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Spellbound by My Charmer (Linked Across Time Book 5)

Page 7

by Dawn Brower

  “Do you mind if I rest while we travel?” She leaned her head back against the seat. The soft material was wonderful to the touch and she’d never sat in anything so comfortable. The lull of the car was making her drowsy. “It’s been a long day.”

  “If you push the button on the side of the seat it will lean it back.”

  “Fascinating...” She reached down the seat until she found the button he spoke of. When she pressed her finger to it the seat did indeed incline back. It kept going until she almost fell with it.

  He laughed. “You’re supposed to stop when it reaches where you want it to be.”

  She glared down at the seat and then back at him. “Keep laughing and you’ll regret it later.” Callista peaked over the side to see the button more clearly. It had arrows pointing in opposite directions. She pressed it until it came up a little more and was comfortable to lie back on. “You’re well aware of my lack of knowledge on how these stupid things work. Would it have hurt you to let me know how the blasted thing operated before I made a fool of myself?”

  “My apologies. I’ll make it up to you later?”

  Men. Why did women have to put up with them? What did he believe he could do to make up for the blunder? “We shall see.”

  “Rest up,” he replied and chuckled lightly. “Once we arrive in London we’ll be quite busy.”

  Callista hadn’t really needed his permission to rest, but it was nice to have. She could lay back in comfort with the knowledge he’d leave her in peace. Some people didn’t travel well. It was nice to find out Zane was considerate. If he had been assumptive by letting one room for the night, she’d deal with that problem when it arose. She was accustomed to picking her battles. After the day was done, Zane Rossington would realize she was not a woman to be trifled with.


  Zane pocketed the hotel key and headed back to his car. He’d left Callista in the car while he’d checked them into the hotel. It was more convenient, and he didn’t want her to realize what he’d planned. He reserved a suite, and she might take that the wrong way. While he’d love to take her to bed, he wasn’t a cad who assumed she’d sleep with him. There was a couch in the room he’d gladly sleep on if necessary. He just didn’t like the idea of leaving her alone when she didn’t have a clue how to act in the twenty-first century. Plus, if he was being honest with himself, he wanted to spend some time alone with her. The trip to London was a perfect excuse to do that.

  Zane craved some time away from the obligations of his friends and estate. Bradford and Regina weren’t due to stay too long, but Trenton would be there for an immeasurable amount of time. He had to stay long enough to read and study all of the Seabrook journals. There were several since his ancestors were quite prolific and found a need to write down every damn thing that happened to them. There wouldn’t be a moment of peace at Seabrook for some time.

  He opened the car door and slid inside. Callista was staring out the window with her mouth slightly open. The awe filling her face was palpable. She’d kept saying “Unbelievable” over and over again. The changes in the city were numerous, but some things remained the same. Though the era she’d lived in hadn’t been one of major expansion...Perhaps he’d give her a tour and ask her what she recognized. Through the years, the hotel had been a residence for several different lords. He couldn’t recall which one had held his residence there during Callista’s time—it was an earl if he recalled correctly.

  “How are you doing?” he asked.

  “This is...” She turned to face him. “It’s almost too much. I can’t believe how much everything has changed. It will take a while for me to become accustomed to it all.”

  “That’s to be expected.” He didn’t want her to return to England in the nineteenth century, but he had to ask. “Do you want to find a way back to your time?”

  She shook her head and said with resignation, “There’s nothing there for me. I might as well learn about this time and how to live in it.”

  That was what he’d hoped to hear and had partially expected. Even Trenton realized Lady Marin was never seen again in Regency England, so it made sense she’d decided to remain. There were hints in Dominic Rossington’s journal about what had happened to her, but he wasn’t sure. Zane had read between the lines, so to speak. He’d wanted to meet her ever since he read about her in the journals. She fascinated him beyond belief. He even believed she’d come to Seabrook in his time, but it wasn’t until he met her that he’d started to believe she was meant to come to this time to be with him. The notion was insane, and he wasn’t sure where it stemmed from, but it was there.

  They needed the time in London to explore what might be there between them. He wasn’t a fool. Things wouldn’t blossom overnight, and they wouldn’t discover this happy-ever-after that some people believed it. All he wanted was a chance to see if they had something between them. If he was crazy so be it. She’d think him addlebrained if he mentioned it to her, but they had an undeniable connection. He wouldn’t believe for a minute she didn’t feel it too. While she marveled at the city and all its changes, Zane made plans.

  “I think that’s a wise decision. Are you ready to shop?”

  She nodded. “Yes, please.”

  Zane put the car in drive and headed toward Bond Street. Luxury shops were found in Mayfair, and he intended for her to have the best of the best. She wouldn’t know what a designer label was, but he did. He parked his car and rounded it to open the door for her. Once she was outside, he shut it and hit the lock on his key fob. He held his hand out to her and led her to the first shop. They were greeted immediately.

  “Welcome to Church’s. How may I assist you?”

  “The lady is in need of a new wardrobe. Can you help her find whatever she needs?”

  If it were possible to see dollar signs flashing from a person’s eyes, the sales girl would have had them. Her whole face lit up with a glee that could only be seen on a woman who realized she was in for a hell of a commission. She didn’t know it yet, but Zane was about to make her whole year.

  “Certainly, that would be my pleasure.”

  Zane stopped himself from snorting at her words. The sales girl would no doubt get a lot of pleasure out of making money off of them. This was their first stop, and he intended to take Callista to every shop in Mayfair. He had money, why not spend it. She had nothing but the clothes she’d arrived in. They were not suitable for everyday wear in the twenty-first century. He hadn’t exaggerated on her needing a brand-new wardrobe.

  “Go on with her,” he said. “She can help you figure out what sizes to buy too.”

  “What are you going to do while we shop? It’s unseemly for a man to shop with a woman. Why don’t you go find something at a men’s shop you need?”

  Zane laughed. “I don’t need a thing. In fact,” he said. “I think I’ll browse the shop to see if there is something I’d like for you to try on for me.”

  She raised a brow. “They only sell pre-mades?”

  Ah, Lady Marin was used to custom-made gowns. She’d find out soon enough that didn’t happen unless she was in good with a designer or two. Lucky for her, he was friends with a few and he could talk them into designing a line especially for her, but for now she’d have to lower herself to something off the rack.

  “I’m afraid so, my dear, but they are high quality.” He turned toward the sales girl. “Aren’t they?”

  “Oh, I assure you they are.”

  Callista lifted her chin with a hint of disdain. “I suppose it will have to do for now.”

  Zane wanted to laugh. The girl probably thought Callista was one of the biggest snobs she’d ever encountered. It was good though. The girl wouldn’t think she could walk all over her. The idea of making a big commission could turn the best sales clerks into sharks. Callista hadn’t realized she was setting a precedent with her attitude.

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll help you.” The sales girl gestured toward a display of dresses. “You
’re not sure what size you wear?”

  “No,” she replied. “I’ve always been measured. You’re speaking gibberish.”

  “It must be nice to have clothes tailored to fit you,” she said sardonically. “I can take your measurements and we can go from there.”

  Callista nodded and followed the woman to a dressing room. Zane didn’t hear where their conversation was directed after that. He had a good eye and could guess what would work for the countess. He skimmed some of the evening gowns and picked out a sleek burgundy dress that would fall to her knees. The dress was form fitting and decadent. It was mostly velvet, but had beads sewn into the bodice that sparkled in the light. The dress was perfect for what he had planned. She could wear it out when they went to the theatre. He picked up the dress off the rack and carried it over to the dressing room.

  The sales girl lingered by the dressing room. What was her name? It might be easier to know it so he could dismiss her easily. He just wanted her to leave him the bloody hell alone. He glanced over at her name tag and smiled.

  “Addison,” he said. He smiled and infused every ounce of charm he had into her name as he spoke. If he managed to fluster her enough she’d be more willing to do what he wanted. Sadly, he had a lot of practice at having females at his beck and call.

  “Did you find something for your girlfriend to try on?” Addison leaped to attention. Her eyes appeared to glaze over. Good. In a while, perhaps he would send her on a task of some sort. That way he could secure some alone time with Callista in the dressing room. Wickedness was one of his specialties. She shook her head and asked, “Do you require anything else?”

  Zane almost corrected her and explained Callista wasn’t his, but stopped himself. Why bother? It was easier to let Addison assume he had a more intimate relationship with the countess. “Yes,” he said. “Please have her try this on. I’ll wait over here on the couch.”

  The clerk took the dress and placed it on a hook outside of Callista’s dressing room. She was undoubtedly inside trying on something. Zane had no idea what they’d already decided upon, but couldn’t wait for the show. He wanted to see her in everything.

  “I’m not sure about this,” Callista said. “It’s...”

  “Come out and show me,” Zane demanded. He sat back and waited. If she didn’t come out soon he’d have to go into the dressing room and drag her out. She had no idea what he would dare to do. He wasn’t afraid of taking control of the situation. What could be so bad about what she’d decided to try on first?


  “Yes,” she replied hesitantly.

  “Please show me.”

  After several seconds went by, she stepped out. He sucked in a breath and sat frozen for several agonizing moments. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. She was the loveliest woman he’d ever laid eyes on, and the dress she’d tried on emphasized it in exquisite detail. There wasn’t a chance in hell he’d let her wear it anywhere outside of the store. He’d believed the burgundy dress would be form-fitting, but he was wrong. This dress was the tightest thing he’d ever seen. How the hell had she managed to put it on? What was it made of, lycra?

  “See I told you that you wouldn’t like it,” she exclaimed as she pulled on the fabric. “It’s strange, and I don’t like how tight it is. It makes breathing rather difficult.”

  Zane was growing rather uncomfortable as he watched her yank on the dress. It had to go. In fact, he’d help her remove it. It was the gentlemanly thing to do. Clearly, she was having trouble with it. He rose to his feet and strode to her side. “I believe you’re right, my dear. The dress isn’t you.”


  “Absolutely, not,” he agreed and led her back to the dressing room. He guided her back inside and followed behind her making sure the door shut behind them.

  “I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here,” she said nervously.

  “You could be right,” he agreed. “But who else will help you out of that monstrosity.”

  She lifted her chin and met his gaze. “I believe that woman would have assisted me if I’d needed it.”

  Zane stared down at her. She was delectable. He had to kiss her and see if she tasted as good as she looked. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Her mouth fell open on a gasp, allowing Zane to take advantage. His tongue touched hers and he lost all reason. She wound her arms around his neck, giving him the opportunity to pull her tight against him. The material of the dress bunched up under his hands. He wanted to rip it off of her. It didn’t matter what it cost as long as the offending garment was disposed of. This wasn’t the place to press his suit. Zane stepped back and glanced down at her. Her lips were plump from his attention. It took all of his willpower to step away from her when everything inside of him screamed to kiss her again.

  “Turn around,” he said huskily.

  She tilted her head and said, “Why?”

  “This dress has to go. Surely it has some kind of fastening to remove it.”

  “No,” she replied. “Actually, it doesn’t. All you have to do is pull it over your head. Would you like me to demonstrate?”

  Callista’s hands skimmed the edge of the dress. She licked her lips and held his gaze with her own. Zane swore and clenched his fists. The woman had to be teasing him. His dick had hardened to a painful state, and she thought to toy with him? She wasn’t an innocent and was well versed in how to entice a man. Zane wasn’t an untried lad who could be messed with. She’d understand that soon enough.

  “By all means,” he said. “Show me how it’s done.”

  He didn’t expect her to follow through, but she did. The dress was slowly lifted until tiny panties and a flat stomach kept his gaze riveted. Surely she’d stop—nope, she kept going and yanked the offending garment over her head. She let it hit the floor with a thud. Her breasts were hugged by pale pink lace that barely kept them contained. Zane itched to touch them.

  “You want me,” she said.

  God, yes. “What was your first clue?”

  She stepped closer to him and caressed his cock in the palm of her hand. Zane hissed at her touch. It was pure torture, and he didn’t want her to stop. If she kept up her ministrations he’d be the one begging. How had he not realized what a temptress she was?

  “This was a good start,” she replied.

  “If you keep that up I’m going to ravish you in this room.”

  She licked her lips and smiled. “What’s stopping you?”

  Zane stopped fighting his instincts and pulled her back into his arms. His lips met hers in a heated kiss that seared through him. He’d have kept kissing her until they were both writhing in pleasure—if he’d not been interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Is everything all right in there?”

  The string of words he let loose made Callista blush, and he’d thought she’d have heard it all before then. “We’ll have to continue this later.”

  “I’m holding you to that.”

  Zane stepped back and exited the dressing room. He ignored the look the sales clerk gave him and sat back on the couch. It would be a long day, and his dick wasn’t going to give him any peace the entire time. He did his best to adjust himself so no one else would notice his predicament, but he feared there was no helping his current state.


  Zane led Callista up to their room at the Chesterfield. It had been an amazing day. He’d taken her to the Prince Edward Theatre to see Aladdin. The burgundy dress had fit her as he’d imagined it would, but he was desperate to remove it. She’d teased him all day, and he was ready to crack.

  “Did you enjoy the show?”

  “It was amazing,” she said. “I’ve read a story that was similar, but never imagined it could be acted. The different acts were so engaging. I’d love to go to the theatre again.”

  “I’ll be happy to take you whenever you wish.” He slid his key into the lock and pushed open the door. “After you, my lady.”

  She laughed and ente
red the room. “This had been lovely. I’m starting to like being in this time. It is much more relaxed. I’m not so foolish as to think I don’t have anything to learn, but I’m glad I’m here.”

  Zane wanted to rip her dress off, but he had more control than to pounce on her. They’d been dancing around each other all day and most of the evening. He believed he’d read the signs correctly. God, he hoped he had.

  “I’m rather glad you’re here too,” he said and stalked toward her. “Please, tell me you want the same thing I do.”

  “That depends,” she replied. “Do you want to tumble in that bed and love me all night long?”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “That is exactly what I want.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” She lifted her hand and beckoned him to her with her finger. “Come and show me how much you want me.” Callista turned around and reached behind her. She started to unzip her dress but stopped when it reached her shoulder blades. “Finish it,” she demanded.

  Zane stepped toward her and slowly drew the zipper down. The cut on her shoulder was healing nicely. They hadn’t had to use more than an adhesive bandage on it when the doctor examined her. Whatever had nicked her skin hadn’t gone in deep. She hadn’t been too forthcoming with the details and he hadn’t wanted to push. He assumed it was something to do with how she traveled to him and when the time was right she’d explain it all.

  He trailed kisses on her shoulder and down her back as he made progress. When it reached the bottom, he pushed it down and let it pool at her feet. She stepped out of it and turned toward him. She was so beautiful.

  “It’s your turn,” she said. “Lose your clothes.”

  He wanted to shed them in record speed, but if he did their first time would go by too quickly. If he took the time to slowly undress he could control himself and make it so much better for them both. Savoring her would be worth the effort. With deliberate and careful precision, he untied his tie and tossed it over his shoulder. Then he undid each button with calculated movements. When Callista’s breathing hitched, his lips tilted into a wicked smile. She liked watching him undress. Once all the buttons were undone he peeled the shirt off and tossed it in the opposite direction of his tie. Zane stalked forward, kicking off his shoes and socks as he neared her.


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