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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 62

by Mj Fields

  ���Really is that all you want me for?��� he snapped.

  She burst out laughing. ���Did YOU really just ask me that?��� she laughed harder.

  He shook his head and looked down, Lucas ran his fingers nervously through his hair, and he laid back on her squishing her into the bed.

  ���So Sunday night after you dropped me off and left me completely out of my mind wanting you,��� she said dramatically as she tried to reach further down. He pulled her hands up to his chest, ���I went downstairs after we were done texting,��� she pinched his nipple and licked the back of his neck.

  He held her hand flat to him and she bit him on the neck lightly and didn���t let go as she kept talking, ���I looked out the kitchen window and guess who was making out in the hot tub?���

  ���I don���t know, who?��� he pouted.

  ���My parents,��� she laughed into his neck.

  ���Seriously,��� he chuckled and turned towards her.


  ���So my little Tessa doesn���t want to cause waves?��� he said and rolled off of her.

  ���No, I don’t.���

  ���And that���s why you don���t want to go away with me?���

  ���Not right now,��� she said. ���I want to see where this leads them with as little curveballs thrown at them as possible, and then I would love to. You and me laying on the beach all day and playing all night. Yes, Lucas, I would love to. I���m not going to make you wait though, take Ryan before school starts.���

  ���No, I want to go with you, I can wait,��� he kissed her.

  This time was slow, gentle, sweet and amazing with lots of tender deep kissing. She stopped him and pulled off the condom.

  ���We don���t need this anymore,��� she kissed him.


  They went downstairs, and he grabbed some food out of the fridge. He walked outside and grilled salmon. She made a salad and sat watching him cook.

  ���Can I tell you some plans I have floating around in my head?���

  He popped a cherry tomato in his mouth and shook his head yes.

  ���Ok, on Monday there is a class that starts it���s for a month; it is from four until six. I want to take it, Jade wants to as well, I start working the next Monday from seven until three. Can you talk me through what to do?���

  ���Well, why do you need to take classes this summer?���

  ���To get my prerequisites done for nursing school,��� she said still avoiding eye contact.

  ���You want to be a nurse?���

  ���Yes, it���s a three- year program. If I want to do something else after I can, but I think it���s a good thing.���

  ���Would you consider a college up near SU?���

  She smiled, ���After the first semester here. Jade will have had the baby and then���Yes.���

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her up, ���Then would you consider getting a place with me?���

  ���Uh huh,��� Tessa smiled looking up at him.

  He kissed her, ���Then let���s do it.���

  Lucas worked Monday through Friday from six until about 4:30; he was planning to stay later some nights to try to avoid working Saturdays. Tessa would work from seven until three and then to class from four until six. She would stop at his house on her way home at least three nights a week, the other two would be devoted to wedding preparation. Weekends they would spend together. She had the last two weeks of the summer off so she would help her Dad when she could and they were hopeful that if the job he was running went well they would have at least a week before he left for school. A couple weekend trips would be in the works with the six of them.


  John, Alex, Tessa, and Lucas walked into Ben���s party. It was a much bigger bash than theirs had been. There was drinking and Limo���s to give rides to those who may have had too much to drink. Ben���s house was much different from Tessa imagined. His was as big as Lucas���s father���s house, on the outside it looked like an old barn built in the woods. There was a huge patio area with a stage. Out further was a pond. It was breathtakingly beautiful. It sat on about thirty acres. Ben was an only child and to meet him you would never guess he was so privileged.

  ���Nice place, Ben,��� Lucas shook his hand.

  ���Thanks for coming, hey Tess��� he hugged her and he hugged the rest of her family as well.

  There was a band playing and people everywhere were dancing. Tessa saw Lauren and went up to say hello. The girls she stood with whispered and looked her up and down. Then they checked out Lucas. It was painfully obvious they thought he was good looking.

  ���Hello Lauren,��� she hugged her.

  Lauren gave her a half hug. ���Long trip, isn���t it?��� she smiled politely as if she had to.

  ���It was nice, actually,��� Tessa said.

  She watched the girls staring at Lucas, and he noticed because his eyes bore into Tessa.

  ���Hey baby want to come dance with me?��� he kissed her.

  ���Of course,��� she smiled and followed him.

  ���That was very awkward.���

  ���Yes, I noticed��� he smiled and put his arm around her.

  ���Did you see those girls checking you out? I thought they were going to attack you.���

  ���Yeah. Again��� awkward.���

  The band played about three slow songs, and they danced and looked at each other the whole time. They walked off the floor hand in hand.

  ���You guys want a drink?��� Ben asked.

  ���Sure, show us where,��� Lucas smiled.

  He pointed over to the Red tent.

  ���Do you shoot horseshoes?��� he asked Lucas.

  ���No, never have.���

  ���Good��� meet me down there so I can kick your ass Links,��� he smiled.

  Lucas looked at Tessa and gave her a big obnoxious smile, ���Sounds fun!���

  They got drinks and walked down to the horseshoe pits.

  ���How about you and Tessa against Lauren and I?��� Ben asked.

  ���Sure, why not?��� Lucas smiled.

  ���We don���t have to,��� Tessa whispered.

  ���You any good?���

  ���I strive to be good at everything I do;��� she grabbed his butt and winked.

  Tessa gave him the short version of how the game was played.

  ���Come on Ross,��� Ben said.

  ���You will be here with Lauren,��� she said and smiled and kissed him.

  She walked down and stood next to Ben.

  ���You ready to get your ass kicked, Ross?���

  ���No, are you?���

  ���Ladies first,��� he smiled.

  She threw, and the first was a ringer, the next two yielded one point.

  Ben shot and knocked her ringer off and got two more points.

  ���Oh, that���s too bad, Tess,��� he laughed.

  ���Just warming up Ben.���

  Lauren shot first, and her girls were there cheering her on. Lucas looked at Tessa and rolled his head. A blonde friend of Lauren���s stood behind Lucas giving him tips and was checking out his ass and not trying to hide it at all. Before his third throw, she grabbed his hips and gave him instructions on his stance. He didn���t smile, he looked at Tessa. Tessa was getting annoyed. Lucas hit a ringer, and the blonde hugged him.

  ���Is that bugging you, Tess?
��� Ben asked.

  ���No, I think he can handle himself.��� She hit two ringers and smiled, ���Your turn Ben.���

  The blonde brought Lucas a beer, and he thanked her. Ben hit one and got a couple more points. He set the beer down when he picked up the shoes. Lauren shot gaining no points. Lucas hit one ringer, and the fan club checking out his ass grew. They all took the opportunity to congratulate him.

  Tessa picked up the horseshoes and Ben picked up his.

  ���Shoot girl,��� he smiled.

  She hit two ringers again and got another point. Ben hit two as well.

  Lauren shot one and missed. Tessa had to jump to avoid it. Her next throw she got a point. Tessa smiled at her, she rolled her eyes at Tessa.

  ���Ben��� you like this girl?���

  ���She���s fun for now,��� he nudged her.

  Her next throw hit Tessa in the toe and she started bleeding. Lucas quickly ran down.

  ���You okay, Baby?���

  ���I will be as soon as we win��� she smiled, and he knew she was pissed.

  He kissed her quickly on the cheek and whispered in her ear, ���Anytime you want we can go.���

  ���I���m good, just wondering if I may be the last sane woman on the planet.���

  The game continued.

  ���Oops��� sorry Tessa!��� Lauren yelled down.

  ���I���d be done with that shit if I were you,��� Tessa said loudly to Ben.

  ���Really why?���

  ���Cause she did that on purpose,��� Tessa growled.

  ���I don’t think so Tess.���

  ���Alright, your call but check her out Ben: she and the group molesting my boyfriend���s ass with their eyes ��� are a bunch of bitches.���

  He laughed ���Alright, I will.���

  Tessa shot three ringers and smiled. Ben shot two, and his third hit one of hers off.

  All three of Lauren���s had to be dodged by Tessa.

  ���She usually suck that bad, Ben?���

  ���Nope, sorry Tess,��� he said, ���I���ll handle it.���

  ���Not if I do first,��� she sneered.

  ���Hothead, I will take care of it.���

  Lucas ended the game. The blonde grabbed him and planted one on him. He pushed her away, ���Not cool, bitch.���

  Tessa started storming down after her and Ben grabbed her and looked at Lucas, ���You got this?���

  ���Lauren ��� what���s wrong with you?���

  ���Her!��� she yelled.

  ���She���s my friend Lauren and was invited. Unlike the trash you brought with you,��� he said. ���That shit was not cool. We���re done, and you���re leaving.���

  ���Hey, Tessa you happy?��� she yelled ���You can have him now!���

  ���Lauren she doesn���t want me, she���s in love with Lucas, and she���s my good friend. Now could you please not cause a scene?���

  She glared at Tessa and Tessa flipped her off.

  ���That is a naughty finger��� Lucas laughed kissing it he picked her up.

  ���Sorry about this Lucas,��� she said, ���I can walk.���

  ���Maybe I want to carry you��� he kissed her.

  ���Hello Tess��� Ben���s Mom said, ���What happened to your foot, honey?��� she asked as she grabbed the first aid kit out of the cupboard.

  ���Horseshoe injury��� she smiled, ���But we won, so it was all worth it.��� she laughed.

  Lucas cleaned her toe.

  ���Oh Tess��� that���s right on your nail bed, does it throb?��� she asked.

  ���Yes��� she smiled.

  ���Here take a couple of these,��� she said and gave her some pain meds. ���I hope you don���t lose that nail Tess.���

  ���I better not ��� I won���t be able to wear flip flops or any open toed shoes. That���ll piss me off���Oh sorry.���

  ���No, I would be pissed off too��� she laughed.

  Ben walked in, ���You okay girl?��� he grabbed her foot. ���Ouch,��� he went to kiss it and stopped. ���Shit, sorry.���

  Lucas smiled, ���Forgiven.���

  ���Tess she���s gone and so are the girls. What did you say about them, the group that���s molesting your boyfriend���s ass with their eyes?��� He laughed and Lucas chuckled. ���They won���t be back; I had a car take them home.���

  ���What happened Benjamin?��� his mother asked.

  ���Lauren and her girls acted like freaks,��� he laughed. ���Tess told me she thought it was on purpose. I didn���t think she was like that until Tess had to dodge the next three. I should have seen it. I���m sorry.���

  ���If the world would just realize how right I am all the time it would all be perfect��� she giggled.

  Lucas looked at her, ���You okay?���

  ���Tired Lucas,��� she yawned and started giggling.

  ���Okay let’s go outside and sit.���

  ���Mom what did you give her for the pain?��� Ben asked his mom.

  ���Hold on let me check��� her eyes widened, ���Tylenol with codeine I grabbed the wrong bottle, I am sorry. No wonder she���s tired.���


  ���Let me go explain myself to John,��� she said.

  ���Ben be nice to your Mom. I can’t feel the pain anymore��� she smiled as she scolding him and laughed.

  ���Alright baby ��� let’s go,��� Lucas carried Tessa out.

  * * *

  ���Is she okay?��� John asked Lucas.


  ���You want to take her home or stick around here?��� he asked.

  ���I can wait although if we leave now we will be home before midnight,��� he said looking at Tessa.

  ���Alright, I���d like to stick around for a few more hours. Can you stay with her till I get home?���

  ���Sure,��� Lucas said.

  ���No hands policy at my house Lucas remember,��� John said.

  ���I do,��� Lucas said.

  ���You two taking off?��� Ben asked when John left.

  ���Yep, she won���t be any fun for a few hours anyway,��� he lifted her arm and shook it with absolutely no response from her.

  ���Alright sorry Lucas.���

  ���Not your fault. Trust me I know all about crazy ex���s,��� he laughed.

  ���Yeah, I remember��� Ben smiled, ���Sorry about everything you all have been through, been a rough year for you, Lucas.���

  ���Can I ask you a question Ben?���

  ���Shoot,��� Ben sat down.

  ���Do you want Tessa?���

  ���Not now.���

  ���What���s that supposed to mean?��� Lucas asked confused.

  ���I don���t share, do you?���

  ���I would never with her.���

  ���Then you have nothing to worry about. Take care of her, she���s an awesome girl. By the way, nice ring��� he patted Lucas on the back.

  ���Ben, thank you for being there for her that night.���

  ���Links��� I think we���re having a moment.��� Ben chuckled, ���I
f she loves you like she says, I hope things work out for you. And your boy Tommy was a great guy. I���m sorry for your loss man.��� He hugged Lucas and Lucas hugged him back.

  Tessa opened her eyes, ���Awe you two are hugging. I love you both, by the way, Ben��� she smiled ���I told Lucas everything, do you know I am going to marry Lucas someday, soon? Lucas can we go to your house I want to show you that outfit and the whip.��� she laughed and fell back to sleep.

  ���Wow,��� Ben chuckled.

  ���Alright then, we���ll be leaving, take care man.���

  * * *

  They pulled into the farm, and Tessa sat up.

  ���Hey, Lucas we���re home?���


  He opened her door and grabbed her hand and helped her out.

  ���My stomach���s not feeling so well.���

  ���You haven���t eaten all day, let���s go get you something.���

  Tessa grabbed saltines out of the cupboard and ate a few.

  ���That’s a little better,��� she hugged Lucas.

  He warmed up some leftover soup.

  ���That’s going to piss me off.���

  ���What baby?���

  ���My toenail falling off��� she pouted.

  ���It might not and if it does, there are bandages,��� he smiled and handed her soup.

  She drank it from the cup, ���Thank you.���

  She watched as he ate his and smiled at him, he smiled back.

  ���You want to go upstairs?���

  ���No hands policy, Tessa.���

  ���Then I will tie them up,��� she smiled and walked up the stairs.

  Tessa took a bandana and tied his hands above his head to her headboard.

  She laughed, ���What to do what to do?��� she said walking around looking at him, ���I pick you, every time, my favorite toy to play with.���

  ���Tessa, then play baby��� his voice was gruff.

  ���You are all tied up, you don���t have a say,��� she laughed and looked at him.


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