His Diamond_Simone's Story
Page 2
“Having a man woo you can be very heartwarming. Kent used to have Lotus flowers placed on the tables, wherever he took me. I thought that was so romantic…”
Simone laughed. “See, I don’t.”
Lotus frowned. “Stop, you’ve just never tried it.”
“At one time, I thought Darryl was romantic…” Simone said, staring down into her glass.
Reaching across the table, Lotus took her hand. “There is someone waiting for you, Simone and he’s nothing like the man who hurt you.”
Simone looked at her. “You believe that?”
Lotus smiled. “I know it.”
“Is this some of your hoodoo?” Simone asked.
“Don’t act like Kent,” Lotus warned. “It’s a gift.”
Simone nodded. “Okay, I’m not sleeping on your gift. You knew Kent was the one and now you two are married with a beautiful house and daughter, a whole mantle full of big ass wedding pictures and a son on the way. Who am I to be skeptical?”
Lotus removed her hand and smiled. “I told Kent those pictures are too big.”
Both women laughed and sipped from their glasses.
“So this someone who is waiting for me, is he fine?” Simone asked.
“Of course,” Lotus smirked.
Simone smiled. “What else?”
“Nope, you’ll know when he finds you,” Lotus informed her.
“So that’s all you’re going to tell me?”
Lotus nodded. “Now how’s your job?”
Simone shook her head. “You know you’re wrong, but my job is fine. Sometimes I can’t believe the number of women coming through the program.”
“Sisters are having it hard, out here,” Lotus agreed. “Our men are losing sight of who they are…”
Sliding her a look, Simone said, “But you’re trying to hook me up with one…”
“Not just any one…the one for you,” Lotus corrected. “There is a difference.”
“How the hell do you know, though?” Simone asked.
Lotus smiled. “Because it’s not about him being fine, or the size of his penis,” she paused and gave Simone a look. “It’s about where his mind and his heart rest…”
“And where is that?” Simone questioned.
“When he’s the one…it rests in your hands,” Lotus explained. “See, when Kent realized that I was his twin flame, he knew that he either had to step up his game and be the man I needed, or we wouldn’t be together. He had to make a choice to put his head and his heart in my hands…and I had to make sure that he could trust me enough to do it.”
Simone watched Lotus. “You scare me when you start talking like that.”
“Shut up girl, and listen,” Lotus told her.
“Okay, what else?”
“When he comes, let it build Simone,” Lotus advised. “Give yourself time to trust him and show him that he can do the same.”
Simone frowned. “He’s not going to be boring is he?”
Lotus shook her head. “No, boring would definitely not describe him.”
“Oh, yes…” Simone said, wiggling in her seat.
“You said that a lot of women are coming through the Women’s Center?” Lotus asked, changing the subject and going back to her lemonade. “Are these abuse situations?”
Simone sobered. “Yes, that’s why I really want to enhance our Self-Defense program.”
“In what way?” Lotus inquired.
“You know, I think our women need to learn how to protect themselves better. These complaints and restraining orders are not enough. When they call the police, these guys are back out on the streets in no time and even more violent,” she explained.
“What do you have in place now?”
Simone sat up. “We have the standard self-defense classes, but those don’t protect you from an angry man with a gun, intent on hurting you. Do you know that black women are most likely to die by homicide of any kind?”
Lotus shook head. “That’s terrible,”
“Over half the killings of American women period, are related to intimate partner violence against them,” Simone told her, shaking her head. “I feel thankful that I was only attacked.”
“That doesn’t diminish what happened to you,” Lotus told her softly.
Simone agreed. “I know, I just want to help other women not become victims at all, of any type of attack.”
“What are you thinking?” Lotus questioned.
“I think more black women should get trained in weapons and get armed,” Simone told her. “It wasn’t until Ray trained me, that I felt any semblance of safety in my life. Although, I still didn’t feel I could confront Darryl, I knew that I could handle myself with any other man.”
“Gun training?”
Simone nodded. “I think it will save a lot of our sister’s lives.”
Lotus smiled. “I think I can help you with that.”
“You want to train them?” Simone asked. “I don’t think Kent will like his pregnant Little Momma around guns, right now.”
Kent walked into the room, carrying his daughter. “What’s this about my Little Momma and guns?”
“Simone wants to train the clients who come to her Women’s Center,” Lotus informed him.
Simone looked at Kent. “Actually, I was going to ask you, since that was your specialty.”
Kent smiled. “I am that dude with the weapons.”
“Kent can’t do it,” Lotus said, firmly.
He looked at his wife. “I can’t?”
She shook her head. “No, you can’t.”
Simone frowned and stared at Lotus. “I’m sorry for asking…”
“No, Simone, we have someone else who would be perfect,” Lotus consoled her.
“We do?” Kent asked.
Lotus gave him a look. “Yes, we do, baby,” she said, pointedly.
Kent looked at Simone. “Yeah, I guess we do.”
“Who?” Simone asked.
Lotus smiled. “Nick…” She then looked at Kent, and he nodded in understanding.
“Yeah, Nick…”
Chapter 2
“Who’s Nick?” Simone asked looking suspiciously at the couple.
Kent moved to the refrigerator with his daughter, allowing Lotus to move forward with her obvious plan. “You still want some water?” he asked the little girl.
“Can I have some milk, Daddy?” Laurel asked, touching Kent’s handsome face.
He looked into identical eyes and smiled. “Now you want some milk?”
She nodded happily and he proceeded to fulfill her request. Lotus shook her head and turned to Simone.
“If she asked for a rainbow in the sky, he’d be outside doing a rain dance.”
Kent laughed. “If my baby wanted a rainbow, then dammit, it better rain.”
Simone laughed and watched as Kent poured the Almond milk into a little cup and frowned. “She got my baby hooked on this stuff,” he complained to Simone.
“It’s good for her…and you.” Lotus replied.
“Nah, I’ll pass.” He handed the cup to Laurel and she took it into her little hands.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
Kent kissed her face. “You’re welcome, baby.”
Winking at Lotus, he left the two women alone in the kitchen again. Lotus watched them go with a soft smile.
“She’s so smart and proper,” Simone commented. “For a toddler.”
“Thank you,” Lotus sighed. “Everyone thought Kent and I were the “crazy” ones, but we’re really just not afraid to be who we are, and we’re raising Laurel the same way. Her mind is a blank canvas and we let her learn and experience as much as she wants, without limitations from us.”
“Well she’s definitely advanced,” Simone agreed.
Lotus nodded. “She’s gifted.”
Shaking her head, Simone said, “That scares the hell out of me, then at the same time makes me want it…”
“What? Having a child?” Lotus asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, especially a daughter. What if I couldn’t protect her?”
“I think that when she is little, you keep her by your side and when she’s old enough…you teach her to protect herself,” Lotus answered.
Simone agreed. “That’s why I want these women to get armed.”
Lotus smiled. “Now back to Nick,”
“Okay, who is he?”
“He owns a gun range and several gun shops around the state,” Lotus explained and Simone nodded.
“That makes sense,”
Lotus frowned. “Of course it does, who did you think I was recommending?”
Simone shrugged. “Honestly, I thought you were on some matchmaking stuff…”
“Who me?” Lotus asked innocently. “I don’t get involved with people’s relationships.”
Simone gave her a look. “Trent, Isis and Callie?”
“Who told you about that?”
“Yeah, I thought so…”
Lotus took a breath. “I was young then…and a little brash with my abilities.”
“So you’re not trying to hook me up with this Nick?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Lotus began. “But, didn’t you come in here asking for some help training the women in your program?”
Simone gave her a look. “Yeah, I did…but I don’t know about you.”
“Girl, the man owns a range and gun shops. You act like I’m sending you an accountant.”
“You know I don’t like those,” Simone agreed and they both chuckled.
“Honestly, Nick is exactly who you need,” Lotus told her.
Sipping her lemonade, Simone asked, “How do you know him?”
Lotus’ eyes lit up. “He was the agent assigned to guard me when all of that stuff went down with Warren Harding.”
Simone frowned. “Yeah, I remember that. That’s how you and Kent got together.”
“Yes, that’s when my protector answered his call.”
“And that’s why people think you’re crazy,” Simone teased.
Lotus smirked. “Whatever, I’ll have Kent contact Nick for you.”
Simone agreed. “Okay, I guess I can meet him. Who assigned him to you?”
“Trent was the leader then,”
“Oh, so Ray did…”
Lotus laughed. “Yeah…”
Simone continued to chuckle. “So this Nick knows Ray and Trent?”
“Yes, and they think very highly of him.”
“So, he’s dangerous…” Simone asked, circling the rim of her glass with a finger.
Lotus stared across the counter at her. “From what I understand, about as dangerous as they come.”
Simone nodded. “Hmmm…I can’t wait to meet him.”
Dinner with the Bakers was a hoot, as always. Simone enjoyed the parents before spending some quality time with her little homie, in her massive bedroom filled with toys. Simone stayed amazed at the little girl’s vocabulary and etiquette. She had to admit that Lotus and Kent were doing an excellent job raising Laurel.
As the little green eyes looked at her, Simone again felt her ovaries tingle. “Do you like your doll?” Simone asked her and was rewarded with a dimpled smile.
“She’s so pretty,” Laurel touched Simone’s long dark hair. “Like you, Simone.”
“Oh, Laurel…thank you.”
“Are you gonna come back and play with me again?”
Simone hugged the girl. “Yes, the next chance I get, I promise.” She breathed in her sweet scent and embraced the little body, while closing her eyes.
Laurel pulled back. “Wait! I have something for you, too!”
Simone blinked as the girl ran to her little desk in the corner and grabbed something from the drawer. She returned with a picture she had drawn. Simone took the paper and studied it. It was a woman, with long, dark hair, that she presumed was her. Then there was a man with green eyes, a chocolate woman and a green-eyed little girl.
“This is beautiful,”
Laurel pointed at the picture. “That’s Daddy, and that’s Momma, and that’s me…and that’s you, Simone!”
“Well, thank you Laurel. I’m going to hang this on my wall.”
Kent appeared at the door. “Okay, baby. It’s time for a bath and bed. I came to rescue Simone.”
Simone hugged Laurel close. “I never need to be rescued from this angel.” She turned to Laurel. “I’ll see you next time.”
“Bye, Simone.” Laurel kissed her cheek before running to her father.
Kent picked her up and looked at Simone. “Thanks for being so kind to her.”
Simone stood. “Are you kidding? Thank you for sharing her with me.”
Kent nodded. “How are you doing?”
“I’m really good.” Simone told him. “When the Uncut Diamonds ended, I wasn’t sure what my next steps were going to be, but I’ve found my footing.”
He smiled. “Good, you know Lotus and I are always here. You’re family…”
“Thanks Kent, that means a lot,” Simone told him. “You and Lotus have been such a help to me, I can never repay you.”
“Girl, stop,” Kent told her. “We love you.”
Simone smiled. “I love you guys, too. Especially your little green-eyed monster.”
Kent stared at his daughter. “She is, too…she has Lotus’ sweet face, but she’s all mine.”
Laurel wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder.
“And she’s got you wrapped around her finger,” Simone pointed out.
He nodded. “Just like her Momma.”
“Just like her Momma what?” Lotus said, entering the room.
Kent smiled. “My baby is sweet and beautiful, just like my Little Momma.” He kissed her lips and headed out the door with his daughter.
“Damn, I love him,” Lotus said, shaking her head.
“Well, I’ve had enough of you two lovebirds with your perfect babies and almond milk, so I’m going to go home to my empty apartment and have a glass of wine.” Simone told her with a smile.
“It won’t be empty for long,” Lotus told her cryptically.
Simone stopped. “You know I hate when you do that.”
“I can’t help it,” Lotus shrugged. “It’s the gift.”
Hugging Lotus, Simone then looked at her. “Thank you for dinner and playtime with your baby, now come walk me to the door.”
Together the women walked to the front porch and Lotus watched as Simone got into her car. Once she drove off, Lotus went upstairs where Kent was bathing Laurel. He looked up and shook his head.
“She’s going to hurt you,” he warned.
Lotus joined him at the tub, while Laurel played with the toys in the water. “No, she’s not. She’s going to thank me.”
He smirked. “Okay…”
“I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to introduce them. I knew he was the one for her, but I had to be patient, and now the Universe has set up the perfect opportunity,” Lotus said happily, handing a toy to Laurel.
“Okay, but if this goes left, I had nothing to do with it.”
“And I’ll happily take all the credit at their wedding,” Lotus boasted. “Simone deserves happiness and I just hope that she’ll accept it.”
Kent looked at his beautiful wife. “That’s why I love you, Lotus. You have the biggest heart of anyone I know, and you’re never afraid to do what you think will help someone else. I’m so proud to have you as my wife.”
Lotus touched his face. “Thank you, Kent. This is why I let you give me green-eyed babies…”
Simone drove to her apartment, listening to some mellow music, intent on having her a glass of wine and jumping into her bed. Her phone rang and she saw the Women’s Center number show up on her dash.
“This is Simone,” she answered.
“Sorry to bother you, but we have a situation here,”
“A situation?”
“Yes, one of the husbands followed h
is wife here and he threatened to shoot up the building. Police are here now,”
Simone slowed down. “What the hell? Is anyone hurt?”
“No, he left before the police arrived, but the other women here are pretty shaken.”
“I’m on my way,”
Turning her car in the other direction, Simone made a beeline to the building. When she arrived, she saw the squad cars outside and hurriedly made her way inside. She was stopped by an officer and identified herself.
“I’m Simone Jenkins. I’m the Manager here.”
He nodded. “We need to speak with you.”
“We can talk in my office, but I need to check on the staff and clients first,” she told him.
“Sure, I understand.”
Simone located her evening manager in a group room with a few clients.
“Is everyone okay?” she asked.
“Yes, we’re fine.” The manager answered.
“Tell me what happened, Brandy.”
“Mrs. Polk came in this evening after an altercation with her husband. He followed her here and when we wouldn’t buzz him in, he lost his mind. He started threatening to shoot up the facility, if she didn’t come out, so we called the police.” Brandy explained.
“Where is she?”
Brandy sighed. “She’s in one of the rooms. She wants to leave and get her kids, but it’s too dangerous.”
“Where are her kids?” Simone asked.
“At her grandmother’s house.”
Simone nodded. “I’ll go get them.”
“Simone? We can send the police,”
She shook her head. “No, they might call protective services and that’s just another problem on her plate, and they’ll probably scare the hell out of that poor grandmother.”
“How are you going to get them?” Brandy asked. “What if he’s there?”
Simone looked at her. “I hope he is…”
Brandy looked confused.
“Listen, I’m going to speak with the police and then I have a mission.” Simone informed her.
In her office, Simone sat with the officers and answered their questions. She relayed all the information that she had available and they assured her they would be on the lookout for Mr. Polk.
Simone told them that Mrs. Polk would be safe at the Center and that her children were fine and would be joining her soon. Satisfied, the police departed, and Simone, with the address to Mrs. Polk’s mother’s home, exited the building and headed to her car.