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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 92

by Mj Fields

  ���I do very much, thank you for talking me into it, or should I say bullying me into it,��� she laughed.

  He smiled. Adam was very good looking if you were into that type. He had a beautiful smile when he actually smiled. He had great hair and soft brown eyes.

  ���Is that what you think I was doing?���

  ���No, I don���t. I was trying to be funny,��� she blushed.

  He smiled again, ���I have seen two emotions out of you happy and angry. But when you sang tonight, and at that little fair, you poured everything into it.���

  ���Maybe because they���re my two favorites,��� she smiled.

  ���How is angry a favorite?��� he asked

  ���You���re asking me that?��� she laughed. ���You always seem angry.���

  ���I do not,��� he said without emotion.

  She looked at him, ���Okay maybe it���s just serious all the time.���

  They sat and looked at each other, and he ran his hand through his hair.

  ���Alright then, see you Monday Tessa,��� he stood up.

  ���Are you alright?��� she asked concerned.

  ���Yes thank you,��� he said and they walked out, and he locked the door.

  ���Good night Adam,��� she walked to the Jeep.

  He seemed kind of tortured, she thought when she pulled in front of the pub.

  Tessa walked in, and the place was packed. She looked through the crowd for Lucas and saw he and Mark surrounded by a bunch of young women. She knew she wasn���t getting through that crowd, so she sat and watched him laugh and talk. She saw a redhead lick Marks neck, do a shot and bite a lemon. He laughed, and Lucas did too. She saw him shake his head no and then saw a girl rub a lemon on his neck and pour salt on it, she immediately felt sick she stood up and pushed through the crowd in time to see her lick his neck and do a shot. She watched his lips curl up slightly at the girl and then he saw her and his jaw dropped. She turned and walked away, and followed. She was pulling away as he ran out the door. He yelled for her, and she saw him in the rearview mirror.

  Her phone rang.

  ���What?��� She snapped.

  ���Please come back and get me,��� he slurred.

  ���No, I think you can get a ride,��� she hung up.

  She went inside and went into the spare bedroom and locked the door.

  She heard him come up the stairs and he banged on the door.

  ���Tessa, open the door.���

  She knew he was drunk and that he could get in, so she unlocked it and stood in the doorway.

  ���It was completely harmless,��� his voice defeated.

  ���Okay, I don���t want to fight I���m tired, and you���re drunk,��� she tried to shut the door.

  He put his hand on it to stop it from shutting.

  ���Come to bed with me, please.���

  ���No, thank you,��� she said and felt her eyes heating up.

  ���Tessa, I know you have more to say, let���s get this over with now and not let it drag out for three weeks,��� he slurred.

  ���I have nothing to say, Lucas,��� she said and walked to the bed.

  ���Bullshit! You���re pissed over a harmless body shot,��� he said, ���It wasn���t a big deal.���

  ���Okay, I���m going to sleep,��� she laid down and pulled the covers around her tightly.

  He got in bed with her and pulled her into him.

  ���No, not sleep yet,��� he kissed her neck.

  She felt sick and jumped up and went to the bathroom and threw up. He walked in and pulled her hair back and rubbed her back. She threw up again.

  ���You���re not feeling well, baby?���

  She turned around and gave him a dirty look, ���No, I feel sick to my stomach.���

  ���Sleep in our bed.���

  She grabbed pajamas and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. She walked out, and he was passed out on the bed.

  She woke up in the morning and looked around her spare bedroom. She was so pissed she could scream. She walked downstairs to get a drink and he was leaning against the counter looking very hung over.

  He looked at her with puppy dog eyes and looked down.

  ���I hope you know that I didn���t ask for that, and it really wasn���t a big deal. I know I wouldn���t want you to allow that to happen to you. I fucked up. I���m very sorry. I won���t go back there on Thursday nights again, Tessa.���

  She got a drink and walked to the computer. She checked her emails and sent out her weekly newsletter to the women in her classes. He came in with fruit and toast.

  ���I hope you���re not sick still,��� he pulled up a chair next to her.

  ���I���m not sick.���

  ���You threw up last night.���

  ���Yeah, because I was disgusted,��� she continued typing.

  He put his hand on hers, ���I���m sorry.���

  ���I���m sure you are.���

  His phone rang, and he answered it. ���Hey���Yeah, I am��� No, I don���t think I���m going to make it���No man.���

  ���You may want to walk away ��� I can hear the other side of that conversation tell Mark hello,��� she said sarcastically.

  He looked at her and continued ���Thursday nights are out, I���d be pissed if some guy licked her neck. I don���t think she wants a party���alright talk to you later.���

  He looked at her, she logged on to Facebook. She clicked on her messages, and Ben had sent her one. He reached over and clicked on it, she sat back.

  - I���m so pleased you replied, I miss your face too, lol. I���ll be up in July can���t wait to see you guys, Your friend ��� Ben

  ���You two talk a lot?��� he asked annoyed.

  ���No, and he also doesn���t lick my neck, nor would I let him,��� she snapped.

  ���No, you just lick his��� damn it,��� he stood up and kicked the chair over.

  ���You don���t even get to walk away,��� she grabbed his hand.

  She clicked on the button to load earlier messages.

  ���Now read what that was in response to,��� she stood up, ���Sit, I have nothing to hide!���

  Tessa walked away and left him to the computer.

  He walked into the kitchen, ���What���s the ���miss your face��� shit, Tessa?���

  ���I miss my friend who happens to have a cute baby face. A friend that doesn���t think it���s alright to try to lick my neck,��� she said sternly.

  ���He is in love with you Tessa, he told me that at your sister���s shower. You still talk to him! A stranger did a body shot off of me, someone I���ll never see again. You can���t see why that pisses me off?��� he pointed to the computer

  She looked confused, ���No, I chose you. I don���t fall into sexual situations with random people and enjoy it! As far as Ben goes Lucas, he���s my friend! I���ve known him forever I didn���t know he felt like that.���

  ���How does it make you feel? Do you like it?��� he yelled.

  ���No Lucas ��� I don’t like to hurt people! Not at all,��� tears came to her eyes. ���And I certainly don���t enjoy being hurt!���

  She ran upstairs and slammed the bedroom door.

  He walked in, and she was sitting on the floor trying to process everything.

  He took a shower and
walked out and got running clothes on.

  ���I���ll be back. I���m sorry, I fucked up again! It was nothing Tessa, nothing at all to me!���

  He came back an hour later, and she was in the shower.

  ���Can I come in?��� he asked softly.


  He hugged her, and she cried.

  He led her to the bed, and they made love softly, gently.

  ���Can you forgive me?���


  ���Thank you.���

  Nothing much changed. Tessa took her lessons and taught her class. She didn���t go home often and missed her family very much. She questioned why, but when she dug deep, she knew how truly repulsive the answer was. She didn���t like to leave him alone. He���d prefer her to be with him all the time. Always on his terms, of course. And in the deepest part of her she didn���t trust him at all.

  Maggie and John decided to finally use the vacation certificate that Landon had given them for Christmas on Spring break. Tessa was excited that she was going with them.

  Lucas was very focused on school he was at the top of his class. He took more classes in the Spring hoping that his final semesters would be light. He was asked to go train with The Browns again over Spring Break. Tessa felt that this was Miles��� way of trying to make- up for his fake girlfriend sucking, but she didn���t tell Lucas that she didn���t want to hurt is feelings.

  Tessa was packing, and so was Lucas.

  ���You look excited, Lucas,��� she watched him.

  ���You���ve looked like you were going to burst since your parents asked you to join them.���

  ���I want you to be there, but I know you���d rather, well��� I know it���s a good opportunity,��� she tried to zip her over- stuffed bag.

  He laughed, ���Don���t you think you are under packing? I mean you might be able to fit some more in there.���

  She laughed and climbed on it, and she turned in a circle as she zipped it around.

  ���See? Perfect,��� she hopped down.

  He grabbed her and kissed her. She smiled.

  ���Do you need any help?��� she offered.

  ���Yes as a matter of fact, I do,��� he said and put her hand on him.

  She smiled and went down on her knees. He pulled his semi hard erection from his pants and rubbed its tip across her lips, ���Kiss it baby.���

  Tessa did as he asked, he smiled and his gaze darkened. He stroked himself and then ran it across her lips again, ���You gonna miss sucking my cock, Tessa?���

  She shook her head yes, ���Kiss it again, Baby.��� She leaned in and kissed it and then licked around its tip, ���That���s my girl, suck me hard and fast. I wanna fill your mouth.���

  * * *

  He went through security and sat and waited for her flight to be called, he had two hours to sit and wait. He opened his carry on and handed her the last two books in the series she had not yet finished.

  She smiled. ���Is this supposed to keep me busy?���

  ���Yeah, I guess,��� he smiled.

  ���I think you should read the first two.���

  ���Why is that?���

  ���To keep you busy,��� she smiled.

  They called her flight, and she stood up, ���That���s me.���

  ���I���m going to miss you,��� he pulled her into him.

  ���I���ll miss you too,��� she kissed him. ���Please be careful, don���t come home all banged up this time.���

  He reached down and tilted her chin up and kissed her again, a very gentle sweet kiss. She loved when he kissed her softly. Not that she minded the tongue, but this was her favorite.

  ���I love you,��� she said.

  ���I love you,��� he kissed her head.

  ���Fly safe,��� she said over her shoulder.

  ���You too,��� he said and watched her hand her ticket to the attendant and get on the plane.

  She landed in Myrtle Beach and smiled when she saw Alex and Phoebe, they had gotten there two days ago, Tessa wanted to leave the day Lucas did.

  They went to the beach house, and everyone was there. She was so happy, she smiled at Sydney, who was in her swing. She picked her up and kissed her face.

  ���You���re perfect,��� she said, ���I love you so much.���

  Maggie watched and wondered how Tessa was dealing with her loss. She knew how big her heart was and that like her, she felt like she needed to take care of others to feel worthy.

  ���Hello Tessa��� she hugged her. ���How was your flight?���

  ���It was good Mom,��� she said and looked around, ���This place is amazing.���

  Kendall and Jake came inside from the beach. She smiled and hugged them.

  ���Get changed and come out,��� Jake said. ���There are waves, Tessa!���

  She walked out with Sydney and kissed her Dad on the cheek.

  ���Glad you made it,��� he smiled.

  They ate dinner, and Tessa held Sydney the whole time.

  Her phone chimed, and it was him

  - I hope you made it Tessa I haven���t heard from you, I���m here and safe… LL

  She took a picture of her and Sydney both smiling and sent it

  - Sorry Lucas, as soon as I walked in she smiled at me, and it was over. She is getting tired can I call you when she goes to sleep?... LT

  - of course, I love you��� LL

  Tessa laid with Sydney until she fell asleep and then Tessa snuck out of the room. She called Lucas.

  ���Hello,��� he said.

  ���Hi, our beautiful niece just fell asleep,��� she said he could tell she was smiling.

  ���The picture was nice, I swear Tessa she looks just like you,��� he said softly.

  She laughed and was quiet for a moment, ���How are the dorms?���

  ���Actually Miles has a house here, a bunch of us are staying, much better than the dorms,��� he laughed.

  ���Oh, that���s nice.���

  ���It���s pretty sweet.���

  ���Well, I���m going to let you go Jake and Kendall, and I are thinking about walking. The tide is out and they want to search for shells so goodnight Lucas, I love you,��� she said softly.

  ���You too baby,��� he said and hung up.

  She went outside, and everyone was sitting around the fire. She sat with them, and as they laughed and talked she realized how much she missed them. She missed them so much. Every time she was with them she realized just how much.

  ���You okay?��� Phoebe asked.

  ���Yeah, I just miss this.���

  ���You’re only an hour away Tessa��� she smile, ���Come home more, they miss you too.���

  They all went to bed. Tessa couldn���t sleep, she opened the laptop and checked out Facebook, she looked at Miles page and saw pictures of the house, it was beautiful. She saw Jenny in one of them and cringed. She looked closer at the pictures and saw Jenny in many of them.

  His phone chimed, and it was her

  - Lucas does Jenny live there?... Tessa

  - Not that I am aware of, haven���t seen her here, lots of other people in and out, it���s late baby can I call you tomorrow?... LL

  - Goodnight��� Tessa

  Tessa was pissed, Not that I���m aware of? Really you couldn���t ask that before you went for a week. She couldn���t sleep she grabbed her book and started to read.

She woke up and had a message

  - will call you later, overslept, have to go… LL

  Tessa went for a run on the beach and came home and cooked breakfast. Molly walked down with Sydney and everything was all better. That little girl could make everything better, she just had. Tessa told Molly to go back to bed for an hour, and she fed Sydney and played on the floor.

  ���You made breakfast, you always have got up so early Tessa. Good morning, Miss Sydney,��� Maggie kissed them both.

  The Ross���s went and did some touristy things and swam and played all day. She was tired from the sun and surf, and crashed early with Sydney.

  She woke up and she���d missed a call, and he sent a message.

  - could you please call me, Tessa?

  ���Hey, Lucas I���m sorry I fell asleep with Sydney, too much sun today, how are you?��� she asked.

  ���Hang on,��� she heard the door shut. ���Sorry, I just wanted privacy. Well apparently, Jenny does live here, I haven���t seen her��� so maybe she���s away.���

  ���Oh,��� she said.

  ���You���re mad?���

  ���I don���t know��� why wouldn���t he tell you, warn you about that?���

  ���Baby I don���t know,��� he said frustrated. ���Do you trust me?���

  Hell no, she wanted to scream. But instead, ���Yes Lucas,��� she said softly.

  ���Then no worries, Tessa, I���ll lock my door,��� he laughed.


  ���I love you, Tessa.���

  ���I love you.���

  Tessa read her book until she fell asleep. She slept until ten in the morning and woke up not feeling well. Maggie walked in her room.

  ���Are you okay Tessa?���

  ���No, my stomach���s off.���

  ���Sydney was throwing up all night, apparently someone at daycare had the bug last week,��� Maggie said.

  ���Is she okay, Mom?��� she stood up and covered her mouth, ���Oh no.���

  Tessa ran to the bathroom and threw up.

  The next two days she stayed in her room, she didn���t want anyone else to get sick. She told Lucas, and he sent flowers. Maggie brought them into her, Yellow roses and white daisies.


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