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Monstrous Lust

Page 13

by E M Beastly

  There was some fear in her, however. It caused her to hesitate, perhaps too long in fact. She watched the motions of this beast of darkness claim her sister on top of her sister's bed. She saw the motions; the twisting emotions of ecstasy and agony upon her sisters face as she roiled and heaved from the bucking creature. Nonetheless, the dark would not ever show her the true union of their bodies. Frustrated and annoyed she went back to the television to see if she could get its smiling face to speak with her again.

  "Why won't you show me what I desire?" she asked timidly when his face appeared. The features of his feline makeup looked like something from an old video game; his menacing smile a pixilated nightmare.

  "So you are good and ready to see such a thing?" he asked with his synthetic, electronic mess of a voice. "Have you asked yourself why? I know that you have."

  "I think the better question is: Why do you do this to me and my sister?" Heather interrupted before that this trickster continued to droll on with his riddles.

  "Oh, desire comes in many forms. Some are teased, like you, and others are tormented. We dabble in both and more: The pleasure of strangers and the ecstasy of friends. There is a secret sound at the center of the world. The one that all desire to hear even if they think they do not. We are here to turn up the volume; to press the dirty faces of humanity onto the flesh and blood of its own secret heart. You badly want to see the female form pierced by the instrument of those secret pleasures. I will enjoy showing you, and I will enjoy making you enjoy it."

  A new event then occurred that told Heather it was her time to witness these things just like her sister, and like her mother as well. She too would be dammed, for that was the fate for any and all who stayed in this house of ill repute. Clawed hands ripped out of the sofa she sat in They were powerful, and gnarled; bestial and demonic. They were furry and feral a strange purple fur striped with orange. Huge and bony they grabbed her arms and held her to the chair. More hands appeared from the cushions to help. Using claws, they tore off her clothes, not in one pull but in pieces and shreds. They raked and bruised her as she screamed and yelped in surprise. Some could not wait to touch her. They groped and grabbed her undersized breasts even before all the tattered clothes were gone; squeezing at her flesh and pinching her nipples to excite them. A paw from the seat cushion reached up and gripped her pubic mound tightly through her panties, swelling her vulva with his grip.

  The face on the television retained its retro video game look as his oh so wicked smile grew wider. Heather could do nothing. She was bound tightly to her chair listening to the final bits of her clothing tear away. She was frightened, excited and a whole host of other things. She would not have been able to move even if she had not been bound. She definitely could not speak. All she could do was squeak like a mouse caught by the cat who only wanted to play with his meal.

  The TV sparked and then exploded as a bolt of electricity shot out of the screen to penetrate her. Like before, it bolted between her legs. She tried to scream because of the sensation, but every part of her being was being warped and twisted by the shock. This was no ordinary lightning. She wanted to pass out from the extreme pleasure she felt surge up from her sex into her womb and then fan out in every direction of her body. It made her toes curl, her nipples pop out and even her brain tingle. Even with all the claws and paws holding her down, the shock made her twitch and convulse to the point that even they almost lost their grip.

  The sensation and the lightning stopped just as quickly as it came. It was disappointingly short, but made up for it in its unnatural intensity. It left her dazed with her eyes crossed, her tongue wagging and her hair all frayed out in every direction. For about a minute, she did nothing, and nothing happened while she still tried to get over the whole affair. Then, without warning, she felt a sudden urge. It happened so quickly, she had no control. She pushed with her pelvic muscles as though she had to pee. She had nothing in her bladder, at least she didn't think so, but a pressure was inside of her that needed released. With a soundless gasp, she began spraying a froth out of her body. It felt very good to release it so she pushed harder and made a geyser out of herself.

  "Already exhausted, and we're not even to the part you are so excited to see." The voice spoke, lacking his typical electronic quality.

  It took a moment for the world to come back to her. The shock had caused all sights and sounds to become a glowing white. She wondered if she had not just been transported through some portal or gateway into another world. The living room was gone and so too was the sofa she sat on. Her seat was now alive; the body of some great purple and orange stripped creature. Her surroundings transformed into some dark, alien wilderness. Only the television remained, sitting on its stand in the middle of a glen with its screen inactive.

  Giant, gnarled paws of this tiger like beast still gripped her. Their numbers reduced to a more manageable two, which held her close against the beast's chest. One paw was big enough to fondle and rub both her breasts. Leaving the other to pet her tender stomach and sometimes sneak a clawed finger between her legs to stimulate her.

  Also between her legs was a massive furry scrotum with two apple-sized nuts. It was attached to a furry sheath inside of which she could see the tip of a pink phallus. The cock sprouted out like a tree between her legs. It was just as thick and impressive as the creature of the night's cock that was pounding her sister. However, as for shape and color it was nothing like that other beast's. This had a massive spade shaped tip covered in fleshy looking studs or spines.

  "You can touch it if you like." Her cat-faced minion replied underneath her. "The thorns are not sharp, but I guarantee they will feel nice."

  She turned her head up and behind to look at the face of the one about to take her virginity. Indeed, he had the same smiling grin as before; the one a child makes when he is about to make trouble.

  "This is the real thing?" she asked, "This is going to go inside of me?"

  She really could not believe that this was happening. It was all too surreal.

  The smiling beast did as he always did with his grin while he took his paw to guide her hand to rest upon his meaty phallus. It was warm, and she could feel the blood pumping through its visible veins. The thorns were indeed soft and pliable. They flexed easily under her touch.

  "Yes, do it. I want to see it go inside me." She said, surprising herself with her lack of hesitation.

  The creature said nothing. He did as she wished and lifted her up by her waist with his large paw-like hands. He positioned her so that the tip of his tip nudge against her vulva, Juices of her wetness produced from her electric orgasm drooled down to moisten him as she spread her legs further in anticipation.

  "Don't worry if you miss seeing everything. The feelings you're going to experience inside of you might be distracting. However, I guarantee there will be more chances in the future." He said as he began to force her down upon his monstrous cock.

  She watched as best she could while feeling that fleshy spade peel her open slowly. She watched and felt the amazement of each of his spiky knobs slip past her pussy lips. Individually they popped in, making a tingly sensation as they went. God, what a intense pressure that was pushing her vaginal walls apart. The head of his enormous cock almost got stuck halfway on its quest, but with a hard thrust he made it go. It made a loud wet pop when the head of the cock went inside her. Heather reached down to touch the small bump in her abdomen. She felt it move as his cock slid slowly up into her. It pushed and struggled up her virgin hole, but it did not discomfort her. She was thrilled that she could feel every throbbing vein and every soft nodule squeeze tightly against her interior flesh.

  "How is this possible?" she asked in wonderment. "There is no way my tiny body should be able to take this. It doesn't hurt. In fact, it is like my body yearns for this."

  "It's amazing what we can do," her lover replied, "It is especially amazing when you are one of us. Now shall we choose a form for you?"

  He bega
n to buck his hips. His cock slid up and down, and in and out in a perfect rhythm. She felt the head of his cock nudge against some interior barrier deep insider her and then slide back down to pull at her vulva as though it wanted to pop out of her with the same effect that popped it in. She loved how the fleshy spines rubbed vigorously against her insides; she squeaked in high-pitched bursts in response to their delight.

  She squeaked, squealed and made a frenzied ruckus. She felt weird, but in the most delightful of ways. So much was she enjoying herself that the sudden act of him pulling out of her to let his cock geyser out his orgasmic release upward in a torrent of white, shocked her.

  "Why did you pull out?" she asked while watching the ropes of cum fall down onto her breasts stomach, or back down to swirl around his cock and balls.

  "I want to feel that to inside of me. I want to experience it all." She touched the streaks he put on her flesh. They were very warm and sticky. It reminded her of a warm glaze on hot donuts.

  "I don't care if it does something to me; makes me pregnant or whatever. Stop this teasing. You have teased me and my sister long enough."

  "Don't worry my little mouse; I have no intention of doing that." He said holding on to her tightly as he pulled her back against him. "In fact, I know that you want to feel everything new. Therefore, I have saved something you have yet to witness from us. Something you have yet to even be shown on my screen."

  As he was saying these things while fondling her petite little body, the television screen in front of her turned on with another familiar pixilated cat's face smiling back at her. The electronic face soon turned into something real when an actual cat jumped out. Like her lover, he was purple and orange. Before her eyes, he instantly transformed into something just as large and beastly as the one who held her.

  But before she could say a word, he already had a reply. "No you are not seeing double, nor am I a twin or a brother. I am here and I am there, I can be anywhere. Now I am going to fill you up twice, you see. By doing so you will become like me."

  "What!" She exclaimed as he came closer with a second plump dick.

  "You can't be serious? I can barely fit one!"

  "Shhh," they both hissed. "Remember, you are one of us, and always have been. You will be able to do this, and besides, if you wanted to see one enter you then shouldn't your reward for waiting for so long be two?"

  He already had her in position, both his cocks pushing simultaneously at her not so virgin door. She had to admit she did want to see this. She trusted him and believed him. After all, she thought the first time would hurt her; one cock was big on its own, and she so small and virgin. She felt different now. She could not explain it. He kept saying she was one of them, and though she did not quite understand fully just yet, she felt a little wild and monstrous.

  "Ok," she said with a sinisterly wide smiling grin, "Show me what I am made of. This time just make sure you don't pull out."

  Bred by Darkness

  * * *

  "Damn, the house is dark," she told herself while shivering uncontrollably. The house was terrible and wrong. Its interior was of such a solid blackness she felt it could drown her. It did not really hit her until she walked inside, loudly calling out to her sister. Why she had let herself fall into this trap so easily, she could not tell herself. Yet, as soon as she was fully inside and the front door slammed behind her, she knew she had made a terrible mistake. Deep down she knew this was going to happen. She had seen it on the walls, and he had spoken to her about it in the dark. She was just so confused, scared and alone. She should have just ran and not looked back, but then she would be abandoning her sister, her family. Then she would be alone forever.

  Now she faced the dark, and there was no escape. The door locked behind her and the windows had all been boarded up from the inside. She held onto her flashlight. It was her shield and sword wherever she went, but even it failed this time. The darkness was such an oppressive force that it caused her light to first dim and then to die completely. It was only through some mercy that some moonlight came in through the cracks of the boarded windows, allowing Genie to see enough to make out her surroundings.

  She knew it would only be a matter of time before 'He' would make his appearance. Panic-stricken, she tried everything to get the door behind her to reopen. She pried at windows, even threw nearby objects at them in her frenzy. Her ruckus and her screams produced no response from the house. If either her sister or mother was about, they were not listening.

  The house had her. If she wanted to escape, she would have to find another way, maybe through the back door or another avenue. Nonetheless, her house was now a treacherous dungeon. She could already feel him watching her. Wait here or move forward, the results would be the same. She was shaking and her knees were weak. She did not know if for it to be better that the gloom provided her just enough light so she could try to get out, or if she should be completely blinded by the darkness. At least with the latter, she would not have to peer into the gloom and hope if the shapes in it were just from her imagination. For a moment, she thought she saw the silhouette of her sister watching her from the stairway banister.

  Her progress was agonizingly slow as she made her way through the dark, confined corridors of her own home. Without incident, she made her way through most of the first floor, but without success of finding a way out. She cursed her predicament of feeling like a trapped animal. The house remained quiet as shadows danced just outside her peripheral vision. Silhouettes of her sister, her mother or the goat creature that fucked her became common. However, they had a habit of disappearing before she could truly verify them.

  Next, she tried upstairs. Maybe she could crawl out from a window. Maybe the forces at work had not thought about her daring to escape from such heights. Slowly she crept up the stairs listening to the quiet dark while she made sure she did not bump into anything. She did not want to test her mother’s room, even if it was still and quiet. Thankfully, she would not need to. Her room’s window was not secured with boards and nails.

  She set about making a rope from the sheets and liners of her bed. It was difficult to do in the dark, but there was enough moonlight coming through the window to make the task possible. The full moon's light pierced the darkness in an unnatural way. It pierced it like needles pressed into flesh.

  Alas, her efforts were not going to end with success. What kind of erotic ghost story would this be if the damsel was not caught and ravaged before its end? A voice came from the dark whispering it was time. With it the trap would finally be sprung.

  While making her rope Genie had piled the sheets from her bed into a disorganized clump on the floor. She pulled from it one at a time, tying them together into the cord she needed, but she did not notice the pile slowly rise up as though something was growing underneath them. Her pile of sheets spoke with a haunting tone. The darkness had done well in hiding how menacing high her sheets had silently rose to become. It now blocked her exit, but she was not going to pull any more off to see what lurked underneath. She dashed for her bedroom window, hoping to throw it open and escape without her rope. The stallion of darkness sprung from under the covers, grabbed her with his huge maw and threw her to the bed. Just as quickly he was on top of her with his front hooves slammed near both sides of her head on her bed mattress.

  He was a ghastly thing not of this world. To say that he was equine is only to give something to compare his appearances with. A frightful roar bellowed out of him. There would be no more ominous words or attempts at comforting discussion. Now the prophecy she saw painted on the walls would unfold. Not accepting it would do nothing to stop him. His big maw came down upon her chest, snatching a solid amount of her blouse into it. He bent his legs in such a way so as to pin her arms down. From there he tore her blouse off her body in such a rough motion that it left it as tatters hanging from his mouth.

  Now her naked breasts were exposed to him. She wished she could say this was the first time, yet, he had made i
t very clear that he had watched her undress a few times in the dark. He was always in the house, and always chasing after her. There were plenty of other opportunities for him to catch her with her defenses down, especially since he could turn the lights off on a whim. He wanted her to grow accustomed to his presence, and for that, she hated this final assault even more.

  He began to violate her with his ghostly lips. With his monstrous features locked together against her lips she did not have time to think about struggling against him. His monstrously wide mouth nearly engorged her face, and his fat tongue invaded her voice to prevent her screams.

  She managed to get her arms free and grab frantically at his large head with its long face. It was hard to describe what she was touching. There was power and muscle, but there was also something else. Something that was both a solid and a vapor coursed through her raking fingers. Worst was its tongue, an alien appendage that she felt was trying to impregnate her through some horrible means. It did not choke her, because it existed but did not exist at the same time. She could feel it fight against her own tongue, and stretch her throat when it slithered down in ways that no normal tongue should. Yet, at the same time, she felt like she was only swallowing air.

  She felt the darkness taint her soul. If she could think, if her mind was not being torn up by this violation, she would remember that there was going to be more of him tainting her soon. It was all just to distract and pacify her so that when he finished leaving her choking, gasping and unable to fight; he could then reposition himself to steal access to her private bits. However, As soon as his mouth grabbed the belt rim of her pants she tried to fight him off again. She grabbed and slapped at his nose while he bit and tugged at her pants. Denim was a more resilient material than what her blouse had been made from, it would not give as easily. Like a dog with a bone in his mouth, he pulled and tugged, moving his body off and away from her bed, and nearly bringing her with him onto the floor. She instinctually kicked at him, but that only helped to get her pants off quicker.


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