Fall Into Darkness

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Fall Into Darkness Page 9

by Valerie Twombly

  “I don’t know what they want, but I have my powers back. I have a job to do.”

  “Maybe I could help you,” she stated, feeling hopeful.

  “It’s too dangerous, and you have so much to learn about who you are. If I were anything other than a hunter… Well, things would be different, but my kind tend to make enemies and it’s not safe for you.”

  So again he was trying to protect her when she sensed he wanted to stay. Maybe if she gave him a little time, he would realize what she had already figured out. They belonged together.


  The air in the small kitchen chilled then became electric. A man appeared next to Eli. His golden wings folded and vanished, leaving a handsome stranger. Dark brown hair fell to his shoulders and green eyes bore into her soul.

  Eli rose. “Tegan…”

  “Dear god, you are the spitting image of your mother,” Tegan whispered and the look on his face one of shock.

  Ashley stood on shaky legs; her hands fisted at her side. “And it would seem I have your eyes.”

  Eli’s jaw dropped with understanding. “Holy shit.” He turned to Tegan. “You’re her father?”

  “So it would seem.”

  “Shit. I thought you refused, the same as I, to father children?” he questioned.

  Tegan looked at him. “There are things you know nothing about. It ripped my heart out to leave her mother, knowing I’d never see my daughter. I refused to do it ever again.” He grabbed Eli by the front of his shirt. “But you! You slept with my daughter, and I should kill you for that.” Tegan’s lip curled into a snarl.

  “I didn’t know nor did I have a choice where I was sent.”

  “You had a choice not to begin a bond with her. Now you intend to leave her alone?”

  Ashley had enough. “Would the two of you stop?” She looked at the man who claimed to be her father, torn because part of her longed to know him and the other hated him. He had known about her yet did nothing. “You have no room to talk. You left my mother to die while giving birth to me.” She moved closer and Tegan released his grip on Eli. “You left me to fend for myself and grow up as a freak.” Tears stung her eyes. “Eli may have slept with me, but I asked him to. And maybe he has chosen to leave, but at least he made sure I was taken care of first. Perhaps you could learn something from him about being a rebel. You could have made a different choice when you got my mother pregnant. Sometimes the rules need to be broken.”

  She stormed from the room and ran down the hall. Slamming the bedroom door behind her, she flopped on the bed and sobbed. In the other room, she had a mate and a father, yet she had nothing. In reality, she had a man who had abandoned her and another who was about to. She despised the part of herself that wanted Eli to stay; she didn’t have a clue whether the feelings she had for him were her own or forced on her by the bond.

  She let out a laugh. “And here I thought my life was messed up before.”


  Eli entered the room.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Tegan really is a good man and I believe what he said. You should think about giving him a chance.”

  She rolled over to face him. “Not today.”

  He gave her a weak smile. “I understand. When you see the Seven, you can request another escort.”

  “When I see the Seven, I plan to give them a piece of my mind.” Somehow everything kept coming back to those divine women.

  * * *

  Eli stood just inside the doorway, and realization hit him. It was more than Ashley's tears that ripped his gut to shreds. He didn't want to leave her. He fisted his hands at his side. He wanted her and desired the life and comfort she would provide. He didn't deserve it, but he couldn't bring himself to be the bastard and walk away. For once, he would make a sacrifice and stay—for her. Maybe he could help pull her life back together or at the very least, acclimate to a new one.

  He moved toward the bed and sat next to her, brushed his thumb across her cheek and wiped away a tear.

  She sniffed. "I thought you were leaving."

  "I can't do it."

  She sat up, her legs curled under her. "Can't do what?"

  "Leave. I can't leave you." He sighed. "I know I'm far from perfect, and I can only offer you a life with long periods spent alone full of worry for my safety. But, if you’ll have me, I’d like to give us a chance.”

  “I’m not sure, Eli. Just minutes ago you were ready to walk away. Why the sudden change of heart?”

  He couldn’t blame her for being hesitant. Hell, he’d be leery as well in her shoes. He cupped her face and loved the feel of her soft, warm skin against his hand. “I won’t lie. Life with me will not be easy, but the thought of coming home to you, waiting for me… Well, I’m selfish and I like the thought of it. I won’t complete the bond, at least not until we’re both sure it’s what we want. You can walk away at anytime.” He held his breath, surprised at himself that he really needed her to say yes.

  “What about your enemies?”

  “I’ll make sure you’re always safe when I’m away. I know a female guardian who will be happy to meet you and hang out when duty calls me away.” Eva would love Ashley.

  After several agonizing long seconds, she smiled. “I’d like to give us a try.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her as though his life depended on it, and maybe it did. She responded, softening next to him as her tongue delved into his mouth. He wanted to take her again, but Tegan, her father, remained in the next room. He pulled free.

  A crash came from the other side of the cabin.

  “Eli, we’re surrounded!” Tegan yelled through the wall.

  “Stay here,” he commanded. Heading for the door, he produced a blade as he approached the kitchen. His jaw dropped when he spotted his leader surrounded by several snarling Hellhounds. Devon stood off to one side. His dark gaze met Eli’s.

  “I’ll be taking the girl now.”

  Eli glanced around and calculated how to take out all of the hounds. Between Tegan and him, it would be tough but they could do it. Now another problem arose. He sensed power coming from Devon and was unsure what the cast out angel was capable of. Then there was Ashley in the other room.

  “Eli? What’s going on?”

  Well she had been in the other room. Damn it!

  “I thought I told you to stay put,” he growled.

  “Devon, how is it you’ve taken to commanding Hellhounds?” Tegan inquired. “I sense power coming from you.”

  Devon laughed. “My good friend Lucifer has been kind enough to put his hounds at my disposal. As for the power?” He shrugged. “I have my ways. Now, I’ll be taking the girl and leaving you to play with the pooches.” He took a step toward Ashley, and Eli came unglued.

  He exchanged his dagger for two longer blades that would make it easier to decapitate a Hellhound or two. Or twenty. With lightening speed, he spun and immediately took down two hounds that lunged for him. Tegan also followed suit and fought his own battle. With the two of them distracted, he worried about Devon getting to Ashley. Eli tried to fight his way to her.

  Ashley, listen carefully. Don’t make any sudden moves and don’t let on that I’m speaking in your head. Nod if you understand.

  She tipped her head. Her eyes filled with fear as her gaze shifted from one side of the room to the other. Three hounds advanced on her and herded her backwards. Fear and anger rushed up and filled his gut as he slashed harder and faster to reach her.

  “Eli, don’t let him take her,” Tegan yelled from across the room. “Devon, you son of a bitch, I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” More hounds advanced.

  “They’re flashing in and out of thin air,” Eli yelled to his commander. He was surrounded, and Devon snaked his arms around Ashley’s waist, pulling her to his chest. The outcast angel’s lips touched her ear.

  Eli’s vision went red.

  * * *

  “Come with me willingly and I’ll let them both live
. Otherwise, they die slow and painful,” the man whispered in her ear.

  She swallowed. “What do you want with me?”

  “I have a job for you, then I’ll let you go.”

  She wasn’t sure she believed him, but there was no choice. For every two of those hellish creatures the men fought off, four more replaced them. Their exhaustion was evident on their faces; even angels had to have a breaking point.

  “Give me your word you’ll call off the attack and I will go with you,” she whispered, hoping she wasn’t condemning them all.

  Ashley, no!

  She met Eli’s panicked face. Somehow, he’d known what she’d done. He’s promised to let you both live. She had no idea if this telepathic thing worked both ways, but it was worth a shot.

  “Wise decision,” Devon whispered as he pulled her tighter to him. Her stomach recoiled, but she managed to keep from struggling. The room began to fade, and Eli and Tegan blurred.

  Ashley, damn it! I’ll find you, I swear to the Maker. Don’t tell Devon we’ve begun the bond. He mustn’t know we can communicate. Tell me you understand.

  Yes, I understand.

  Good girl. I need you to tell me everything you see and I’ll find you.

  She glanced at the angel who claimed to be her father. His young face contorted in anger, and it was hard to imagine he was much older than her. Still, she wished for more time to get to know him and prayed they would still have that chance.

  Everything went black. The sound of her rapid heartbeat was deafening to her ears, and she could still feel the pressure of her abductor behind her. She tried to speak, but her voice refused to cooperate. She was on the verge of hyperventilation and needed to pull her shit together.

  Eli, can you still hear me?

  Yes, are you safe? Where are you?

  It’s black, I can’t see or hear anything. The hounds…they have gone? She needed to know her decision had not been foolish. If both Eli and Tegan were safe, she could survive whatever fate dealt her.

  Yes, we’re both safe and on our way to pull together reinforcements.

  Then I made the right choice. Her muscles relaxed.

  No Ashley, you didn’t give us a chance.

  I did Eli. I gave you both a chance to live. Promise that no matter what happens to me, you will find your humanity. The world needs you. She needed him too but would never tell him that. The last thing Ashley wanted was to be the cause of his death. Eli had already given her so much. He’d returned her faith, and she no longer felt alone. There was purpose to her life, and for the first time she was surrounded by love. Whether that came from Eli himself or simply from what he was, she wasn’t going to question it.

  “Well Ashley, are you ready to hear your assignment?”

  She blanched at his question, but managed to pull herself together. “What do you want from me?”


  Devon had to admit that Ashley was even more beautiful in person than in the memories of that stupid human. “Your boyfriend’s an idiot for letting you go.”

  Her green eyes lit up. “Eli is not my boyfriend.”

  He chuckled. “Well now. You can explain later what you were doing with the two angels, but I was referring to that stupid ass human.” A blonde brow shot up. The girl was a spitfire; he was intrigued.

  “Ben? You better not have hurt him.” Her tiny fists bunched at her side.

  Devon leaned in closer and looked down at her. “Or what?” She pursed her lips but kept quiet. “I thought so.” Grabbing her arm, he gave a jerk and pulled her down the dank corridor. “Listen, I know about your gift so here is what you’re going to do for me.” She pressed into him as a demon shuffled by, and he had to admit he rather enjoyed it.

  “What was that?”

  “That is what you call one of Lucifer’s lackeys.”

  She looked up, her eyes wild with fear. “Lucifer?”

  He grinned. “The one and only and you’re about to meet him.” He stopped, grabbed both her arms, and gave her a slight shake. “Listen good. You’re going to tell me how to kill Lucifer.” She tried to pull herself free from his grip, but he wasn’t letting go.

  “No. Why do you want to know?” She kicked him in the shin.

  His temper flared and he spun her, pinning her to the wall. “Listen, you little bitch. You’ll do as I tell you or all your little human family will die a slow, painful death while you watch. Your boy toy, Ben, is already dead.” He tightened his grip. “Unfortunate that his truck went off the road and down a ravine.” He closed his eyes and fed on the sorrow that rolled off her.

  “No,” she sobbed. “You’re lying.”

  “Oh, I’d never lie about taking a life. Do you know why I was cast out?” he snarled. “I started the fucking plague to rid your pitiful species from the planet. Pity it didn’t work. It has taken me years, and many failed attempts, to find the right combination to force angels to fall.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You are responsible?”

  “I can’t take full credit. Every angel has the potential to fall on their own. I, however, can force them into it.” He inhaled her fear and enjoyed the taste on his tongue. “You know what’s even more enjoyable? Handing potential mates, such as yourself, over to my fallen comrades. Remind me later to introduce you to some of them.”

  * * *

  Eli moved across the room like a tornado on fire. Everything in his path self-destructed. Tegan matched his pace on the other side of the table. It was a good thing they had convened at one of the many homes he had.

  “Between the two of you, there will be nothing left in this room,” Eva stated as she watched the two angels pace.

  Lyzander pulled out his blade and began stabbing the table. The tension rolled off everyone in the room, and it only fueled Eli’s emotions. Anger at himself for not protecting his mate and fear for her safety. He stopped midstride when realization fisted and slugged him square in the jaw.

  My mate. Damn straight, and he would get her back if he had to rip apart Hell to find her.

  “I have every available man and woman on the case,” Tegan growled.

  “Why does Devon want her?” Eva asked.

  “Not a clue, but now I understand why the Hellhounds were tracking her.” Eli grabbed Lyzander’s blade from his hand as he passed by, jamming his thumb onto the tip until blood trickled down his wrist. Maybe the pain would push back the darkness he battled at the moment. “Though I don’t understand why the first one tried to kill her.”

  A sudden crash and the sound of splintering wood had everyone stopping to look at the commotion. Tegan had just shoved his fist through a kitchen cabinet.

  “I will rip Devon’s heart out and carve it into tiny pieces while he watches.” Tegan turned to Eli. “Try connecting with her again.”

  Eli nodded. Ashley?

  Eli? Oh thank god!

  “I’ve got her.” Everyone held their breath and stared at him. Sweetheart, first are you hurt?

  No, but he wants me to tell him how to kill Lucifer. Eli, I don’t trust him.

  “Fuck. Devon wants her to tell him how to kill Lucifer,” Eli repeated and Tegan moved in front of him.

  “Her gift will not work on an immortal. Devon should have remembered that. This means he’s desperate, but what is he up to?”

  Eli, Devon also claimed he’s responsible for all the falling angels.

  Sweetheart, that’s not possible. An angel must choose to fall. He wasn’t about to explain the entire process. There wasn’t enough time. Ashley, I am coming for you. There’s an entire army searching for you. Do whatever you have to in order to survive until I reach you. Promise?

  I promise.

  Her fear coursed through his veins as if it were his own. “Devon is telling her he’s responsible for the fallen. I need to get to her now!” He replaced her fear with his anger.

  “Could that be possible?” Eva inquired.

  “I don’t see how, but I’d put nothing past Devon,” Lyzander spat and pus
hed himself away from the table. “Brother, I’ll have my blade back.” He held out his hand. Eli had forgotten he’d even taken it from him. He placed it in the warrior’s palm and met Lyzander’s dark gaze. “Don’t worry Eli, we’ll find her.”

  Eli could only nod in acknowledgement and try to stave off the dread he felt.

  * * *

  Ashley’s mind still reeled at the thought of Ben being dead. Maybe he’s lying to try to scare me. However, she couldn’t chance anyone else being put to death because of her. She would do whatever was required to keep her loved ones safe.

  Devon escorted her down a dank corridor that smelled of rotting flesh. She tried to breathe through her mouth but that made her gag even more. There was no winning, and she’d made up her mind if she were to vomit then she’d be sure to aim for her captor. After all, he had decided to abduct her in the first place.

  Her mind wandered back to Eli. He’d promised to find her so she tried to study every detail of her environment. They were in a building but where she had no idea, since they had pretty much dropped in. The paint in the hall was yellowed and peeling. Cockroaches scurried in their path, and the only bulb that lit their way hung naked in a sagging ceiling. Coming to a set of steps, Devon stopped.

  “You first.” He waved his hand toward stairs that looked as though they led straight into Hell itself.

  She squared her shoulders. “Where are we going?”

  His eyes flashed red. “I told you. Now stop stalling and move!”

  Eli’s plea for her to stay alive rang in her mind. She wouldn't give this jerk any reason to end her life so she placed her right foot on the first step, her hand on the rail, and began her descent into god only knew what. Like the hall above, the stairwell was dimly lit and she had to take care not to fall. She also discovered where the stench was coming from and had to stop once to regain her composure.

  Holy shit! I didn’t know I had an iron gut. She really should have the dry heaves by now.


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