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The Reign of Darkness

Page 63

by Britney Jackson

  Tom nodded. “Yeah, Kara told me about how they brainwash people.”

  “I didn’t realize they’d done it to me,” Owen sighed, “until Jared…”

  “Shot you?” Tom finished. “Yeah, trusting him wasn’t exactly…rational.”

  “If you’d seen the emails he sent…” Owen trailed off. “Well, I guess you still would’ve known better because you weren’t brainwashed. But clearly, I was.” He frowned. “There were certain things he’d say that would just…confuse me.”

  “Sounds like he knew what he was doing,” Tom said. “Probably tested it on you before.” He lifted his eyebrows. “You were a friend of Rose’s, after all.”

  Owen scowled at him. “Are you saying the whole relationship was a lie?”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me,” Tom told him. “He was an Assassin of Light.”

  “But they still fall in love and marry people,” Owen insisted. “Surely…”

  “The asshole shot you. He clearly wasn’t in love,” Tom said bluntly. His dark brown eyes softened, as he noticed Owen’s distress. “Were you? In love?”

  “No,” Owen said, certain of that, at least. He turned in his seat, studying Tom with a frown. “You know a lot about me, but I know nothing about you.”

  “You want to know something about me?” Tom said with a flirty grin.

  Owen couldn’t help but stare at the fangs in his mouth. “It’d be nice.”

  “Problem is,” Tom said heavily, “you come off as kind of…judgmental.”

  That stung. “I’m not! I promise,” Owen insisted. “I know that I said some things about Kara, but…I studied her for years. She’s done some terrible things.”

  “You think I haven’t?” Tom challenged. “I’m not opening up to you, just to have you judge me.” He watched Owen curiously. “Not in a hurry to get hurt.”

  Owen turned in his seat. “I won’t judge you. I promise,” he said seriously. “With Kara, it’s… It’s because of the Assassins of Light. I’m not always like that.”

  Tom nodded, his shoulders relaxing. “Good. Because I kind of like you.”

  Owen’s face grew warm. “L-like?” he repeated, a little unsure about what kind of like Tom meant. He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Me, too. I like you, too.”

  Tom chuckled at him. “We’re going to be stuck on this plane for a while. We got plenty of time to talk. But first,” he said, looking at Owen, “you hungry?”

  Owen’s eyes widened. His mouth watered at the thought. “Hungry?”

  “I’ve got blood bags,” Tom said, “if you don’t want to feed from me.”

  Owen swallowed uneasily. “I mean, I don’t…not want to feed from you.”

  Tom chuckled at the awkward word-choice. “Do you want to or not?”

  “Well, I’ve only fed from you once,” Owen said, a small smile curving at his lips, “so, you know, feeding from you again would be an opportunity to learn.”

  “Oh,” Tom said, suppressing laughter. “So, it’s a hunger to learn, then?”

  “I like science,” Owen told him. “Experiments are important in science.”

  “So, you want to feed from me again? But,” Tom snorted, “for science.”

  “And maybe we could do more,” Owen offered. “Also, for science.”

  Tom chuckled. “Yeah, okay,” he said with a lazy shrug. “Whatever works for you.” He flashed a taunting smile at Owen. “You want to do it right here?”

  Owen straightened, glancing around the crowded plane with a frown. “I was hoping for somewhere more private, actually. If you know of somewhere?”

  Tom braced his hands on the sides of his seat, pushing himself forward. “I’ll go ask Kara,” he said, as he rose to his full height. “Sit still ‘til I get back.”

  Owen leaned back in his seat, breathing out a shaky sigh. “Stop freaking out, Owen,” he muttered to himself. “We’re all going to die. No time to waste.”

  Owen noticed Tom cast an amused look at him—even as he spoke with Kara—which meant, Owen realized, that he’d probably heard what Owen said. “Oh, god. I’m as dorky as Rose.” He frowned at that. “Nah. Maybe not that bad.”


  Rose returned with the bottle of water that Audrey had asked for. Audrey took it from her, taking a sip, before returning her attention to the box of donuts in her lap. Rose frowned. “How did you get donuts in the middle of a world war?”

  “Your scary girlfriend gave them to me,” Audrey mumbled, as she licked jelly from her fingers. “She threw the box at me and said something about human sustenance.” She looked up, grimacing at Rose. “Have I mentioned she’s scary?”

  “Only like a million times,” Rose said. “Kara’s one of the most wanted people in the world right now, and she has no money. How did she get donuts?”

  “Stole them,” Kara said, as she came up behind Rose.

  Rose wasn’t even a little bit surprised. “Of course you did.”

  “From that guy we questioned,” Kara added. She plopped down in the seat behind Rose, stretching out lazily, as if she were going to sleep. She tilted her head back and flashed a wicked smile at Rose. “Nazis don’t deserve pastries.”

  Rose laughed. “Or their left arm,” she said, her brows high, “apparently.”

  Audrey choked on her drink, spitting out a mouthful of water. “What?!”

  Rose and Kara glanced at Audrey—and then exchanged an amused look. “Are you sure you want to know?” Rose said. “With that weak stomach of yours?”

  Audrey wrinkled her nose. “On second thought, no,” she said, returning her attention to the donuts. “I’d rather enjoy these donuts, thank you very much.”

  Kara leaned back in the seat and spread her legs, winking slyly at Rose.

  Involuntarily, Rose’s gaze dropped to Kara’s thighs, her smooth skin and lean muscles covered by thin, black leather. She blushed, quickly shifting her gaze up to Kara’s face. Her blush deepened, as she saw Kara’s smirk. “Comfortable?”

  Kara’s light blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “Not yet,” she murmured, as she leaned forward and grabbed Rose’s hand. She tugged at Rose’s hand, and Rose, caught off-guard, fell ungracefully into her lap. With an amused smile, Kara encircled her arms around Rose’s waist and buried her face into Rose’s long, red hair. “Now,” she said playfully, kissing the shell of Rose’s ear, “I’m comfortable.”

  Rose laughed. She leaned her head against Kara’s shoulder, smiling, as a rush of warmth flowed through her. Mostly affectionate warmth, but…thanks to those kisses that Kara kept pressing against her neck, some of that warmth was a little…less innocent. “Kara,” Rose said, her voice trailing into a soft moan, as Kara nipped at Rose’s neck with her fangs. Rose lowered her voice. “We’re not alone.”

  Audrey glanced up at them, both eyebrows raised. She snorted and rolled her eyes. “I’m an obnoxious artist who likes nude art, casual sex, and loud, angry music,” she scoffed. “I’m not going to be offended by a little bit of gay cuddling.”

  Rose gave her an incredulous look. “Gay cuddling?”

  “Speaking of cuddling,” Audrey said, as she set the box of donuts aside. “Anyone know if Erik’s busy tonight? Is he still with that blonde supermodel?”

  “Supermodel?” Rose repeated. “You mean Alana? She’s dead.”

  “She means Elise,” Kara murmured, her mouth against Rose’s shoulder.

  “Oh,” Rose said. She glanced around the plane, frowning at the seats in the back. “He was back there with Emma, but it looks like Kallias is there, now.”

  “Well, I’m going to the bathroom, before we take off,” Audrey told them, even though they didn’t really need a play-by-play. “If you see Erik, let me know.”

  Rose frowned, as Audrey left. “How are we supposed to let her know?”

  Kara didn’t seem concerned with that. “Are you feeling any better, love?”

  “A little,” Rose said honestly. She turned in Kara’s lap. “I need to plan.”

sp; A smile curved at the corners of Kara’s lips. “Takeoff’s going to be rough tonight. The pilot wants us in our seats. But afterward, I have a surprise for you.”

  “Is it books?” Rose said with an excited smile. “You always bring books.”

  “I did bring books,” Kara said, her light blue eyes sparkling with mischief, “but this surprise is even better.” When Rose gave her a skeptical look, she smiled and said, “The books are above your head, if you want to read until we take off.”

  “Of course I want to read until we take off,” Rose said. She stood and reached into the storage compartment above her head, grabbing a few books. She shuffled them around in her hands, smiling, as she noticed a few of her favorites.

  Meanwhile, Kara moved to one of the long, bench seats—to give herself and Rose more room. Even with an experienced pilot and a jet that was designed for stealth, traveling during a world war was risky, and it took several hours before the pilot was ready to takeoff. Which meant that Rose had plenty of time to read.

  She would’ve preferred to spend that time planning, but after an hour or so of reading, she couldn’t deny that she felt better. It wasn’t just the fact that she loved books that made reading such a comforting activity. It was also the fact that it was so…normal. It was quiet and calm—like water, in a world that was on fire.

  Kara left and returned quite often, consulting with the pilot on when and how to make this flight. It was much more complicated than their last flight, but Kara assured Rose that everything was fine. The pilot was cautious—but capable.

  One of the times that Kara left, Erik came over to disturb Rose’s reading.

  He sat down in the seat in front of Rose and flicked the back of her book to get her attention. “Guess who had sex with two different women tonight?”

  Rose glared at him, over the top of her book—the book he’d just made the mistake of touching. “You did not just interrupt my book to talk about sex.”

  Erik leaned back, crossing his legs. “Of course I did,” he said with a wry grin. “My sex life is way more interesting than whatever bullshit you’re reading.”

  “Blasphemy,” Rose hissed. She returned her attention to the book in her hands, determined to ignore her obnoxious friend, but he, of course, kept talking.

  “First, it was Elise. Then, Audrey,” Erik continued. “I’m on fire tonight.”

  “I’ll set you on fire,” Rose grumbled, as she flipped the page of her book.

  His eyebrows lifted at the threat. “Are you stressed? You seem stressed.”

  “Why would I be stressed?” Rose said. “Who could’ve stressed me out?”

  “Well, there are plenty of reasons you should be stressed,” Erik informed her. “I mean, for one, you’re a nerd with fangs, who’s in way over her head here.”

  Rose lowered her book, her eyes wide. “Thanks, Erik! That really helps.”

  Erik winced at her sarcasm. “Oh, wow. You’re more upset than before.”

  “I wonder why,” Rose grumbled. She returned her attention to her book.

  “Oh, come on. Are you really not going to talk to me? Just because you’re reading?” Erik whined. “Kara talks to you. You don’t get mad when she does it.”

  Kara returned—just in time to hear that. She circled in front of the bench seat, sitting on the other side of Rose. She leaned back against the side of the seat, stretching out her legs across Rose’s lap. “I get special treatment,” she told Erik—looking much too pleased with herself, “because I’m fucking the Commander.”

  Rose lowered her book, shooting a peeved look at Kara—for a couple of reasons, actually—though she only commented on one. “Don’t call me that.”

  Kara flashed a playful smile at her. “Why not? It’s what you are, isn’t it?”

  “What I am,” Rose argued, shooting an irritated look in Erik’s direction, this time, “according to Erik, is a nerd with fangs, who’s in way over her head.”

  “Hey, that’s completely out of context,” Erik said defensively, but Rose had already gone back to ignoring him—in favor of her book. He cringed when he noticed the dangerous look that Kara was giving him. “Please, don’t kill me.”

  Kara sat up, leaning closer to his seat. Her glare melted away, instantly, a wide, wolfish smile taking its place. “Oh, Erik. I’d never kill you. We’re friends.”

  “Best friends,” Erik said, his eyes wide with alarm, “and fellow Vikings.”

  “Of course,” Kara said easily. “And besides, it was only a joke, right?”

  Erik started to relax. “Yeah. Yeah,” he scoffed. “Definitely. Just a joke.”

  Kara held out her hand, offering to shake his hand. “No worries, then.”

  Rose peered over the top of her book, her eyebrows lifting in disbelief, as Erik placed his hand in Kara’s. “I can’t believe you fell for that,” she muttered.

  “Fell for what?” Erik said—just as Kara shoved her dagger into his hand.

  Rose rolled her eyes and returned to reading her book. “Kara,” she said, as Erik cried, “please stop stabbing our friends. We have so few of them, as it is.”


  They did eventually take off, and once they were free to leave their seats, Kara took Rose to see the “surprise,” which was in a room at the front of the plane.

  “Erik’s never going to forgive you,” Rose said, as Kara opened the door.

  “I convinced Princess Uptight to give him a bottle of blood-wine,” Kara told her. Kara grinned, as she leaned against the door. “He’s already forgiven me.”

  “Vikings are weird,” Rose muttered, as she stepped inside the room. She glanced around the small space, frowning at the twin bed and the small desk area.

  “Usually, the pilot or copilot naps in here,” Kara said, “between flights.”

  “Then,” Rose said, turning around to face her, “why are we in here?”

  “Privacy, love,” Kara told her. “I know how you like your privacy.”

  Rose lifted an eyebrow. “You want to have sex? While we’re in the air?”

  “There isn’t a time I don’t have sex with you, sexy,” Kara said with a flirty smirk, “but I actually meant privacy for you to plan.” She waved her hand at the desk. “You’ll need to feed before we land, but for now, you have space to think.”

  A grateful smile curved at Rose’s lips. “A quiet space will help so much.”

  “I thought so,” Kara said. She strode into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Later, though, you’ll need to feed. It’s too dangerous to go into battle without feeding. I know you like privacy for that, so I asked for the room.”

  Rose chewed on her lip nervously. “But what if someone else needs it?”

  “Rose,” Kara said with a laugh, “everyone else is comfortable having sex wherever.” Her eyebrows lifted. “As a matter of fact, most of them already have.”

  Rose grimaced at the reminder. “Yeah, what is it with everyone tonight?”

  “Apocalypse sex,” Kara teased. “We’re not the only ones who enjoy it.”

  “I don’t…” Rose trailed off. Her face reddened. “That’s not what it was.”

  “Mm-hmm,” Kara said. She climbed to her feet. “So, what do you say?”

  “About the planning or the,” Rose paused, her blush deepening, “sex?”

  Kara chuckled. She tilted her head to the side, black and blue hair falling over her right shoulder. “I was just asking if you want to do your planning in here. But since you brought it up…yes, I would like to know if you want to have sex.”

  Rose’s face burned like a furnace. “The bed’s too small, don’t you think?”

  “Oh, Rose,” Kara said seductively. She stepped closer, eliminating what little space had remained between them. “I’ve fucked you in the floor, on a beach, on a sofa, in a shower… You really think the size of the bed is going to stop me?”

  Rose blinked, as her entire body pulsed with arousal. “I need to…plan.”

sp; “Then, plan,” Kara said, spreading out her arms. “I’ll be in bed, waiting.”

  Rose stared blankly at her. “Great. I’m sure that’ll help me concentrate.”


  For the first few hours, Kara practiced with her throwing knives, tossing them up into the air and catching them—while occasionally giving Rose advice—but eventually, she grew bored and found herself watching as Rose worked. Rose was so intense and focused when she worked. She’d lean forward on the edge of her seat. She’d bite her bottom lip, narrow her bright blue eyes, grip her pen a bit harder. Kara loved the way Rose threw herself into things—always full of passion.

  Kara wanted to watch Rose for hours, but she also wanted to drag Rose into bed with her. The longer she did one, the more she wanted to do the other.

  Kara sat up, watching, as Rose opened a book. “What are you reading?”

  “Just taking a short break,” Rose said, “to look over this Skotalian stuff.”

  A jolt of fear shot through Kara’s body. “You took one of their books?”

  “I didn’t steal it,” Rose said with a laugh. “I borrowed it from Zosime.”

  “But,” Kara said, frowning worriedly, “it’s part of the prophecy, isn’t it?”

  Rose’s brows furrowed, as she sensed Kara’s emotions. She turned in her chair, studying the paleness of Kara’s face. “Why would that bother you, Kara?”

  Kara shrugged her shoulders—the action so perfectly relaxed that Rose might’ve believed it, if she hadn’t sensed Kara’s emotions. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  Rose watched her for a moment, frustration winding up inside of her, as she realized that she’d gotten close again—to whatever Kara was hiding from her.

  “I’m just interested. That’s all,” Kara lied. “Did you figure out anything?”

  “I translated a few things, I think, but…nothing important,” Rose sighed.

  “To translate anything, without knowing their language,” Kara said with absolute sincerity, “is impressive.” She smiled. “Rose, you’re brilliant—and sexy.”


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