Fall Into Darkness

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Fall Into Darkness Page 10

by Valerie Twombly

  Ashley? What’s going on?

  I’m in some building heading to what I think is the basement. The smell is foul! That didn’t even begin to describe the odor that caused her mouth to water like the Niagara Falls. Nor was she able to give him any clue where she was. Eli, he said he killed Ben. I’m afraid for my family.

  Ben was your ex-boyfriend?

  Yes, but he didn’t deserve to die.

  I’m sorry, sweetheart. I will send someone to watch over your family. They will be protected.

  A sense of relief swept over her. Thank you. As soon as I can figure out where I am, I’ll let you know.

  Fine, just be careful.

  When she finally reached the bottom of the stairs, Devon came up beside her, grabbed her arm, and started down a damp passage at a clipped pace. Ashley struggled to keep up. Water dripped in the distance and oddly, the temperature climbed. Her skin began to crawl when she realized this was no normal basement. Unfortunately, her suspicions were confirmed when they entered an open room and the most grotesque creatures stopped and stared at them.

  She clawed at Devon, trying to release his grip, but it was futile. Even if she did succeed in breaking away, she doubted she’d get very far. What would she run in to?

  He jerked her to his side with a snarl and a glare that indicated she best behave. “It’s not them you need to fear.” Then dragged her down the middle of the room and passed two demons whose black skin glistened with moisture, and their cat-like green eyes stared at her every move. One opened its mouth to expose twin rows of razor sharp teeth. A red forked tongue flicked out to taste the air.

  She clung to Devon.

  They skirted around a large table where others ripped apart something that resembled a body, but she couldn’t be sure if it had been human or demon. Blood splattered the walls and ran across the floor in a river.

  Bile rose.

  Devon chuckled beside her. “Get used to it, human.” Then he shoved her through a doorway. Inside stood a seven-foot tall demon. Large onyx orbs filled with emptiness stared at her. She expected to see death in those eyes, and she did. The death of millions played out, and she quickly cast her gaze to the floor. There was no doubt this was Lucifer.

  “Ahh, what delight have you brought, Devon?” he inquired in a coarse voice. He took a step closer, and his form changed. No longer a towering demon but an average sized man. Handsome, if she’d not known the monster that lurked underneath.

  “She’s a seer. I thought she might prove useful.” Devon pushed her closer to Lucifer. He grabbed her jaw and forced her chin up, his nails digging in to her flesh. She tried to look away, but he held a power over her she couldn’t break. War, famine, and despair all flashed like a movie in his black eyes. Tears wet her cheeks as she was forced to watch the torture and death of thousands. Finally, he released her and shoved her back in disgust.

  “You stupid fool! She has already begun the mating with the angel Eli and has no doubt been communicating with him. Also, her gift does not work on immortals.” He grinned. “However, she may prove useful yet. We can use her to lure Eli and perhaps several others into a trap.” He spun and walked away. “Lock her up and make sure her communication with her lover is blocked,” he called over his shoulder.


  All communications with Ashley had been cut off abruptly, and Eli feared the worst. He tried to keep his mind from thinking she was dead, but it was difficult. The team had split up and all headed to different locations, where demon activity had been reported as being higher than usual. He knew from earlier talks with Ashley that she’d seen demons. He prayed one of them found her alive and well. If they didn’t, he was positive he would go into a rage. As it was, he tried to swallow his guilt that she had been taken. He should have been able to protect her. He also should never have had sex with her, which started the bond. That alone––if discovered––could put her into even more danger.

  The nightlife of Bourbon Street was in full swing. Women, wearing nothing more than a few scraps of fabric that hardly covered their privates, stood in front of several bars and tried to entice him inside. Unlike the human males who clamored to them like puppies to a milk-bone, he saw beyond their small costumes and heavy makeup to the demons that lie beneath. Matter of fact, Bourbon Street was a demon’s playground. Prey was easily corrupted here with souls bought and sold to the highest bidders. Eli was confident Ashley was here, it was only a matter of beating the information out of the right demon.

  He pushed his way into a small dark tavern called The Lamplighter. The place was well known among immortals as being a demon establishment, and it was rumored that Devon’s sidekick, Cyrus, liked to hang out here.

  The minute he stepped into the room, all heads turned to him. Fear rolled across the air in a tidal wave of frigid wind. Yeah, demons got a little twitchy when an angel entered their playhouse.

  “I’m looking for Cyrus,” his voice carried a heavenly command in the quiet room. No sooner had the words passed his lips, then all fingers pointed to a lone man sitting at the end of the bar. He could visibly see the demon swallow, and Eli drew his lips into a grin. One thing you could always count on about demons. They’d sell out their own mother to keep their head attached to their body.

  “I ain’t done nothin’ wrong,” Cyrus cried out as Eli stormed toward him, his power snapping behind him. He towered over the demon who sat on a stool.

  “We’ll see about that.” He turned his gaze across the room. “Everyone out!” The crowd scurried like cockroaches under a bright light, and he was slightly disappointed there hadn’t been a fight. He looked back to Cyrus, who quaked in his Grateful Dead tee.

  Eli took the seat next to him. “Cyrus, answer my questions truthfully and I’ll let you live another day.” He leaned in closer and pulled his dagger from the air, twisting and turning the blade so it caught the dim light and glistened. “Lie to me, and I will relish taking days to gut and splay you open. I’ll leave you to bake in the Sahara sun until you dry up like an old piece of leather. But I won’t stop there. I’ll have a reaper escort your soul straight to Lulerain where you will suffer for all eternity.”

  The demon had a smug look on his face. “You can’t touch me unless you’ve proof I committed a crime. Treaty rules say so.” He referred to the Thalox treaty that had been drawn up long ago, protecting demons from malicious slaughter. Seemed the world needed a balance of good and evil.

  Eli snarled. “I make my own rules, and they don’t involve any treaty. Besides, there are no witnesses here to declare what happened to you.”

  Cyrus’ black eyes widened with fear. “What d-do you want to k-know?”

  “What’s Devon up to?”

  “I don’t know,” the punk replied.

  Eli grabbed Cyrus’ left hand and placed it on the bar. With lightning speed, he whacked off the demon’s pinky.

  “Ow. Motherfuck!” Cyrus cried out. Green blood pooled under his hand.

  “Oh. Did I forget to mention that for every lie you tell I’ll remove a body part?” Eli lifted his shoulder. “Oops, my bad.”

  The demon grabbed a bar towel and wrapped it around his bleeding hand. “He wants to kill Lucifer.”

  Eli let his jaw slip open. “Holy, fuck. He really is insane.” And he has Ashley! “Where is the girl?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Eli was done playing games with this low life. He grabbed the end of the towel that hung around Cyrus’ fingers, ripped it off as he shoved the demon’s hand onto the bar. Cyrus’ eyes widened as he yelled, but Eli didn’t heed his pleas. He whacked off his entire hand at the wrist then shoved the blades point into the soft flesh under the demon’s chin.

  “I’m so fucking done with you. You have till the count of ten to tell me where she is, or I will split your face open. Stopping short of your brain, so you can still feel the pain I inflict,” he growled. “When I’m done, not even your mother will recognize you.”

  “Here. Devon has her below.”
Sweat and terror poured off the demon. There was no doubt that once Devon found out Cyrus had snitched, he’d suffer a worse fate. Eli could end him now, but he’d let Devon have his fun with him.

  “What do you mean below?” They were in New Orleans. Basements were not a common thing here.

  “This place has a basement. It’s protected by Lucifer,” Cyrus squeaked.

  Eli worked his jaw, grounding his molars. “What is below us?” He was almost afraid to find out.

  “Christ, have some pity on me. He’ll kill me if I tell.” Cyrus’ eyes darted around as if he were looking for someone.

  “And I’ll kill you if you don’t. Die now or die later, but if you tell me all you know I can protect you.” The fear in Cyrus’ eyes abated.

  “Lucifer runs a black market on souls. Those of your kind that fall, he takes the souls and sells to the highest bidder.”

  Eli’s blood ran cold. “For what purpose?”

  Cyrus shrugged. “From what I’ve heard, the buyers absorb the soul and it somehow takes them off the demon radar. Seems they can walk right into heaven if they want, and you’re none the wiser.”

  Eli suddenly remembered what Ashley had said. Something about Devon being responsible for the angels falling. “What do you know about Devon’s claim that he’s had a hand in those falling?”

  The demon paled. “Devon discovered a mineral in Hell, that when combined with one from your world, will cause angels to go mad.”

  It was Eli’s turn to swallow bile. “What minerals?” He was already drawing a conclusion in his mind as to the reason demons wanted to sneak into their realm. They were poisoning them.

  “That is Devon’s well-guarded secret. I don’t know, and I’m not even sure Lucifer does either.”

  Eli studied Cyrus for a moment and determined he was telling the truth. “How do I access this basement?” His voice dropped to a deadly whisper. Ashley was in more danger than he’d imagined.

  Cyrus pointed. “Stairs in the back room.”

  Eli shoved the demon away and stalked in the direction he’d pointed.

  “Hey, what about me? I talked so what about my protection?”

  Eli lifted the corner of his mouth into a grin. “Lesson one. Never trust a bounty hunter. I said I could, not that I would.” He slipped out of the room, leaving Cyrus’ curses behind him.

  * * *

  After Devon shoved Ashley into a cell that reeked of piss, with a vow to make her life hell, she curled up on a cot. Creatures scurried across the floor that she was certain were not rats. Rats didn’t have two heads; at least, none she’d ever seen. She’d been tossed her in here what felt like hours ago and try as she might, she couldn't reach Eli. She chewed her nails, worried about what they had in store for the angel. She knew Lucifer wanted to trap him, but for what reason? Something told her the dark aura she’d last seen circling Eli wouldn't help his situation should he come face to face with the devil.

  She jumped from the cot, her feet hitting the concrete floor with a loud smack. Being wound like a spring ready to break, she needed a release or risk going mad. Insanity peeked around the corner and laughed at her. She paced and tried not to worry about the things on the floor.

  “What good does it do me to have an angel for a father?” She kicked something out of the way and sent it squealing. “I mean I should have some kind of power. Shouldn’t I?” Maybe she did and didn’t know. After all, she’d only recently learned about her ancestry. There had been little time to discuss her future, or what was in store, other than she and Eli had begun a bond. A bond she felt certain had been planned by higher ups all along. Why else would they dump Eli on the Alaskan tundra? They could have sent him anywhere on earth but had chosen an area not far from her home, and at a time when she needed him most. He needed her too, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

  She stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the woman looking at her through the bars. She was beautiful with wavy chestnut hair cascading over her shoulders and bright blue eyes. Ashley approached.


  The girl, who appeared no older than herself, glanced around before speaking. “My mate needs help,” she whispered and Ashley could see the tears in her eyes.

  “Who is your mate?” she asked, curious about exactly how she was supposed to help.

  “Alex. He’s fallen only recently. I need to get his soul back before Lucifer sells it.”

  Ashley grasped the bars. “Can you let me out?”

  The girl shook her head. “I can’t open the gate.” She gave another nervous glance around. “For the most part Lucifer ignores us, so we come and go as we please, but none of us can go back home. We’ve been cast out because our mates fell into the darkness.” She leaned in closer. “Cut off from all the others. If you get out of here, you must tell Tegan about us.” She stepped back. “I have to go.”

  “Wait!” Ashley was too late. The girl had faded away.


  She looked to her right and a mixture of relief, and fear raced through her. Eli rushed forward, but he was in danger. She had to warn him.

  “Eli, you’re in danger. They’ve set a trap.” She wrapped her fingers around the bars and pressed as close to him as she could. “Did you bring reinforcements?”

  “I only just tortured your location out of a demon and came straight for you,” he whispered, lacing his fingers in hers. “Have they hurt you?”

  “No. They’re using me as bait.” She wanted to yell for him to run, but she also wanted to leave.

  “Shit, I can’t get the gate to open. It has some kind of demon spell woven around it.”

  “Perhaps if you beg me nicely, I’ll open it for you.”

  Recognition of Lucifer’s voice caused a shiver to run down Ashley’s spine. Eli spun to face his enemy, and she peeked around him.

  “Let her go.” Eli commanded.

  Lucifer assumed the human form Ashley had seen earlier. He rocked on his heels, hands laced behind his back. “I will let her go, but the price will be high.”

  “Name it!” Eli shouted.

  The fallen angel’s mouth twisted into laughter. “I want your soul, Angel.”

  * * *

  “Eli, no!” Ashley cried out behind him. Yeah, the price for her freedom came as no surprise. He just had to take care on how he negotiated. Bargaining with the devil took careful skill, or the fucker would find a loophole to use against you.

  “Is that my only option?”

  Lucifer’s eyes danced with amusement. “No. I can give her to one of the other fallen as a mate. There are several men who’d love to have her.”

  The thought of her with another man set his blood to boil, and there was no way he was letting any of those bastards near her. She belonged to him. “I will agree, but I have conditions.”

  “Name your terms.”

  “Eli!” Ashley reached out to touch him, but he stepped away. He needed to distance himself from her in order to think clearly. As if that were possible.

  “One, Ashley goes free. Two, you allow me to escort her to safety and three, not you or anyone associated with you, or anyone who does your bidding now or in the future, will ever touch her again. She is off limits as will be any children she may bear. Forever. Oh and four, you will break the bond I’ve started with her so she will not suffer.”

  Lucifer rubbed his chin in contemplation for several silent moments. “I will grant all but breaking the bond.” His brows pinched down. “Let her know your sacrifice. Oh, and of course I will be taking your soul now.”

  Eli fisted his hands. He wanted to punch the demon, but he had to accept the terms or risk not only his soul but also Ashley’s life. “I accept. Give me some time alone to speak with her.”

  “You have five.” Lucifer vanished.

  Eli hardened his features and his heart. He had to say goodbye to the woman who could have been his eternal mate. A woman he cared deeply about. He turned to face her and stepped closer.

“I’m sorry that I can’t spare you what I’m going to feel once Lucifer takes my soul.” She reached through the bars and touched his cheek. He allowed himself to enjoy this one small comfort. “I’ll try to block you from as much as possible, but since I’ve never fallen I’m not one-hundred percent sure what to expect.”

  Tears streamed down her pink cheeks. “Eli, please don’t do this. There has to be another way”

  “I’ll get you out of here and to your father.” Damn her emotions pulled at him, and he wanted to comfort her, but there was no going back now. He’d condemn himself again if it kept her safe.

  “Yes, maybe he can help you.” There was hope in her voice and he hated to break it.

  “The only way he can save me is by taking my life.” He hoped like hell his leader wouldn’t try to drag him in alive. He’d have to make sure that didn’t happen. “Tegan will make sure you’re taken care of. Promise me you’ll find happiness. Find someone to love you, Ashley.” He closed his eyes and tried to block the vision of her happy in another man’s arms.

  “I want that someone to be you, Eli.”

  He opened his eyes and stared into hers, and there he saw the truth of her words. Felt it in her touch and a piece of him broke. “I wish I could give you that, but our destinies are not meant to be.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t believe that for one minute. We will find a way to make this work.”

  “It’s too late for me.” He wanted to tell her how deeply he felt for her, but it would only hurt her more. She needed to forget him.

  “Time’s up,” Lucifer stated.

  Eli spun, strode toward the demon, and knelt on both knees at his feet. “You’re a piece of shit; you know that?”

  The lord of the fallen laughed. “I aim for perfection, and I’ve waited a long time for you.” He placed his hand on Eli’s head, and Eli braced himself. Angels could fall on their own by succumbing to the darkness, and their souls becoming a prisoner of the devil. One could also take the direct route and let him simply take it.


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