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Monstrous Lust

Page 10

by E M Beastly

  This time the man was putting his mouth on the woman's genitals. She was lying down comfortably on her back with her legs spread and knees bent. Kneeling with most of his body out of sight, the man poked his head up from the side of the bed to hover over her wet snatch, which she eagerly spread wide. His tongue was grotesquely long, and had already done much to make the woman's tight pussy lips slick and shiny with saliva.

  Something was no doubt at work here; something abnormal that succeeded in acquiring Heather's attention. She sat back down in the recliner, mesmerized more by what was playing on the TV screen than what was going on between the two playing in it. The tongue-lashing given to the woman's vulva was not as intriguing as the cock sucking from that first night; even if the man's tongue lashed wickedly about the pink flesh. Heather had so many questions, but she knew the TV would not answer. All she could do was watch to try to understand why this unadulterated porno decided to broadcast itself to her on its own.

  She looked over her shoulders to make sure neither her mother nor sister was nearby. Her mother was working in her office, so she would not have to worry too much about her. However, her sister had gone down to the basement to do laundry. She had done so not that long ago, therefore, she would not have a lot of time to watch before her sister would come back from her chores. They both hated the basement, so she would not stay down there longer than required.

  Worrying about her self-preservation allowed her senses to return and she quickly turned the TV off again. The volume of the sexual moaning was enough to concern her that her sister may have already heard it.

  Again, as she turned to leave, the television brought her attention back to it. She was absolutely certain that this time the power was off. A third time she tried to turn it off, but this time it would not respond. She tried to change the channel or at least mute the volume, but the remote acted as if the batteries died.

  The man licking and kissing the poor squirming girl's vagina seemed to peer out at Heather with a mischievous grin to mock her. It was a highly creative camera angle for such a low budget porno. It made the viewer have the same point of view as the woman getting her pussy licked. The camera even bobbed in a convincingly organic way to simulate the woman's head as she moaned and shook from an orgasm. It was a convincing orgasm too. If there was one thing Heather was not a virgin at, it was pleasuring herself; something she had been doing frequently since she first saw this mysterious broadcast.

  She did not have the time to sit and watch where this raunchy scene was surely headed. Nonetheless, she yearned to see the penetration of that manly cock into that small vagina. Seeing this woman's flesh stretch against the pressure of such a monstrous invader between her legs had been the persistent distraction of Heather's wet dreams. She just did not want her sister to catch her enjoying the view.

  She tried the button on the TV, but it also would not respond. She hit the side of television with her palm a couple of times and tried both the channel and volume buttons to no avail. She looked over her shoulder with each action she took, hoping not to see her sister standing there with disgust on her face. That was what she was envisioning in her mind, and she really did not want to have to try to explain this to her. Her sister's attitude was on edge as of late. Heather knew it was this house doing it to her. Genie really did not like this house, and she seemed more distressed than usual. This television was only going upset her more, especially now that unplugging it had no effect. Something truly weird was going on as Heather sat dumbfounded with the unplugged cord in her hand.

  Heather felt like running away, not in lieu of this paranormal activity, but because her sister would be coming up the basement stairs any moment now. All the adult action on the TV screen was still just as crisp as ever. The camera view was still looking down upon the wickedly smiling man who was in the middle of a second round of lashing his tongue around her clitoris. There was something inhuman about the way he was looking back into the camera. Heather was not so sure he was looking into the camera at all. She felt he was staring back at her. As he did so, he seemed to transform. His ears grew longer, and his teeth grew sharper. The tongue whipping about the wet pussy lips grew longer and lance-like. His eyes became large and glowing. With cat-eyes he stared at her with a wicked hunger that only lust could sate.

  Heather was deeply terrified, and yet, she was mesmerized; almost hypnotized. She felt like she was the one in the video. Her pussy was the one being licked, and it was making her panties wet. Yes, she was terrified, but she wanted to see this demon's cock. She wanted to see virgin flesh stretch and squish as something huge spread through them. The fear was exciting her. She never felt like this before. Heather did not know what to do. All she could do was sit and watch things unfold. But the devilish looking man just kept licking and sucking. He teased her relentlessly. The woman kept moaning and groaning, and the camera kept bobbing in a way that made Heather feel that she was the one in the picture.

  "Where the hell are you sister?" She wanted to scream, but she could not move. She could only watch and get excited over her swelling anticipation.

  Then the woman screamed out in such orgasmic delight. The demon had done something wonderful with his long lancing tongue.

  "No, no wait, that scream came from the basement. That was my sister!" Heather said to herself as the sound snapped her out of her stupor. Reality came back to her. She felt she had been dreaming. The television screen was black; it had no power. Heather wondered if it had ever been on at all, or what she had seen on the screen had not just been a fevered vision.

  Yet, her sister's screams were very real, and they were coming from the basement.

  What Mother does in the Dark

  * * *

  These night terrors had to stop, but Genie had no idea how to make them. The only one who seemed to believe her that the house was haunted and playing dirty tricks was her sister. Heather said she was dealing with her own weird occurrences and would rather not emphasize what her supernatural misgivings were made of. If they had any of the same elements as her own, where the lights would go out and then some monstrous equine creature would taunt her to touch its dick, then yes, Genie could understand why her sister did not want to emphasize on her own events. Still, Heather was taking this much better than she was, and that made her worried. To top it off, her mother was no help. There was nothing she could say or do to convince her mother that something was wrong. Whatever was going on in this house only seemed to affect her and her sister.

  "Lights don't just turn themselves off," Genie mumbled to herself, "Unless it's a goddamned power outage."

  She had got into the habit of carrying a flashlight around with her. It was just a small pocket sized one. She took it out quickly from underneath her pillow when her nightlights stopped working. Her nightlights all had sensors that allowed them to turn on or off without needing a switch. Genie hoped that would stop the supernatural force at work from being unable to affect them. The ghost could just have unplugged them all, but it chose to knock the power out instead.

  "Ok, stay calm." she told herself as she flicked the light several times to make sure it really was not working. She went into the hallway and did the same with its switch just to make doubly sure.

  "This could be normal; just a regular old power outage. Maybe a fuse has blown, or maybe a circuit breaker has been tripped?" she continued to tell herself, hoping that one of her own answers would suffice. Nonetheless, no matter the answer, it was dark, and that thing lurked in the dark.

  It always chose a time and place when she was most alone. Right now, it was almost one in the morning. Everyone else in the house was in bed asleep. If it had not been for the noises, she might be too. She might have ignored the clomping and thudding noises in the hall as being her sister going to the restroom. However, those noises made her realize that her nightlights were off, and that is why she was now wearily investigating.

  This creature in the dark had gotten bolder. She tried to stay in the compa
ny of others, or even get out of the house as much as possible during nighttime hours. Somehow, it would always find her when her guard was down, and then the lights would go out with a click. She could then hear it moving around her. It was such a large beast. It had started to nudge her, even shoving her with what felt like its big long snout. It had not hurt her yet, only scared her. She tried to find out what it was by researching local history and cautiously talking to friends and peers. She learned this house belonged to witches long ago. The house and its land had also been a horse ranch where they captured and bred wild horses. With this former owner courting the devil, the creature stalker her must surely be some kind of demon. The history of the horses would explain its equine form of which she would sometimes catch glimpses of when the shadows were just right. Yet, as soon as light struck it, he would disappear as if he was never there.

  She knew that she was going to run across him again this night; and he was definably a he. This devil was insistent on reminding her of what sex he was or about what desires he had. He was teasing her inappropriately, making her touch his monstrous manhood. He would then whisper in some horrible half-human voice on how he was going to make her one with him and the others. He spoke how the time would soon be at hand, and when it did, he would be at full power, and she would not be able to resist him. It tempted her with promises that she would eventually not fear him, but would come to long for and desire him. He would bring her pleasures not of this world.

  He had been haunting her like this for a month. He only haunted her in a confined or isolated room where he could turn off the lights. Now, at this late hour, he had the whole house to use in spooking her. She was surprised she had not yet seen him or had to chase him off with her protective little light.

  "Heather, Heather wake up." she said while violently shaking her sister awake. Heather was fast asleep, unperturbed by the darkness or the noises that went bump in it.

  It took her a whole five minutes to roust her sister; even then, she was groggy and zombie-like. "Genie...what, what is it?...What...what time is it?" She said drunk with sleep while squinting her eyes hard against the harsh beam of the flashlight.

  "The power is out Heather. Remember that thing I told you I saw in the basement, the thing that haunts me in the dark? I know it's responsible. It's got to be," she explained. She expected her sister to scoff at her remarks, even be angry with her for waking her over such a dumb idea. Yet, Heather only sat there trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes while attempting to put her thoughts together.

  "Alright, alright, whatever, you're afraid of the dark. My big sister is afraid of the dark. Ya, you can stay in my room or whatever. Just don't wave that light around so I can sleep...Actually, I need to pee now that you woke me." she said struggling with the words before stumbling out of her bed and onto her feet. She dragged herself to her rooms light switch and tried to turn it on as though she had forgotten what Genie just told her about the power.

  "Oh right, the power is why you're here," she said after clicking it on and off a few times in sleepy confusion. "I guess I'm going to need your light so I can pee."

  Genie didn't really care as long as she was near someone. The creature only pestered her when she was alone. Things were fine until they got to the hall bathroom where Heather asked if she could borrow the flashlight while she did her deed.

  "Look, we're sisters. It will be fine if I go in with you regardless if you're using the toilet." Genie argued.

  "You're also my older sister, my now eighteen year old sister, who shouldn't be afraid of the dark." Heather groaned in protest.

  "We've been over this. Please, you know just as much as I that something is wrong with this house."

  "Yes, well it isn't bothering me like it is you. I think the ghost, or whatever, is just teasing. So can I go pee in peace? I think that should be enough of a payment for you waking me and staying in my room." Heather said holding her hand out expecting her payment in kind.

  Genie sighed in frustration over her sister's lack of understanding before replying, "Fine, let me go find another flashlight, because I'm not going to stand in the dark while I wait for you."

  'Ugh!" Heather moaned impatiently, but she knew the matter was settled. Genie was not going to give up her flashlight.

  It took some time but they finally were able to fish another one out of the hall closet. As her younger sister went about her business, Genie waited nervously just outside the bathroom door, swinging her flashlight like a sword to battle the shadows.

  "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!" She whispered loudly through the door, but her sister had decided to ignore her after her first response of, "I'll be done when I'm done." This left Genie no choice but to continue defending herself from the shadows.

  Standing in the dark, even with her sister so close, caused her to jump at even the tiniest noise the old house dared to make. She knew that the creature of shadow had to be watching her nearby. The hallway was narrow; too narrow for a large equine anything to fit in. Nonetheless, Genie was already experienced with him appearing in the most unusual of places. She had seen the outline of his ghastly head appear in the darkness of her closet once when she was searching for her robe. Because of that, she blocked access to her closet with boxes and clutter, and keeps the clothes she regular wears in her dresser drawers or elsewhere safe and in the light. She just knew something like the closet incident was going to happen now.

  She kept yelling at her sister to hurry. Her constant pestering led to a noise to come from the farthest end of the hallway. It sounded like she accidentally just woke her mother.

  "Damn it," she thought. She did not want to do that. He mother was not at all disturbed by the house, and would not have anything to do with her childish beliefs of monsters living in the shadows to get her.

  Still it would be nice to have the brief company instead of being alone; even if it she was about to get scolded. She pointed her flashlight down the hall hoping she was right, and hoping to hear her mother yell at her for all the commotion she was making. It appeared her mother’s door was cracked slightly open, which allowed a warm, welcoming halo of flickering light into the hallway.

  "Oh, thank goodness," Genie sighed in relief and went to flip the hallway light switch. However, when she tried it, no lights came on. She paused, and wondered what those lights were that flickered into the hallway. She also realized there were noises accompanying that light. They were subtle noises. Little moans and groans that at first had such long pauses between them that Genie had to strain her ear to make sure the last one was not just her imagining things.

  Whatever the case, it had peeked her curiosity. Before she knew it she was peeking through the crack whispering, "Mother, you ok?" in an obligatory manner. Yet, she whispered so cautiously and quietly that not even a mouse would hear.

  What she saw was nothing she would expect in a thousand years. The lights flickered off at least a hundred or more candles placed on everything ceremoniously. They dripped hot wax off the dressers and windowsill, and it dribbled down the headboard and the nightstand. Only the bed and its sheets were clean from the candles and the white wax. Instead, another white substance that dribbled in white, thick gobs from a monstrous shaped and sized cock was soiling it. The beast, for that is what he was, was a hoary thing covered in black curly hair. It was not the same devil that haunted her, but a devil nonetheless: A black goat with long curling horns whose cloven-hoofed feet dug into the mattress as he stood over Genie's mother. His legs spread bowlegged to allow his black balls to swing freely between his legs. They were huge, beastly testicles that throbbed almost with a life of their own. His monstrous cock was a massive, heinous thing that pulsed all over with squiggly veins. They pulsed to the rhythm of his orgasmic flow; shooting thick, steaming ribbons of pearly white that waxed her mother’s bare breasts in much the same way the candle wax smothered everything else in the her room.

  When the final gobs strenuously pushed off the devil's monster dick to plop ar
ound her mother's exposed pussy, the beast with a black goat's head then proceeded to lock his huge mouth around her mother's face. It was supposed to be some kind of kiss. To Genie's horror, her mother embraced the beast back with the same kind of compassion, even if the monster was sucking, or swallowing most of her face in his bestial maw.

  From there his mouth slowly moved down the rest of her mother's body. He smothered his face in his own filth as he nuzzled and jostled his mother's plump and round boobies. His white filth clung to the course hairs of his face and beard in such quantities that when he lifted his head to smile wickedly at her mother, it dripped back down upon her chest again in the same thick gobs as it had come from his cock. It made quite the contrast to his coal black body. Genie wondered how something so pearly white could come from a body so black and damning. Again, the beast locked lips and tongue with her mother's face, letting her taste his milk in the transference of lust-filled passion.

  Genie watched in further horror as her mother went limp in the clutches of this creature. The goat headed fiend took advantage of this and began to defile her insides with his white seed. His nasty cock still had enough ichor to lubricate his massive member as it peeled its way insider her mother. Her mother's legs kicked and squirmed as she tried to make either screams or moans; Genie could not tell. The beast's jizz coated mouth quieted her enough that even at the doorway Genie could barely hear her mother squeal. The beast began the motions of copulation, hitting her mother hard in the womb. Genie could not see much of him penetrating her, the angle was wrong, and the candlelight lighting did not help. She was left imagining that monstrous thing pounding inside her mother, and it was a terrible thing to imagine.


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