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Fall Into Darkness

Page 15

by Valerie Twombly

  “I suspect it might have been too easy for them to catch on to what was really happening. Since there weren’t that many mated, they wrote them off as a loss,” Tegan replied.

  Eli cringed. How had something like this gone unnoticed? “Any idea how many more there are?”

  Verek shook his head. “No. We’ve been unable to get a definite number, and the Sevens’ mates are all missing, so we suspect they are demon as well. Devon has been the leader in this, of course, with backing from Lucifer. Who really knows what we’re dealing with?”

  “And what of the souls released?” Eli asked.

  “Those whose host bodies were still alive have managed to find their way back. Others transcended. Reports in the field are fallen angels that regained their soul have been showing up back home. Some seem fine, while others… Well it will take some time.” Tegan rose from his chair. Palms on the table, he leaned in. “The treaty’s been broken. I don’t need to tell you what that means.”

  “The peace between Heaven and Hell has come to an end and those like himself––the fallen––will be summoned by Lucifer,” Eli answered. The devil would seek to build his army and take down the enemy. He looked at Verek who’d also realized they were both doomed.

  Eli shot out of his seat, his existence now a ticking time bomb. “I need to speak with Ashley.” He headed for the bedroom and flung open the door, desperation now chopping at his heels. What greeted him was an empty bed.

  She was gone.

  * * *

  Not only had she felt Eli’s last bout of hunger, even though he’d tried to block her, Ashley had overheard the conversation the men had in the other room. Her mate’s emotions slammed into her, although she was positive he’d tried to block those as well. She may be new to this world, and the way things worked, but she was smart enough to understand what it all meant.

  If she didn’t do something and quick, Eli would be lost forever.

  She tossed on a pair of jeans and a tank because where she was going would be warm. Pulling her boots over her calves, she heard him coming down the hall. She vanished just as he touched the doorknob. Seconds later, she was knocking on the door to Eva and Seph’s home.

  Please be here.

  Relief swept over her when Seph himself opened the door. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “You need to show me how to find Lucifer. I need to get Eli’s soul back. Now.” She took a deep breath and tried to slow her racing heart. “I don’t have time to try to track him by myself.”

  “Does he know you’re here?” Seph cocked a brow.

  She pulled her shoulders back. “No and we need to hurry before he finds me. He’s going to lose his soul permanently if I don’t help him.”

  Seph simply crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her. “I cannot do this without his knowledge.”

  “Fucking stubborn men,” she whispered under her breath. “I’ll figure it out myself then,” she stated with more conviction than she really had.

  “Seph. Help her.” Eva stepped in beside her mate and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ashley could already see him soften under her touch.

  With a sigh, he agreed. “Fine.” He held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

  She slipped her hand in his and everything turned black. Searing heat surrounded them before the veil lifted, and they stood inside a chamber. Ashley glanced around at the strange rock formations that made up the room. Snakes, thick as her thigh, slithered across the floor. Their tongues flicked out testing the air. One especially large one with soulless black eyes headed toward them. She had to blink because the closer it got its body began to transform. By the time it had reached them, the same man who’d imprisoned her and took Eli’s soul stood in front of her.

  “Well, well,” he laughed.

  She refused to look into his eyes. Lesson learned last time. “I want Eli’s soul back.” No reason to beat around the bush. Get in, get out. That was her plan.

  “I’ve been expecting you.” He waved his hand, and the entire room went from a dank cave to white walls with black marble floors. A table with gold plates and silver goblets encrusted with glittering gems was perfectly set on a crisp cloth. Ornate high-back chairs magically pulled themselves out and waited.

  “Sit.” It was not a recommendation, but a command she knew she shouldn’t disobey, so she made her way to a chair. Lucifer took the one at the head and as soon as he was seated, two demons with the bodies of men and the head of a bull flanked in on either side of him. One poured a red liquid in the goblet; the other set a silver covered tray in front of him. He waved them off.

  “Leave the wine.” He sipped from his cup then held up the crystal decanter. “Care for some?”

  “No thanks.” There was no way she would trust him. It was then she noticed Seph hadn’t joined them.

  “He isn’t welcome at our table. He can stand in the corner.” Disdain filled his voice.

  “I thought the reapers brought you the condemned? That should make you happy.”

  “Oh they do, but I have no control over them.” He leaned closer, and she cast her gaze at the table. “Look at me.”

  Her pulse sped up, and she tried to fight but it was useless. She was compelled to lift her gaze upward and meet his. Black orbs. No white, no color only black filled his sockets, but they were quiet this time. There was no war or bloodshed like before, and she sighed with relief.

  He laughed and sat back. “It is only because I choose what you see. I like to remain in complete control. Now, begin your bargain to regain your mate’s soul.” He raised a black brow. “Angel of Death.”

  The name spilling from his lips caused her to shiver. “I want his soul back. He had no right giving it up for my life.”

  He raised his goblet and sipped. “And what are you willing to give me in return?”

  She swallowed. What could she give? Could she offer her own soul in exchange?

  He set down his goblet. “Tell you what. I’ll let you into the room where his soul is being kept, and you can have it. Take it back to him and he can resume his previous life. However, you must make a choice.” He waved his hand again, and this time one wall showed Eva in her kitchen washing dishes. Seph leapt forward and the air charged with fear.

  “Choose which of them lives,” Lucifer demanded.

  “No!” Panic rose and burned her throat. “Take my soul. I give it freely.”

  He tipped his head back and laughed. “Oh, but I already own you. You will stay here and do my bidding. I need someone like you. One who can kill my enemy and raise my dead.”

  “Leave her alone. Take my life and let Ashley go. Let Eva live,” Seph pleaded.

  Lucifer’s brows pinched down, and a burst of power pinned Seph to the wall. “You have no voice in this matter. Reaper.” His deadly gaze came back to her. “Decide Ashley, the clock is ticking.”

  She pushed out her wings and held up her hands. The same words that she’d whispered earlier––that had killed the demons––spilled from her lips, but Lucifer only laughed.

  “Stupid bitch. You are far too weak to kill me.” An invisible vice wrapped around her windpipe and squeezed. “Try that again and I will crush you.” He released her and she gasped for air.

  She looked at Seph and could hardly see him through her tears. Things had gone all wrong, and it was her fault. Why had she thought she could come here, and get what she wanted, without a price having to be paid? “They are innocent,” she whispered.

  “Then you should have come alone. Now pick one before I decide to kill them both!”

  “Ashley,” Seph pleaded. “Let me die. Save my Eva. I can’t live without her, but she will one day overcome her grief.” Negotiate your term here then let me die. He needs your agreement; it’s your only way out.

  She blinked and understood what he meant. “First off, I agree to stay here and serve you, but my term will be three-hundred and sixty-five human days. No more, no less.”

  He rubbed his chin. “No. Two years th
at is my offer.”

  Don’t take it. Stick to your guns. You’re an angel of the Maker; he cannot force you to stay. You have to give it to him.

  “I do not accept your terms. I stand firm on the time frame, but you will let both Seph and Eva live as well as give me back Eli’s soul,” she demanded.

  He jumped from his chair, and the room reverted back to its original rock formation. I think I pissed him off.

  Hold your ground, but you will have to let me go. It will be required that you pick one of us. I don’t fear death, but I fear living eternity without my Eva.

  “I will accept the three-hundred and sixty-five mortal days, but someone must die. Who will it be?” He towered over her. “My patience has worn thin.”

  She swallowed. “Seph. Seph will die.” The words choked her and she couldn’t breathe. Within seconds, power filled the room and the life was sucked right out of her friend. The picture of Eva still played on the wall, and her wails of sorrow echoed across the room. Ashley fell to her knees and crawled to where Seph lay. Tears splattered his cheek as she leaned down to kiss him. “I refuse to let you go,” she whispered as she laid her hands on his chest. Heat escaped through her fingertips, and again words she didn’t understand fell from her mouth. It was as though someone else had taken control of her mind and body, but she didn’t resist.

  Seph gasped for air and opened his eyes. He blinked then gave her a wide smile. “You will do well.”

  She kissed him on the forehead. “Go home and tell Eva I’m sorry for scaring the hell out of her.”

  He winked then faded right out from under her. Ashley rose to face Lucifer’s wrath.

  “You brought him back!” the devil spat. “That was not part of the deal.”

  She shoved her hair back and lifted her chin in defiance, though she’d never been more terrified in her life. However, Eli’s soul was more important than anything. “You asked for a death, and I chose. You never stated I couldn’t bring him back. Now, give me the soul you promised.”

  He lifted his lip into a snarl and revealed a set of thick fangs. “You might have found the loophole this round, but mark my words. I will not make the same mistake again. Now pick your soul.”

  A stone wall moved to reveal a room with hundreds of clear glass globes that hung by a gold thread from the ceiling. Without hesitation, she approached.

  “Which one is his?” she asked and the devil laughed, making her want to choke him.

  “You have to find the correct one. Surely, you must know your own mate’s soul,” he chortled again.

  She looked back at him. “You’re a bastard.” Then she stepped into the room. Closing her eyes, she let a calm surround her. Where she’d managed to find such inner peace in her present surroundings was beyond her, but she wouldn't question it. When she opened her eyes, she focused on one globe hanging in the corner. It shown brighter than all the others and beckoned her. She strode toward it without hesitation and grabbed the gold thread, pulling it free from its hook.

  “This one.” She knew, without a doubt, it belonged to Eli because it blanketed her in love. She looked at all the others. I will free you all one day. Her mission now became clear and she walked from the room, the wall closing behind her.

  “I will take this to him,” she stated.

  Lucifer touched her wrist and a burning sensation covered her skin, causing her to cry out. When he released his grip, she looked down. There, on her once unmarred skin, was an eye. It gazed up at her and she recognized the same black emptiness to be his.

  “I will always know where you are and what you’re doing. When I summon, you will come. Go now to your mate and feast your eyes upon him one last time. For the next three hundred and sixty-five days will be a hell like you’ve never known. I will break you so bad he will never want you back.”

  She summoned her wings and wrapped them around her. Darkness again overtook her, but this time it carried her back to the man she loved. All while the devil’s threat rang in her head.


  Eli stood outside his north woods home, hoping the cool air would help keep his head clear and that Ashley would soon come back. His heart was sick because she’d done exactly what she’d promised. Gone to Lucifer.


  He spun and saw Eva running toward him, her face distorted in pain and her cheeks stained with tears. He wanted to reach out to her, but he also wanted her soul. His hunger worsened by the minute, and he wasn’t sure he could hold out much longer.

  “You have news of Ashley?”

  “Seph is dead. Or he was.” She ran into his arms.

  “What? Tell me what happened.” Her tears reached something deep that still held onto everything he knew was decent, and he wanted to kill someone for her. His fear over his own mate heightened, except he knew her to be alive. Their bond remained strong.

  “Yes. I felt him leave me only moments ago, but then he came back. I think.” She buried her face into his shirt and wept. He stroked her hair, not knowing what else to do but summon the others.

  Tegan was the first to show, followed by Lyzander. Eli looked at them over a crying Eva. “She felt Seph’s death.”

  Movement caused them all to look into the forest, and their sighs broke the silence as Seph stepped into the open. Eva broke free from Eli and rushed to her mate.

  “I thought you were dead.” She slipped into his embrace.

  “I was, but Ashley brought me back. It’s a long story and I’m glad to be here.” He pulled Eva close to him, and Eli felt a sudden pang of fear for his own mate.

  “Shit, we’re glad you’re alive but where is my daughter?” Tegan questioned.

  “I’m here.”

  Eli’s gaze fell to the glowing ball she held in her hand. Could it be? She moved toward them and held out the globe.

  “I got it back.”

  His gut twisted. “At what price?” Lucifer gave nothing away for free.

  Her tears fell and hit the ground. Each one turned to blood as it splattered the emerging flowers of spring, causing them to wither. Her mere presence here on the mortal plane caused everything that was new to decay. As she held out the globe, he saw it. Lucifer’s mark on her wrist.

  “He’s marked you,” he whispered.

  She closed her eyes and shoved the sphere at him. “I had no choice.” When she opened them and looked back at him, the beautiful green that he loved so much had turned to black.

  “How long?” he asked.


  “How long will you serve him?” He’d not meant to be terse, but his panic turned to anger. He was about to lose his mate after he’d only just found her. She looked to the others.

  “I’m so sorry. I hope you’ll understand I had to do this.”

  Eva and Seph nodded. Lyzander shuffled his feet and stared at the ground, but Tegan… Eli knew he fought to control his own rising panic.

  “I would have done the same.” Tegan closed in on her and pulled her into an embrace, kissing the top of her head before he released her. “Be strong and always remember who you are.” He smiled with pride. “You are the Angel of Death.” He stepped back. “We should leave them alone.” Quietly they all disappeared.

  “You never told me how long?”

  She focused on him again. “One year. One mortal year I am to do his bidding.”

  A year for a newborn––and that’s what she was in angel terms––would be hell. Lucifer would subject her to his horrors until she broke.

  “Take it.” She pushed the soul toward him again. “Please.”

  He reached for the gold thread and plucked it from her fingers while the eye on her wrist mocked him. The moment he had it in his grasp, it glowed a vibrant white. He pulled the stopper off the top, and immediately his soul returned to him. The hunger faded, and his wings turned back to their white, tipped with black. He felt whole again.

  “It was worth everything,” Ashley whispered. When he focused on her, she was smiling and for a mome
nt, he could almost believe things were normal. That they could have the life he’d always hoped for.

  “It wasn’t worth losing you.”

  “Heaven needs you, Eli.”

  “I need you.” He grabbed her and pulled her to him. Slanting his head, he planted his lips on hers. Sweeping his tongue in, he tasted every inch of her mouth. She returned the kiss, running her hands into his hair, pulling him closer. He wanted her clothes off, but suddenly she was jerked away from his embrace.

  “Eli.” She reached for him but was dragged backward. Back toward the gaping, black hole to Hell.

  “Ashley. No, don’t go!” He tried to move toward her, but his feet were planted firm.

  “I can’t stop it. I love you, Eli. Please remember that always,” she cried out. “The black ring around your aura, it’s gone now.”

  He didn’t care about that. “I love you. When you reach your darkest hour, always remember that I love you!” She was gone. Sucked through the darkness. Had she heard him? Would his love for her be enough to carry her through the suffering she’d have to endure?

  He fell to his knees. His screams of agony broke the silence of the forest. Lightning crackled across the sky and struck a nearby tree, sending it into flames. With every tear that fell, another tree was claimed and burnt to the ground until he was surrounded by smoldering ash. When he finally regained his composure, he slowly pushed to his feet.

  “Mark this day, Lucifer. You have taken something that belongs to me. I will get her back, and I will make you suffer my wrath.”

  About the Author

  Award winning and bestselling author, Valerie Twombly grew up watching Dark Shadows over her mother's shoulder, and from there her love of the fanged creatures blossomed. Today, Valerie has decided to take her darker, sensual side and put it to paper. When she is not busy creating a world full of steamy, hot men and strong, seductive women, she juggles her time between a full-time job, hubby, and her two German Shepherd dogs, in Northern IL. Valerie is a member of Romance Writers of America and Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Romance Writers. She is also the founder of Sexy Scribblers, a group of romance writers who bring readers new and fresh stories every month.


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