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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 33

by Mj Fields

  ���I wish you recorded it too, because you���re certainly not living up to your end of that conversation. Actually, you���re acting like a crazy ex,��� Lucas hissed.

  ���And you just shattered my already broken heart,��� Tessa said.

  ���Anything else, Tessa?���

  ���Drive safe when you come home��� asshole,��� she whispered softly.

  ���Will do. Is that it?���


  ���Then let���s have it. Come on, TT. Let me have it,��� Lucas breathed out.

  ���I love you,��� she cried.

  ���Damn it, Tessa.��� She heard him take a deep breath. ���Goodbye.���

  * * *

  Lucas walked into the bathroom and knelt down and breathed deeply, this is what it feels like he thought. The tearing pain that would not go away. This is what heartbreak felt like sober. It sucked.

  * * *

  Tessa fell asleep before the guys came home. She woke up screaming at 2:30 and Ben came in. ���Tessa wake up sweetheart,��� he picked her up and rocked her, she hugged him and kissed him. ���I���m sorry,��� she repeated over and over again. He started to sing to her and she relaxed. He put her down and she began to cry.

  ���Please don���t go. She needs you,��� Kendall said. He sat her up and laid her head on his chest and he played with her hair and sang to her until he fell asleep.

  * * *

  Ben woke up in the morning and looked at he. ���Hey, Tess,��� he said. ���Good morning.���

  She jumped up. ���Hello,��� she said. ���I���m sorry.���

  ���From what I understand, it comes with the territory,��� Ben smiled.

  ���Did I… I mean, can you tell me what happened?���

  He told her what she did and said, and that he had sang to her.

  ���What did you sing?��� she asked, curious.

  ���Small Town, a Pearl Jam song,��� Ben laughed.

  ���I love that song.���

  ���Well, maybe we need to try music at night,��� Ben suggested. ���Maybe you could start that when I leave. I kind of like kissing you.���

  ���Kind of?���

  ���By the end of the week, I hope to know what it���s like when you���re awake.���

  ���You know I am a train wreck, right?���

  ���So you keep telling me,��� Ben smiled. ���We can fix that. What time do you have to be at school?���

  ���Eight, why?���

  Ben laughed. ���It���s seven fifteen.���

  ���Where is Alex?��� she asked as she ran out the door.

  Ben followed her down the stairs. ���I assume in the woods. Get ready; I will take you there.���

  Tessa showered and got dressed. She quickly put on some make up and brushed her teeth. She was drying her hair when Ben walked in. She smiled and flipped her hair over to dry the back. Ben sat on the floor and fed her fruit.

  When she was done drying her hair, she went to put it in a ponytail.

  ���Are you crazy,��� Ben said. ���Leave it down, Tess. It���s gorgeous.��� He ran his hand through it. Ben took her hand, walked out of the bathroom, into the kitchen and grabbed the bagel and water bottle off the counter, ���Let���s get you to school.���

  He opened the door for her and shut it behind her. Ben jumped in and drove down the road. He told her to eat the bagel and she did. He pulled in the school, jumped out, opened the door for her and hugged her.

  ���Whore,��� Sadi sneered as she walked by.

  ���Good at it,��� Tessa yelled to her.

  ���Really?��� Ben said, laughing.

  ���No, not really. Ben, you should know I have kissed two guys, and well now three, although I don���t remember your kiss. I have never even had sex,��� she said. ���So no I am not a whore, but if that���s what she needs to think, then I will let her.���

  ���What���s her name?��� Ben asked. She told him. ���Hey, Sadi!��� he yelled ���Check this out!���

  Ben pulled Tessa into him and pulled her hair gently back and kissed her. Slow soft kisses. His lips tasted like mint, and he was a damn good kisser. He didn���t stop either; he kissed her until she felt dizzy. She kissed him back, and he moaned, then pulled away.

  ���Nice, Tess,��� he said. Ben pulled her back to him and kissed her again ���Do you have to go to school or can you stay home and do that with me all day?��� he asked breathlessly.

  ���Ben, that was������ She smiled. ���I have to go to school.���

  ���When are you done?���

  * * *

  She walked into school as she sent Lucas a message

  - kissed the boy while I woke screaming last night, you weren���t there. Kissed the boy when he dropped me off at school today, you weren���t there. Probably tonight when I scream I���ll be thinking of you and do more than kiss the boy. That should make you very happy. And maybe by then I won���t hurt each time I kiss the boy because I am missing you.

  Lucas read the message and felt just as he knew he should, like someone had kicked him in the heart.

  * * *

  Ben pulled in to pick up Tessa after school. He was leaning against the truck, waiting for her, when Sadi walked out. ���You���re Tessa���s new friend?��� Sadi asked him.

  Ben narrowed his eyes and smiled. ���You the bitch that was talking shit to her this morning?���

  ���Well, that wasn���t very nice,��� Sadi smiled.

  ���You don���t seem like the type that nice, Sadi is it?��� Ben said, looking past her for Tessa.

  ���I prefer bitch, thank you. What���s your name?��� she laughed.

  ���I prefer that you leave her alone, and that���s none of your business,��� Ben sneered.

  ���The farm girl seems to get all in my business, so I am just returning the favor,��� she smiled. ���Lucas is my business. Keep her away from him and I just may leave her alone.���

  ���Lucas is a big boy. I think he can take care of himself,��� Ben said, finally looking at her.

  She rubbed her belly. ���In a few short months, he���ll be taking care of more than just himself.���

  ���Oh, now I see; you���re pregnant?��� Ben chuckled.

  ���Yep, and he and I will be happy as long as you take care of the trash,��� Sadi said.

  ���You know, that���s no way to keep a guy,��� he said.

  ���Well, now that���s none of your business, is it?��� Sadi smiled.

  ���Hey Ben, is she bugging you?��� Tessa called from behind Sadi.

  ���No Tess, she isn���t. I feel sorry for her skank ass though. And even more sorry for our friend Lucas,��� Ben laughed.

  He grabbed her bag and kissed her cheek.

  ���You ready to go?���

  ���Oh, look at you two; someday you���ll probably be raising pigs together on that farm of yours,��� Sadi said.

  ���And you���ll be living with your Momma in a dump with a baby that Lucas didn���t want as he ruins his life for a bitch like you.��� Tessa opened the door to get in.

  Sadi grabbed her hair and scratched at her face. Ben pulled Sadi off of her. ���Get in, Tess, she isn���t worth it,��� he said as he carried Sadi over to the girls standing and watching it all go down. ���You ladies want
to take care of this shit?��� he set her down next to the crowd of cheerleaders.

  Ben opened the back door of his truck and grabbed a First Aid kit. He wiped the blood off Tessa���s face. It was very close to her eye, and she tensed up as he dabbed at the wound. ���Sorry Tess, just don���t want to see you catch whatever it is that rabid bitch may have,��� Ben said as he cleaned her up.

  Ben got in the truck and pulled her over to him. He kissed her face where Sadi had scratched her. ���Thanks, Ben.���

  ���So you and Lucas broke up because that nasty thing is pregnant?���

  ���She told you?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Yep, like it was some sort of victory,��� Ben said. ���Damn, I feel sorry for that kid, and for Lucas.���

  ���Me too,��� she said softly.

  ���Is he sure she���s pregnant?��� Ben asked as they approached the stop sign.

  ���What do you mean? He had sex with her, and I guess she showed him a test,��� Tessa said.

  ���I mean has he been to the doctor with her?���

  ���No I don���t think so.���

  ���As crazy as her ass is, I can���t believe he slept with her. And as smart as he seems, he should have more proof than a damn stick that she may or may not have pissed on.���

  He pulled into the driveway and jumped out and opened her door. He kissed her head. ���You wanna go to camp and see what I got today?��� he asked, smiling.

  ���Does it have horns?��� she asked.

  ���No, spots and a pacifier still in its mouth,��� Ben laughed as she smacked him.

  ���Then no,��� she said as she stomped in the house.

  ���When do you get home tonight?��� Ben called after her.

  ���About nine!���

  ���See you then,��� Ben yelled. ���Hot tub date?���

  ���I���m mad at you, remember?���

  ���You���ll get over it,��� Ben said.

  * * *

  Tessa walked inside and texted Lucas.

  - you need to come home and put that bitch on a leash���Tessa

  She fixed her hair and took off her sweater, then took a picture of her face and sent it to him.

  Two minutes later her phone rang.

  ���Who did that to you, ba���Tessa?���


  ���Are you okay?��� he asked. He sounded angry.

  ���No,��� she swallowed hard.

  ���What happened, Tessa?��� His tone much softer than before.

  She was quiet and he could tell she was trying to calm herself down. He waited for her reply.

  She told him what happened. ���Lucas, have you gone to the doctor with her?���

  ���No, why?��� Lucas asked confused.

  ���What if she���s not really pregnant?���

  ���Tessa, I wish that were true.���

  ���Okay, well, I just think you should,��� she suggested softly.

  ���You going to be okay?���

  ���Are you?���

  ���I have to be and so do you.���

  ���Ok, then. I miss you and I���m sorry for the other day. Can you please come home?��� she asked softly.

  ���I will see you soon, Tessa. Goodbye.���

  * * *

  Tessa woke from a nap to find Ben standing in her doorway.

  ���Hey, Tess,��� Ben said from the doorway. ���You asleep?���

  ���I was.���

  ���No hot tub then?��� Ben asked and smiled.

  She raised her eyebrow at him. ���Not with a Bambi killer.���

  Ben laughed. ���Hey, I made you a CD,��� he said. ���You know, to help you sleep.���

  ���Come in, Bambi slayer.��� She patted the bed.

  He walked in and popped it in her CD player, ���We can set it up on your iPod tomorrow.���

  ���No, let���s do it now.��� She got up, and they walked downstairs.

  ���Hey Tessa, did Ben tell you he got a six point today?��� Alex asked.

  ���No, he told me he killed Bambi.���

  ���Your sister���s hot when she���s pissed. I couldn���t help myself,��� Ben admitted. They all laughed.

  They downloaded the disk and set it up on her iPod. The boys ate and went to bed. Tessa put in her earplugs and lay on the couch. She smiled at the music; it was very soft and sweet. She switched to the Lucas playlist and cried softly as she listened to the last two he had added, remembering the beautiful day they spent and the words she wished he had never said to her.

  * * *

  Tessa woke up and looked around, Lucas was sitting at the foot of the couch with her feet resting on them. In her dream, she sat up and he looked at her. She crawled on his lap and touched his face. She kissed him and he kissed her back. She took off his shirt and kissed his chest. She moved back to his lips. She whispered, ���Don���t wake up Tessa,��� over and over between kisses. She took his hands and placed one on her back and held the other to her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She smelled him. ���I love you, Lucas,��� she whispered as she kissed his neck. ���Run away with me.��� She kissed his chest and lay against him. ���I love you. Please don���t ever leave me again.��� Her tears fell onto his chest.


  The week at school flew and Friday night the hunters started pulling in. Jade, Tessa, and Phoebe, made all sorts of food for them to graze on. Tessa always loved the weekend before shotgun season; they played cards and listened to music and listened to the men tell their tall tales. Ben and his father were the last to show up, ���Hello Tess,��� Ben said smiling.

  ���Hey Ben, how was your trip up?��� Tessa asked, as she cut up carrots.

  ���Well worth it,��� Ben said softly, smiling.

  Tessa���s phone chimed and she pulled it out of her pocket

  - Damn Tessa could you at least look at the poor guy? This is painful to watch…LYA ���LL

  She laughed and looked around for Lucas. He winked at her and texted her again.

  - Let���s see your moves girl���LYA���LL

  She looked back at Ben. ���Sorry about that,��� she said, smiling at him. He wore an under armor shirt, gray long sleeves, loose fitting jeans, and a gray knit cap that had a few loose light brown curls escaping the cap. Ben���s eyes were brown with gold flecks, his lips full and very pink. His skin was perfect, and he was tall and built. ���Look at you, out of that football uniform and all grown up.���

  - much better Tessa Ross���LYA���LL

  ���So I brought my bow,��� Ben said rubbing his head. ���Want to take a walk?���

  ���It���s kind of dark out, don���t you think?���

  ���Uh- huh,��� he smiled, flashing his perfect teeth and a deep dimple she had not noticed until now.

  ���You want to shoot in the dark?��� Tessa asked, confused.

  ���Not really,��� he laughed, ���but I do need to grab some more stuff out of my truck. Walk with me.��� He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door.

  Ben had his arms full and Tessa carried nothing, she held the door for him. They were laughing when they walked in. Lucas stopped paced the floor when they return.

  ���Do you play pitch, Ben?��� Tessa asked as he sat his bags on the counter.

  ���Sounds super fun, Tessa. Can I
play?��� Lucas asked, grinning obnoxiously.

  ���Of course,��� she said. They sat at one of the tables and Becca joined them. Ben sat next to Tessa and Lucas across from her.

  ���So Ben,��� Lucas said, ���do you have a girlfriend?���

  ���No,��� Ben smiled at Tessa, seemingly oblivious to who may be watching him.

  ���Okay, so we all know how to play right?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Nicely.��� Ben smiled at her.

  ���Of course. Lucas will be my partner and Becca will be yours, got it?��� Tessa asked as she dealt the cards.

  ���Ben, have you ever had a girlfriend?��� Lucas asked in a serious tone.

  ���A few. How about you?��� Ben asked smirking.

  Tessa laughed. ���A few as well, huh, Lucas?���

  ���Not really. Only dated two, just fucked the others,��� he said ���two to you Ben, how long did you date your girlfriends?���

  Ben laughed, ���Um let���s see one for a year and the others for about six months.���

  ���Did you have sex with them,��� Lucas asked.

  ���Yes actually. Sorry no pictures or videos to share,��� Ben laughed.

  Tessa laughed and looked at Lucas. What was he doing? Then she realized this was who Lucas wanted people to see. He even acted this way when they first met. It was him shield.

  ���You play basketball?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Yep, love the game,��� Ben smiled. ���And you?���

  ���Football is my thing,��� he said and smiled back, ���But I think you already know that.���

  ���I do, So Tessa, are you playing any winter sports?��� Ben asked.

  ���Nope, I am up to my elbows in Evita,��� she smiled.

  ���Come again?��� Ben laughed.

  Tessa looked at Lucas and grinned. ���It���s our school musical.���


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