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Spirit Bear

Page 16

by D'Arc, Bianca

  She was almost convinced at this point that Roger had duped her, somehow. Or, maybe, in her eagerness to find a mate, she had done it to herself. Or, perhaps, it was some combination of the two. Whatever had happened way back then, she would never regret having Marilee, though she could wish the last twenty years in captivity had never happened.

  Laura went into the kitchen and got herself a cool glass of water. That was a good place to start in banishing the demons that had come to visit her sleep. Cold, pure water, whenever she wanted it, was a luxury after the years when her captors doled out drugged potions and nasty-tasting water from human municipal systems that had all sorts of chemicals in it. The Grizzly Cove water was of the highest quality. Pure and fresh from nearby mountain springs on land the town owned and piped directly to the inhabitants of the cove. Yum.

  “You hungry?” Gus asked in a low rumble as he stepped into the kitchen and moved directly to the refrigerator.

  He opened it, reached in and pulled out a plate of sandwiches left over from earlier, she imagined. She’d been a little too woozy to remember exactly what had transpired before she fell asleep, but she did remember sandwiches at some point.

  “Yeah, I could go for one of those,” she told him, refilling her water glass at the sink.

  Gus put the plate on the kitchen island and turned to retrieve plates from one of the cabinets. He set them on the island, one for each of them, then let her make first choice from the available sandwiches on the platter. She picked a ham and cheese on some kind of rustic bread with a crunchy crust and put it on her plate. She noticed Gus took half of each of the two sandwiches that were left, and she found it endearing. Could he not choose between the two, so he took a little of both?

  “I won’t be able to eat more than this, so you could have both of those if you’re hungry,” she told him. She could feel a faint smile curving her lips, and she realized it was Gus that had made her smile when, just a little bit ago, she’d thought she’d never smile again.

  “Honey, never ask a bear if he’s hungry because the answer will always—and I mean always—be yes.” He grinned at her as he put the halves he’d taken back on the platter and just picked up the platter, instead of using the smaller plate. “You could have some of this if you want.” He offered the platter to her again. “Before I eat it all.”

  She chuckled with him and declined. “No, you eat it. This will hold me until breakfast or maybe even lunch. I’m still not used to eating like a normal person yet, and even before, I didn’t eat as much as the other wolves. They blamed that on my fey blood, too. I got teased a lot for eating like a human.”

  She wandered over to the windows, but it was the empty easel on the table there that was her goal. She had a number of blank canvases left, and although artificial light wasn’t the best for painting, she wasn’t picky. Right now, she needed color and expression. Her fingers literally itched to paint.

  “Do you mind if I…” she asked, gesturing toward the painting area she’d set up on the side table.

  “Go right ahead,” Gus told her, moving around to sit on the couch with his platter.

  Laura took a few bites of her sandwich while she set up a new canvas and prepared her paints and brushes. Once she started painting, her focus narrowed. She took the occasional nibble of her food while contemplating the image she was creating, but by and large, the rest of her sandwich sat, ignored, on her plate.

  She painted fast and furious, sliding color over color, mixing in sweeping strokes to make new tints and effects. She knew just what she wanted to portray and was pleased with the results, as she went along. She was aware of Gus in a peripheral way, sitting on the couch, working steadily through his pile of sandwiches. She didn’t mind. The painting was paramount, at the moment. Something she felt compelled to complete.

  But it wasn’t the compulsion of the evil that had been done to her. No, this was the compulsion she had only recently rediscovered. The healthy one that pushed an artist to keep going. To create. To express themselves in the medium of their choice and put their inner vision out into the world. She considered it a healthy drive, that was healing to her soul.


  Gus polished off the sandwiches but didn’t move from the couch. Not for a good long while. He wanted to give Laura the time she apparently needed to put her feelings into images. He sensed the act of painting was both cathartic and therapeutic at this moment. She’d felt driven enough to leave the bedroom so that she could capture whatever images had disturbed her sleep. The late-night nosh hadn’t really been her idea, or her main objective. He had seen that easily enough.

  But providing sustenance to the woman he loved was imperative for his wild side. His inner bear wanted to feed her. She was so skinny. Not yet fully recovered from the years of starvation and deprivation she had suffered. His inner bear was going nuts trying to protect her, nourish her and make sure she had the time and space to recover fully. It was quite possibly the most important thing in his existence at the moment.

  That was a big change. Gus had always been at the center of the unit—now the town. He’d been concerned for all of his friends and their well-being. Now, while he still cared about the guys and their lives, his focus had shifted so that the most important person in his life was Laura. He wasn’t used to having just one person be the sole focus of his energies. He’d half-convinced himself that it was because she had been so badly abused, but now that they had acknowledged their love for each other, he suspected it was something much deeper.

  He was thinking mate almost constantly, now. The urge to claim that exclusive relationship and have her admit that she believed in it, too, was nearly all-consuming. But he couldn’t rush her. He knew he had to finesse this situation. To rush her might scare her off, and he didn’t want that. Not in a million years. He would apply no pressure. Would use no guile. She’d had enough of that in the past, if his suspicions were correct about Roger. No, this time, if she chose to accept Gus as her mate, it would be done freely and without any question in either of their minds.

  When it looked like her painting frenzy was winding down, Gus got up and took the now-empty platter to the sink. He rinsed the few things that were in there before loading them into the dishwasher. He’d run the dishwasher tomorrow. For tonight, it was enough just to tidy up the place while Laura finished her art while she nibbled on the remains of her ham and cheese.

  She was sort of absently eating while she looked at her canvas. He couldn’t see it from his vantage point. He hadn’t tried to peek at it before she was done, but it looked like she was slowing down, now. Just making minor corrections and tiny brush strokes, here and there, after staring at it for a bit. He figured it was close to done, and he was interested to get a look at what had consumed her so.

  He walked quietly around to approach from behind. He didn’t want to disturb her concentration, so he approached slowly, making the occasional sound that would register in her subconscious. She would know that he was creeping up on her, but the fact that he allowed her to hear him would signal no danger.

  He was glad he took the subtle route when he got his first good look at the painting. It was a small canvas, but he recognized the bear at the center of a maelstrom of energy lines, at once. The burgundy fur was a dead giveaway. She had painted a Kamchatka bear. Peter, in fact, though Gus didn’t think she’d ever seen Pete in bear form. Maybe Babushka had shared photos. Or maybe Laura’s gift for painting was more magical than they realized. This wasn’t the first time she had painted something she had never seen in person accurately.

  “What are all the lines of color?” Gus asked gently as he paused beside her.

  “Magic swirls. Aura glow. Ward ripples,” she replied, speaking each word slowly, as if she was only just realizing what she had painted and was having trouble putting it into words. “It’s a gift for Peter, to apologize,” she told Gus gently as she finally put down her brush and began cleaning up. She worked silently, for a moment, before
looking up at Gus. “Do you think he’ll like it?”

  “Honey,” Gus told her, placing one arm around her shoulder as she stood, “he’s going to love it. You made him look even bigger than he already is. That boy has a massive ego, and this is going to stroke it, I have no doubt.” Gus grinned as he looked at the image of the giant burgundy bear holding its own in the midst of waves of color and light.

  Magical energies in every variety—good, evil, and in between—surrounded him. Yeah, Peter was going to hang that picture where he could gloat over it and remind everybody who saw it about the day he’d stood up to a volley of mage bolts right there on Main Street. Gus could only grin and shake his head.

  Laura stretched and yawned hugely. Gus took that as his cue. “Anything else you need to do about the brushes and paints?” he asked, not wanting to cause her trouble later by neglecting her tools now, but she shook her head.

  “All taken care of,” she told him as she stood up. She collected her plate and walked over to the sink to drop it in.

  “Leave that for later. Right now,” he told her, closing in from behind and wrapping his arms around her waist as he placed nibbling kisses on the side of her neck, “I’ve got other plans.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?” she replied, a playful note in her voice that let him know she wasn’t uninterested in a little sexy fun before going back to sleep.

  “I do,” he said in a low voice, turning her in his arms so that her butt rested against the countertop. He lifted her easily to sit on the polished granite, and he stepped between her spread thighs as if he belonged there.

  Which he did. He most definitely did.

  Laura lifted her arms to settle around his shoulders, tugging him closer so that she could match her lips to his. He was such a good kisser. He lit her up from within with just a little nibble of his lips and the swish of his tongue in the right places. Damn.

  She wanted more, and she didn’t want to wait. Laura was pushing at his clothing with impatient hands, and Gus seemed to get a clue about what she wanted from him. He stepped back for just a moment to tear his T-shirt over his head, then he was back, all hard muscles and warm skin. Mm. He felt so good under her hands.

  But she wanted still more. She fused her lips to his and tangled their tongues together in a delicate duel. She put her arms around his shoulders again, and drew him close.

  That’s what she’d wanted. The feel of his hard-muscled chest against her. He was so warm. So big because… Well, he was a bear. Even in his human form, he was a big man. Most werewolf males were larger than human males but tended to be lithely muscular. Tall and rangy, for the most part. She had dabbled with some of the young men in her Pack as a girl, as did most younger folk. But the man she’d chosen and thought was her mate had been human.

  Roger had been tall and in very good shape, but his musculature had been nothing like a werewolf male. She didn’t even bother comparing him to Gus. There really was just no comparison. She was fast realizing that there was nothing quite as big, cuddly, massively muscular, or protective as a werebear.

  And, at this moment, it seemed nothing quite as impatient. She felt the same. Laura was able to push his jeans down around his hips before he growled and lifted her clear off the counter for a moment while he swept her robe off completely. He thoughtfully put the discarded clothing on the granite before setting her back down. She could deal with denim against her bare ass, but cold granite might’ve been a shock too far.

  When he had her back on the counter, he wasted no time positioning himself between her thighs once more. Only this time, there was no barrier of cloth keeping them apart. He looked into her eyes as he moved closer, sliding deeply into her core.

  “All right?” he asked as he joined her fully, his dark eyes flashing with desire held in check. He was the most thoughtful lover she’d ever had the good fortune to be with.

  Laura nodded, unable to form words. Gus grinned—a sexy upturn of one corner of his mouth—as he started to move by slow increments. Barely discernible pulses began a rhythm that soon had her panting with need.

  He took her on a slow, sexy ride that brought her a whole new awareness of her body and her needs as a woman. Only now did she realize how little Roger had tried to meet those needs. She came in Gus’s embrace, but he didn’t join her. Not yet. He ran his fingers over her back and praised her in a way that would make her blush at any other time, then he brought her to a new level of passion with the strokes of both his hands and his cock, deep inside her.

  When she came again, he joined her, holding her tight to his body as they both spasmed in joy and ardent relief. Gus swept her into his arms, supporting her with both hands under her ass as he walked with her into the bedroom.

  He separated from her only long enough to go into the bathroom. She heard the sounds of running water and closed her eyes as she lay on the bed. The next thing she knew, he was back, a warm, wet washcloth between her thighs as he washed her clean, taking special care to excite her, all over again, with the new sensations.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” she asked him, only half joking.

  Gus chuckled, and even that deep sound was a turn on at that moment. “Nope,” he replied, the smile still in his tone. “Just trying to drive you wild, if that’s all right with you.”

  “Mm.” She rolled over to face him as the washcloth left her body. She opened her eyes and met his gaze as he sat on the side of the bed. “It’s more than all right, as you have probably already guessed.”

  “Well, in that case…” Gus got on his knees as he positioned her on her back once more. He took up a position between her legs, but he was too far down the bed.

  Or was he? Surely, he didn’t mean to…?

  A moment later, she found out that he surely did as his mouth closed over her clit and sucked gently, sending her senses skyrocketing upwards. Sweet Mother of All! The man had a true talent for bringing females pleasure. This one, in particular.

  He rode her through the first climax, holding her hips down with both hands while she tried to buck as her body went into spasms of pleasure. When that passed, he tried different tactics involving his tongue and fingers until she screamed his name as she came again. His masculine chuckle drifted down to her as he repositioned himself to join with her, once again.

  She wasn’t sure she could take much more, but then, he slid into her, and she realized she would take whatever he wanted to dish out. She was quickly becoming addicted to him and the amazing passion he roused in her. She wouldn’t be surprised if, after this time with him, she would be ruined for any other man.

  As he pushed her higher, yet again, she realized she didn’t care. Being with Gus was special. Almost sacred. He had shown her, in no uncertain terms, that her life had not ended when she’d lost Roger. Or when she’d been held prisoner for so long. No. Her life went on, and she was still, blessedly, alive. Gus proved that to her beyond the shadow of a doubt with his tender, passionate, wild lovemaking.

  With all the uncertainty surrounding her, that single fact was clear as crystal. She sent a prayer to the Goddess in thanks for this time. This man. This amazing affirmation that her life wasn’t over.

  She’d been so very afraid for so long, but with Gus’s gentle coaxing, she was realizing that the fear was unnecessary. She was alive. Truly alive, in his arms.

  Everything else would work out. Somehow.

  She hoped.

  Fear had turned to hope, and Gus had done that for her. It was fragile. It was new. But it was there. A tiny seedling needing to be nurtured. Something that just might blossom if given enough care and attention.


  Marilee was in the kitchen when Laura shuffled in the next morning, still yawning from the delicious lack of sleep of the night before. Lee Lee had brought breakfast and more supplies from the bakery and was busy stocking the fridge when Laura walked in. Gus was making coffee for himself, but he quickly diverted the cup he was fixing for himself and gave it to Lau
ra with a peck on the cheek. He was a good person to have around in the morning when Laura couldn’t quite open her eyes without a little caffeine boost.

  She nodded her thanks at him as she sipped the reviving brew. Marilee popped out from behind the door of the refrigerator and came over to give Laura a good morning hug. She looked happy, despite the situation—the magical problem Laura still had and the rather obvious possessiveness Gus was displaying.

  Laura hadn’t really talked to Marilee about Gus. At least, not in a definitive way. She thought Marilee approved of the increasing closeness between Laura and Gus, but at some point, they probably should sit down and talk about it, if Laura was going to stay here…and stay with Gus.

  Right now, she couldn’t see the path ahead. If she stayed in Grizzly Cove—and that was a big if—she would definitely want to be with Gus. But, if they couldn’t find a solution to her problem, then all bets were off, and she’d have to figure out some other path. Or no path at all. Death was always still an option.

  But she wouldn’t go quietly. No, Laura had a plan if nothing else could be done. She’d go hunt down those Venifucus bastards and take out a few of them when she went. She owed them that…and a whole lot more. She lay awake at night dreaming, sometimes, about taking her revenge.

  Which reminded her of something…

  “I wonder if there’s a way I can record more of the information I remember about the various mages and minions I knew, just in case…” She didn’t finish the sentence. Gus and Marilee were both looking at her. Marilee’s expression was stricken, and Gus just looked grim.

  Laura shook her head and went over to the island where breakfast was laid out. Fluffy rolls from the bakery and bacon and eggs still hot from the pan. Gus must have cooked to supplement the bakery delivery. Laura helped herself to a plate full and then sat down and began eating. Neither Gus nor Marilee had commented on her statement, and she wouldn’t look at them.


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