” I vow.



  Today has been too long and all I want is a shower and to climb into bed with my wife.

  It’s pretty quiet in the club tonight and the prospects have the chore of making sure the bathrooms fucking sparkle by the time I turn up in the morning. A single headlight flashes on and off on the main road and gets my attention. With the prospects inside cleaning the shitters, there is no one on the gate.

  Cautiously walking over I can’t see who it is until I get to the gate and walk onto the road.

  It’s Hunter leaning against his bike. The man has big fucking balls coming here on his own. He’s eerily calm but even in the dark I can see the hatred and violence he possesses in his eyes. They are dead and cold.

  Deliberately and blatantly I put my hand on my gun and keep it there.

  “It was brave you coming here on your own,” I tell him, pointing out the obvious.

  “I know it was you who killed him,” he says, ignoring me.

  “So what, you’ve come to kill me?”

  If he thinks he’s coming here on my turf and taking me out he has another thing coming.

  “Tonight I come in peace.”

  “Peace?” I snort, “You haven’t given us peace since we came to this town.”

  A cruel smile covers his face and he stands straight.

  “Killing you now will only bring me temporary satisfaction. You’re gonna fuckin’ regret the day you killed my brother. Your time will come and I plan on drawing the pain I’m gonna cause you out for years,” he threatens.

  “Every time you think I’ve forgotten, I’ll be there to take pleasure inflicting shit on you. Watch yourself, watch this shithole you call a club and watch that hot piece of ass you call an old lady because by the time I’ve finished with you, you’ll all be dead and that fuckin’ kid you all run around after.”

  I stand there shocked for a second too long and he climbs back on his bike. Not once has he gone for his gun so I pull my hand away from mine.

  “Don’t doubt this Michael, a war has begun and I don’t fight by the rules,” he warns me as if I didn’t already know that.

  “You took my blood, by the end of this I’m going to take yours.”

  His bike roars to life and he blows past me without so much as a goodbye.

  The only blood I have left is my niece, Alannah. If he thinks he’s coming for her, he’ll have to get through me and the club. Fucker isn’t getting nowhere near her.



  Cas, Sparky and Slade are getting along like true brothers and fitting in well with the club. Their presence in the club has been a massive boost in morale for everyone.

  Castiel reminds me so much of myself back in the day. He’s strong and ready for anything put his way. His easy-going nature and good looks pull people in and then if you go against him his darker side comes out to play and it’s evil.

  Mark wouldn’t have picked these three solely for the purpose of their talents. Up to the day he died he choose people with his gut, it was all about belonging to some place to him. With me it’s all about strength, to be the most powerful club around. It’s a good thing I can bide my time, especially when it comes to revenge. Kitty says my need for revenge will be my downfall, but if I can take my enemies down with me then I’ll go down a happy man.

  Hunter turning up last night wasn’t a surprise. It only surprised me he didn’t turn up sooner.

  His declaration of war does nothing but excite me, once and for all we can take out their club and show everyone who is stronger. What’s more spectacular is the Lost Souls will believe Hunter attacked us first and will retaliate accordingly. This couldn’t have fallen into place any more perfectly.

  The only loose thread that can pull me back to Chase is Big Ron. Without him, no one else knows bar Kitty and I trust her to keep her mouth shut. No matter how much she shouts her mouth off to me, she wouldn’t to anyone else.

  Cas is leaning against the side of the clubhouse sneaking a quick cigarette.

  “Haven’t you got something to be sweepin’?” I grunt.

  I don’t miss the way he bites his tongue to stop him telling me to fuck off. I don’t think the kid has ever done what he’s been told in his life.

  “Yeah,” he mutters, grabbing the broom that has fallen to the ground.

  He goes to walk past me but then a thought comes to mind and I stop him.

  “How much do you want to be a brother and lose the prospects cut?” I ask, already knowing he wants it bad.

  His face falls with confusion and I release his arm.

  “If you do something for me, I’ll do something for you. I’ll cut short your prospect term and patch you in.”

  “It’s on
ly been three months, what do you need?”

  Cas needs the club, he’s never had a family and the possibility of being a part of us is all he wants now. He’s had a taste of club house and he likes it.

  “What I need is for this conversation never to be spoken of again after we’re done, do you hear me?”

  He nods and looks me dead in the eye.

  “Prove to me you want a place here by taking out Big Ron. He’s due back from his ma’s later tonight and if you want his place you’ll take him out before he gets here.”

  The kid gives nothing away, I couldn’t tell if he is shocked or disgusted.

  “They’ll kill me if they find out I’ve killed a brother,” he says, quietly.

  “They’ll never know. Like I said, after this conversation is over we won’t speak of it again apart from you telling me it’s done.”

  “How do you want it done?”

  “Use this,” I instruct, pulling a gun I normally keep in the office drawer from my inside cut pocket.

  “Is this some sort of test? I mean, I don’t care who I have to kill but killing a brother doesn’t sound right to me.”

  “Listen, above everything else I am your President. Do this and you’re in, no more sweepin’ and cleanin’ the shitters.”

  He takes the gun and shoves it down the back of his pants.

  “Why am I doing this?”

  “Knowing too much can be as dangerous as not knowing anything.”

  He steps back and straightens his shirt, looking at me.

  “Sounds like I’m fucked either way then, I don’t know anything and Big Ron knows too much.”

  He’s quick, I like it.

  “Not you son, do this and you’re in. You’re special and with Big Ron soon to be out of the picture I’m going to need a VP. Tonight, Cas, make sure it’s done.”

  I leave him behind and head into the bar where I stay all night in clear view of everyone.


  As I walk away from Michael my head is in turmoil from his offer. He was serious, deadly serious, I know that much for sure. What I don’t know is if it is a test or not. I’ve heard different stories of prospects being tested inside the club to prove themselves and some of them are right head fucks. The way Michael was with me makes me wonder if this is some sort of test and it’s at the back of my mind. Sliding the gun into the back of my jeans I head back into the bar and to get my hoodie and run into Sparky.


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