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Monstrous Lust

Page 7

by E M Beastly

  "I'll go first." Juno re-emphasized as she stood next to him with his beastly cock in hand. "Hurry and join me. You have been wiggling on the floor as though you had been the one who came, and not him."

  These new sensations and changes to her body made Grace feel like she needed to rush over and hug her sister. She wanted to press her body into Juno's and truly let her feel this wonderful experience that he had washed over her, however, she restrained herself against the urge. Juno would soon experience this herself, and maybe she already did and was just better at hiding it: She did have the first taste after all. Nonetheless, Grace was now more than eager to help her sister, bewildering her sister with her change in spirit and vigor at helping her prepare for the next adventure. She all but pushed Juno under Midnight, spread her legs apart, and pressed his cock to her virgin orifice. Grace was even sucking and licking his massive shaft before it penetrated her sister, and helped to guide it in with her tongue and lips. Juno was so shocked and so speechless by this sudden hunger in her sister, that only a smile and gasped out single letter sounds could she produce to question and respond to Grace's actions.

  Grace could feel the guiding hands of the forest spirits help her slip the massive flaring head of Midnight's cock into her twin. Midnight stood and did nothing but allow her to complete this deed for him. He only turned his head to watch her, knowing already what possessed Grace to execute his lust with such precision. Grace did not understand how she made him fit, and neither did Juno. It was not easy, but once she got the flaring tip inside, Midnight only had to thrust to sink the shaft deeper into Juno's body. It was a weak thrust, a gentle thrust, but whatever guidance Grace had performed allowed a great length of his heavy shaft to instantly disappear inside her sister. It was by far not his whole length; for he possessed a length of horseflesh not suitable for a mortal woman. It forced Juno's abdomen to bulge with its inhuman girth.

  "I... I can feel it inside me," Juno said quivering. "It is so deep inside me."

  "Does it hurt?" Grace said worried she had done a terrible thing.

  "No, that's the weird thing?" Juno cried a bit scared. "I feel like it should be piercing my insides, it's too huge, it should be killing me. but... but it's not piercing my insides... I can't explain it, it's like the part of him inside me isn't inside me, but inside my soul... my spirit. He is only reaching through my physical body to fuck my ghost. I don't know, does that make sense?"

  To Grace, it made all the sense in the world. She wiped some of the spunk that bubbled on her tits onto her sister's, perking them instantly with the magic brew.

  "You must be able to see them too or at least sense them in order to say such a thing," Grace said seductively. "It's funny, it was me who first got his full load of cum while you only got a taste. "But yes sister, I can see it too. You have the spirit of a horse and he fits inside you just fine. Soon, you will be able to see it just a well as I can."

  Juno could not see it like Grace could, but from her taste of this experience, she knew Grace spoke the truth. It filled her with joy to know that Midnight was indeed fulfilling his promise. She would become his mare, and another magical creature to inhabit his forest.

  Grace looked upon her twin, she was everything she was, and everything she wanted to be. She was the bold and adventurous one, the one who always guided her by the hand and took her to see the world. She loved her deeply and dearly for that. Without saying anything more, she wrapped herself around her sister in full embrace underneath that equine creature who brought them here. He let Midnight fuck her and fill her as she rubbed her tits and her lips against her twins, hoping that the invisible hands that cuddled her would also embrace her sister equally.

  She felt Midnight's monstrous shaft slide between her, penetrating Juno deeper and deeper into her spirit and awakening her inner beast. She could feel his transformative cum fill her sister and splash out of her as she rested her head on sister's bosom while sucking like a child on her teat.

  Each one of them took turns going further into the forest by leading the other by the hand. Juno, now full of his essence, could now see just as clearly as Grace, but could now also feel her humanity melting away. Again, it was Grace's turn with Juno's cum soaked body embracing her instead. She held her sister's head against her chest while Midnight's monstrous black cock pierced her very soul. Grace combed her fingers through the start of Juno's new mane. It would not be long before she started to grow out hers to match it.

  Monstrous Family Affair

  Part 2

  * * *

  It was almost March, but the snow was still very deep and the nights still very cold. Thomasin could have left anytime. She had her own vehicle; she could move to another state and make a new life for herself. However, her family was somewhere out in the woods. Therefore, Thomasin chose to stay; camping in the stables while using furniture as firewood to keep herself warm at night. The farmhouse was a ruined wreck. Whatever had torn out of it left it in an unsuitable state to live in.

  She wished Midnight would come back to lead her into the woods. She remembered her aunt's words: The next time she was to go exploring, she too would never come back. She wanted to find her family and rescue them. Yet, after seeing the transformations that took over her sister's bodies, she knew that could never be done.

  Yet, now she was alone living this primitive and pathetic lifestyle. She could leave it at anytime; she just had to make a choice. However, outside this wilderness was a hateful world. She grew up in it and thus knew it all too well. She really did not want to go back to it, especially alone and scared.

  Then there was that other side, the one she had visited and which had tempted her with alien ideas that countered everything she had ever come to accept and know. She had such fun adventures there, but she was also always extremely cautious of them. Monsters would prey on her if given a chance in that place.

  She recalled what her sisters first told her after revealing that Midnight could talk, or that he was an emissary for that wondrous place. Before it was all discovered, she danced and played naked in the moonlight. She had loved the evenings being alone and free. She had no idea that the dark forest just on the boundaries of where she roamed led to that secret place, or that monsters watched her with lust in their eyes. Her sisters warned her they stalked her night after night.

  "So why didn't they take me then?" she wondered, "Could they not leave the forest?"

  No, that was not the answer. Midnight came and went as he pleased, and then there was the manner in which the forest took her brother Carlson. She could remember the eyes of something watching her, something hungry and lusting for her body. Even after she learned the forest's secrets, she continued to feel it watching her above all the other watchful and lust-filled eyes she encountered. Her sisters had warned her that something stalked her, but it never took her, tempted her, or tried to lure her away.

  There had to be something she missed. What did her sister Grace mean when Thomasin saw her naked and doing unbelievable things with her twin sister and Midnight that evening in the horse stable? The image of his black cock spewing a fountain of foaming white filth all over her twin siblings would forever haunt her. Nonetheless, Grace's last words were, "If not careful, he will choose your form for you."

  Thomasin saw her sisters transform; shedding their humanity like dead skin. It did not seem likely that Midnight was whom Grace's warning was directed. The twins were his prize, and he seemed to have no intention to come back now that he had them.

  What of her mother? Neither she nor her brother knew about the forest. Thomasin remembered the cat Grace had brought out of the forest, and now figured it must have something to do with her brother's affliction: Did it also have something to do with her mother as well? Her mother was so conservative, and the least likely to accept anything of which could come from that forest. However, she also had the most contact with their Aunt Lora. Her mother never did like dealing with her. Yet, Aunt Lora did say that her father still lived. I
f that was true, then perhaps even her mother knew more than she was willing to reveal to her own son and daughters.

  As the cold nights and days went by, the futility of staying at the ruined farm become more obvious. All it did was give her time to think and dream about the forest. Months of visiting it with Midnight and the twins as her guide had shown her much.

  She still could not believe that in these mountains lay a vast fantastic world. It was far more than an enchanted forest full of mythical creatures and magical fairy folk. Nor was it just a forest full of strange and beautiful flora of glowing and phallic mushrooms and exotic trees with shimmering leaves of silver and green. Beyond the forests were deserts, oceans, and whole kingdoms. Beyond was an endless alien world ruled by something; some eldritch force that always seemed to be present and watching. For all the vast wonder and splendor, there was always a lewd danger. Ironically, the one magical creature she had come to trust as their guide and guardian was just another trickster of which he tried to warn them about.

  Yet, she saw the phallic imagery; the half-men and woman monsters bred willingly and many times in plain view of her and her sisters. They always were the most taboo, profane and carnal of scenes. Every night after they returned from their journeys riding upon the Midnight's back, she would lie restlessly in her bed from the sights she saw.

  Unicorns and dragons, majestic creatures of myth that any person could only dream of meeting and seeing; she had both met and touched. Then she watched them breed with half-human partners. Male and female figures, perhaps once human, now with animal or alien features, fairy wings, and eyes that glowed with a carnal knowledge of things far more profane that what she witnessed then. They did more than just mate, or touch each other's genitals. They rubbed their bodies sensually together as they licked each other. Unicorns fucked fairy sluts as others sucked on the juices produced by the copulating union. Dragons grabbed and almost devoured beautiful but naked fauns in their massive maws. She watched as their small bodies were rolled around inside their mouths while being gently chewed upon like tasty sex morsels; enjoying the pleasures the heated tongue and hot breath the dragon raged upon their whole bodies.

  And yet, for all that she saw, she was just an observer. She did not want to take part in any of it, even if night after night she would come back to see more. In the forest, some new thing would delight in sexually pleasure, from the bountiful to the savage, and the wondrous to the frightening. The giant centipede in the glowing crystal caverns still haunted her mind probably more than anything else she had seen on her many adventures. Never could she believe a horrid monster with some many legs could be such a voracious seducer, lover, or had the ability to pleasure so many at once.

  That unbelievable wonderland should not exist; every night since its discovery she had to conflict between exploring something nobody else ever could and rejecting the carnal and horrid perversity it represented. If only her sisters had never shown her this truth.

  Now it invited her to stay with it forever. The forest took her family as hostage, and told her she had always been part of it. Aunt Lora made it clear there was more to her story. There was only one course of action if she wanted answers.

  Thomasin let that night come for her. She thought she would have to wait until spring when it was warmer and she could dance again naked in the moonlight. However, she decided she was not willing to wait in the cold and loneliness of her broken home. The world had abandoned her, and she it. Only the wild land of fantasy and wonder could answer her. She had to abandon herself, her ideals to get them, but such is the compromises she had to make.

  He was a handsome creature, she was glad for that. She was not so sure she could handle a giant centipede or an indescribable monster of tentacles and slime as being the creature that watched her at night. No, he was a majestic creature whose black fur made her think of Midnight. He even had the same eyes. They were not the eyes of an animal, nor the eyes of an intelligent man. They were beyond intelligent; to look in them was to look upon the cosmos themselves.

  In body, he was an amalgamation of both man and beast: Something she had seen so many times before, and something she had grown accustomed to seeing. Great black antlers were atop his animal-shaped head. He walked on cloven feet and possessed a cute little tail on his fine furry rear. Even his cock, currently sheathed inside his body, was probably designed more for an animal than for a body such as hers. That would not stop him from experimenting, and from what she had witnessed in the forest, keep it from fitting inside her tiny body. Only in seeing that he walked on two legs, grabbed her with tender but strong human hands and spoke words that she was familiar with, did she find comfort in the things she was about to do.

  "This is the form meant for you," he said as he held her shivering body close to his warmth. It was still far too cold to be out naked like this, and the snow was still far too deep. It was good he finally decided to come out of the shadows, even if he was not quite the predator that Thomasin thought.

  The familiarity she felt for him was unnaturally uncanny. She thought it must be part of the trap or his trick. There were layers to this forest, even if she was ready to submit to it.

  "Do you know my father?" she asked timidly.

  "Aye, he sent me to fetch you, just as he did for your mother, your sisters' and your brother. You know me already, but I have come again as a stranger."

  Thomasin wanted to ask why her father had done what he had done. Ask him why he never came out of the forest to see his family who mourned for him, or why he sent 'him;' this black beast, this monstrous guide, in his stead. Only her father could give those answers. She could not meet him until she became a part of the forest, or if what Aunt Lora said was true, to reunite with her heritage.

  "But why a stag?" she asked him.

  "You're as timid as a fawn looking out for predators. You know the forest to be your home. You knew it long before anyone else when you danced naked in the moonlight, you just didn't understand it." he replied.

  "However," he began to add after a long pause. "It may also have to do with the forest being whimsical. That much you should be able to understand since you have witnessed it so many times now upon discovering it."

  "Indeed I do. It is a terrible thing that it makes me choose between this or the sad loneliness of my reality. It knew, for all my choices, there was only one answer. You tricked me, but I am glad you showed me your intentions first."

  The black stag just laughed.

  "If my answer can only be taken through you, then I wish you to do it quickly," she added ignoring his laugh.

  "Do not take me like your lover; tenderly or with ease. I think I will find it more difficult to accept this task, this journey, if I must try to find the romance in this. If the forest demands my sacrifice of lust, Then let this just be lust; savage and raw. So let us get this over with. Fuck me like a beast so that I can find my father."

  Again, the stag laughed, but this time added. "No, I don't think you will find him so much as you will find yourself. However, the world of dreams is very fickle, so you will probably find more."

  He grabbed her firmly by her ass, pulling her hips tightly against his own. Thomasin could feel the girth of his animalistic cock press hard against her lower abdomen while his furry sack battered softly against her vulva. She had yet to see what shape his monstrous phallic appendage took, for it had yet to fully emerge from its protective sheath. She thought she saw its tip earlier, glinting at her in the moonlight. It was hard to tell when both sheath and cock were as black as the night surrounding him. Only from the ambient light of the snow and the brilliant sheen of his black fur coat was she able to see him at all on this dark night.

  "Weren't you taught to be careful in what you say and do?" He said as his cock began to sprout against her naked skin.

  She did not care so much. She was shivering, her teeth chattered as she shuffled her feet uncomfortably in the snow. His body heat invited her to grip him just as tightly. His fur wa
s so soft and warm.

  "If I wanted to be careful, I wouldn't have come out into the snow naked," she said while stuffing herself into his furry chest. The black fur had an ever-increasing familiarity to it. She found it both a comfort and source of ire. She knew this creature's deceit and trickery. He had claimed her family. If she wanted to see them again, especially her father, then she had to go through this inauguration. She realized now that the forest was only a window. To truly step through the threshold, she would have to get used to surrendering her body.

  With chattering teeth she demanded in a somber tone, "Get it over with quickly, otherwise I might reconsider."

  She squeezed him closer while trying to tell herself it was only for the warmth. He, in turn, squeezed her tighter. She could feel his cock burst out of his sheath and slide tightly up against her tummy. It was wet, smooth and very warm. It did not burn her, but the heat radiated through her flesh. It was not just simple body heat, but something unnatural. Thomasin knew it was just another trick to get her to embrace him, but she did not care. She fell into his trap willingly, but not for the reasons he wanted her to. She was glad for the warmth fighting back the cold winter's night, but had numbed herself to the desire he was trying to instill.

  The familiar forest spirit complied with her wishes. He had no desire to argue. If she wanted to be bred like an animal then he would oblige. Without further conversation, he turned her so that her backside pressed against him. Fiercely and deeply he penetrated her. He injected himself into her so that she did not have to watch, and thrust in and out of her with a blurring frenzy so that she would not have time to understand the shape and texture invading her body. He held her body very close to his own. Her breasts bounced vigorously against the iron-hard bars that were his arms strangling her against his body.

  She blamed being unprepared and inexperienced for the unpleasant sensations of her first time. The inserting of his cock felt like a thick needle was pricking her in a wrong place. His cock was still very warm, and where it had been nice and comfortable on her stomach, it was now beginning to burn as it slid in and out of her virgin vagina.


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