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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 65

by Mj Fields

  ���You���re not angry?��� he asked.

  ���No, not angry.���

  ���Ok, are you upset? Truth Tessa?���

  They got in his SUV, and he looked at her.

  ���Okay, I���m just concerned and wonder why you never talk about it Lucas, I didn���t know you had a boy or that you buried him. Lucas I don���t want to push, and this was all before, so I feel like I shouldn���t even ask. I just wish, no��� it���s okay Lucas.��� she smiled.

  ���Okay Tessa, his name is David, he���s buried in Lansing. I���ve been there three times, but I pass the cemetery every day. He was one pound seven ounces and twelve inches long. In a very tiny box, he was buried, and he wore a little sleeper. Nothing would fit, and we wanted him to be warm and not just wrapped in a damn blanket. At the service were my parents and Audrianna and Sadi���s mother. It was short and very, very, sad. I don���t like to think about it, I don���t like to talk about it. He wasn���t alive when he was born; in fact, he was dead before I even got to the hospital. I���m not mad Tessa, but I need to know that I���ve answered all of your questions.��� He looked up, and tears were falling down her face. ���Now I���m going to drop you off at your Jeep, and I would love you to come to my house��� but if you don���t want to, I can understand.���

  ���Lucas you don���t have to drop me off, you can on your way to work in the morning. I want to be with you now, but I don���t want you to drive home alone.��� She kissed his face. ���I love you,��� she said and kissed him again.

  They walked into his room, and he dropped the bags. She went into the bathroom and ran a bath. She walked out, and he sat on the bed with his head in his hands. She bent down and grabbed his hand, led him into the bathroom and undressed him. She pointed towards the bath.

  ���Get in please Lucas.���

  She undressed and lit a few candles. She sat facing him and washed him and kissed every part she cleaned. She washed his hair and sat on his lap and kissed him.

  ���God, I love you Tessa.���

  ���I love you Lucas.���

  When they were finished, they walked out. She texted Alex,

  - hey very rough night, can you cover for me?... LT

  - yep��� Alex

  ���Can I stay with you tonight?���

  He lifted the covers and smiled, ���You can stay every night, Tessa.���

  They held each other until they fell asleep.


  Ryan and Jade drove into town. His hand stayed on her belly as TJ danced. She stared at him the entire way home; he didn���t put his hat on to cover his eyes. They pulled into her driveway, and her Dad���s truck was still not there. He got out and opened the door and held her hand as she stepped out. She smiled nervously.

  ���Thank you, Ryan.���

  They walked to the door, and she fumbled around her bag for her keys.

  ���Damn it,��� she said.

  He reached up above the door for their spare and found it and unlocked the door.

  ���That thing has been there for years. You two should find a new place for it,��� he laughed.

  ���Will you come in?��� Jade asked.

  ���If you want me to,��� he said looking down.

  She walked in and stopped to take her shoes off and stood up at the same time he did. They bumped heads.

  ���Ouch,��� she laughed.

  ���You okay?��� he rubbed her head.

  She closed her eyes, and he looked at her.

  ���I am��� are you?��� she said quietly.

  ���Yes,��� he whispered lifting her chin, and he kissed her.

  She opened her mouth to him, and he cautiously entered her mouth, her tongue quickly met his and she moaned. She wrapped his arms around her waist and slowly walked to the couch. He sat down bringing her on top of him. She straddled his lap and moaned.

  ���Jade��� he whispered.

  She pulled back and looked at him, and she smiled.

  ���You���re so beautiful,��� he said, and she kissed him again.

  They stopped kissing to breathe. They looked at each other and smiled. She kissed him again and felt him beneath her, she kissed him harder and took his hand and brought it to her breast. He didn���t move his hand but could feel the hard center beneath it. She pushed into him. He pulled his head back and moved his hand.

  ���You���re not ready for this Jade, we need to slow down.���

  ���I don’t want to,��� she kissed him.

  He pulled back.

  ���Ryan, you won’t get me pregnant.���

  ���Jade, slowdown, please,��� he picked her up and sat her beside him.

  She was all of the sudden embarrassed.

  ���Oh God, I���m sorry,��� she said hiding her face.

  He rubbed her black hair.

  ���Don���t be, I just know you are so full of emotions and probably have crazy hormone things going on. I really want you Jade; I have for a very long time. But I won���t take advantage of that.���

  ���Ryan. Rub my belly, please��� she laid down frustrated.

  She pulled up her shirt, and he could see her bra and the excitement he had caused.

  He smiled and sat back, ���I would love to��� he bent over and kissed her gently and then kissed her belly.

  They fell asleep with her head on his lap and his hand on her belly.

  Ryan heard the door open and sat up.

  ���She okay?��� Jack asked when he walked in the door.

  ���She���s fine,��� Ryan started to get up.

  ���Dad, I want him to stay��� Jade whispered.

  ���Okay Jade,��� he said.

  Jack had watched Ryan and the way he quietly looked after Jade for the past five years. He liked Ryan a lot and trusted him.

  * * *

  Jade and Tessa���s class had ended, and they both did well. Jade had signed up for another class that started in a week. This way she would only have to attend classes half a day.

  Jade and Ryan walked into the law office where the meeting between Tommy���s family and her was being held.

  ���I want you to come in with me,��� she held his hand tightly.

  ���Alright but we shouldn���t hold hands,��� he smiled, ���That may upset them, okay?���

  ���I don’t care.���

  ���Jade yes, you do, and he needs you to care alright?��� he said and rubbed her belly.

  ���Okay fine,��� she rolled her eyes.

  They walked in, and the secretary took them into Julie���s office.

  ���Hello Ryan. Hello Jade, have a seat,��� she motioned to the chairs. ���They���re waiting in the conference room and have brought an attorney. I don���t know what to expect, but I need you both to hide whatever it is that���s going on here between you two. That may push her harder.��� Jade looked down disappointed. ���I���m not saying forever��� Julie laughed. ���Let���s just go in, you and I, Jade. Ryan, you can sit right outside the door.���

  ���No, I want him to come in��� her eyes filled up.

  ���Okay Jade, but no glances between the two of you, okay?��� Julie half asked, and half demanded.

  ���Jade maybe I shouldn���t be with you in there,��� he said quietly.

  She looked at him confused, and tears started ���I thought��� she stopped, ���I don���t want you to if you don���t want to.���

  He wiped her tears and kissed her softly, ���I do, Jade, and I���m just trying to do the right thing.���

  ���I need you in there.���

  ���Okay then,��� Julie said handing her a tissue. ���Get it together and let me talk.���

  They walked in, and Ryan followed Julie. Julie shook hands with their attorney and sat down.

  ���We���re here to try to resolve the issue between Miss Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Lane. Jade wants what���s best for her child and all parties involved.��� Julie said.

  ���Well, we can make this meeting much shorter. Mr. and Mrs. Lane will accept one of two things, the first is Mrs. Lane would like to have her grandchild every other weekend, two nights a week and when Jade is in school.��� Jade gasped. ���The second option is the Lanes would like to take the burden of an unwanted child off of Miss Ross���s hands and obtain full custody and be able to make the decision as to when Miss Ross sees their grandchild.���

  ���Do you mean my son?��� Jade asked. ���Neither will happen do you understand that?!���

  ���Jade let me speak,��� Julie said. ���Miss Ross has offered two and a half hours a week as long as Mrs. Lane seeks counseling. We feel that is more than fair given the circumstance.��� Jade started to cry. ���She will be breast- feeding which is best for her child so neither of your proposals will be accepted.���

  ���She is seventeen years old. She comes from a horribly dysfunctional family. Our grandchild deserves better than white trash,��� Mrs. Lane yelled.

  ���Your grandchild deserves a chance to bond with its mother, who is taking classes over the summer so that she has a shortened school day so she can be there for her child,��� Julie said.

  ���And who the hell is this?��� she said pointing towards Ryan, who looked down and tightened his jaw trying not to speak. She looked at her husband.

  ���I told you that this was probably not even Tommy���s child, she���s a little whore.���

  ���Listen, lady,��� Ryan said. ���If I were you, I would take what you���re being offered, and I certainly would not be talking to Jade like that. She���s amazing and loved your son very much. The fact that you don���t know who I am has me questioning your sanity. I was in the accident with your son. I���d ask you how he would feel about the way you just spoke to her except I already know your reaction would be the same as it was to Tessa the other day.���

  ���What is he talking about?��� Mr. Lane asked.

  ���Oh, here Mr. Lane,��� Julie said handing him a picture, ���At your wife���s request Jade spent the night after her sonogram and Miss Ross woke to her watching her sleep. Then Miss Ross declined her offer to move in. Tessa Ross came to get Miss Ross because she was scared. The mark on her face is from your wife���s hand.���

  ���She has been under a lot of stress, a court will understand that,��� Mr. Lane said quietly.

  ���Well then��� their lawyer said, ���If we have nothing else to discuss here we will see you in court.��� The Lane���s lawyer handed them a summons.

  They left, and Jade fell apart and Ryan grabbed her, ���It’s going to be okay Jade.��� He looked at Julie, ���What���s our next step?���

  ���Why don���t you two sit for a few minutes?��� Julie said as she looked over the summons. ���You need to know regardless of what happened here today this was dated a four days ago, probably after the incident at the Lane���s, more than likely before we even met. So that being said we really need to hope for a good family court Judge. They don���t seem to be the type that is going to let up, but we will give them a run for their money. I promise. Your other option here Jade I have already told you about, don���t use Tommy���s name on the birth certificate. Then this will be a lot easier.���

  ���I can���t do that; I can���t do that to Tommy or our baby. Imagine when he gets older and he sees his birth certificate and his father is unknown, life without a Dad is going to be hard enough.��� Jade wiped her tears.

  ���It won���t be like that Jade, use my name,��� Ryan said, and she looked at him and they both looked scared, he swallowed hard, ���Use mine.���

  She laughed, ���I wouldn���t do that to you.���

  ���It’s an option Jade, don’t disregard it,��� Julie said.

  They left, and Jade walked outside and got sick. He held her hair back and rubbed her back.

  ���You���ve got to calm down Jade.���

  ���That’s easy for you to say you don’t have someone trying to take your child away from you.���

  He opened the door to the SUV; he put her in and walked to the other side.

  ���Okay let’s change the subject: your birthday is tomorrow, you���ll be eighteen, right? What are we going to do to celebrate?��� he asked.

  ���I need to stop and get a toothbrush before I throw up again,��� she said disgusted.

  He pulled into a drug store and went to get what she wanted.

  He came out, and she was crying.

  ���Jade don’t cry.���

  He put the toothpaste on the toothbrush and opened the water. She washed out her mouth and went to grab the toothbrush.

  ���I want to, open up��� she looked at him like he was crazy. ���Open up Jade��� she did, and he brushed her teeth.

  She spit, and it splattered on his pants.

  ���Oh, I���m so sorry,��� she said and grabbed a napkin and wiped it up.

  It was very close to his private area. She smiled and continued. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

  ���Jade,��� he said, ���I can get it.���

  She smiled, ���No, I want to.���

  Jade laughed, Ryan stepped away, and she laughed harder.

  ���This is all so crazy. I���m a freaking wack job right now and you���re brushing my teeth,��� she laughed more.

  He smiled and hugged her.

  ���You���re going to be alright,��� he said, and she kissed him.

  He got in the SUV.


  ���I���m not hungry,��� she wiped her tears.

  ���I don���t care,��� he touched her belly and TJ danced.

  Ryan pulled into the parking lot and parked he hugged Jade.

  ���Let���s go,��� he said softly.

  They sat, and Jade looked down the entire time. He reached across the table and grabbed her hand and rubbed his fingers gently across her hand, and they ate in silence.

  They sat in the car, and she held his hand to her cheek as he drove.

  ���Jade, I would love for you to consider what I proposed in Julie���s office.���

  ���Why would you do that to yourself? Why would you do that for me? I would never expect you to Ryan.���

  ���Is it not obvious Jade?���

  ���No,��� she said confused.

  He smiled, ���You���re not going to make this easy are you?��� she looked confused. ���I have cared deeply for you for years. Actually I have had an enormous crush on you for two years now��� he blushed and looked over at her. ���I liked Tommy a lot, he treated you very well. Not that I wanted to like him, but he kind of made it impossible not to��� he smiled. ���Jade Ross, you���re beautiful and kind and good, and over the past four months I have fallen in love with you.���

  Her eyes widened, ���I don���t know what to say, Tommy has only been gone for a
few months. I know I have very strong feelings, but I feel like I���m betraying him, it���s so messed up. I���m huge and pregnant, and about to have a baby. You���re amazing Ryan, I want you to find someone who is not in such a messy situation.���

  ���Okay,��� he continued driving.

  ���What do you mean, okay?��� she gasped. ���Sorry, I���m having a hard time trying to control my mouth amongst other things lately, sorry.���

  ���No, that���s ok. I���m not here to upset or confuse you. If all, you want is a friend to rub your belly for now that���s what I will be.���

  ���I want other things too��� she covered her mouth, ���Oh sorry.���

  He pulled over and parked on the side of the road.

  ���How strong are your feelings for me Jade?��� he asked and leaned forward and held her hand.

  ���Strong, really strong,��� she admitted.

  ���Have you ever felt this way about anyone besides Tommy?���


  ���Good to know,��� he said and sat back.

  ���Okay why?���

  ���I can play second to Tommy, he���s gone. I can���t to anyone else.���

  ���I don’t want you to settle for that, Ryan.���

  ���I���m not settling Jade. I���m going to marry you someday,��� he smiled.

  ���Okay,��� she smiled at him.

  ���So you���ll be eighteen tomorrow, what would you like for your birthday?���

  ���All that,��� she said and pointed at his lap.

  ���I���m waiting for marriage��� he smiled.

  ���You haven���t?���

  ���Yes Jade I have, but not with you.���

  ���Then marry me tomorrow,��� she laughed.


  ���I���m joking��� she giggled.

  ���I���m not,��� he laughed.

  He took her home and told her he would see her tomorrow. He called her father and asked for his permission to ask Jade for her hand. He also asked that if she accepted he marry her tomorrow. Jack laughed, and Ryan told him he was not joking.


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