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Across a Sea of Stars

Page 26

by Michael E. Gonzales

  "Cris are you—"

  "Quick, take cover by the wall!" The wall was the very edge of the bridge designed to prevent a pedestrian from falling off. It was low, highly decorated, made of stone, and punctuated every fifty meters with tall lamps.

  They had no more gotten down behind this wall when the fourteen Rapna swooped in, obviously targeting the stage. Twenty-eight balls of light arched out of the sky and impacted the vehicle. The resulting explosion was deafening, the concussion hit like a hammer blow, and they were showered with debris. Capek, like a shot, threw himself in front of the group to shield them.

  His ears ringing, Cris leapt to his feet, cranked his rifle to setting ten, and began firing contentiously at the departing Rapna. He hit the last one and it detonated in a tremendous blast which destroyed eight other Rapna that were flying in proximity, and knocked down everyone on the bridge. The counterblast tossed them halfway back across the bridge.

  The six remaining Rapna reassembled into a loose formation, four were smoking badly. Still, they were setting up for another run. Several energy cannon hidden on the crater's lip now joined the anti-aircraft guns from the city. The enemy flew straight into the crossfire, and one by one were plucked from the sky. The last Rapna managed to loose one round. Cris tried to engage that round with his rifle, but failed. The ball of energy slammed into the bridge, the concussion picked Cris up and threw him over the side. He felt himself falling, and just before he lost consciousness, he heard Tattie scream.


  Tattie and Tarnus waited outside the operating room door at the House of Healing in the city center. Tattie had a seven-and-a-half centimeter shard of stone removed from her right thigh, but it was Cris with whom she was concerned.

  After falling sixty-six meters from the bridge, he landed, unconscious, into the swamp below. In addition to a severe concussion, he suffered internal injuries. The doctors would have to operate to stop the bleeding.

  Tattie sat staring absently at a spot on the opposite wall, silent, her large, dark eyes unblinking.

  "Orbrena, he will be fine. Emer Alda boasts the finest healers on the planet," Tarnus assured her.

  "Where is the Geldneth Nordthok?" Tattie asked without looking at him.

  "It was not with Cris when he was recovered. Capek is still out looking for it."


  Capek had watched as Cris was blown over the bridge and leapt after him. Capek aided in the recovery effort as the emergency vehicles arrived. He shouted up words of encouragement to an extremely distraught Tattie.

  Just as Cris was being loaded into an emergency hovercraft, Capek noticed that Cris was without his equipment: his rifle, coat, satchel, and water bladder were all missing. He returned to the spot where Cris and fallen.

  "Capek," Tarnus shouted, "come now, we are departing."

  "Cris's things are important to him. I shall find them and join you in the city," he shouted back, and returned to his search.

  Not finding the items where Cris had fallen, Capek estimated the weight of each item against the force of the blast and the orientation of Cris's body and began searching the likely landing locations for the rifle, satchel, and the water bladder, which he had observed all his human companions place great value on.

  In short order, he had located the satchel. At the location where he had anticipated finding the water bladder, he encountered the tracks of some large animal. They were easy enough to follow, and led to an opening at the base of one of the bridge supports. As he bent down to look in, he noticed a puddle of blood, then he heard the voices.

  "Waz dis den?"

  "Is wahter ya dim eye."

  "Gib us a drink den, eh?"

  Capek's mind identified them even before he saw them, Lautmen. Gingerly he peeked around the edge of the massive stone pillar. There were but two of them examining and sniffing at the bladder. Their weapons were leaning against a rock just behind them.

  Very quickly, Capek made his decision.


  Great tears began to well in Tattie's eyes. As she felt the first of them run down her face, she could no longer contain herself, the fissures opened, and the floods poured forth.

  "My dear Tattie." Tarnus took her shoulders. "Does this alien mean this much to you?"

  In answer, Tattie buried her head into his wide, firm shoulder and sobbed.

  From beyond the doors at the end of the hall came a commotion. Tarnus and Tattie could hear screams and shouts, the sound of falling equipment, and breaking glass.

  Tarnus rose and placed Tattie behind him. The doors burst open, and in staggered Capek. He was a terrible sight. His right arm was barely hanging on, his right shoulder was a massive, blackened burned hole, his left leg below the knee was badly mangled, his visor was broken, bits of swamp slime clung to him—and blood was splattered across his chest and dripping from his hands. In his left hand, he carried Cris's satchel and the bladder of Geldneth Nordthok. He took several more steps, holding the items out before him, then he collapsed in a cloud of sparks.

  Tattie and Tarnus ran to him.

  "Oh, Capek—" Tattie could say no more.

  "Madam, I-I-I do not be-believe this med-medicine will be v-very effective on me."

  "Capek—we'll save you. I promise."

  She took the bladder, jumped up, and ran to the operating room.

  Tattie burst in to see a doctor with his scalpel already deep into Cris's flesh just below the sternum. Behind Cris's head, a woman was dropping some chemical into a cone that fitted over Cris's mouth and nose.

  "Stop!" Tattie roared. "Just get away from him."

  Everyone in the room froze and looked at her in shock.

  "Are you deaf? Get away from him now, you gimba!"

  The doctor objected, "I have started the incision—"

  Tattie produced her knife. "I will start an incision in you, if you do not back away now!" The doctor and the four people assisting him backed off quickly, and pressed themselves against the walls.

  Tattie rushed forward and gently withdrew the scalpel from Cris's chest. She knocked the cone from his face. Grabbing a white cloth from a nearby table, she soaked it with the elixir and treated all his external wounds. Then she began to slowly pour it into his mouth in small increments, watching as the liquid slowly made its way into him. She stood next to him for over an hour, dribbling the elixir into his mouth until the bladder was empty. Then, she sat on the bed and watched.

  The doctor, the only other person to remain in the room, slowly walked up and examined Cris's wounds—in particular, the spot where he had started the incision. All were either healed or well on the way to healing.

  "What is that you've got there?" he asked.

  "The elixir of Geldneth Nordthok," Tattie replied, never taking her eyes off Cris.

  "That stuff is only a legend, it's—"

  "It is before you, and you refuse to see it. Get out."

  As the doctor left, Tarnus entered.

  "How is he?"

  "I treated his wounds and they heal. I poured the rest of the Geldneth Nordthok into him. I pray his insides heal, as well."

  Tarnus placed a finger on the side of Cris's neck. "His heart is strong, and his skin is a good color. Time will tell."

  He went on, after a moment. "Capek has been sent to the facility for videkanica maintenance on the other side of the city on the top level. They say they can repair—almost everything wrong with him."

  Tattie lowered her head and exhaled deeply. "Teaoh, I am so pleased to hear that. The only reason he is here is because of my insistence."

  "He is so life-like, almost—"

  "Teaoh, do you not understand? Capek sacrificed himself for Cris, and for me. Capek sees more clearly than does Cris. He knows of my affection for him. You were going to say Capek is almost Geldneth, you are most certainly right. All he lacks is our egocentrism."

  Tarnus sat in a chair by the window looking intently at Tattie. "Your Cris did well today. He saved us a
ll, I do believe. Another pass, and those Rapna would have had us.

  "Cris is a skilled warrior on his Earth," Tattie said.

  "A warrior, yes…he said as much that night at my home. Do you think all the males of Earth are as small as he, cannot run any faster or any longer?"

  "Teaoh, look at him, he is a Portigalweg. Remember the old stories, how they left Nazer and went to another world? Perhaps he is one that has returned."

  "Let me take you for some food. We've not eaten since that bit of fruit at the city's edge. Cris will be fine, and he needs the rest."


  Cris plodded on through the festering swamp. After a time, the voices faded, and the sounds of the jungle returned. As quietly as possible, he pushed on through the thigh-deep, black water.

  As darkness again approached, he left the water and climbed onto a dry place choked with bamboo, here he could dry out and rest, and hoped he would not be seen.

  In the failing light, he checked his map, then retrieved his emergency radio and as quietly as possible, attempted to contact his rescuers.

  "Juliet five six, this is Bravo White six. Over."

  There was no response.

  "Juliet five six, this is Bravo White six, can you establish my fix? Over."

  "I don't think they hear you."

  Cris jerked his head to his immediate left, and there sat Danny in his mess dress uniform.



  "What the hell are you doing here? You're dead!"

  "I know that. I'm here because you came close to joining me today."


  "Cris, just calm down…this is a dream. Do you think I'd really be out in this shit hole in my mess dress?" He scanned the swamp around them. "I remember now—you landed in this, and I landed in the ocean and was—"

  "Recovered inside of thirty minutes, yeah, yeah, you told me a thousand times what an unlucky bastard I was."

  "Seems my luck ran out, though."

  "Danny, you know I—"

  "Yeah, Cris, I know. And you really have to stop beating yourself up about that."

  "It was my fault that—"

  "Nope, stop right there. You didn't start the war, you didn't force me to volunteer, and you didn't fire the missile that brought us down that second time. 'Nuf about me, I'm here for you, Cris. I noticed that since you got home, you've been a very busy beaver. Kinda all wrapped up in this spaceman crap."

  "Hey, buddy, I only joined the Air Force to get a shot at the astronaut program."

  "Okay—but you've lived and breathed that sheep dip with no other life. You are a classic example of a man throwing himself into his work to escape his past."

  "No—I have a life."

  "Oh, yeah? You think I haven't seen that life? Name for me two close friends, and don't bust a blood vessel…because I already know you can't. And shall I get started on that short order cook you almost married?"

  "Short order cook? Galinda?"

  "Oh, come on, Cris. A bowl of soup—really?"

  "Well, I—"

  "Can you look me in the eye and honestly tell me you loved her?"

  Cris just looked at Danny.

  "Yeah," Danny said, shaking his head, "I know you already admitted to Tattie that you only lusted after Miss Implants. I'm going to let you in on a cosmic secret, Cris, so shut up and listen. The entire universe, the Earth, the Moon, Nazer—it's all about love, Cris. Geez, I'm trying to explain the infinite to a rodent!"

  "Like showing a mole a star?" Cris asked quietly.

  "Yeah, exactly. You almost died today, Cris. If you had, you would never have known love your entire life. And guess what that translates to in the afterlife?"

  "Something bad, I take it," Cris snipped.

  Danny just smirked, then said, "Try to imagine never knowing joy—for all eternity. You were a good friend, Cris, and you are a really good man. I couldn't let you fail to open that seed in your humanity and miss all this."

  "All what?"

  "Cris, you're in the shit again here on Nazer. You could cash in at any time. Before you do, you need to know love, to be loved and return love."

  "Danny—man, I don't know how. You might as well ask me to fly by flapping my arms."

  "First off, you've got to turn loose of all this," Danny said, looking about. "You're not the first guy to have his soul scarred fighting a war.

  "Second, you have to open up, you have to let someone else inside Cris's little world of self-flagellation. That someone should be a person you trust beyond all others, someone you trust with your life…someone for whom you'd give your own life. Someone you cannot live without. Is any of this getting through?"

  "I hear you, man."

  "You hear me—yeah, you hear me. Well, I said my piece, it's on you now. I really do hope to see you on the other side—not anytime soon, you understand, but some day, 'cause pal, it's a mission we all have to fly sooner or later." He stood. "I gotta go, Cris."

  Cris jumped up and extended his hand. "I've missed you, Danny."

  "Hey, Cris, I'm not that far away—and remember, I'm watching." Danny took his hand, they stood motionless a moment, then they hugged one another.

  "Danny—I told Kathy."

  "I know you did, Cris. Thanks. I brought her love with me, because I had her love in life. I want you to have something to bring with you pal, other than nightmares."

  "Goodbye, Danny."

  "See ya, pal."

  Chapter 20

  The Velka Mislay - The Great Mind

  The sharpened metal tube pierced the flesh and sliced completely through and into the blood flow. A mighty suction pulled the liquid life backward, despite the strong pounding of his heart, and out of his body. The pain rocketed through him and into his slumbering mind, jarring him to consciousness.

  His eyes sprang open. The nurse had just finished taking a small blood sample.

  "Well, hello, Cris Salazar. Feeling better?" she asked.

  Cris found he could not speak.

  "There is someone here who will be very happy you've awakened." The nurse then wrapped the syringe in a cloth and exited the room. A moment later, Tattie entered with a huge smile on her face. The instant he saw her smile, his body warmed, and he felt much better.

  She rushed to his side and took his hand. "It's about time you woke up, you lazy gimba, two days sleep is far too much."

  "I'm—" Cris coughed. His tongue felt dry and swollen.

  "Don't speak, not just yet. Wait." Then, she turned, and over her shoulder called, "Teaoh, bring me the elixir! Hurry."

  Tarnus strode into the room, his head barely clearing the top of the door. He handed the bladder to Tattie.

  "So, our little Earth warrior awakens," his voice boomed. "I thank you, Cris, for Tattie's and my own life. You fought well."

  Tattie poured a measure of the elixir between Cris's lips, and instantly, his tongue felt better. "I was out two days?" he sputtered.

  "No, Cris," Tarnus responded. "You've been right here, sleeping in this bed."

  "What's happened?"

  Tattie recounted the fight on the bridge, Cris's fall and rescue, and what she knew of Capek's misadventure.

  "How is Capek now? Where is he?"

  "He's still at the mechanical repair facility," Tattie replied.

  "What's his condition?"

  "We were told that some parts had to be sent for and others would be fabricated here in Emer Alda."

  "And what about the Mind? When can we see the Mind?"

  "Arrangements are being made now that we might have an audience."

  "An audience? What is this thing, a computer or royalty?"

  Tarnus stepped up. "Cris, you must understand, the Velka Mislay is revered not just here in Emer Alda, or upon Nazer, but also on Kalob and all the peopled moons of the demi-star Zuluth. Royalty is an apt description. In the early days, the people wanted to declare the Mind a god, but the Mind would not allow that; oh, yes—to the many billions of lives
that orbit our two stars, the Mind is royalty and, to many, a deity."

  "Seems to me," Cris said, "it put itself in competition with Caval Du Mal—he really does want to be a god."

  "Exactly, Caval Du Mal would destroy the Mind if he knew where to find them."

  "Ruthless as he is, why doesn't he just vaporize the city and be done with it?"

  "The Velka Mislay is not here."

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "We may speak to them from here, but they are not here."

  "Oh, I get it. The mainframe is at a remote location, right?"

  "Mainframe?" Tarnus shook his head and knitted his brow.

  "Yeah, the heart of the computer, the processor, hard drive, and memory."

  "You are describing a machine—the Velka Mislay are not a machine."

  "What is it?"

  "It? The Velka Mislay do not refer to themselves singularly, but in the plural. As to what they are, no one really knows."

  "There's more than one?"

  "Some believe they are a collective consciousness, perhaps even the spirits of our ancestors," Tattie added.

  There came a knock at the door and a tall, thin, blonde woman entered. She was dressed in a silky gown that draped her body. She wore jewels in her ears and down the left side of her neck. She had eyes like Cris's except they were a striking blue. Her nose was a tiny thing, and her chin came to a point, her ears, too, were pointed. She was a stately beauty.

  She spoke with a soft, lilting voice. "Greetings, weary travelers, I am Celestra of the Clan Engan from the moon Annador. I have been sent to prepare you for your audience with the Velka Mislay, for you are the first in many risings of Fitri Saren to be so honored."

  Cris was struck by this woman's appearance—something that did not escape Tattie's eyes.

  "I take it I'm free to get out of here?" Cris asked.

  "You are," Celestra replied, and advanced to his bedside in such a manner as to cause Tattie to step to one side. "Once you have dressed," Celestra went on, "I will take you all into the city and we will attire you appropriately." With a flick of her wrist, a man entered the room and set a bundle on the foot of Cris's bed. "As your original clothes were destroyed, please accept this garment until we have completed our day's labors." Turning to Tarnus and Tattie, she said, "Will you two please join me in the corridor?" She turned and left, and Tarnus followed.


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